I haven't changed my mind hawk. This is not about rape. It's about "he backed into my car at the traffic lights your worship." It's about that first event. The hauling off the plane, the perp walk and the first court appearance. There's been some scrambling around since then to avoid being caught in the crosswires if things go wrong and especially if they go badly wrong.
I don't know anything about rape. It's so bloody silly in my opinion. It's evolution ****. I'm into full frontal enthusiastic and joyful receptivity and getting invited back. And I can tell when it's real. I've never met anybody who said they had been raped or assaulted even. And I certainly don't trust anybody I hear talking about it in an obviously emotional way.
It doesn't matter for now whether there is DNA on the clothes. The story has left the perception that there is.
If DSK's defence is consent then evidence of force or drugs will be needed it seems to me and if they are not there it is, as her lawyer said, her word against his.
Incidentally, the Mike Tyson case was reported on a lot here but we were never told whether there was any evidence other than the lady's allegations. Was there? He was shown being humiliated on TV in the jail reception area.