Is that a bottle of scratch cover he's drinking from
Sure tasted like it.

My report will be shortcoming forthly.....The access to the computer is fairly limited, and I have sooooooooooo much to write abt !!
But in short - Frank and Joe, thanks for a great time and for yr generous picking up of the tab !! After the work and one week of extended family, the laughter which I shared with you guyz was much needed !! It was absolutely great !!
More when I get back to London.
p.s. - I reached there at arnd 1845 - Joe and Frank were in the bar since 1700...No wonder they found me good looking
Don't pay the ransom, Joe.
Gautam is back!
How do we know it's really him? I mean he's spouting a load of crap about us picking



Thanks for the photo, Gus! Your check is in the mail.
Frank, you should have been more careful with those two around. No telling what they'll talk you into drinking. (A 2-liter bottle of Olde English scratch cover?! Joe dared you, didn't he...) And you didn't have to dye your hair & beard just to impress them, really you didn't.
Gautam, you look quite pale and tired from all the traveling. But it obviously hasn't slowed you down, you dog! Got them BOTH into bed, didn't you!!! Love the silver bracelets! May I borrow them? (psst... no crotch-grabbing for the camera next time, okay? You're a VP now, you have an image to maintain.)
Dearest Joe, I don't know quite how to say this,, you really HAVE put on weight since I saw you last! And...a blond buzz cut?! If it weren't for the glasses, I wouldn't have recognized you at all. And next time you drag a coupla guys home from the bar, you might think about picking up a little around the place first. Just a suggestion.
I ain't saying nothing else until I am completely sober -- which should take more than a few more dayshs.
Thanks for the reports, Frank & Joe. Very entertaining! Aw, I wish I could have come!
Quote:And next time you drag a coupla guys home from the bar, you might think
Did Gus tell you about the drag part? Want to borrow my gold lame slacks?
Joe Nation wrote:Quote:And next time you drag a coupla guys home from the bar, you might think
Did Gus tell you about the drag part? Want to borrow my gold lame slacks?
Sure! Is Frank finished with them yet?
(Better have them drycleaned first.)
Oh and I forgot to mention that Frank's tattoo looks awesome in real life....
(though it was just an excuse to make him bare his legs)
So your report is coming in one-sentence-responses?
(At least, I was hoping for some Reader's Digest-like summary! :wink: )