@Arella Mae,
Quote:Why is it you want to speak so much AGAINST beliefs?
Not all beliefs, even you think that Jim Jones had some beliefs that should have been questioned?
Quote:Of course the bible can be misinterpreted and often is and quite often it is jaded by what the reader WANTS to believe.
I would not say that I wanted to believe what I believe.
I would prefer that the bible was more in line with what I thought Jesus was teaching.
Do not get me wrong because I find value all over the bible old and new testament but I can not say that it is all valuable to me!
I sure wish that it was different than what it appears to me because I certainly do not want it the way I see it.
I am very happy that you have become more educated in your understanding of ethics from the bible, it did the same for me!
I will be glad when the garden is all in the freezer and in jars, this is the first time I have ever did that and it does take up allot of my time.
Work all day come home pick veggies and feed animals,
I do not have to do it, 'it is only a hobby and I love the taste!