Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 07:29 am
I didn't know that, but you're right I am very lovable.

You are my, best mate! I would go to battle, with you, any day!...if I ever had, to do it...Wink
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reasoning logic
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 02:02 pm
You seem to know, exactly what I need, to hear, always!

How is this any different than what you want to hear?
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 02:26 pm
@reasoning logic,
No, I've been telling you what you need to hear for a long time. Honest. You have not listened to what I've said because it's not what you want to hear.

Before you get too enamoured with Krumple, you should check out her comments on the Holocaust thread. I just thought she was just a bit thick and opinionated before, now I know she's a thoroughly nasty piece of work.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 02:32 pm
you should check out her comments on the Holocaust thread.

Actually that did catch my interest when you made that claim about her and the Holocaust. I will check it out, is there any post in-particular that she shared that you think I should consider?
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 02:53 pm
@reasoning logic,
I'd go from this one.

reasoning logic
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 03:08 pm
I really can not give good information about what took place without doing the research on it myself. I can tell you what I have been told by those around me but I am a skeptic myself because much of what I have been taught has been proven wrong. What I am saying is that I do not know the facts about what had happened but I did find this quote of her's as possible truth.

This is the thing. People quickly assume that I am a holocaust denier because I question the validity of the numbers and how some died. I have never claimed to be nor would I consider myself one yet I get branded one as soon as I say things don't add up. I never said there weren't massive deaths but I question the way in which those victims died.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 03:22 pm
@reasoning logic,
I don't really want to get into this, but the evidence for the Holocaust is undeniable.

Some evidence isn't missing, people say 6 million Jews died, but it's highly unlikely that it would be a round figure like that. It's generally true though, around that amount of people died, maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less, as there's no real way of knowing. That does not mean it's all made up/exaggerated. All serious Historians concur it happened.

Some things have to be taken on trust, these people are experts for a reason. In Europe the Hadron collider was built with taxpayer's money. If you were to ask me what use it all is, I'd be hard pushed to give an answer, but enough highly respected Physics professors say we do need it. So that's good enough for me.

Historians, like Scientists check each other out, if the Holocaust was a hoax we'd all know it was a hoax.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 03:33 pm
I don't really want to get into this, but the evidence for the Holocaust is undeniable.

I have heard that there are some deniers out there but I have never investigated their claims. I do not think that Krumple is one of them because of her comment. Sure she could be wrong about some of the things that she shared but that is a different topic.


Some evidence isn't missing,

So you think that all evidence has been revealed and that there is none still to be revealed?
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 03:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
Of course I don't think all the evidence about WW2 has been uncovered, that would be daft.

I have made my thoughts about the Holocaust clear on that thread, so I won't be repeating myself here.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 04:20 pm
Sorry, in case you think it looks like, or she says it looks like I am trying to get you against her or something...I will reword it...If I was to do those things to you, just because...What would you say to me about it???

Without facts, people have no right to tell someone else they are wrong. Without being rude, people have no right to tell people their way of living or believing is wrong.

From reading the Holocaust thread for the past hour, I see a few things :-

Krumple made this quote.
That's what you think and want to impose on others.

She makes it here. She uses the word brainwash alot and I sense that she feels that people are like sheep and follow someone who is trying to brainwash other people and therefore imposes their own agenda onto others which she feels is evil.

I feel that she feels that people are not of themselves, I don't agree. I certainly am.

And, I feel that she is not un-like you as in " a believer" only her belief is to question everything that is written, from the past. Perhaps commencing from The Bible which she did believe but now has pulled it to shreds and doesn't believe , it doesn't all add up.

Anything that she finds fascinating she will pull apart , disect, try to disprove. That includes you, as she does not agree anymore with religion.

She will do facts and figures, question, watch you-tube, read up from the net, listen and then try to solve a reality that she does not believe the documentations are factual, there is probables and possibly a stretch of truth.. But, I don't understand why that is so important to disclaim or try to a historical event as if it's a mission.. I suspect there is a deep rooted reason behind it.

So Spades, that's only 1/2 of my thoughts and you know, I accept everyone for who they are, as you should. But, I would say, this is all based on her trying to discredit you, as she things you are or will try to brainwash people into believing in the Bible. If you were a Bible basher I wouldn't be here on this thread and you know that. So, I am quite confused as to what in fact she is calling you out on? And, trying to ensure that anyone that reads this thread, will never take anything you say as possible. Other than this is her mission (her beliefs) and so, you have become a part of that..

Which in itself is wrong really because it's cyer space she doesn't know you and can not make an assumption of you in its totality but it's her call as she belongs to herself.

reasoning logic
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 04:30 pm

I feel that she feels that people are not of themselves, I don't agree. I certainly am.

Well you do have to admit that you are unique in that aspect and that most people are sheep don't you? We are all sheep to one degree or another.
In my opinion you are somewhat like her but you are testing the waters of reality from a different angle. We all get reality wrong but I do think that some people have a lesser interest in it than others.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 04:51 pm
@reasoning logic,
I was making an observation, maybe I am like her opinionated Smile

I don't know RL. As kids maybe, off course as we find our own grounding. But, when we do, why would we be sheep? Why would I have the need to wear designer clothes, put an outfit on a toy dog and parade about, ensure I have the best trend in hairstyles, or follow suit of what a woman is supposed to be like, or employment being a Secretary? It doesn't make me unique at all, rather not a follower.. My own person.

Yes, I would say that I am, in as much as what ever I believe in I will persue till the end. I don't see anything wrong with that either.

What you will note about me however, is I try to think rationally and I maintain each to their own be who you are.
reasoning logic
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 05:00 pm
why would we be sheep?

I guess that it is part of our nature, we learn most everything we know from our environment "from our language to some of the simplest things about us.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 06:39 pm
I am not even sure what you are talking about when you say I am using some sort of circular argument against you. I think you heard or saw someone say this to you about your circular reasoning and decided to use that on me. There is no "circular argument" spade. It is what it is and what I have done has solved the problem. You don't like that it is working and so you are trying to find ways to slip out of it. That's fine spade but you know it's working. We can leave it at that now.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 08:10 pm

Sorry, in case you think it looks like, or she says it looks like I am trying to get you against her or something...I will reword it...If I was to do those things to you, just because...What would you say to me about it???

Without facts, people have no right to tell someone else they are wrong. Without being rude, people have no right to tell people their way of living or believing is wrong.

From reading the Holocaust thread for the past hour, I see a few things :-

Krumple made this quote.
That's what you think and want to impose on others.

She makes it here. She uses the word brainwash alot and I sense that she feels that people are like sheep and follow someone who is trying to brainwash other people and therefore imposes their own agenda onto others which she feels is evil.

I feel that she feels that people are not of themselves, I don't agree. I certainly am.

And, I feel that she is not un-like you as in " a believer" only her belief is to question everything that is written, from the past. Perhaps commencing from The Bible which she did believe but now has pulled it to shreds and doesn't believe , it doesn't all add up.

Anything that she finds fascinating she will pull apart , disect, try to disprove. That includes you, as she does not agree anymore with religion.

She will do facts and figures, question, watch you-tube, read up from the net, listen and then try to solve a reality that she does not believe the documentations are factual, there is probables and possibly a stretch of truth.. But, I don't understand why that is so important to disclaim or try to a historical event as if it's a mission.. I suspect there is a deep rooted reason behind it.

So Spades, that's only 1/2 of my thoughts and you know, I accept everyone for who they are, as you should. But, I would say, this is all based on her trying to discredit you, as she things you are or will try to brainwash people into believing in the Bible. If you were a Bible basher I wouldn't be here on this thread and you know that. So, I am quite confused as to what in fact she is calling you out on? And, trying to ensure that anyone that reads this thread, will never take anything you say as possible. Other than this is her mission (her beliefs) and so, you have become a part of that..

Which in itself is wrong really because it's cyer space she doesn't know you and can not make an assumption of you in its totality but it's her call as she belongs to herself.

I really don't know what to say Found other than thanks. Thanks for actually taking the time to think about why I respond or say the things that I say. Some of what you have questioned is true and some of the other bits are off a bit but that's alright. When I have a bit more time I'll go over each of your questions and statements one by one so I can point them out better.

Thanks again found.
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2012 12:27 am
Hi Krumple.

Absolutely, I think it's important to try to understand each other not judge but also I am not perfect and I expect to be corrected, I have my gut feelings as well and I expect some of those to be correct because, there is nothing wrong with expectations.

Can I slightly add?

You need to realise on all topics you may be involved with be it spritual or holocaust, you are talking about feelings. In that, people don't necessarily care about numbers, rather the discust as it was a reality, is a reality , is discusting regardless of numbers.

I understand your mission but you need to understand the morals of people if I can state and how that effects people and their stance.

I do still get where you are coming from but I hope you can get the morals of where I am coming from and others on this forum in that consideration.

Look forward to your reply.

Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2012 03:08 am
And, dang I keep missing a letter , I type too fast and consequently spell wrong, Smile

RL... I guess you too like responses to study on... I am just having difficulty being one of your studies. But I understand, that's your take ... to work out the minds of people .
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2012 03:12 am

And, dang I keep missing a letter , I type too fast and consequently spell wrong, Smile

Better be careful of that, you might get attacked on this site for doing that. If you don't spell perfectly or have perfect grammar they will refuse to take you seriously. Not that most of them read your posts anyways because it is becoming clear that many here don't even read posts, they just respond to respond. I think you are one of the few who actually read over posts.
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2012 04:47 am
I've been caught up on it, and said " relax so I was tired, shoot me" or " I am intelligent in my own way, I hated English" as my answer which is true. I was **** at History too, I was great at Drama, Arts, I was a singer, and artistic go figure.

We are who we are Krumple.. Depends on our passion as to what we take and don't take into our lives. I suggest that those people are profectionists in English and History.

You are in, my opinion historian on facts but remember, in my opinion Smile like I said, if numbers are wrong ? It's not important to those that have distaste including me over the morals of the wrong doing of man, who thinks he is God. Love that you seek and find thought.

Is that not the case in the holocaust? Regardless of the facts it did happen and we are mortified that it did, how discusting that it even happened.

Again don't miss that I understand your reality of seeing the figures as being wrong but the reality it happened? That is factual and I am and will always be discusted with man for that, ... in choosing power to kill people for no reason really...

Morals.. K.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Aug, 2012 05:45 am
Without facts, people have no right to tell someone else they are wrong. Without being rude, people have no right to tell people their way of living or believing is wrong.

Yeah without facts you can't determine what is right or wrong. However; I don't think it should be supported if someone wants to push a mindset onto others when there are no facts to back up their claims with. This is why I object to religion and religious people WHO (the important word here) think they have the right to do so. Show the facts and then you are all good in my opinion. If you can't present the facts then keep it to yourself. I am not anti-religion unless it is imposed on those who don't want it.


From reading the Holocaust thread for the past hour, I see a few things :-

Krumple wrote:
That's what you think and want to impose on others.


She makes it here. She uses the word brainwash alot and I sense that she feels that people are like sheep and follow someone who is trying to brainwash other people and therefore imposes their own agenda onto others which she feels is evil.

Not so much just this but when it is put to questioning and people tell me it is off the table. That I can't question someone's beliefs then I know that they have something to hide. We should have every right to question beliefs and especially when they are being used to impose their idea of "morality" onto society. If you want me to live a certain way, fine, but show me your work otherwise I shouldn't have to conform and no one else should.


I feel that she feels that people are not of themselves, I don't agree. I certainly am.

I think a lot of people just follow along. If someone else becomes emotional over something, so do they but for no good reason other than to follow the herd. They hear some claim and repeat it as if it were fact. This snowballs and then when a person like me comes along and questions the facts, they get branded using derogatory terms. I get called a bigot when I have no hatred or discrimination, I was only questioning the validity of a claim.


And, I feel that she is not un-like you as in " a believer" only her belief is to question everything that is written, from the past. Perhaps commencing from The Bible which she did believe but now has pulled it to shreds and doesn't believe , it doesn't all add up.

There are many things I use to believe that I don't anymore. Some things were not easy to accept to be true. I would like there to be a god but I honestly don't see how one could exist or why one would exist. Let alone make a universe with this configuration. However; it makes perfect sense that the universe we have would result in this way had it happened completely by accident. This is what I would expect to see, there are lots of clues that it was completely random.


Anything that she finds fascinating she will pull apart , disect, try to disprove. That includes you, as she does not agree anymore with religion.

There are aspects of religion that are good, but like I said I am not anti-religion or anti-religious. I am against those who impose their beliefs and expect others to live by their set rules of morality. Their take on morality. They want to force me and others to live by their rules. When questioned why these rules, they claim it is the demands of their god. If they come from a god, prove it first before I would consider them, if you can't then keep it to themselves, but they don't.


She will do facts and figures, question, watch you-tube, read up from the net, listen and then try to solve a reality that she does not believe the documentations are factual, there is probables and possibly a stretch of truth.. But, I don't understand why that is so important to disclaim or try to a historical event as if it's a mission.. I suspect there is a deep rooted reason behind it.

In some of the things I write they are to prove a point, they do have a larger picture to them. It isn't just about the facts alone. They are attempts to show people that certain aspects of character are the problem. Just like within the holocaust thread. Some posters never even took the time to read over my argument. They just immediately went into bashing me and assumed that I was a denier. Others would jump on board and call me a bigot or antisemitic which only proved my point. They didn't care about what I said at all or test it for themselves. They just wanted to scream like all the other member of their tribe to shoo away someone to make me an outsider. They don't care about truth and that is the problem with our society today.


So Spades, that's only 1/2 of my thoughts and you know, I accept everyone for who they are, as you should. But, I would say, this is all based on her trying to discredit you, as she things you are or will try to brainwash people into believing in the Bible. If you were a Bible basher I wouldn't be here on this thread and you know that. So, I am quite confused as to what in fact she is calling you out on? And, trying to ensure that anyone that reads this thread, will never take anything you say as possible. Other than this is her mission (her beliefs) and so, you have become a part of that..

It isn't about discrediting him. He is a person just like me, and misled just like I was. However; unlike most of the others he is playing a dangerous game. A game that I don't agree with because it undermines this important aspect of humanity that I am trying to plant.

Originally when I started responding to Spade was him asking scientific questions. Which I knew the answers to but they were so elementary in scope I was surprised that he had not just done his own homework on them. I soon began to see a pattern. He didn't care about the answers at all. He would pose a question but had absolutely no care if it would be answered or if someone did answer it, it was as if no one had. He would just forget about it and wait a few days then return and ignore what had been said. He would go right back into his rhetoric.

There is only one explanation for this type of behavior. He is not here to learn anything despite all the questioning. He is not here to grow as a person. He is here for one purpose and one purpose only. To plant this idea that he has direct communication with his deity and that what he says is a source of authority. He knows without this statement what he has to say is meaningless but for him to empower himself he tells people he has communication with his deity. This is nothing more than mind pollution. If not he needs to seek psychological help.


Which in itself is wrong really because it's cyer space she doesn't know you and can not make an assumption of you in its totality but it's her call as she belongs to herself.

I am sure that there are aspects of spade that are humanist. I don't think he is a wicked person at the core. I think he thinks his intentions are pure and good but they are not. Weather he knows it or not, it is bad. Just how much he knows this would determine just how bad he would be. But I know his reasoning, he thinks there is something good at the other end of this but there is not. It is more harmful than good but he doesn't see it yet, or he refuses to see it all together.

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