Why thank you, osso!
I wanna talk about cats now ....
No I don't.
A fit of silliness just descended upon me from somewhere ....
OK, It's over now.
But it seems a pretty tall order ...
How to persuade people who feel powerless, or disenfranchised, or cynical about the idea of political parties having
any relevance or impact on their lives to vote?
How to
1, to change those negative perceptions & get them to the polling booths?
2, how to educate them about which party it's in their own personal interests to vote for? Especially for those already living in poverty, who would be the most severely affected by the election of a right wing government.
That double whammy sounds a huge, daunting task to me.
Especially as they are being constantly bombarded with information & disinformation on television, especially. (political advertising, Fox News, etc).