Quote:If you accept the free-will bs then you must also accept that God cannot, and does not do anything for us...assuming he even exists in the first place. Your God is either evil, worthless, or non-existent.
If below is factual.. Then he did alot of things "miracles" to show that he did exist until MAN decided to kill him.....
As such we are walking in Man's World now... What "he" created. There are still Miracles occuring everyday. Some choose to "see those" other's never see them, as they are searching for non-existance and therefore, focus only on the negatives in this World...
Or, they challenge as your video does, why? Why let a little baby die? Maybe there was a worse future for that baby, and so, it's gone back to be re-born, who knows. We will never have the answer whilst we too walk the Earth as Man...
It is also possible, that the Earth as we "Man" decided for it to be run by Man, not God or Jesus, by killing him that it is Man now who has to make the choice as to where he intends to go after... Why would a God prevent everything on Earth when he wasn't heard the first time... Fight as you may, man against man, and in the end the choice is yours, free will of where you decide you will go in the after - life... Is pretty much a thought that could work.
1 Born of a virgin
2 Changing water into wine
3 Healing of the royal official's son
4 Healing of a man possessed by a demon in Capernaum
5 Healing of Simon Peter's mother-in-law
6 Healing the sick during the evening
7 Catching a large number of fish
8 Healing a leper
9 Healing a centurion's servant
10 Healing a paralyzed man
11 Healing a withered hand
12 Raising a widow's son
13 Calming the stormy sea
14 Healing the Gerasene demon-possessed man
15 Healing a woman with internal bleeding
16 Raising Jairus' daughter
17 Healing two blind men
18 Healing a mute man possessed by a demon
19 Healing a man who was crippled for 38 years
20 Feeding 5000 men and their families
21 Jesus walks on water
22 Healing of many in Gennesaret
23 Healing a demon-possessed girl
24 Healing a deaf man with a speech impediment
25 Feeding the 4000 men and their families
26 Healing a blind man in Bethsaida
27 Healing a man born blind
28 Healing a boy possessed by a demon
29 Catching a fish with a coin in its mouth
30 Healing a blind and mute man who was possessed by a demon
31 Healing a woman with an 18 year infirmity
32 Healing a man with dropsy
33 Healing 10 men suffering from leprosy
34 Bringing Lazarus back to life
35 Healing Bartimaeus of blindness
36 The withering fig tree that produced no fruit
37 Restoring a severed ear
38 The resurrection of Jesus Christ
39 Catching of the 153 fish
40 The ascension of Jesus Christ