Theo202 wrote:The point is that 6 million comes from the Rabbis, not from the actual number of Jews who died in Nazi Germany.
The National Socialists murdered six million Jews.
Even if Holocaust belittlers like you repeatedly question this figure, it is scientifically well established.
here are various ways to calculate it. But they all lead to this figure: six million. About four million of them in concentration and extermination camps like Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen, two million more through massacres in the territories conquered by the Wehrmacht, especially in the Russian campaign.
Source No. 1 for these figures are the Hitler regime's own statements. SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann, who organised the deportations, bragged about these figures according to several independent witnesses. They also coincide with figures from Gestapo documents. And in 1944, newspapers, citing official figures, wrote that 5 million Jews had been "eliminated". And that was still a year before the end of the war!
If it were only the Nazis on whom the figures were based, scepticism would of course be appropriate. It could theoretically be that Nazi propaganda exaggerated the figures. But there are other sources.
This order of magnitude was confirmed in 1991, when, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the largest research project on this question began. Under the direction of the historian Wolfgang Benz, the census data of the Eastern European countries were also thoroughly evaluated. Benz calculated in this way that at least 5.3 million Jews were murdered. At least means: these are only the absolutely certain cases. But many victims are not taken into account, and the number of unreported cases remains. For example, because many Jews were not even registered - for example, because they did not profess Judaism. But they were still considered Jews according to the racial laws and were therefore murdered by the Nazis. In Poland and the Soviet Union, too, many Jews were not registered. In his study, Wolfgang Benz estimated that due to these circumstances, up to 800,000 additional victims had to be added. Thus he arrives at a maximum figure of 6.1 million.
Because the data from all these different sources agree at least in the order of magnitude, the rounded figure of 6 million is considered not only symbolic but also reliable.