Frank Apisa wrote:Get my drift? :wink:
NoSorry Frank, but if you could spell out what you are saying in a more straightforward way, I would love it! Don't worry about being blunt or hurting my feelings, I can take it. Your riddles confuse the heck out of me.
At times, when I hear you saying you have decided not to bed down any women until after you are married, I liken it to my decision not to cheat on Nancy by having an affair with Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Alba.
At other times, I liken it to my decision not to try skydiving or hang gliding, because it would take time away from my golf.
You sure you don't want to be a social psych major?
The exact kinds of relationships possible in marriage are possible outside of marriage. Marriage is only a vow and a piece of paper. The rest is human.
How on Earth would you know that?
For example, I have a hard time understanding Franks sentences.
So I've actually had many a deep conversation about this subject, but the participants have been mainly virgins or people who have sex when they believe they have reached a proper emotional state in the relationship. I have talked to some people who view sex as something fun to do on a Saturday night, but frankly, none of them had ever questioned their actions before. They were all the it feels good so it must be done now type.
nimh wrote:Well, you already replied that you're really only doing it for yourself, so I guess that's OK <still doubting>.
Why would you doubt? Flash forward to the day after my married life--do you really think I'd be moping around all day hanging my head low because my wife didn't appreciate the "sacrifice" that I made?
Frank Apisa wrote:]How on Earth would you know that?
Well, I have masturbated before and I always just assumed that there was a strong correlation between masturbation and sex. At least that is what I've gathered thus far.
Portal Star wrote:You sure you don't want to be a social psych major?
I would, but I want to be able to help people/improve the world (how about that for idealized thinking) on a large scale and I think the best way for me to do that is to decide on what I do best (science and math narrowly win) and then focus on those traits to do some good in the world. I see it as maximizing my potential to help.
At times, when I hear you saying you have decided not to bed down any women until after you are married, I liken it to my decision not to cheat on Nancy by having an affair with Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Alba.
I suspect another component is that the action is not coming your way for one reason or another.
At other times, I liken it to my decision not to try skydiving or hang gliding, because it would take time away from my golf.
From some of the things you've said, I suspect having sex with a woman scares you -- and that is why I likened it to my sarcasm.
I would like to mention something new here -- and it has nothing to do with sex.
You are in college.
You should have been able to look at what I wrote and determined my message without any explanations.
Frank Apisa wrote:You should have been able to look at what I wrote and determined my message without any explanations.
Yeah I should, but being an engineering major does give me some leeway in this department. I'll work on my reading comprehension though. I guess in communication of this manner I just expect the responses to be straightforward since the point of talking is to bring a mutual understanding of our differences together to assess an issue. I guess I just thought that you would attempt to reduce the amount of assumptions I would have to make so you could get your point across clearer, over writing creatively.
Turning to seriousness, I suggest going to talk to a counselor or therapist. My reasoning is because of your level of obsessiveness on this issue of virginity. To me this indicates a compulsion to justify an obsession due to trauma.
The reason many of us find this creepy is because of the degree of defense you put up, furthered by the notion that you seem to want to convert people to your view point, or are at least seeking affirmation in order to justify your views. If this thread started out as "Pro's and Con's of Pre-Marital Sex" I don't think things would have gone quite the same way..
I practiced abstinence till I was 20 as well (I'm a male for those of you wondering), however I never asked anyone's opinion on it, nor preached the word of abstinence. It was purely my choice. Why did I choose to end my virginity? Because I was with someone I wanted to be ultimately close with. I wasn't unafraid of allowing myself to be vulnerable to her. You asked why people would choose to have sex, I can't say why all people do, but I can tell you my reasons.
Everyone in the world is "special" and among those people there are people who are beautiful and amazing. I chose to wait until I felt like I was more of a person and the people around me matured, because I wanted to form that deeper connection with the first person I was with. I thought that, that person might be the person I married, but marriage is much more complicated than sex, and in the end sex doesn't really have much barring on marriage (not to be confused with being married) other than it being an important aspect of a relationship.
I can't, even in my greatest arrogance, believe that of all these amazing people in the world that only one is disserving of my companionship. Are all people worthy? No. Is there a set figure? Are there a number of partners? No, and no. People love, trust, and connect with whomever they do. Your lack of experience and self centered perspective shows that you have never been in a committed relationship.
Your concern is so heavily focused on your virginity I can't imagine that you know what it's like to be totally vulnerable to someone in a real and true relationship.
Confining yourself to another person in such a way will destroy the both of you over time.
Does this happen just because you didn't sleep with other people first? Possibly yes. Your lack of experience of absolutely powerful physical and emotional relationships will leave you unprepared for the realities of what makes a good relationship.
Are you referring to my screen name?
All I'll say to this is that when I think of important relationship traits. The act of sex does not come to mind.
I can imagine that. But, err, now you have me confused. Is it pre-marital sex that you object to, or sex prior to "having reached a proper emotional state in the relationship"?
Sadly though, not everyone one falls in love with makes for a good life partner. Much like with sex, it might pay off to explore such relationships, what they are like and what pitfalls and presents they bring, before choosing to go down the aisle for your wedding vows. To put it bluntly, try out before you buy. There's enough people getting divorced already.
People almost always - consciously or subconsciously - expect some kind of return. :-(
And you, in particular, had previously described in some detail that, should your wife-to-be not have been repaying the favour, so to say (i.e., she wasn't a virgin anymore), it would take many deep discussions and "absolute" openness and honesty about her experiences for you to be able to accept (i.e., forgive) that. Thats what ceili, I think, called the "interrogations" you would submit your new wife to, and I must admit I had the same (alarming) association. It sounded like it would be something you'd be (instinctively, at least) blaming her for.
...If you choose to remain virgin because that's what you consider the right thing for you to do, then that's what you should do... But then whence the moralising about her not having made the same choice? Apparently you do expect something back for your sacrifice, is what I deduced - namely, that she would have made the same sacrifice - or, if she hadn't, that she'd be apologetic about it, eager for you to excuse her for it. I may have been wrong - you tell me!
Still, you never know, with love ... and I'd hate for you to end up sternly submitting your wife to your standards on this matter ... that's all ;-).