OmSigDAVID wrote:
Sometimes people don't look good.
I 'm one of those.
I have no doubt that you usually look better than you think...
I was working Iron when the first Space Shuttle went down, and we were freezing, day after day, and my connecting pardner said: I am lucky I'm not smart: I might have been an astronaut... Some times the dull have the advantage, but seldom... My Father who fought in the Navy in the South Pacific said: Survival of the fittest is a myth... The fittest men of my generation became pilots and they suffered many more casualties than the rest of us... My father was pretty sharp, but I never told him what the rich always want the rest of us to believe that Social Darwanism defends their success... The theory of evolution explains the success of species, and not of individuals, for if only the individual knew the benefit, then the species would have died out... This is by way of hedging my insult with the truth: What you want in the way of reason and education you make up for in numbers... There are a lot of people like you out there feeling as you feel, looking forward to some great change in their lives that will make everything better you hope...