BillRM wrote:
Quote:If the weiner does not know that honor must mean something in his marriage, why should any one expect honor out of him in government??? No one besides his wife from his district has given him as much as his wife, and yet she cannot trust him... Why should anyone trust him???
When are we going to removed Franklin and Hamilton pictures off our money as it is a matter of public record that both cheated on their wives??????
When are we going to get Jackson's face off our currency now that it is clear he was a vicious slaver of blacks, and genocidal in regard to the Native Americans... My answer is never... The government is immoral and destroys communities faster than it can build the country into a single community, and under the influence of law and the parties has actually reversed assimilation, and forced people to cling to their ethnicity and eccentricities as unifying points for defense of rights... We cannot expect moral behavior from an immoral institution, but we should see that immoral behavior in government is never an individual event, but a collective experience... Weiner acted out of his shame and guilt, and I have no doubt that shame and guilt are genuine, and come from being a part of an institution that robs power from the people and corrupts them in the process...
What would it take to have self government... We would first have to demand honor from self and others... Even with honor we would want those who are helping us to manage the country, and our affairs to be educated to every fact we are aware of, and we would want to know what they know as well... One of The greatest injury done to us now is the neglect of our educations... We have no power, so the government does not care for us to know all the facts, and then it uses our ignorance of the facts to justify the withholding of power from us... That is the original Catch 22... And to have this, government is continually offering us some advantage taken from another... The corrosion of the soul is an ongoing process... Very few ever played it out in such a public fashion as weiner, but all are demoralized from the top to the bottom of this society...