Question to those who do or do not doubt Christianity

Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 09:23 am
History is important for numerous reasons and if you are too ignorant to see that, than I truly pity you.

Could not agree more ..............
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 09:29 am
izzythepush wrote:
What do you expect they're just a bunch of smug self satisfied fantasists who like to blame all of mankind's woes on religion. They can't see your point, they're too busy slapping each other on the back for being so clever.

Bill's insistance on Henry VIII having seven wives speaks volumes about his understanding of History. And Chight's contempt for a whole swathe of people shows him for what he is.

despite my loathing towards the Islamic religion

What do you think he loaths most about Islam? Do you think it is the preservation of the library at Alexandria, and all the important texts, or maybe the focus on scientific discovery that kick started the Renaissance?

In any event they've proven that fanatical fundamentalists are more of a problem than anything else, whether or not those fanatics are Christian Moslem or Atheist.
I'm sorry, but how exactly are you translating my loathing of a practice for the loathing of the practitioners? I never said I hated muslims, I simply hate the religion they practice in. A person is not completely defined by their religion, it's simply a characteristic, or simply a part of them. I'm not ignorant enough to judge the entirety of a person/people based on a single characteristic about them. This post clearly shows your ignorance and that you are clearly not worth anyones time here. It's as if every post I read of yours, it's only in attempt to badmouth people in frivolous or ignorantly incorrect ways. How about you try posting something that is constructive and worthwhile for a change?
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 09:57 am
What is it about the Moslem religion that you loathe? Or is it that you just can't distinguish between moderate Moslems and extremists?

I've yet to see you post anything remotely constructive. Every so often you seem to get bored and have a go at Spademaster just because you can't bear the fact that he doesn't agree with you. You've also taken to the rather tiresome practice of posting proseletysing videos.

I heard America was full of evangelical religious nutjobs, but I didn't realise how many of them were atheists. What is particularly irksome is the way you blame religion for everything bad, and when you're provided with evidence of atheist dogma being used to support atrocities, such as Stalin executing thousands, it's not real atheism, not the sort you purists practice.

You all live in a fantasy world, where we would all be living in a utopian society, were everyone to convert to atheism overnight. That completely ignores the fact that most injustices come down to money and power, religion plays a very minor part. In this respect you don't sound a lot different from Islamic fundamentalists, you've both swallowed your own dogma, and are blind to anything else.
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:04 am
Against my better judgment I'm gonna throw caution to the winds and open my big mouth and make a statement that really has nothing to do with the current line of exchange in this topic right now. Perhaps I'm being rude, but it doesn't really matter to me. (Forgive me, please! I'll probably reget it later. Mr. Green ) It's time for me to make an off-the-wall statement. Call me narcissistic or crazy (or both).

The following comment may surprise many of the atheists and agnostics who are members of this forum. Then again, it may not. And that is, I happen to be a Christian; but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm pleased with many other people who also profess to be Christians. Many believers seem unable to grasp clear teachings in the New Testament that contradict their denominational doctrines. (They sometimes make me groan inwardly.) And, besides, some believers are hypocritical jerks. (To be "fair and balanced," my congregation includes many of the finest people I've ever met -- including those who, literally speaking, would give you the shirts off their backs.) I once read a post in a particular forum or blog that had been submitted by a "Christian" woman who said all school students, including those who weren't athletically inclined, should be forced to take P.E. -- even if they are bullied. I was amazed that the stupid woman professed to be a Christian in the same breath. What hypocrisy! There are many atheists and agnostics who have more compassion that that (as well as some who don't, of course). In this particular context I'm not defending one set of beliefs as opposed to the other; I'm just sayin' ...

I wonder if someone will pummel me for saying this or if I'll be ignored (deservedly) for being the online oddball and outsider that I confess to be. (Every forum has its own party line, which must be followed by each of the members or else. Twisted Evil ) I'm now in an indifferent mood (which will probably change later, as I have mood swings that are probably caused by certain health factors), which means (for now) I couldn't give a ...

I "suppose" I am one of the people you are talking about?? In my short comings I am flawed...And know I act like a jerk...But God said, Whoever believes in me, will not be put to shame...And if you have faith in me...You are not an Antichrist....Just remember those 2 things....For me please...And I speak as people speak to me...I can't imagine that St. Peter was much different at all...He was said to be a fiery and fierce-some man....But he was not a bad man....

And yes, We are hypocrites, all of us! the thing is, Intellectually honest people who know God...(Jesus) Will admit they are hypocrites, like I have above, and will do again...Yes, I am a hypocrite....And it is not right that I am...and atheists will not admit they are hypocrites....

Just test this, and see how many atheists feel inclined to say they are a hypocrite...So then, use your prudent understanding...And reasonable thinking and work out who do you believe is actually a person of good faith...And who actually knows a God...And who is right in these discussions...And who is a soldier for just causes...Who is following their own heats content...And who is full of smoke....Just on that basis alone....
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:13 am
An why would I not wish see a historic building?

I would not turn my nose up at visiting a temple to the god Zeus if I was visiting Greek for example and to me Zeus is just as real or unreal as a supernatural Jesus.

If the temple was being upkeep by a private firm I would also donate funds for it upkeep.

Sorry you can not hate an unreal being or that being temples no matter what your opinion might be of the harm that had been done and is being done by people who believe in this unreal creature.

Hopefully Christian churches and cathedrals will someday be view in the same light as temples to the old gods are now view.

But it is a Guarantee it wont be!! Because people like you donate to them, even though you "think" the church is sinister...Surly you understand the parable, about cut the head off, and the body will die???
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:14 am
I can think of an argument which asserts that a belief in the hereafter is responsible for all of mankind's ills.

A search for knowledge implies a belief in "a" hereafter. Curiosity. Even cats are curious. Especially about what's on the other side of the road. Seeing the ******* world is what drives the idiotic tourist business. The soaps are designed for peepers into windows. They hack phones now.

It has been argued that the search for knowledge with a hereafter in mind is not real science at all. Only the pure curiosity is science. The real thing. The monastic thing.

Animals have existed for an unimaginable period of time and not a one of them can do The Sun crossword. They're pathetic. And as for strolling down to the pub on a warm summer evening to get three pints of John Smith's Extra Smooth (Silk in a Glass), and returning home for further comforts, you can forget it.

I know a monkey once got a banana into its cage with a stick but it would never think of getting a better stick for the job. It would use the same one until it snapped from getting brittle over time and then it would be too short and the thing would die of starvation and thus it would not have any breeding opportunities and so the knack would become extinct.

The ones taking tea in the PG Tips ad are something else.

And animals don't believe in a hereafter. They don't even know it's today. And the evolutionists want to teach all the kids that we are just like animals, as La Mettrie said we are, following Descartes, and presumably to behave like them to avoid becoming neurotic.

Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:20 am
Gustave Flaubert compared one of these magnificent buildings to the wing of an insect which he saw basking in the sun on it. Much to the detriment of the building.

"It's just a pile of stones", Andy Warhol said about another one in Mexico.

What pathetic, wimpy-wobbly and patronising nonsense those three posts are. It's as if there is a menu of "must see" religious buildings for the discerning tourists to choose from as they toddle from whim to whim.

From what has been said on this thread about religion these buildings are nothing less than an eyesore. What goes on in them and what they represent is their only purpose. They are steeped in human blood aren't they? Symbols of exploitation, lies, evil and degeneration. Aren't they? Keeping alive everything you hate.

And a lot of them are on prime real estate and the materials could be re-cycled to make ornamental fireplaces and garden features.

You're busted flushes. As I knew when I put the challenge up against your noses.

Wink Wink Wink Mr. Green 2 Cents

How can ANYONE argue the Church is sinister...And give money to it, and support it in ANYWAY...IS beyond me...Either they feel compelled by God to show their respects to him, and are not aware...Or they do not understand that They are supporting God, even though they do not believe he is real...

It is that simple, and has to be one of the two...

Many people on here seem to be smart to me...So I do not believe they do not understand these 2 things I stated above...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:23 am
Strange strange thinking that buildings are somehow responsible for the actions of those who had them build !!!!!!

Then people who believe in fairy tales you would not expect to be logical and I had visit ruins in Mexico where it is said that the beatings hearts of young girls was cut out of them in the name of the gods.

Never feel that I was supporting the idea of cutting out the hearts of living humans by visiting such sites and finding the surviving structures interesting however.

What is the significance of you seeing it then???
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:26 am
I'm with Henry Ford--History is bunk.

And Bob Dylan--Don't look back.

Anyway- it wasn't about me. It was about these atheist's reverence for religious symbolisms and the feelings represented by them.
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:26 am
spendius wrote:
The ones taking tea in the PG Tips ad are something else.

They've been made obselete by Wallis and Grommit, who were then overtaken by Jonny Vegas and Ben Miller.
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:28 am
If the belief appears to be the same then would you care to explain why there are about 36,000 different denominations of Christianity around the world instead of just being 1...as there is just the same singular god that is worshipped by all of these different denominations.

Your going to ignore me, But I will post it for others to read anyways...

Why are there potentially thousands of different ways people think and accept interlaced with Atheism?? And not everyone agree and think the same way, about everything?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:30 am
They've been made obselete by Wallis and Grommit, who were then overtaken by Jonny Vegas and Ben Miller.

Another sign of loss of nerve.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 10:34 am
Chights47 wrote:
Why don't we completely level Auschwitz as well then, or any other place that is steeped in human blood and are symbols of exploitation, lies, evil and degeneration? History is important for numerous reasons and if you are too ignorant to see that, than I truly pity you.

I thought you might compare the Church to Auschwitz. While we're talking about places that are "steeped in human blood and are symbols of exploitation, lies, evil and degeneration," you might want to take a look at Wall Street.

The fact that you view the whole of Christianity as being "steeped in human blood and are symbols of exploitation, lies, evil and degeneration," and nothing else, shows that as a fanatic you can't see beyond your own self-administered benedictions.

Spendi may be a lot of things, but he's not ignorant. He's extremely well read, and he knows a lot more about history than you. But what the heck, why let reason get in the way of dogma?
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 11:00 am
izzythepush wrote:
What is it about the Moslem religion that you loathe? Or is it that you just can't distinguish between moderate Moslems and extremists?
I don't like that a majority of the worlds terrorists are muslim because of their religion and all the hatred that comes from it even in these advanced and enlightened times. Does that mean that all muslims are terrorists, no, not even remotely a majority of them, but how all of that dark age hatred exists in todays world is beyond me.

izzythepush wrote:
I've yet to see you post anything remotely constructive. Every so often you seem to get bored and have a go at Spademaster just because you can't bear the fact that he doesn't agree with you. You've also taken to the rather tiresome practice of posting proseletysing videos.
As far as what you would consider constructive, that would depend on what you value, I would say that's more of an opinionated remark, so there's not much I can say about it. Some people value religious preaching about idiocy some people like well thought out scientific remarks and anywhere in between. It's not my fault you can't see that my posts are constructive more times than not. As far as me "having a go at" Spade, I'm done with that after his last vicious remark to me, I'm not not exactly fond of betrayal, and in my book, that was a betrayal of my trust. Truth be told, I'm normally not so nice about such encounters, however I chose to keep my remarks silent. I also didn't argue with him solely because I didn't agree with him (athough I have no idea how you can argue with someone you do agree with), I argued with him because I liked his style of discussion, it was very straight forward which I appreciated. I also do not post proselytising videos seeing as how atheism is not a religion...unless you would also say that bald is a hair color or that not collecting stamps is a hobby or other such nonsense.

izzythepush wrote:
I heard America was full of evangelical religious nutjobs, but I didn't realise how many of them were atheists. What is particularly irksome is the way you blame religion for everything bad, and when you're provided with evidence of atheist dogma being used to support atrocities, such as Stalin executing thousands, it's not real atheism, not the sort you purists practice.
This only shows more of your ignorance, evangelical strictly refers to the gospels of christianity, I'm not familiar with any atheists that preach the word of Jesus. If you had spent any time reading any of my previous posts, you would see that I don't blame religion for everything that is bad. If you would actually read a post from someone with a different view point, then you might actually not be so stupid. I assert that religion can cause many of the horrible things you see in this world. Such as the oppression of gay rights in America, the stoning of adulterers in Afganistan, and other such ridiculous and horrible things. In this statement am I condemning the entire religious population? Is that assertion anywhere to be seen? Given how you have handled yourself thus far, I would assume that you would think that. I do not presume that anyone here would be ignorant or hateful enough to do even a fraction of the evil things some religious people do. Perhaps you could also explain to me how atheism lead Stalin to doing his horrible and evil actions? Please explain in a rational and logical way how the absence of something teaches people to do horrible things. Atheism is nothing more and nothing less than not believing in deities. It's not a way of life, it doesn't teach us anything, it doesn't give of advice or guidance or anything. It's simply not believing in that god's exist. Explain how this leads people to do that which Stalin did, go ahead, wow me...I would love to see your attempt.

izzythepush wrote:
You all live in a fantasy world, where we would all be living in a utopian society, were everyone to convert to atheism overnight. That completely ignores the fact that most injustices come down to money and power, religion plays a very minor part. In this respect you don't sound a lot different from Islamic fundamentalists, you've both swallowed your own dogma, and are blind to anything else.
Uh oh, now look who's judging an entire group based on their interactions with only a tiny fraction of that group. I don't believe that we would be living in a utopian society even if everyone was an athiest. I don't think things would be nearly as bad, but it wouldn't be a utopian society. I also do not delude myself in thinking that everyone will dispell their belief's overnight or even several years from now. I don't even think atheism would become prominent even in a few decades at least. You also show your ignorance here as well though, you say that more injustices come down to money and power. Who has probably the greatest amount of wealth in this world (or at least one of the highest), it would be religion. Did you know that New York city (all by itself) loses about $36 million every year in property taxes alone from churches and that the value of U.S. church and synagogue property has grown to an estimated $102 billion. Did you know that the Vatican alone made about $82 million dollars in 2009? Religion is one of the most powerful and greediest businesses there are in this world, are they all like that, no, ,but a majority of them are. So based on your own criteria, religion should be causing some of the most injustices rather than only playing a minor part as you claim (seeing as how injustices come down to power and money).

As a side note, how am I blind to anything else. If there was actually something to see I would look but the religious pride themselves on faith which is pretty much just a synonym for nothing. I was a practicioner of the Christian faith for several years and hosted a bible study as well for most of that time as well. You really shouldn't comment on that which you are clearly incredibly ignorant of, and if you decide to do so anyway, you shouldn't throw out careless and audacious accusations like you're doing now. You should instead be humbled by your ignorance and inquire for more information so that you can actually make accurate accusations...just a helpful thought.
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 11:09 am
izzythepush wrote:
I thought you might compare the Church to Auschwitz. While we're talking about places that are "steeped in human blood and are symbols of exploitation, lies, evil and degeneration," you might want to take a look at Wall Street.
I'm comparing it (mainly) in a historically significant way.

izzythepush wrote:
The fact that you view the whole of Christianity as being "steeped in human blood and are symbols of exploitation, lies, evil and degeneration," and nothing else, shows that as a fanatic you can't see beyond your own self-administered benedictions.
Who said I view the hole of Christianity that way? This whole paragraph is an ignorant lie, I do not view all of Chirstianity in that light. I think that it is at worst that ay, and at best, a needless catalyst for people.

izzythepush wrote:
Spendi may be a lot of things, but he's not ignorant. He's extremely well read, and he knows a lot more about history than you. But what the heck, why let reason get in the way of dogma?
Well we can't know everything, so everyone is ignorant in some way or another, and to think differently is foolishness. Also if you actually read my post, I didn't claim he was ignorant of history, but rather the importance of history...just a small clarification.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 11:13 am
But it is a Guarantee it wont be!! Because people like you donate to them, even though you "think" the church is sinister...Surly you understand the parable, about cut the head off, and the body will die???

Sorry the fact that the remains of the temples to the old gods are being protected does not mean that the worship of the old gods will return.

Religions had come and gone and now the Europe populations in spit of having amazing religion buildings is leading the way into having a more rational non-believe outlook on life.

Hopefully the lovely buildings build in the honor of unreal gods including the Christian three in one god will long outlast the believes that cause them to be build in the first place.

Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 11:23 am
I'm with Henry Ford--History is bunk

Well Ford was complex man with many strength and many weakness such as being an anti-semitic and was once was make to look like a fool during a court case where he did not know the most elementary facts concerning history.

Footnote in his last years he spend millions creating a wonderful museum complex in the Detroit area moving such structures as the Wright bike shop and Edition NJ lab brick by brick to the museum.

Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 11:28 am
I don't like that a majority of the worlds terrorists are muslim because of their religion

Now who is ignorant? They aren't terrorists because of their religion. If you actually look at the people who become terrorists, it's angry young men with time on their hands. Maybe if you knew a little about how the West has treated the Moslem world over the years, you might understand why there are so many angry young men over there. In many instances radical Islam was the only voice that stood out against Western hegemony.

This only shows more of your ignorance, evangelical strictly refers to the gospels of christianity,

You'd think so wouldn't you? However, I've come across far more evangelical Atheists than Christians on this forum. If you want to keep deluding yourself by claiming you're somehow not forcefully religious, that's fine. You're not fooling me.

Perhaps you could also explain to me how atheism lead Stalin to doing his horrible and evil actions? Please explain in a rational and logical way how the absence of something teaches people to do horrible things

Perhaps you would like to explain how money and power had nothing to do with all those people you claim were killed by religion. The Aztecs were subjugated by Spain because they had gold. Religion was a useful excuse that's all. You Wall Street banker types know a lot about the pursuit of money, which is why we're all in the **** now. You blaming religion for all the ills in society, certainly helps detract from the fact you've got your snout in the trough.

I was a practicioner of the Christian faith for several years and hosted a bible study as well for most of that time as well

That figures. You've gone from being a preachy Christian to being a preachy Atheist. Aleister Crowley was brought up by the Plymouth Brethren. Some people just can't help being extreme.
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 11:34 am
As far as what you would consider constructive, that would depend on what you value, I would say that's more of an opinionated remark, so there's not much I can say about it. Some people value religious preaching about idiocy some people like well thought out scientific remarks and anywhere in between. It's not my fault you can't see that my posts are constructive more times than not. As far as me "having a go at" Spade, I'm done with that after his last vicious remark to me, I'm not not exactly fond of betrayal, and in my book, that was a betrayal of my trust. Truth be told, I'm normally not so nice about such encounters, however I chose to keep my remarks silent. I also didn't argue with him solely because I didn't agree with him (athough I have no idea how you can argue with someone you do agree with), I argued with him because I liked his style of discussion, it was very straight forward which I appreciated. I also do not post proselytising videos seeing as how atheism is not a religion...unless you would also say that bald is a hair color or that not collecting stamps is a hobby or other such nonsense.












Please reread the First, second, fourth, and last Post carefully...

How was what I said to you, any different than what you said to me?? Notice how I ended it...And notice how you ended it...By dropping me as a friend and ignoring me...
Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 11:34 am
In the words of Setanta, "Whoosh!"

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