ossobuco wrote:So, pages of gun dickyness and non interest for gun dickyness, and more gun dickyness.
I'd like to hear more, re plans the far right has.
This is not meant as a trap, as I sometimes agree with those I'm not supposed to.
Putting aside humor for the moment, Osso,
it is my opinion that freedom of lethal self defense
and Constitutional freedom to immediate possession
of emergency equipment, is
critical and
to life under the US Constitution as the Founders intended this Republic to be.
REASON for that is that personal defense is
RADICAL self reliance
for the preservation of your life and property,
instead of reliance upon
the collective for existence,
accompanied by docile submission to the collective's leaders;
"authority from the top down, obedience from the bottom up"
as Hitler put it and Stalin woud agree.
That world vu envisions a permanent state of childhood
from the cradle to the grave, with government (our employee)
taking over where parents left off.
I REJECT THAT, preferring
rugged Individualism
and for that reason, I choose a
1OO% non-deviant application
of the freedom contemplated by the US Constitution.
If there is any reason
that u shoud refuse to consider these principles of personal freedom
when thay r set before u by a lover of guns (or a lover of anything),
that is beyond what I can see.