Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 04:22 am
I would say this is pretty naughty.

Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 04:27 am
Option 3 is his only chance.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 05:43 am
Or option 4: Try it on with San and Tray.
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2011 08:22 pm
On May 14, Diallo accused Strauss-Kahn -- who besides being a global economic leader had been mentioned as a leading contender for the French presidency -- of assaulting her at Manhattan's Sofitel Hotel, where she was an employee. He was charged in New York with sexual abuse and attempted rape, pleading not guilty on all counts.
In an interview conducted at her lawyer's office in New York City, Diallo told Newsweek that Strauss-Kahn was naked when he slammed the door shut to his luxury hotel room, forced himself upon her and tried to make her perform oral sex on him.


Sounds to me Bill that the story that she sucked him off and then spit it out was fabrication, like so many other parts of the alleged crime. Did the state lie, or was it Diallo lying to the state? Did DSK penetrate ANY hole, never mind the consent or the force? If all he did was touch her lips with his dick and then jack off on her this case is going to get laughed out of court. THIS is our VERY SERIOUS! sexual assualt demanding millions in bail and that the state was claiming he should rot in jail till trial for??!! Give me a ******* break.
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2011 08:51 pm
The whole thing Hawkeye was a joke from day one as how does anyone figure a 62 years world famous rich internet banker would just jump out of a shower and attack a maid who just happen to be in the room.

Not a dating situation or not even the French interviewer claimed of a man making too forceful a sexaul move on her but an out and out sexual attack with no lead up except him finding her in his room.

Even a street rapist would not jump a maid in a hotel roorm register in his name!!!!!!!!

Bet he wish to hell he have not short change her when she went way beyond her maid duties and found on returning to his room after cleaning another suit that he had not let her a large tip for her services.

For this nonsense we had made an international joke of our legal system over.
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2011 09:59 pm
I wonder if she put on as good of an act this time as she did for the cops two times concerning the gang rape that never happen.


New York hotel maid who accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of attempted rape has spoken for the first time since the claims emerged.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn has denied all the charges against him

Nafissatou Diallo, 32, accused Mr Strauss-Kahn - also known as DSK - of acting like a 'crazy man' and attacking her when she entered his room.

Ms Diallo gave the interview to Newsweek magazine and US television channel ABC, waiving her right to anonymity.

The interview marks the first time the Guinean immigrant has spoken out about the allegations.

She claimed Mr Strauss-Kahn emerged naked from the bathroom of his luxury suite on May 14 and forced her to carry out a sex act.

"I want justice. I want him to go to jail," she told ABC News.

"I want him to know that there is some places you cannot use your money, you cannot use your power when you do something like this.

I never want to be in public but I have no choice. Now, I have to be in public.

Nafissatou Diallo
ABC reported that Diallo also acknowledged 'mistakes' but said that should not stop prosecutors from going forward.

"I never want to be in public but I have no choice," Ms Dallio said, adding: "Now, I have to be in public.

"I have to, for myself. I have to tell the truth."

She said how Mr Strauss-Kahn appeared naked in front of her when she opened the door to his suite.

He was like "a crazy man to me", she said.

Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, has strenuously denied all the charges against him.

In a statement, his lawyers said the interview was a last-ditch effort by the maid and her lawyers to extract money from Mr Strauss-Kahn.

Ms Diallo's credibility has been damaged in recent weeks, after Manhattan prosecutors revealed she had told authorities numerous lies, including one to gain asylum in the US.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2011 10:19 pm
The whole thing Hawkeye was a joke from day one as how does anyone figure a 62 years world famous rich internet banker would just jump out of a shower and attack a maid who just happen to be in the room.
Vance fucked up....he has ever since he starting to campaign for the job been trying to make up with the victim culture proponents because back in his lawyer days he defended some sex criminals, so his knee jerk response to any claims of sexual victimization is to throw down the biggest hammer that the law will allow him to use, but here with the head of the IMF as the alleged perp he would have benefited from taking a few moments to investigate the case before he decided that he had a perp who needed to be nailed.

The French feminists fucked up too, but I just got done reading in the July 25 New Yorker where Elizabeth Badinter (heretic French Feminist) says that the Feminists took a header during the 1980's when women decided that they needed to attack men and have not ever recovered. .... so maybe the feminists ******* this up is no surprise . She says some other very interesting things as well such as the the French feminists with the DSK case were "exploiting a possible injustice in order to advance their cause...I find that obscene" and "There is a profound difference between me and most other feminists; I never saw myself as victimized or stifled; I never saw all men as oppressors" Check it out Bill, it is good.
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Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 12:59 am
Holly ****, has everyone seen the Newsweek cover....with DSK as the towering menacing ragged (think after sitting in Vance's jail for a few days with no razor and in dirty clothes) grey figure contrasting with the "victim" all warm and in color???!!


I had no Idea that Tina Brown had turned Newsweek into a trashy weekly tabloid of the Murdoch ilk (though computer aging of Princess Di and putting her at her boy's wedding should have given me a clue) ....Now I know!
Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 01:18 am
I think Tina Brown needs to be asked if this cover is a paid placement from Team Ophelia as part of their PR campaign to get Vance to not drop the case. I gotta think that everything is for sale at Newsweek now.
Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 04:27 am
Hawkeye what is your bet on these silly charges being drop in early Aug?

To me there seem that Vince does not have too must of a choice in the matter and to drag this on would be misconduct in office for him.

I just can see a jury taking five minutes to return a not guilty verdict given her lying under oath and her gang rape story that she gave with emotional acting thrown in two times to the police before giving up on that tall tale.

All in all it seem he will have to bit the bullet on this one now.
Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 04:57 am
Hawkeye what is your bet on these silly charges being drop in early Aug?
Vance already has shown that he is willing to take weak cases to trial (the Deutche Bank fire case) in the effort to "send a signal" to others, so I had figured he is willing to haul DSK into court knowing that DSK will win to send a message to powerful men that Vance is willing to make their lives hell on slim evidence if they get accused of sexual assault. I think that Vance will figure that this is a political winner for him, fighting for the under dog and all that. After he loses again Vance will give what is becoming his stock speech " we are disappointed in the verdict, but we gave it our all, we have done our jobs".

Now that Thomson is doing his best to be an asshole and doing his best to strong arm Vance all bets are off however. This is New York, it never pays politically to publicly play the role of someone's bitch.

My answer is that I dont know...I have not seen the script to this soap opera, I am watching it unfold with the rest of the audience.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 05:55 am
I had no Idea that Tina Brown had turned Newsweek into a trashy weekly tabloid of the Murdoch ilk (though computer aging of Princess Di and putting her at her boy's wedding should have given me a clue) ....Now I know!

I've known for over 20 years hawk. The whole media is trash. Atheism is endemic. Just look at the line up on the evolution threads which wande has naively exposed to view. He thought his op-eds castigating religion were local affairs but I checked them all out and the newspapers were nearly all owned by a few giant conglomerates.

The same thing happened in the second century of our era. The battle between untrammeled hedonism and asceticism. It is not a question of right or wrong. It is a question of what works best. And media wants untrammeled hedonism and employs hedonists. Ask not what you can do for your country but what your country can do for you. It's the economy stupid!!

And gold hits $1615.

I'm hoping the numerous enquiries into the "hacking scandal" will expose the rot in big city media villages. As your post does in a very telling manner.

Bollocks to free expression as the Norwegians have just found out.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 12:50 am
The DSK maid's bizarre media blitz has brought the case to the edge of ruin.
Furious DA sources yesterday told The Post that if there had been any doubt that hotel housekeeper Nafissatou Diallo would be destroyed on the stand with her already-wildly varying accounts of what happened between her and Dominique Strauss-Kahn, there is no more -- after she doled out even more conflicting statements during a round of interviews to ABC and Newsweek on Monday.
"There's so many inconsistencies now it's incredible," said one source, noting the slew of conflicting tales Diallo has allegedly told hospital staffers, cops, prosecutors, a grand jury and now the two media outlets.

"It's like multiple choice -- pick a version."

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/gabby_maid_dooms_own_case_ooasBFj1RyCK9TnSQlpr4N#ixzz1TBwDtMYF
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 02:30 am
Holy hell this woman is built like a brick house. There is no way 12 jurors are ever going to buy the story that DSK forced her to do anything. Look at those Biceps for instance!


Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 02:54 am
If this go to trial I would be surprise to say the least.
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 03:06 am
BillRM wrote:

If this go to trial I would be surprise to say the least.
Sure, maybe , but my question is WTF is Thompson thinking? He is supposed to be a pro but we continue to see him acting like a guy who just got off the bus. I am thinking that he had lots of dollar signs in his head, and that the inevitability of them going away has scrambled his brain. You dont let her show those biceps off on national TV if you have a lick of common sense, you put her in long sleeves.
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 03:18 am
You do not let her go on TV and give yet another version of what happen either.
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 03:27 am
BillRM wrote:

You do not let her go on TV and give yet another version of what happen either.
So the experts say, they say he is desperate. Trouble is most of them also say that this makes it even more difficult for Vance to put her on the stand than it was when all we knew about her is that she is a lying scheming upwardly mobile bitch. This PR blitz is a political effort to keep Vance from dropping the case, the problem though is that Vance is already being reamed for being too political (jumping to conclusions on the DSK case to suit his political needs is just one of many such instances) so a massive political effort at this point highlighting how our "justice" system is highly politicized and demeans justice is not exactly helpful from Vance's point of view. I fail to see how the calculus works for Thompson where he has it that being an asshole to Vance is going to help him collect some fees.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 08:30 pm
The hotel maid that's accusing Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault, Nafissatou Diallo, broke her silence by giving two interviews to ABC News and Newsweek.
The move was intended to help Diallo regain some credibility after a story surfaced in recent weeks that the D.A's case against DSK was collapsing because she had allegedly lied in the past.
But apparently prosecutors think the interviews have not helped one bit. If anything, they've made the situation worse.
According to the New York Post, Diallo spoke with ABC and Newsweek "without the consent of the DA's office and without consulting prosecutors about the wisdom of such a move."
At the very least, prosecutors, "who have assiduously guarded Diallo's identity and location for two months, would have urged her not to publicly preview the evidence that could come up at trial, sources" told the Post.
Now the D.A's office is said to be furious, as her interviews have only served to reinforce inconsistencies in her story.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/manhattan-prosecutors-furious-over-maids-interviews-of-prosecuting-strauss-kahn-attack-2011-7#ixzz1TGjgCw5f
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Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2011 01:00 am
One thing I love is watching Firefly ride this plane into the ground on this website.

Poor little rape victim of a rich and power-full man indeed.

Great story that is not holding water and as Judge Judy love to say if you tell the truth you do not need a good memory to keep your lies straight.

It will be interesting to see if the prosecutor have more commonsense then Firefly and cut his losses in the next few days or not.

Maid in DSK case destroyed her own case: reportShare | Larger | SmallerAgencies
Tags : Strauss-Kahn case, sexual assault, Nafissatou Diallo

Posted: Wed Jul 27 2011, 08:56 hrs
New York:
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Nafissatou Diallo, the hotel maid, who had accused Dominique Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault, may have ruined her own case, according to sources, who say that there are now even more conflicting versions of what happened on May 14.

Strauss-Kahn, 64, allegedly forced Diallo to perform oral sex. He was taken into custody a few minutes before his flight departed for Paris.

In recent weeks, his lawyers have asked the government to drop the case since it emerged that Diallo had lied to investigators and had criminal connections.

"There's so many inconsistencies now it's incredible," one source, told The New York Post. "Its like multiple choice -- pick a version."

This week, Diallo broke her silence by giving long interviews to Newsweek and ABC.

One discrepancy, the source, told The Post that in an earlier account Diallo said that she and Strauss-Kahn did not speak, but in the interviews she recalled, he said, "You're not going to lose your job."

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