Fido wrote:
The simple explanation is this... All forms of any sort are held together by trust... Government is a form, and so is marriage, and both require honor and an expression, through oaths of honor... If the weiner does not know that honor must mean something in his marriage, why should any one expect honor out of him in government??? No one besides his wife from his district has given him as much as his wife, and yet she cannot trust him... Why should anyone trust him???
Your thoughts on all this seem rather closed minded to me. Not all of the world operates in the same ways, even in the same years, about what marriage means. There can and have been gender variations, where the groom gets to stray and be applauded (my favorite present example, Berlusconi, primo minister of Italy) whereas a bride that strays in parts of the same country has not so long ago been treated terribly or worse, and that is probably still happening. In some countries, marriage is a sophisticated complexity having to do with care of property and children, and not about lust forevermore.
Even in the puritan US, individuals and individual marriages vary. I was the faithful type, but I only mention that to preclude a variety of taunts; it's really none of your business. In the US, individual marriages differ, no matter what vows were said publicly at the ceremony.
Your and others' marital honor may rest on whereat your penises (penii? - where is George) or vaginas (vaginae?) venture, on or offline, but that is your own honor (honors, as the case may be).
I certainly get the commentary going on that this man has low grasp of political risk, though I tend to doubt it, thinking he probably likes online play risk and embraced the two together.
I rail at him for stupidity and am stopping short of calling for him to step down/not run. Anyway, he'll probably be our next tv blowhard.