Yey, JL, you and L need to get to the big city too..
(is there some institute L would like to check out???)
No, she's been there and didn't like it. I have to go one day when the weather's good to have my violin appraised by some guy who is supposed to be very authoritative in such matters. But that is still on the back burner.
While I am there I plan to spend real time and take in the art world as much as I can.
JL, on the violinist, there was an article maybe in the NYer about such a person, maybe three years ago? There or the NYT. I might even have saved it, but maybe not. Have you seen the small book re pianos in Paris?
Re: truth
JLNobody wrote:No, she's been there and didn't like it. I have to go one day when the weather's good to have my violin appraised by some guy who is supposed to be very authoritative in such matters. But that is still on the back burner.
While I am there I plan to spend real time and take in the art world as much as I can.
JL, when you are in town, you gotta let me know. I can get into town with no trouble at all -- and I'd love to see your violin. :wink:
It's a deal, Frank. If I don't come with the fiddle, can we get together anyway?
No, I havn't seen the book nor do know what you're referring to regarding a violinist. I was referring to a expert appraiser. And now that I looked up his name, I can't find it. Have to track him down again from scratch. Someone even suggested that he lives in Chicago. I'd to know if you find the article, and give me the gist of it.
That was me that mentioned the article (I think, unless two of us are doing that and I am not listening enough again.) Ok, I'll go on a hunt, but I bet I didn't save it. It was not about an appraiser though; it was about a craftsman-fixer, best I can recollect, last of his kind sort of guy, and it was in NYC area, wherever the hell I saw it.
On the book, I leant it out, it was really about pianos, but a treasure in any case. I think I posted on it in what are you reading now, but that is a lonnnnnng thread. Then again, maybe I didn't, heh.
Osso, I hope you will hunt for the article at your most liesurely pace. Thanks.
OK, there it was on page 24, geez, JL, a mention of the Piano Shop book -
The Piano Shop on The Left Bank
I loved going back through that thread. Too bad your interest is not in pianos but violins.. but the book pulled me in to a fine place...
The link above is to amazon's ad for the book. Not sure if ordering it through that exact link counts for A2k; I'd order it through a2k's link on the home page - if I wanted to - to be sure a2k gets a little help from a purchase..
Why dont we meet Monday or Tuesday evening ?
I've sent messages to Joe and Dag asking about Monday.
I will be there Monday -- but we have to work out the where and when.
Joe will do the where -- and when I hear from him and Dag -- we'll do the when.
Talk to you later.
Keep checking back here.
Just heard from Joe -- he can make it -- I can make it. We'll kidnap Dag is we gotta.
All we gotta do is work out da time an' place.
What time you gonna be in town, G?
I am so envious! Wish I was there......
Give Joe a kiss for me, Gautam. On the cheek! On the cheek! Louise would kill me!
:-( i won't be in town monday anymore. tonite i'll be on the corner of 11th and A, specifically in a mexican restaurant, name of which i do not know. anyone around?
Where the heck is Lola???
Somebody yell at her....
Monday is great !!! Lemme know where and how to get to it !
Here's what I told Frank
Good meetup place
I can be there about 5 pm. No rush.
We can stay for dinner or head elsewhere.
Looking forward to meeting you. J
East of Eighth
254 W. 23rd St. (bet. 7th & 8th Aves.) New York, NY, 10011
(212) 352-0075
Take the C or the E downtown from Penn Station (34th Street) to 23rd Street. It's on the south side of 23rd next to a Burritoville and a huge movie theatre.
Everybody get on a plane or a train or a caravan
Just get here if you can.
oops Joe