@Lustig Andrei,
hingie, I've been ruminating about the output situation excretorially speaking. This is gonna be a challenge. Maybe those doggie piddle things. In various sizes.
JTT, I haven't gotten any caulk yet. I'll just get a bigger batch. (Caulk is like plaster, right? Only watertight?) I've also been ruminating about the input situation (food-wise). Not only is food an issue for storage, but there's the predator-prey issue. Hey, I'm on my own with this. The first ark builder had help. If the arkie types didn't know there were other continents, how could they collect animals from them. I know, so I gotta collect.
bethie, I wasn't planning on humans other than moi. I have some serious logistical problems. How long are these kids gonna be in town?
edgar, Are apples essential? I may need them for some of the herbivores.
Andy, Reeds shmeeds. Where am I gonna get a reed in Manhattan? I thought about going down to the harbor and hopping on a boat. But it wouldn't be Staten Island ferry. It would be cruise ship with food and room service.
Hambugerboy, Thanks mucho. Didn't ever think of that. Poifect. A poimit.
I'm still ruminating about many things. Sometimes great ideas are frought with difficulties.