I don't recall saying they were an eyesore, quite the opposite. I also have never put them on my "must see" .
When I went to Melbourne, my fiance and I walked into one. It was beautiful and I wanted to go inside. I don't like what "man" may represent inside them, but I understand what it's there for.. And, it doesn't stop me from entering them. What I hate is the new building they are an eyesore... They have no old worldly charm, they are cold, they make me think of money, on like you state, a wealthy piece of land and who paid for it.
If David and I could live in an old Church, we would... He is Catholic. He gets me, and how I feel about the Bible and man, and greed and so I am lucky. Because he also gets that, that doesn't stop me, "personally" believing that there is something out there and I choose to believe that there is a God. But, you know that's me.
I am going to maintain... My distaste is all about MAN and the Greed, much like politics or those with money that attempt to out the small businesses, by creating something big, with the small business owners ideas.
And, by man I am talking human, not men specifically.