Frank wrote:
Quote:Joe and I limited ourselves to only one Scotch apiece.
Yeah, dats true, but we should splain dat the one Scotch was in one of those trumpets that they serve a yard of ale in. (We had such an argument with the waiter over which was a bigger, a tumbler or a flagon, that we settled for the trumpet) That would have been okay if that one guy hadn't given us a bad time over Gautam's singing.
I mean, come on, the guy is singing his heart out, belting out "New York, New YORK" almost as good as Frank (Sinatra not Apisa) and this guy keeps coming over to the table saying things like
" Hey, pipe down." and "Hey, this is not karaoke night."
and "Hey, get down from there."
I thought he was great, gautama, not the loud mouth, and that's really the reason I wanted him to sing New York!! for the third time. I think he could be like on American Idol if he was American because like when he blasts out that part about "make it ANYwhere" you could just see all the other tables take cover.
Gautam only had two flagons of whiskey and soda. Just two, I was counting.
And wasn't that creamy cake and sorbet that that loudmouth's table ordered good??? He lay there on the floor with his big yap shut while we spooned it up with whoever that woman was. I especially liked what Frank said to her as we headed out the door...... I just can't remember now what it is but it sure made her night.
Oh, Eva, yes, yes, we discussed you too.
(Well, you disgust us too.)
Ahem, I told what I knew to be true. I didn't know if you had told them about the whole witness protection thing so I left most of that out. I did say that I thought the "I have a loving husband and one darling son" rap was so weirdly unlike anything like reality that I couldn't believe you were still passing that story off to anyone especially the part about living in, (where the heck is it>>???) Tulsa, OK LA hOma, okay we get it.

it is to die for, yeah. You're secrets are safe with me.