izzythepush wrote:What is it about the Moslem religion that you loathe? Or is it that you just can't distinguish between moderate Moslems and extremists?
I don't like that a majority of the worlds terrorists are muslim because of their religion and all the hatred that comes from it even in these advanced and enlightened times. Does that mean that all muslims are terrorists, no, not even remotely a majority of them, but how all of that dark age hatred exists in todays world is beyond me.
izzythepush wrote:I've yet to see you post anything remotely constructive. Every so often you seem to get bored and have a go at Spademaster just because you can't bear the fact that he doesn't agree with you. You've also taken to the rather tiresome practice of posting proseletysing videos.
As far as what you would consider constructive, that would depend on what you value, I would say that's more of an opinionated remark, so there's not much I can say about it. Some people value religious preaching about idiocy some people like well thought out scientific remarks and anywhere in between. It's not my fault you can't see that my posts are constructive more times than not. As far as me "having a go at" Spade, I'm done with that after his last vicious remark to me, I'm not not exactly fond of betrayal, and in my book, that was a betrayal of my trust. Truth be told, I'm normally not so nice about such encounters, however I chose to keep my remarks silent. I also didn't argue with him solely because I didn't agree with him (athough I have no idea how you can argue with someone you do agree with), I argued with him because I liked his style of discussion, it was very straight forward which I appreciated. I also do not post proselytising videos seeing as how atheism is not a religion...unless you would also say that bald is a hair color or that not collecting stamps is a hobby or other such nonsense.
izzythepush wrote:I heard America was full of evangelical religious nutjobs, but I didn't realise how many of them were atheists. What is particularly irksome is the way you blame religion for everything bad, and when you're provided with evidence of atheist dogma being used to support atrocities, such as Stalin executing thousands, it's not real atheism, not the sort you purists practice.
This only shows more of your ignorance, evangelical strictly refers to the gospels of christianity, I'm not familiar with any atheists that preach the word of Jesus. If you had spent any time reading any of my previous posts, you would see that I don't blame religion for everything that is bad. If you would actually read a post from someone with a different view point, then you might actually not be so stupid. I assert that religion can cause many of the horrible things you see in this world. Such as the oppression of gay rights in America, the stoning of adulterers in Afganistan, and other such ridiculous and horrible things. In this statement am I condemning the entire religious population? Is that assertion anywhere to be seen? Given how you have handled yourself thus far, I would assume that you would think that. I do not presume that anyone here would be ignorant or hateful enough to do even a fraction of the evil things some religious people do. Perhaps you could also explain to me how atheism lead Stalin to doing his horrible and evil actions? Please explain in a rational and logical way how the absence of something teaches people to do horrible things. Atheism is nothing more and nothing less than not believing in deities. It's not a way of life, it doesn't teach us anything, it doesn't give of advice or guidance or anything. It's simply not believing in that god's exist. Explain how this leads people to do that which Stalin did, go ahead, wow me...I would love to see your attempt.
izzythepush wrote:You all live in a fantasy world, where we would all be living in a utopian society, were everyone to convert to atheism overnight. That completely ignores the fact that most injustices come down to money and power, religion plays a very minor part. In this respect you don't sound a lot different from Islamic fundamentalists, you've both swallowed your own dogma, and are blind to anything else.
Uh oh, now look who's judging an entire group based on their interactions with only a tiny fraction of that group. I don't believe that we would be living in a utopian society even if everyone was an athiest. I don't think things would be nearly as bad, but it wouldn't be a utopian society. I also do not delude myself in thinking that everyone will dispell their belief's overnight or even several years from now. I don't even think atheism would become prominent even in a few decades at least. You also show your ignorance here as well though, you say that more injustices come down to money and power. Who has probably the greatest amount of wealth in this world (or at least one of the highest), it would be religion. Did you know that New York city (all by itself) loses about $36 million every year in property taxes alone from churches and that the value of U.S. church and synagogue property has grown to an estimated $102 billion. Did you know that the Vatican alone made about $82 million dollars in 2009? Religion is one of the most powerful and greediest businesses there are in this world, are they all like that, no, ,but a majority of them are. So based on your own criteria, religion should be causing some of the most injustices rather than only playing a minor part as you claim (seeing as how injustices come down to power and money).
As a side note, how am I blind to anything else. If there was actually something to see I would look but the religious pride themselves on faith which is pretty much just a synonym for nothing. I was a practicioner of the Christian faith for several years and hosted a bible study as well for most of that time as well. You really shouldn't comment on that which you are clearly incredibly ignorant of, and if you decide to do so anyway, you shouldn't throw out careless and audacious accusations like you're doing now. You should instead be humbled by your ignorance and inquire for more information so that you can actually make accurate accusations...just a helpful thought.