@reasoning logic,
First of all, Taboo: A ban or an inhibition resulting from social custom or emotional aversion...no religion required.
I don't like the first video, who would be deemed "worthy" of actually having "moral expertise". Morality isn't a science nor a religion, it's merely a belief in which everyone has. Morality is intertwined with reality and everyones opinion is require in order to grasp an accurate knowledge of what's "moral" otherwise you're just "falsifying the scales" in order for them to say what you want. If it's just up to science to decide whats "moral" then it wouldn't be anything more than rationalization and the person that's tongue is most gilded wins regardless of what's really moral.
Do you believe that it would be moral to make living breathing clones of people so that if something were to happen to someones organs or something they could just take it from the clone? For example, if your heart were to fail or be damaged, they would just harvest the heart of your clone and give that to you so that you can live longer. It would be a perfect match to yours, and we would also be able to transfer all types of organs as well without any problems like the problems that we have kidneys.
Sorry for the delayed response, I'm in the initial stages of planning my honeymoon.