I love that kind of insane logic an what do you mean by a ghost and where is the hell is your evidence for whatever you mean by a ghost existing.
If you want me to type away what I saw or heard and you guys try to analize, given I am "normal" not in-sane, then by all means... I am happy to. Because, If I can not work it out and therefore in my mind "have to believe"
What's funny is that you believe that when it's our entire brain that is destroyed in death, we seperate from our bodies and our previous minds are whole and well. Based on all the neurological evidences that we have and with all that we know about the mind and brain. Ghosts are little more than a childs irrational dream.
If you still persist and think that ghosts exist, then answer me this. If Phineas Gage were a ghost walking the earth now, which personality would he have and what is your reasoning behind your answer?
I would disagree with this, but that would be under the assumption you would actually listen to the science behind the mental processes that go on which lead you to believe these experience are real...you might remember the video I asked you to watch several times a few month back which you refused at every turn?
So you are a Scientist?
Scientists claim that when we die, our body weighs less... And, so comes the thought pattern of souls weighing something.. They also conclude when animals die, they weight exactly the same, and so conclude animals have no soul.
I tend to argue with that, I think every living animal has a soul.. Our entire body stops functioning, but I definately believe there is a soul... I believe in astro travel, I only believe in this things for things that have happened to me in my life.
How, could I walk in somewhere, and say (or anyone) , "I've been here before?" , or explain what a place looks like, and a month later be in that place, and even got the amber light glowing correct, the house description from the outside, and the gardens... A place where a girlfriend merely said she was going to be staying.. No address provided... If I looked dumbfounded when I got there, imagine how she looked when she recalled the "vision" I explained to her a month before
This is a very good question... But, yes, I do, in any event.. This boils down to what you believe in as far as "If there is a God, and if there is a Devil"...I'd ponder to think that surely as Phineas was sane and of his right mind prior to the illness, that the choice had already been made as to "where he would go upon death" if there is a Heaven and Hell. But, then if there is, one could argue that in the end, the Devil got him. Either is possible I don't think there is an answer for that. Off course those that don't believe in Ghosts/God or the Devil will simply say, none as he would just be dead...
I am not at all interested in what you think concerning me or not....By your last post...As using me as a lab rat, to do your experiments on...As a reality check to not get your head knocked in like sparring with your brother in law...I am not concerned if you look like a fool to others who say things you can not comprehend either, Like you said in your last post....
Looks like your monkey has evolved into a man???
And the experiment has gone bad, Because the experimenty, has outdone the experimenter....
I am not your lab rat anymore!
Go take a walk outside this comfort zone, challenge yourself...And talk to others who arouse your intellect, that I am not able to do!
Now with these scientists that say a human body weighs less when dying, did they say a specific reason as to why and provide scientific evidence when proves this is the case?
What exactly is a soul, what do you mean by that, would that be the same sort of thing as a ghost? Would a ghost simply be the appearance of a persons souls?
Without more specific information and going over a lot of detail, I could only wildly guess as to an answer...which I'm not going to do, but I'm sure there's an explaination whether you are willing/able to see it or not.
This doesn't answer my question at all, in your opinion, if Phineas Gage were walking, floating or whatever around right now, which phineas do you think that he would be and why? In this single question it doesn't matter if he went to heaven or hell, or if the devil got him or whatever. If Phineas were to pop into existence as a ghost right beside you, would he bow and greet you like a gentleman or would he try to get into you pants (I don't mean that offensively that was just his "manners" after his head trauma).
Scientists claim that when we die, our body weighs less... And, so comes the thought pattern of souls weighing something.. They also conclude when animals die, they weight exactly the same, and so conclude animals have no soul.
Many philosophical and spiritual systems teach that only humans have souls, while others teach that all living things, and even inanimate objects (such as rivers), have souls. The latter belief is commonly called animism.[2] Soul can function as a synonym for spirit, mind or self;[3] scientific works, in particular, often consider 'soul' as a synonym for 'mind'.
Chights, life is about lessons. My findings on this was looooong ago, I love physcology which also means that I am a logical thinker, and if I can make logical sense out of something first, I will. To answer your question, I think Wiki best answers it
To me personally.. The soul is a spiritual being, the essense of nature, yet can walk this earth for ever, therefore not part of a body, seperate from the body yet lives through the body until the body dies... IDK perhaps it then has it's old identity back, for a given time before becoming part of another living thing, to learn life's lessons. There are loads of interpretations attached to just that link, you know I don't read the Bible nor do I want to, but strangely, often, my interpretation when asked and seeking seems to be others too, that do read the Bible or other religious material.
That's quite condescending... You are basically saying, it would take too long to read, you couldn't be bothered anyway, but hey, without any knowledge I'd have answer you just wouldn't bother taking it into consideration.
This did answer your question as I answered it, it just wasn't what you wanted to hear... It does matter because you are using science, a problem with the brain created Phineas to act differently thereafter so which spirit will walk when he dies? The old Phineas or the new? All men try to get into our pants Ok, if I was to answer on my thoughts alone which are still simular to what I answered, it could go either way, but my thoughts personally would be, the old Phineas as this is who he was, his being, his core.. Not the person he become towards the end.
Other than whatever response Chights gives me....
I do not think it is wise for you to defend people acting sociopathic...
Even if they are your friends....
I think this is just completely uncalled for and petty. In no way have I acted like a sociopath and in no way have I attempted to malicious harm you in such a needless way. Yes I have said hurtful things but only in attempt to help you nd never with such malicious intent. Who do you help by saying such things? You only selfishly make yourself feel better at the expense of others and that makes you truly pathetic. You try and defend yourself and say your a good person but look at this evil, spiteful post, can you feel the malicious hatred dripping from it? I can...
I believe life is about growth and about the pursuit of perfection and the lessons in life aid us in acheiving those goals.
Just because you have a love of psychology, doesn't necessarily mean you are a logical thinker, but neither does it mean that you aren't. We are such complex beings
Also, wikipedia says that that study about the weight before and after death was never reproduced and was shown to have little to no scientific merit. That study was also done in 1907...we've made a lot of real progress since then
I just want to take a moment to thank you for those first 3 words. To me that shows that this is just what you happen to believe but are asserting it as absolute truth whether you believe it to be or not...hopefully that the intention behind it.
since science has attempted to find those answers and failed, I will have to assume that it is not true until a time comes where it can be proven.
As far as you entering a new place and getting the feeling that you've been there before, it would depend on exactly what you mean by that. Do you actually feel like you have been in that exact same place where everything were the same or does it just have a familiar vibe, this is just one of many many questions that I would have to ask to even beginning to give"guesstimates".
Not to sound inconsiderate, but the payoff for that much attempted work doesn't seem like it would benefit either of us regardless of the more personal questions I would need to ask. It's also not so much that they are personal questions, but I would need to familiarize myself with your thought process which takes time, and considering as how we only really have online discussions in would take an exorbitant amount of time. All that in attempt to take away one straw from a haystack, I think it would be a waste of both of our times, not that you are a waste of time mind you...I'm just trying to be honest but not offensive.
No it didn't, that entire part was just you stating possibilities, you answer may have been implied but I prefer direct concrete answers. So then what happens to the person that lived about 1/3rd of Phineas's life? His entire being and core fundamentally shifted at the time of the accident when he was 25, basically becoming a new person due to head trauma, and 11 years later he died. So for 25 years he was Phineas 1, and for 11 years he was phineas 2, but only phineas 1 counts because he was there first, or what? What happens to phineas 2 though? Does he just poof into nothing?