Quote:, it would be of the same difficulty for me at least. The same thought process would take place since it would still be the question between those 2 doors just like the same question that started with 3 doors instead of 1000.
I have heard this from a neuroscientist as well, "That is even though you show some people 1000 doors they still are not able to see it in a more simple way!
I think that it is important that you are able to see the simplicity of the 1ooo doors compared to the 3 doors before I go off and start talking about morality and society.
Please do not get me wrong, I do think that you are very wise and also what I would like to share with you about morality and society very well may be wrong, that is why I would like a peer review!
The sad thing is that you are the only peer that has an interest on this forum!
It may take me a couple of tries of rewording it, Well at least I hope!
I have had someone say " Well when you say it like that I can get it!
There are 1000 doors, you pick door #500! Your odds are 1 in 1000 of picking the correct door correct?
Now what I would like to do is magically take away 998 doors that have nothing behind them.
Just because I take away those doors will not change your chances of picking the correct door!
Now you do realize that your door was a door that had a chance of 1 in 1000 doors of being correct?
Please note that,
There is no corruption involved in what is being discuses here!
Your door can go either way , that is "the correct door or the incorrect door!
I chose to allow your door to be one of the last 2 doors to be considered!
Keep in mind you had a 1 in 1000 chances of choosing the correct door!
There is only the correct door and the loosing door do you need to think hard about it?