Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

reasoning logic
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 06:21 pm
No don't do that, post one and a half hours of video instead.

I guess you want some of your favorites?

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Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 06:36 pm
If below is factual.. Then he did alot of things "miracles" to show that he did exist until MAN decided to kill him.....

As such we are walking in Man's World now... What "he" created. There are still Miracles occuring everyday. Some choose to "see those" other's never see them, as they are searching for non-existance and therefore, focus only on the negatives in this World...

Or, they challenge as your video does, why? Why let a little baby die? Maybe there was a worse future for that baby, and so, it's gone back to be re-born, who knows. We will never have the answer whilst we too walk the Earth as Man...

It is also possible, that the Earth as we "Man" decided for it to be run by Man, not God or Jesus, by killing him that it is Man now who has to make the choice as to where he intends to go after... Why would a God prevent everything on Earth when he wasn't heard the first time... Fight as you may, man against man, and in the end the choice is yours, free will of where you decide you will go in the after - life... Is pretty much a thought that could work.
What could have been the worse future for this baby?: http://www.kgw.com/news/local/Babys-parents-to-testify-in-faith-healing-trial-130652358.html This isn't the only case like this either. There are numerous children (and adults too mind you) of all ages that die around the world BECAUSE of religion. If God could let these babies die, then why could he just let hitler baby die as well? Why couldn't he help out just a little on all the assassination attempts on Hitler? This is just another pathetic spin off of why god lets this crap happen, it's because their god "works in mysterious ways". It's a load of **** to cover up the fact that they don't have a reason and are either too blind or obsessed to acknowledge what's right in front of their faces. Prayer is something that we can test for (and we actually have) yet people always have some excuse as to why it doesn't work. The reason is as plain as day, God's don't do **** for humanity, if they did/do, then based on what is clearly observable, they are evil.

As far as miracles, they only exist in what we can't explain. I personally don't see miracles anywhere, but that doesn't dull or erase the amazingness of numerous things that people write off as miracles. It just gives me a different perspective on it, and for me, it makes it a richer experience due to the understanding involved in it. Just because a person doesn't see miracles or believes in the supernatural, doesn't mean they only focus on the negative. In my personal life I would call myself a realist, I do see a lot of negativity in the world, but I also see positives. I look for the negative so that I can deal with it. Why should I accept the glass as half either full or empty when I can fill it to the brim? In order to do that however, I have to replace what's negative with what is good by focusing on what what's negative and doing what I can to either change it to good, or get rid of it.
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 06:41 pm
izzythepush wrote:

spendius wrote:
BTW--I didn't watch the video.

Is there a point behind this post? I would guess not anything worth while other than to stroke your enormously gigantic ego...yet again. All you post is pathetic and trivial ****, I haven't seen a decent (double meaning on that) post from you yet on here...at leasst not in the past several days. All you seem to do is try and belittle people and provide no real imput. If you want try and feel like a big boy now and make a smart remark, then go for it, but at least as some substance on it so it's worthwhile.
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 08:53 pm
I find it both amazing and wonderful that 95 percents of the mass/energy of the universe for example seems to be make up of dark matter and dark energy who very nature we had yet to understand.

The universe is amazing and wonderful and mysterious without placing silly gods of one kind or another in it.

Gods who are so small that they center their attentions on one life form on one planet in one galaxy and on top of that this life form had only existed for a very very tiny time in terms of the age of the universe.

If any element can compete for the wonders of the universe the fact that humans are so self important is right up there.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 10:35 pm
I had a great day all!! I hope you did too!!...I am a little drunk right now, so I am gonna lay down!! See ya all in the morning, when I am gonna pay for it!!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 10:53 pm
@ Spendius....

Sorry bud...I am a humble person....

I do not have much to look forward too...And I think my birthday is a very exciting time for me...I am sorry if I offended you, or if you think Birthdays are not really important...I believe they should be celebrated....And I had a good time...It is also a good way to see how many people actually are good people...By wishing you a happy birthday, whether they have fought with you in the past or nor....And about 6 people said happy Birthday to me....I appreciate that, and will never forget it....

I loved Izzy's picture, and the fact that found Soul let me see what she looked like on my birthday makes me feel very happy indeed! and I am glad I said it was my birthday....I wasn't looking to not be humble...Just to express my joy with my friends....

Thanks for calling me intelligent, I think you are too!

And BTW Spendius....I named myself Spadesmaster because it was a common login I use on all my major login sites....

I used to puff out my chest, but do not even play cards anymore, and have not in over a year...I am not about puffing out my chest anymore....I have grown up...

I made it that name, so it was easy to remember...Nothing more or less...
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 01:10 am
After you aren't drunk anymore, dear Spades, you are going to have to remember the other two "kind souls" that put pictures up too for your birthday lols.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 01:33 am
There are numerous children (and adults too mind you) of all ages that die around the world BECAUSE of religion.
There are numerous people that only drink herbal tea, that only eat organic, that refuse to eat meat, that seek Chinese Therapy alternatives... I understand what you are saying but it was their "choice" and based on their belief... This is what everything balls down to...

People's choice and belief.

It off course upsets me, reading stories like that... But, I am not God, so I can't judge them.. I can feel for the baby, and for them for their "choice"... but I can't say it's right or wrong because that's "law" number one, and two again, their choice, the path they chose..

If any of us had an answer as to why let that happen, how can we prevent it from happening, then none of it would happen.. Why do they not close of Religion, same as cigarettes, black market and possibly worse outcomes as they are outed for their beliefs. People know the law, they break it all the time, through choice...

We can't tell people what belief to believe in..... No matter how hard you try.

I look for the negative so that I can deal with it. Why should I accept the glass as half either full or empty when I can fill it to the brim? In order to do that however, I have to replace what's negative with what is good by focusing on what what's negative and doing what I can to either change it to good, or get rid of it.

For me? I don't look for negative, it's everywhere, but I will embrase it as a challenge of realisation that something positive has to come from it.. So, I focus on establishing what that positive is and work with it.. I don't know how you can get rid of a negative but I do know that you can change it to positive so we half agree there.

As far as miracles, they only exist in what we can't explain. I personally don't see miracles anywhere
So you know of no Miracle what so ever that has not been explained, therefore, can be deemed to be one? Yet you believe that they may be real, if you could find one that you couldn't explain.

I'm just going to have to go with, that word belief again... I think you can see further, if you do, than if your attitude is they don't exist.. But, we will have to drop that topic, cause we won't agree ...
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 01:45 am
I've learnt my lesson watching RL's inane video's. I'm not watching any more crap like that. If you think it's important you can articulate the message yourself. Your the one whose monumental ego leads you to preach your doctrine, I ain't buying it.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:03 am
Yes, Thank you very much Izzy, and Igm, for the pictures....

I really appreciate the Gift....!!!

And thank you to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday...And it shows even more what kind of a person you are, since a few I have fought or debated with before....

So thank you, Logic, Izzy, Found, Farmerman, Igm, And Frank.....If I missed someone I apologize, I am happy for the wishful gesture, If I left you out, I do apologize....I hope your not offended....If I did leave you out, you can pm me, if you would like, and I will display a thank you for you too!!

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:22 am
You still missed one, lols.

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:32 am
Your Right! And thank you for pointing it out...I forgot to go back that far, and that Wm posted that a few days before....

So Sorry, My dear friend WM....Thank you very much pal....I hope you had a great day as well!!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:34 am
How was everyone else's day??
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:47 am
They may be sleeeeping...

So what did you do for your birthday Spades? Apart from drinking Smile
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:58 am
I went to my sisters house, and had a family party....and seen some family members I have not seen in months....Had a very nice dinner that my mom cooked it all!!

Reminisced with my family and friends...

Opened some presents....

I took a walk with my sister, and bought a couple nice cigars, and smoked them later...

Helped my sister correct some papers for school....(she is a teacher) Then we drank a bit....Tequila, and some Vodka.....

I was not really ever drunk at all...Just very tipsy, and intoxicated....

Was a great day to see all those people happy to see me, and my brother, and I am glad they all had a great time! Because I did as well!

I know it may seem a bit boring to some, But I am a simplistic man!!!

I am gonna go smoke the other cigar I have right now, be back in about 25-30 min.... Wink Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:00 am
Btw don't you think it's a bit of an extreme reaction to one word? I was just agreeing with Spendi. As for belittling other posters, I've just challenged BillRM and RL, two posters who have both claimed superior reasoning, based purely on their philosophical outlook. As I've seen no indication of such superior reasoning, quite the opposite in fact, I won't let it go.

You might want to ask yourself why you get so angry that someone won't watch one of your videos. Maybe there's a part of you that feels you may have made a mistake when you stopped the Bible thumping. Getting people to agree with your current outlook, would allow you to think made the right decision. In any event I'm not particularly bothered in what you think, I have no desire to change people's opinions, just as long as they're not preaching hate. You seem desperate to be proven right, and get very upset when nobody else gives a monkeys.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:01 am
I'm not asleep, although I'm still a bit bleary.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:15 am
If you accept the free-will bs then you must also accept that God cannot, and does not do anything for us

Which is the atheist position and thus there is only one cause of children suffering. The assumption that children would not suffer if no God exists is a bit far-fetched.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:35 am
Between you and me, I think Chights is all mouth and trousers. His veiled threat to SM, about getting like the devil, points to such.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:36 am
Good luck with your team today mate! I will check the updates on my computer throughout the day...

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