Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:43 am
lols Smile Sorry I should have known Izzy Smile
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:44 am
No, no, no family is very important and it's the best glad you had a great time Ryan...Smile
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 03:57 am
I did! And the one thing I am very lucky about, with being poor...Is I have a very strong relationship with my Family....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 04:08 am
West Ham won last night, so it all comes down to Saturday.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 04:09 am
That's OK sweetheart, we're no quite as far behind you as the Americans.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 04:16 am
Good luck bud, I am rooting for your team!

Speaking of which, Not only are the NFL Saints under suspensions of bounties on other players....But they now believe the General Manager of the Saints was bugging the opposing players coaches for information, and cheating...And if it is true, he will be gone from the NFL forever....

Sad to see the Saints do such a thing...Especially where they were, and where they are now, and how they came together after Hurricane Katrina....

Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 04:35 am
It's always bad when certain sports professionals puts winning ahead of fair play. I'm pissed off that F1 went ahead and held the Grand Prix in Bahrain. That's just as bad in my book.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 10:49 am
There are numerous people that only drink herbal tea, that only eat organic, that refuse to eat meat, that seek Chinese Therapy alternatives... I understand what you are saying but it was their "choice" and based on their belief... This is what everything balls down to...

People's choice and belief.
So are we suppose to accept this idiotic and, frankly, dangerous belief and let it go on unchecked when it really only has these kind of results? It's basically a crackpot way of saying "walk it off" but the problem with that is that a lot of illnesses/injuries you can't just walk off without some sort of medical or medicinal aid.

It off course upsets me, reading stories like that... But, I am not God, so I can't judge them.. I can feel for the baby, and for them for their "choice"... but I can't say it's right or wrong because that's "law" number one, and two again, their choice, the path they chose..
You aren't a god but we can judge them...easily in fact. Their actions lead to the death of their child. In numerous cases there is shown to be a significantly high chance of survival for the person/child if trained medical practicioners had been able to help the person rather than just having idiots chant around them or whatever it is they do. Based on this we are able to judge them and say they made a stupid choice and that they are responsible for that death. I actually think that a persons choices and what actions they choose to follow are the only way were actually able to judge people. I'm afraid I simply don't know how someone couldn't judge them for this, several people in numerous juries full of regular people were/are able to judge these people and I'm highly certain that just about everyone that hears these stories also judge these people either one way or another.

If any of us had an answer as to why let that happen, how can we prevent it from happening, then none of it would happen.. Why do they not close of Religion, same as cigarettes, black market and possibly worse outcomes as they are outed for their beliefs. People know the law, they break it all the time, through choice...
I have an answer for most (if not all) of those cases, it's called modern medicine and faith healing should be a banned practice or at least not at the exclusion of medicine. If you want to pray in addition to using medicine, then fine, but don't pray at the exculsion of modern medicine. Yes people do have a choice but if their idiotic choice leads to the death of their child then they should face the appropriate repercussions...namely jail time and having manslaughter on their police records.

[quote-FOUND SOUL]We can't tell people what belief to believe in..... No matter how hard you try.[/quote] We actually can tell people what to believe in and people do so fairly often, there's just no way of forcing people to follow it...but I understand what you're trying to say. Faith healing is a dangerous and life threatening practice and I think that anyone who actually values human life and the quality of life should be against it and work towards convincing people that it doesn't work so that people will do what's logical and best and take their child to a doctor who will actually be able to help the child. I can't force people to believe what I believe, but I can try my best to convince them against doing something so harmful and dangerous.

For me? I don't look for negative, it's everywhere, but I will embrase it as a challenge of realisation that something positive has to come from it.. So, I focus on establishing what that positive is and work with it.. I don't know how you can get rid of a negative but I do know that you can change it to positive so we half agree there.
You get rid of a negative by replacing it with a positive so that it's sort of "bumped out". Let's take the half glass analogy, water is good, air is bad, simply add more water to kick out the air...although that's much easier said than done as their is some pretty stubborn air in this world.

So you know of no Miracle what so ever that has not been explained, therefore, can be deemed to be one? Yet you believe that they may be real, if you could find one that you couldn't explain.

I'm just going to have to go with, that word belief again... I think you can see further, if you do, than if your attitude is they don't exist.. But, we will have to drop that topic, cause we won't agree ...
I know of things that are stated as miracles that haven't been proven one way or the other although that doesn't mean it that there isn't a secular explaination of it. I don't think I know of every miracle that has ever been proven to have happened however. I don't include the miracles that happened in the bible however as there's not really any proof of them. There are people that have tested that some of them a theoretically possible (such as the parting of the red sea) but their not really any indication that it happened in the manner that was claimed in the bible. The main reason that I don't see miracles is because of all of the previous things that were once considered a miracle that now have prefectly logical explainations. Based on the way that things have progressed over the thousands of years we've been here and have recorded our history, it seems fairly certain that we will find an answer for all that puzzles us today, but who knows what will puzzle us in the future.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 10:50 am
I've consolidated three of your posts into the one, I apologize if it's too long for you, I know you don't like to really put forth much effort into conversations but I'd rather have one post that large then several smaller posts.

izzythepush wrote:
I've learnt my lesson watching RL's inane video's. I'm not watching any more crap like that. If you think it's important you can articulate the message yourself. Your the one whose monumental ego leads you to preach your doctrine, I ain't buying it.
Who said you had to watch it? That video wasn't even directed to you because I know, for a fact, that you would just be an asshole about it (like your doing now). I don't care if you watch it or not, if you don't, then fine, just don't comment on it!

So simply arguing for a side is preaching then? How exactly do you propose I debate a topic without being accused of said preaching then? If you actually knew the real, agree upon definition of "preaching", you would see that I'm actually in opposition and am using (at least based on what I'm able to see) reasoned and logical arguments to oppose the preaching of others. All you do it make wild accusations without any attempt to back them up. How about you give me even a single reason not to put you on ignore for posting nothing of value. If I'm wrong and have this supposed "monumental ego" then how about you back that accusation up with actual facts, otherwise it's just pathetic slanderous bullshit. If you can't bother to post anything of any value, then there is no point for me to bother myself with a pathetic asshole like you...how about you do something worthwhile and prove me wrong and that you aren't the pathetic asshole that you seem, huh?

I also think it's quite humous that you used the term "inane" to describe RL when this term descibes your entirery here much better than it does him in the slightest...while some of his posts don't present much, I find that more often than not, he at least has some sort of substance to go on while all you offer is are pointless (and more often than not) basely insults.

izzythepush wrote:
Btw don't you think it's a bit of an extreme reaction to one word? I was just agreeing with Spendi. As for belittling other posters, I've just challenged BillRM and RL, two posters who have both claimed superior reasoning, based purely on their philosophical outlook. As I've seen no indication of such superior reasoning, quite the opposite in fact, I won't let it go.
Spendi actually posted something that has value, what value does your post have other than to soothe your pathetic ego? I don't care whether you watch the video's I post or not, I didn't direct it towards you, nor would I have because I know you wouldn't watch it based on how whiney you got about RL's posts in the past. As far as what I've seen however, I would say they do have superior reasoning skills when compared to for no other reason than by default. You don't present anything in a debate you simply stick your fingers in your ears and prattle on about how wrong everyone else is. I'm just sick of all your worthless, waste of space posts, post something worthwhile or not at all. If something wrong, then state HOW they're wrong and not just THAT they are wrong.

izzythepush wrote:
You might want to ask yourself why you get so angry that someone won't watch one of your videos. Maybe there's a part of you that feels you may have made a mistake when you stopped the Bible thumping. Getting people to agree with your current outlook, would allow you to think made the right decision. In any event I'm not particularly bothered in what you think, I have no desire to change people's opinions, just as long as they're not preaching hate. You seem desperate to be proven right, and get very upset when nobody else gives a monkeys.
I've said it before but it merits being said again. I don't care if you watch my video's or not, frankly I would be greatly suprised if you ever pushed a play button on a video here. Here you go again with your wild and outlandish accusations. You don't know me so don't pretend like you do, it only provides more evidence of your uselessness. I know for a fact that no one here, especially you, has enough information to make any accusations or really even any hypothesis about my days as a participant in the Christian faith. Truth be told, I never was a believer, I saw far to many unexplained holes in just about everything...the problem of being a "what if" child I guess, far to many questions asked with too many either nonexistent or nonsensical answers. As far as I'm concerned and have been shown, I am right. No one has been able to contradict my answers for the most part, people have disagreed but no one has presented anything that has overturned my side. If you would like to give it a try then I would be more than pleased. If I'm so flawed and wrong, then set me straight oh great and mighty one who is so full of knowledge and wisdom.

If your not interested in changing people opinions but just want to stop hate, then why don't you start with the fundamentalist religious? If I preach anything, it's mainly understanding. So far the main people you seem to target are atheists who seem to be for peace and understanding...with the exception of Bill, although I wouldm't neccesarily say he's preaching "hate", it's just a fire with fire sort of thing...which I don't agree with. What I mainly want gone from this world are type of religious people that attend/support the Westboro Baptist Church and faith healing, and the sort of nonsense that harms people in some way or another. I personally don't care if people believe in the things that Found Soul believes in. I personally think that Found is a wonderful, caring, and overall sweet person, I just simply don't agree with certain things which is fine. Based on what you said in the last post, it seems like that's something we should agree on, but based on who you've been targeting specifically and the things you've said, I would say that you're just lying and simply want to fuel your overblown ego.

izzythepush wrote:
Between you and me, I think Chights is all mouth and trousers. His veiled threat to SM, about getting like the devil, points to such.
Although this wasn't directed to me, it's entirety is slanderous towards me and is...not suprisingly...incorrect. I've threatened no one while I've been on here nor would I ever, what would be the point? I simply said something along the lines of that I normally get very and say very hurtful thing and become a very nasty person which I kept myself from doing. If anything this is in complete opposition to a threat. I stated the things in which I would have normally have done, but did not do...obviously. As far as being all mouth and trousers, how am I suppose to be anything else on here? Are we suppose to meet up somehere and "duke it out" Perhaps Im not understanding the meaning you place with the phrase, but here it seems as if you saying something along the lines of that I'm all talk and no action? If anything this would be a better description for you rather than me seeing as you all you do is comment on that people are wrong rather than stating how they are wrong.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 10:51 am
spendius wrote:
Which is the atheist position and thus there is only one cause of children suffering. The assumption that children would not suffer if no God exists is a bit far-fetched.
Yes, I believe that gods do nothing for humanity because we've tested for it in just about every way we can think of and it's failed pretty much 100% of the time. Now I can't prove the reason why god's don't do things for humanity, but I believe it's becaue they just aren't there...at least personal gods. The closest comparison I can make to a god, is probably dark matter. We have no idea what it is or how to test for it but we can test and see it's effects. Prayer and faith healing and anything that is tangible to a deity is something that we can, and have, tested for. I can say that prayer doesn't work, because we would be able to see the effect of it, but we clearly don't. If you want to make arguments from ignorance and believe that a deity exists in the realm of the unknown, then that's your perogative. Prayer is something that doesn't work because if it did then we wold be able to see evidence of it, but there is no actual way in which it truly works. By that I mean that it only works in a tautological type manner, the problem with that however, is that you can substitute anything in the place of a deity and it would work in the same manner. You could pray to my dog's in the same manner and you'd get the same results.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 10:56 am
I would have thought that what the Saints did in the NFL was illegal. As it was outside the rules of the game I would have thought the law applies just as it would in a bar or on the street.

And then there's the Zimmerman slaying.

It makes what happened to the head of the IMF look mighty suspicious. It seems that SEX was the commercial element there.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 12:14 pm
You need to calm down. Using a term like 'slanderous' to describe any post on A2K is ridiculous and hysterical.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 12:50 pm
izzythepush wrote:
You need to calm down. Using a term like 'slanderous' to describe any post on A2K is ridiculous and hysterical.
Definition of slanderous: Communication of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. Based on this definition pretty much every post on here that I've seen from you could have this term attributed to it. You post that reasoning, Bill, and others including myself (I've only seen you attacking atheists so that clearly shows you're biased) only "preach hate" and other such nonsense. If people only saw your posts what would they think of us? I'm 100% certain they would receive the wrong impression so that shows that your posts are false or at best, opinionated or baised. If you dislike slanderous, how about a different term? How about denigrating or libellous or calumious, take your pick. I also don't need to calm down because I'm already calm and within reason given the circumstances. Based on how you post almost everyone here should be a lot more upset with you. You post nothing but ridicule and malicious remarks, explain to me how else we should deal with it. I've ignored you for too long to just let you continue on like you have. So as of now you have 3 options. You can continue to be the pathetic coward who hides behind your petty insults. You can simply shut up and leave us alone, of you could post something worthwhile. With the last option you still get to put in whatever kind of insults that you want but if you put substance with it then it's something we can work with one way or the other. I really don't think that this is too much to ask, if you're already going to bother typing that someone is wrong, you should at least take the time to explain why you believe or think that they are wrong. If you don't, then it's better that you don't post anything at all because your post will be worse than worthless.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 12:55 pm
Sorry bud...I am a humble person....

I don't happen to think so Spade.

The manner in which you talk about God is the very opposite of humble. You are connecting God with man's fate. With yourself. We cannot possibly divine anything about God. We can only sense a "presence". As in animism.

And the interpretations you lay upon God are draining the concept of God. In some theologies it is forbidden to provide God with a Name. The notion that God takes care of us is ludicrously fantastic as the atheists perceive and point out.

You are exhausting the substance of the concept. Using God as some sort of pose. Killing God for a conversational gambit which is aggressive.

The idea that God is tied up with man's fate in an age when we are getting smaller and smaller in the face of mass industrial society implies that God is getting smaller and smaller. Is Dying.

In trying to counter such a diminution of ourselves we exaggerate the meaning of trivialities and our every move we scrutinise intently.

You ain't humble at all Spade. You gave us a self-comforting assertion.

Mailer thought once of the ego as an egg and as a golf ball. The harder a golf ball is hit the more action it produces and the harder an egg is hit the less. It stops being an egg at the instant of impact.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 01:13 pm
And what you said about FS's photograph is not characteristic of a humble man.

The three ghostly figures in pale blue at about 10 o'clock look to be shouting warnings down to the guy being looked at in that way.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 01:18 pm
I bet fm couldn't have predicted me writing that lovely sentence.

He only says I'm predictable for want of something derogatory to say about me. On the more **** that's thrown the more sticks principle.

He doesn't realise how foolish it makes him look to those who think I'm just too unpredictable.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:11 pm
I've not only attacked atheists, I've only had strong disagreements with you three pillocks. You really have lost the plot, throwing insults left right and centre. One thing you haven't done is kept quiet, and if I'm being cowardly can you tell me what's so courageous about what you're doing?

I've not accused any of you of preaching hate. I've accused BillRM and RL of simplistic arguments and making grandiose claims about their powers of reason. Bill's grunting prose hasn't exactly helped such an assertion.

I've accused you and RL of posting interminably dull, preachy videos, and I've commented that such action could indicate a desire to convert. I've obviously rattled your cage, puffing and blowing about slander, and making yourself out to be some sort of hero because you're responding to one of my posts. Did I hit a nerve?

RL freaked out when instead of watching a video featuring David Icke I asked him to list the salient points. That's not dissimilar to your hysterical response to one word. Btw, RL knew absolutely nothing about David Icke, a man who claims to be the Messiah and that the Queen is a shape-shifting reptile. When I told him it didn't dampen his ardour for Icke in the slightest.

Your commitment to this position, not just that of atheism, but that of atheism with conviction, means you watch the backs of those with exactly the same conviction as your own. Both Setanta and FM are atheists, but neither one of them would bother watching RL's 'mindless' (FM's adjective) videos. Yet that doesn't stop you praising them, maybe it's because he's the only one who watches yours. Then you can pat each other on the backs and say how clever you both are, and now it seems you're heroic too. Perhaps it's all that talk of ball licking.

I bet BillRM's glad you've got his back too, especially when it comes to his sympathetic response to people who watch child pornography. I note that you felt for the viewer not the victim, the poor man whose life is ruined and all that. I note also that you commented on the scandal of all these 17 year olds being prosecuted for sending each other risque pictures, as if that's all child pornography really is. I've not heard of any 17 year olds being porosecuted, but you believe what you want to believe, you've already made your mind up.

This does happen to be SM's thread, and you've put him on ignore. That's bizarre. If I ignore someone I don't watste time with their threads. Why would anyone do that? Why don't you start your own thread? You could call it, atheists are the smartest people ever, and we've got the videos to prove it. I promise I'll leave it well alone.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:25 pm
Definition of slanderous: Communication(sic) of false statements injurious to a person's reputation. Based on this definition pretty much every post on here that I've seen from you could have this term attributed to it.
Proving something like that, after your consistent idiotic baiting of everyone you come into contact , is gona be a tough stretch. Anyway, consider the fact that you are using a "fake name" and that izzy is merely griping at your on screen persona. I dont think hed have any trubble finding a few standups as defense witnesses.

Maybe no, so its an interesting concept , a law suit based upon slandering a fake personality by another fake personality.
Its like yelling at Spongebob Squarepants for slandering his audience.

Ya might wanna cool it a bit and think about what you speak.
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:30 pm
No only that but you must show some finance damages at least under US law if I am not in error.

Something that would be kind of hard to do here.

If I was trying to gain funds over the internet I think I would turn my computers to bitcoin mining instead of suing izzy even if it would be nice to get a few pounds from izzy.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 02:31 pm
You nailed it on the head; how can one be slandered when nobody really knows who he is. Where's the damage? To his fictional name? ROFLMAO
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