Mon 12 Jan, 2004 08:47 am
Gautam mentioned in another thread that he will be in the US -- in New York City -- during early February. (3rd - 8th)
I've been wanting to meet a few A2Kers for a long while -- and this sounds like a great time to do it.
How about it?
Anyone from northern New Jersey or NYC (or from anywhere else in the world) who would like a meet in the Big Apple -- post here and let me know.
If we get enough takers, I'll try to set something up.
I will prolly wait and see if he can make it up here......
Yeah, K...have one there, too.
Never enough reasons for a party.
Never enough parties.
waiting to see if Seattle really happens!
staying down south...... we southern crackers are intimidated by you big city sophisticates........ :wink:
Looking in with interest- although we are going to a wedding in Scotland not long before that.
they say if you can make it in NYC you can make it anywhere, but if you can make it anywhere Why do it in NYC?

Ah, Frank. I do wish I could, but it's not likely. Yawl have a good time though, and take a walk on the wild side for me.
Frank, I will PM you - a drink in NY with you and anyone else who can spare sometime sounds fab !!!
I'M HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take care, Gautam, remember what they said on "Hill Street Blues"'s a jungle out there.
I'm very jealous.
Me too. If it weren't for the thought that I would be freezing my butt off, I would love to be in NYC now!
Any time, Gautam.
Short notice works -- because I can catch a train (hourly) and be in NYC in an hour.
By Amtrak you could be there by Thursday.
Gautam's in America! Holy moly!
Have fun, Sparky. Hope you get to meet lots of A2K'ers. (Even if I am not among their number... *sob*)
Ah, me. Give Frank a kiss for me Gautam.

And please, don't discuss religion or politics...