I have paid in , and as an company owner I also pay in for my employees. This goes into a TRUST FUND that has been robbed by both parties.
Ive done the math and have found that, if I retire at 65 (not 66), I will have paid into the system for about 43 yewrs(I was a research fellow at the ront end and got a "apycheck that was all deducted up even though I made like 12K a year)
ANyway, my math showed me at a 3% per annum interest, Id have enough paid in for a max benefit with a COLA of 2% and this would last me till I was 91.
If I got an annuity from a private insurance fund, that isnt called an entitlement.
Will the politicians even mention that they owe us a myriad of paybacks on IOU;s rom which theyve absconded with cash from the fund when it seemed like an endless reservoir. The use of "Entitlemet" makes it sound like Social Swcurity recipients are freeloading bums and they are NOT.
The word "Entitlement" comes fdrom the same GOP phrase generator as
"Death Panels"
"Enhanced RAdiation"
"Death TAx"
"Shock andAWWW"
"AMericas economic fundamentals are sound"