Fine . . . infants withhold belief for the simple reason that they are incapable of it. However, you did indeed claim that atheism is anti-religion, and are now attempting to avoid the inferential claim you made in the post to which i objected, the entire text of which can be read below:
Chights47 wrote:I believe that a small correction is in order with that. You are correct that a new born cannot be indoctinated, but neither can they be an atheist for they would have to have knowledge of religion in order to be against it. They don't have any ideals what-so-ever because they have no knowledge of the world to either agree or disagree with. (emphasis added)
Therefore, you claim that an atheist
must be against religion. None of your nifty definitions here make that claim.
The fact that you acknowledge that they cannot agree or disagree with any ideal means that they are non-believers by default.