Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 11:05 am
If anyone feels that it has, please tell me how you think it did, as well? Thanks...

I can't help you there Spade. I can't figure out what on earth you are on about. If you are getting messages from God then everything else is like a candle in the sun.

If you actually believe you are you are a screw loose and if you are pretending to you are all the things said about you.

I remember, long ago, seeing a Billy Graham gig on TV and I thought he was either completely boo-loo or was up to no good, and evil, deceptive, and manipulative. Which is not to say that his punters didn't get something out of it. I feel sure they did.

One of the problems some people have is that they abhor burning heretics at the stake and the price they pay is seeing some of their nearest and dearest being carried away by the wiles of smooth tongued carpetbaggers on a lucrative work avoidance scheme peddling instant gratification with no penance.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 11:07 am
spendius wrote:

If anyone feels that it has, please tell me how you think it did, as well? Thanks...

I can't help you there Spade. I can't figure out what on earth you are on about. If you are getting messages from God then everything else is like a candle in the sun.

If you actually believe you are you are a screw loose and if you are pretending to you are all the things said about you.

I remember, long ago, seeing a Billy Graham gig on TV and I thought he was either completely boo-loo or was up to no good, and evil, deceptive, and manipulative. Which is not to say that his punters didn't get something out of it. I feel sure they did.

One of the problems some people have is that they abhor burning heretics at the stake and the price they pay is seeing some of their nearest and dearest being carried away by the wiles of smooth tongued carpetbaggers on a lucrative work avoidance scheme peddling instant gratification with no penance.

Did we just agree on something again?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 11:11 am
Another method there spade? It was simple. I call bullshit to your claims. Suggest that everyone examine the nonsense that you spout out. You know that you are full of **** so you dialed it back. You still dial it back. Which was the point in calling you out on it. It has done it's job.

Wait, so this is honestly, your argument, as to how everyone else, should know I am evil, manipulative, brainwashing, not worthy of respect, and a piece of ****????? ROTFLMFAO>>>

So if I believe, or think this about you...Is it fair game, for me to go around, and say the same things about you? That you have said about me? And if it is, is it also fair game, for me to go around, and try to convince other people, that they should believe, or think this way, about you?, otherwise they are being fooled???? And I can't help them???


Laughing Laughing Laughing 2 Cents
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 11:18 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:
So if I believe, or think this about you...Is it fair game, for me to go around, and say the same things about you? That you have said about me? And if it is, is it also fair game, for me to go around, and try to convince other people, that they should believe, or think this way, about you?, otherwise they are being fooled????


There is a difference here spade. I don't claim to be in communication with a deity. I am firmly grounded in reality where as you are delusional.

It was you who even said that there are cases where people hallucinate because there are some things that are fake.

You can't even see through your own past statements because you have an agenda. You know it and I know it. If others see it or not, it is up to them. However; I do feel like some are beginning to see where I am coming from with you which is why they have disengaged from addressing your comments.
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 09:16 pm
There is a difference here spade. I don't claim to be in communication with a deity. I am firmly grounded in reality where as you are delusional.

You did not answer any of my questions again...You did that deflection crap, that you say I always do...So because I say I can communicate with a deity, but could be wrong, about what I am saying...means that you should pontificate your hate towards me? And try to convince other people, I am up to no good, evil, manipulative, brainwashing...Not worthy of respect, or a piece of ****? When you have said yourself, that all you ever were doing, was giving your own opinions...And in no way, should anyone else auto believe you, or see things your way, or else they are being fooled, and I am evil...That is a ridiculously bullshit thing to say, and is not being honest with yourself, or other people...Though you think you are...And just because you do not believe a Deity exists, does not mean that anyone who says to have an experience, must be in some sort of way, not grounded...That is some superior bullshit thinking...When the fact of the matter is you could be wrong, about everything...Just like I have said many, many times...But you will never admit this...So I, and others, in my opinion, should not even trust you, and test everything you say...Basically everything you say about me...Is what I have seen, they should be doing to you, though you pawn it off like I am the one who needs this...

It was you who even said that there are cases where people hallucinate because there are some things that are fake.

And this is very true, but it does not mean that I believe that everyone who does...See things means they are hallucinating, or sick, like you believe that they do, or are...When even if they were, if you can not see what they can...You have no idea what they are actually seeing or not...Whether they are hallucinating or not...Etc...It is a best guess...But you will never be willing to admit any of this could be true...But I am sure that most of us know that it is...Or probably feel this way about these statements...

You can't even see through your own past statements because you have an agenda.

Bullshit...And you know it! I showed this earlier...When I got you to the point of providing this proof point blank, so that everyone knew I was up to no good, as you have said they should...Or if you could not prove it...And all you did, was provide your own opinions about everything...That in no way, shows that anything you say about me is true at all...Nor should anyone be aware of this, or think the ways that you do...And you are not being honest with yourself or them, to think that they even should...Just as it would be pure bullshit, for me to try to get them to think the same things I do about what you are doing...And what your mission even here is...I will let them decide for themselves who they trust...And they do not need me to help them think about it, like you purport they need to do with you, about me...That is how they know you are just trying to blow smoke up peoples asses about nothing...But you will never admit this...

You know it and I know it.

Not at all...You think you do...I have shown I am not...You will never admit you could be wrong...I have said many times before I could be wrong...Even about you...And your agenda here...Shows that I am genuine, and trustworthy...But you are still trying to do things behind the curtain...Or have an agenda...That you do not want to be exposed...You are not as righteous as you seem...I can see it...And if others can...It is because they can see it as well...They have no need to hear me try to do the thinking for them, to show how I think it is true, Nor do I need to get them to suspend their thinking about you, and think like I do...Which you do, I do not...And never will...

If others see it or not, it is up to them. However; I do feel like some are beginning to see where I am coming from with you which is why they have disengaged from addressing your comments.

Who is? That you feel this way? Spendi has always said things like that, way before you even showed up...Just because you feel like he agreed with you...Does not mean that it was your thinking that made him think this way...But because you would like to actually believe this...So that it gives your argument of me being up to no good...Credibility...You are gonna think like this...No matter what I say about it...Or probably what they would even say...Which is fine with me...If you believe that delusion...I will give you a perfect example...You said something to me, about you saying things to show others, or prove I am up to no good...And Spendi, Said to you, "And others are not calling out Spades, Krumpie? Are you paying attention, or just jacking off your ego"...To which you never replied...And shows you have done nothing, though you think you have...They have always felt that way, and you have pointing nothing out, that they needed you to do...And at least 2 who are close friends to me...I am sure, do not buy for one second that I am this evil guy your proclaim...And in fact one of them said they did not agree... in their opinions, anyways...

It really is sad, that you really believe that I am up to no good this bad...And can not just be a woman and admit it could be wrong...Or it is unfounded...

No one is disengaging my comments...As far as I can see...The people who know me...Still are my friends, and I them...Spendi, and Logic, are still people I will probably always debate with, but like to talk too...And the only people who have been disengaging, are people toward your posts...Including me, and others...

Just because Spendi agreed with you about something...Does not mean that "some" are buying the bullshit you sell..."one" already did...Before you even came here...

The truth will always be revealed...I have not a worry in the world at all...About it all...

I know I am not the man you say and think I am...We shall see, if you are up to no good...Or not...But if you are not...I will say I am sorry I was wrong...About me thinking you are up to no good...Not about ever admitting I was evil and up to no good...Cause it is never gonna happen...You can keep trying to make people be on their toes all the time about me...To try to make it look like I am hiding something...With that circular, trap bullshit you set up....But it has been destroyed, and will not work...

If they believe I am up to no good, they will say it...And tell me how...And they will be thinking it on their own...And the same with you, and everyone else...
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 09:40 pm
I just wanted to post this...Cause I may have said somethings that were a typo, trying to type too fast...This is what I meant...

You said something to me, about you saying things to show others, or prove I am up to no good...And Spendi, Said to you, "And others are not calling out Spades, Krumpie? Are you paying attention, or just jacking off your ego?"...To which you never replied...And shows you have done nothing, though you think you have...Some have always felt a similar view to yours... and you have pointing nothing out, that they needed you to do...though you think you have...And this makes your argument credible...Which it does not...

It just means that out of the thousands who have read this thread...Or pay attention to it...Some will naturally agree with you, or be close...A dead clock is right twice a day!
Reply Wed 15 Aug, 2012 10:00 pm
And what exactly is my hidden agenda here Krumple? To make people dumber, and suspend their thinking, and not be able to think for themselves, or get dumber? Really? Think about what you are saying....If they all are as smart as they seem to be...Why doesn't the ones who agree with me, or the ones who are my friends just say...I think you are full of ****, I don't agree...And you are making me think dumber than I am? How in the Hell would everyone not be able to see I was doing this...And it was affecting them, if I was?? And stop it?

They do not, and are not...Cause it is not happening...But you will never admit so...And think you must be the one to reveal this non-existent bullshit...When the bottom line, is they can do their own thinking and do not need you, or me to convince them of anything...That is why I say, what you say I am doing, is what you are doing...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 12:10 am
Well not to continue the negative response to prove your point but no I don't think everything is negative. There are certain aspects to human nature that I see being repeated that I feel actually end up in causing more harm than solving. By pointing it out it is a way to heal the wound. People don't see it this way, they think I am trying to reopen the wound.

So, you agree that somethings that are argued, "could" be wrong on anyone's account and are you saying that you if someone continues to repeat, doesn't actually vere away from that, remains on that stance, that they are causing themselves more harm than solving a situation/question/problem and that they don't actually know that there is anything to solve...

What about people that believe in something so strongly that they can not vere away from it, as it's their belief and no matter what anybody tells them, they will not budge on that belief.. Which is natural, I think.

This is because part of the brainwashing is an attempt to control a persons mindset for later use. This is the danger that I am referring to. The aspect that continues to cause harm. I am only trying to plant the seed to get people to question more. Not not just blindly accept everything they hear, everything people say and not to fear negative labels.

Yes, so is emotional abuse.. What I see in this thread as a whole, is everyone who is writing on it, has their stance, belief and from that they are pulling out all sorts of quotes and discussions, which can put doubt into anyone's mind from their original belief.. Is that learning? Or, is that putting out questionables which ultimately, confuse the mind, not knowing what parts to believe or not. I certainly don't see people here, not questioning but I understand your philosophy on it as a general statement.

Humans are so tribal in nature that if anyone doesn't belong to their group then there is something wrong with them. I want to break through all of these walls and barriers. But sometimes to accomplish this you have to go head on and be direct. You can't always tip toe around people because it doesn't accomplish anything to do it that way. Sometimes it does work but it is not useful for every situation.

Humans have been studying humans since we became existant. I tend to think we are all individuals, certainly there are some patterns that people in general are alike, but we are individual. I imagine it's an interesting topic to study, I can see where you are RL are on the same page, to some degree.

they are all different, a male is the beauty and the female not in the Animal Kingdom, why is that do you think? Especially "birds"

Actually, I was thinking with regards to who creates this, how decided that the males would be beautiful to the eye, not the females.. Yet as Humans anything goes... If you like thinking, then this is another "there is no answer" ...

There are many things that I use to believe that I don't any more. Sure I am opinionated and have strong views concerning certain topics. But they are necessary because I think they have strangled humanity for too long. People have these ideas that certain things are off the table and I say no. Everything should be on the table for discussion.
I can't comment here, I don't know you, I am not a physcologist Smile But the suggestion of " I used to - to now I don't" always to me suggests that something either happened in a big way to change that belief, or a person has grown and is strong within themselves and has seeked out through confidence their own personal direction.

I still don't know what your goal is over the various Forums you are on, or will be on, to seek out that goal but ultimately a goal is a goal.. And, should be challenged to the end.

I don't see Spades as being a person that will change his "belief" he is solid on it, he only wants to strenghthen it, not have it proven wrong to him, that will never happen. I don't believe that it should either, as far as his belief goes.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 12:35 am
Great post FS...But you forgot to say this to Krumple

Krumple wrote:
There are many things that I use to believe that I don't any more. Sure I am opinionated and have strong views concerning certain topics. But they are necessary because I think they have strangled humanity for too long. People have these ideas that certain things are off the table and I say no. Everything should be on the table for discussion.

To Krumple...

So once again, Since you had this awakening, or realized that religion is bullshit (to you) And realized that you were something that you did not want to be...Or were in some way, evil, that you did not like...And wished to change...For the better (in your opinion)

= Everyone who decides to proclaim their messages from God...Or experiences...Or faith, and beliefs...= Delusional people? = People needing you to make them awake, or aware of the situation you went thru? So that they can change? = People automatically in denial about reality? And are refusing to question things? Because you may not have been doing this? = People someway evil, and need to change, just because you have found this to be the best way, for yourself?...Or what you personally went thru? And if they do not...They need to be exposed as the evil they are?, (according to you) Or they should not be trusted because you "say so"? But can't help others realize this? Give me a friggen break...!!!!!

You are trolling big time!

It is one long ass Circular trap that you have set up, and layed upon people...With no end in sight...That was cleverly, and cunningly thought up...Cause it, in no way, can have the emphasis, placed back upon you, unless you are willing to, admit things...So that we know, and can question you, about them...So that you will alter what you have said, or think...Or we can, freely chose, to agree with you, or not...And we can move on...Other than that, the emphasis is always upon another...Even if it is, your own thinking, or opinions, in what is actually, being said...And questioned...

The way you set it up...The Burden, is always upon, another...

And if there answer does not sound satisfactory, then they must be lying, hiding something...Or in denial...It is bullshit...Tell us exactly what happened in your life, that you changed? And why you did? And how you realized you were being evil? And are now not being evil???????????????
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 01:07 am
Hiya FS!!!! How are things going today??? Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 02:08 am
Hi Spades, I didn't forget to say anything to Krumple ...

I answered her respectfully as she has me, in conversation... I certainly would never, ever, pry into someone's past and probe them to tell me something, it's something people can freely state or not if they want.

Mind you I would say " If you don't mind, can you explain or answer or tell" which I have done to you Smile And you have answered. Pretty much worried me as you know and I wondered if more sleep would ease it, remember?

I think she has made her position clear of her passions and therefore what she follows and therefore her beliefs. I am pretty sure that I pointed out that in my opinion when someone believes so strongly on something nothing anyone says will change that, and that to me is your case of your beliefs.

Anyways. Verbal Court hearing tomorrow ahhhhhhhhh 9am, yes, your honor . She provided nothing in discovery at all really that I didn't already have, I imagine though she is gobsmacked at my discovery Smile Including an airline ticket in the month that my business was defrauded via the net for her cousin, from the same place. Off course, it is not for me to Judge that it is not a co-incidence by all means, or that she had any involvement, no, no, no Wink

Soon I can rest and concentrate on work again, mind you, nana naps have helped lols.

Apart from that it's friggen cold here in Aussie land, work is usual, full on, David is great and usual, my love and all around the world people are sleeping why aren't you ? Wink
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 05:14 am
It must be because the female needn't bother with beauty aids in the natural world. The theologians reversed the principle. Thank goodness.

Although up-to-date observers are noticing a restoration of the natural order now that theology is giving way to science. Most serious feminists are unconcerned about beauty aids.

That's true.. The male is the one that needs to attract the woman to him.. Almost any woman will do.. Pending on his needs. Not as far as attraction goes, rather needs. Good take.

Oh but the thumbs up just to see if others go "thanks" off course they will.

Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 05:30 am
Hi Spades, I didn't forget to say anything to Krumple ...

I know hun...And I did not mean I think you should say that, if you did not want too...It was just a joke on my part...As in me saying that I thought I should say it...

I answered her respectfully as she has me, in conversation... I certainly would never, ever, pry into someone's past and probe them to tell me something, it's something people can freely state or not if they want.

I respect that...But when she tries to pry into mine...And ask me things such as how I was an atheist or not...After I state it...And proceed to tell me how I am wrong about my own life...Or how she thinks she has this utter wisdom that everyone else must hear...Or somehow just tries to make herself sound so much more important...And think that this website would not go on, without her very opinionated views...It irks me...And if she would like us to get to know her, or is interested in knowing us...I would like to know how she thinks or feels about things...Otherwise, I am not interested in playing her game...And won't...And I did not really mean, she has to admit anything...What I mean is...Talk to me like a person, and respect me...And I will do the same...If they can't...And wish to be hateful...I am not interested in what they have to say about me...I replied out of courtesy yesterday...But am gonna try very hard just to ignore her...Till she actually asks me questions to learn about me...Or at least treat me as an equal...And not just some evil man...Who she knows nothing about...Nor does not even care to get to know...And has these feelings because of her past...Or because of her own opinionated views....Which are not a problem, till you start being offensive, and insulting others...Which she does...

Mind you I would say " If you don't mind, can you explain or answer or tell" which I have done to you Smile And you have answered. Pretty much worried me as you know and I wondered if more sleep would ease it, remember?

I perhaps should do the same thing...But I guess it is because I do not see an ounce of generosity in her, to approach me in the same way...The sleep has been great...

I think she has made her position clear of her passions and therefore what she follows and therefore her beliefs. I am pretty sure that I pointed out that in my opinion when someone believes so strongly on something nothing anyone says will change that, and that to me is your case of your beliefs.

I agree about my beliefs...But in the case of hers...The problem is, you can't just hate people because...Of their choices...Or because you truly do not wish to hear it...Or because they were evil when they may have done them...And think that everyone else who does, is up to no good...That does not make someone evil...That makes you look evil...And because she chooses as one of her passions, to try to be a thorn in my side, all the time...There is no reason for me to care about what she thinks or believes, Cause she hates me, because of her past...Unjust reasons, she "believes are true" Or a willingness to not stop acting hateful...She has made it clear to me...She has no interest in getting to know me...Or any Christian...And labels us as hateful, or pieces of ****, not even worthy of respect...So since she has no interest in getting to know me...And likes to tell me exactly how I think and feel...I have no interest in her interests...And do not care what she thinks...Until she changes that...And acts like an adult...If she is so opinionated...And feels that all Christians, and I, are hateful because...Should I even care what she thinks or says? If she truly does not care to get to know me as a person...Cause of her past...Or her own opinionated views....It is not even worth my time, to even debate or argue with her...

Anyways. Verbal Court hearing tomorrow ahhhhhhhhh 9am, yes, your honor . She provided nothing in discovery at all really that I didn't already have, I imagine though she is gobsmacked at my discovery Smile Including an airline ticket in the month that my business was defrauded via the net for her cousin, from the same place. Off course, it is not for me to Judge that it is not a co-incidence by all means, or that she had any involvement, no, no, no Wink

Again, good luck...

Apart from that it's friggen cold here in Aussie land, work is usual, full on, David is great and usual, my love and all around the world people are sleeping why aren't you ?

Cause I have slept very well the past 3 days or so...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 05:49 am
So sorry hun...Someone got my riddle!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 05:57 am
I think she has made her position clear of her passions and therefore what she follows and therefore her beliefs.

I know you say everyone has the right to their own opinions and beliefs...But do you think she oversteps this boundary...When she calls me evil...Or Christians evil because....Just because she was one...And did not like herself...Or because she has these opinions...Which she says all the time...But almost never asks me my answers too...Cause she already has her mind made up?

If she did that too you, and said you were hateful just because, what would you say to her?

Do you think it is fair for someone to hate, Or act hateful...just because of disagreeing? Or because of personal choices they may have made, that they are not happy about?
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 06:01 am
Sorry, in case you think it looks like, or she says it looks like I am trying to get you against her or something...I will reword it...If I was to do those things to you, just because...What would you say to me about it???
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 06:04 am
Don't worry about Krumple. She's a Holocaust denier, as such not worth paying attention to. A lot of people have put her on ignore.

Her reasoning is simplistic and her language skills are appalling. Don't worry about what she has to say, you don't worry about what your pet cat thinks, and Krumple's thoughts aren't that much more developed.

It seems that, like me, you only put people on ignore as a last resort, but I'd suggest doing that with her. She has absolutely nothing positive to offer at all.
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 06:13 am
The problem with me, is mate...I feel like, I owe it, to people, to answer them...And do not think about it, long enough, before I do so...To think if it is, ultimately, gonna be a bad argument...Or a positive conversation...

My heart is always in the right place...But I don't always, do, what I should do...And make the smartest decisions...And that is too, just ignore, some people on here...

Or I always have a belief, that it can someday change...But know that with some, this will probably never happen...I guess it is just too much wishful thinking...

Thanks for the words mate!

I have to say...Honestly, you give me the most encouraging words, over anyone else, on here!!!!

You seem to know, exactly what I need, to hear, always!

I love you mate!

I hope that we are always as good of friends as we are...and continue to grow...And if one of us leaves here...We always stay in contact...
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 06:30 am
Did you see that the US actually beat Mexico, in Mexico City yesterday??

The US, was 0-23-1, in 25 meetings there, lifetime....And had never won, in 75 years! lol...
Reply Thu 16 Aug, 2012 07:13 am
I didn't know that, but you're right I am very lovable.

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