Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 12:51 am
The former wife of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Brigitte Guillemette, will file a complaint for defamation against Mansouret Anne, the mother of Tristan Banon, a young woman who accuses the former director of the IMF attempted rape, announced Tuesday, July 19 his lawyer.

Ms. Guillemette "categorically denies" that Ms. Mansouret remarks attributed to him in an article lexpress.fr, said his lawyer, Francis Terquem, told AFP. "She denies having been informed of an incident between a student and DSK," he said, adding that the complaint would be filed Wednesday morning.

According to the Express. Fr, shortly after the incident, Anne Mansouret "would have called her friend Brigitte Guillemette. She said the ex-wife would have DSK then said she knew he had several inappropriate behavior vis-à-vis students, but that she would never have thought it would go far. " "Brigitte Guillemette would have called DSK, which would have responded, in essence, 'I do not know what came over me. I slept with the mother, I farted a cable when I saw the girl' "writes the magazine's website, adding:" According to Anne Mansouret, Brigitte Guillemette would have remembered to ask about this 'relationship' with DSK. She wanted to know if there were Tristane complain or not, and would have directed the mother to go directly explained with 'Dominique'. "


Translated by Google
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 02:05 am
DSK affair: the sex crime has become the embodiment of evil


June 24, Loïc Dry saw himself cleared after seven years in prison for rape (see release of 25 June). Teenager at the time, his "victim" has come to recognize that she had invented everything. During the first trial, no concrete evidence had come to support the charge. The girl, still a virgin, laid those inconsistent statements. Only the persistence of police and judges - believe that a complaint is evidence - led to the unfortunate Loïc lose everything: his freedom, his work, his friendship and family, not to mention particularly calamitous conditions which are subject persons detained for sex cases. He spent 2,500 days behind bars, as if his fate was of no importance with respect to the hypothesis of a sex crime.

I understand the emotion aroused by rape cases and the need to prosecute. Is that a reason to get excited at the slightest denunciation to forget the presumption of innocence? In the shadow of the affair Strauss-Kahn, amount of anonymous are being crushed by the rumor mill. In April 2009, the former mayor of Vence, Iacono Christian, was convicted of rape on the prosecution of his grand-son. He was released from prison a few days ago because the young man had it all up, too ... At the time of the overthrow of Outreau theater and the staging of the cons-trial, it was hoped that the possibility of charging n 'matter of anything that would make room for a period of caution. He was aware that some worthy causes (the child welfare, women's rights) have taken in our society a character so sacred that their treatment seems to escape reason.

Should we go through it to expose the crimes hidden for too long? According to some voices, a historical awareness, after centuries of blindness to the sexual domination, justified these precautions and the three principles that follow:

1 - The charge is enough. Once the words spoken - assault, harassment, rape, fondling - the culprit was identified almost no possibility to defend themselves, unless you have absolute proof of his innocence. The risks of the trade, this 1967 film with Jacques Brel in the lead role, denounced the folly of such a sequence. Today this scenario has become commonplace. A very official "Royal circular" pushes even to denounce the teachers on the basis of testimony of any student. In the urgency of the fight against "predators", we prefer to ignore the violence that takes place, sometimes, from the alleged victims, guided by personal motivations that can take revenge, in the interest of child care ...

2 - Every nuance disappears in the assessment of the facts relayed by the media comment that swells, deforms and returns casually. Thus the notion of sexual assault, which covers acts of various severities (harassment to attempted rape, to sexual touching) to see more and more systematically replaced by the word "rape" which brings all the assumptions to the most terrible. The dredger clumsy, the lover pushy approach of the criminal. In cases of pedophilia, distinctions on the facts, and age of victims is also erased. The priest's hand on the lap of a college student there twenty-five years, the exchange of caresses vaguely granted with a minor fall in the same category as the killing of children.


3 - sexual matters require a particularly harsh punishment. Relayed by the law firms, the argument that modern psychological abuse notion that the victim could "rebuild" that measure of punishment of the guilty. Born of a progressive trend inspired by psychoanalysis, feminism has changed objective. He requested a judicial race to the bottom. Even when sexual abuse is impossible to establish, it must be treated as a crime of violence and lead to heavy penalties that can be counted in years in prison. Openly inspired by the class struggle (which was waived by the way), sexual repression has entered a period of Terror.


Our company has made the sexual assault worst possible crimes. But is it still a crime or a representation of evil in what he ad'irrationnel and absolute? In any case, the surge of hatred and confusion that is expressed on the Internet recalls the old witch hunts. The name of progress, it returns to the barbaric practices: imprisoned on the basis of a simple denunciation, leaving no chance to exonerate the guilty and, finally, establish a system of non-standard sentences.

You can see a curious report on sexuality that time, between the festive display of what was banned (the Pride gay, lesbian, bi and trans infinity pornographic Web) and repression unlimited everything that crosses a little bit the red line. But how not to observe, too, that this kind of case is almost always men face trial for women and children? Main accused, male sexuality is considered abuse for his secular. In a new division of the world, every individual male is potentially dangerous. Miscarriages of justice are only the excesses of a fair fight - approved by much chastened man, aware of the evils of sex and eager to join the camp of the innocent.

When I was a teenager, we found sex as a power complex, full of ambiguities that disturbed social order. We thought the judiciary was often unjust that the criminals were never quite guilty, the punishment was not an ideal ... We exaggerate, of course, but we did not completely wrong in this approach to relativity . A simple denunciation should it be taken to prison in the absence of evidence of violence and proven? Is it urgent to add to the woes of an alleged victim of a methodical destruction guilty uncertain?

Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 02:11 am
The lawyer of Tristan Banon, who accuses the novelist Dominique Strauss-Kahn of attempted rape, met Tuesday in New York prosecutor's office responsible for pursuing the former IMF chief in the United States.

A spokeswoman for the prosecution, Erin Duggan, confirmed a meeting of French journalists, attended Koubbi David, counsel for Ms. Banon, Kenneth Thompson, a lawyer for the woman's hotel room in New York accusing DSK sexual assault, and " members of the prosecutor's office . "

The New York Times published on its side a picture of Mr. Thompson and Mr. Koubbi on arrival at the court, located in southern Manhattan.

Another French lawyer Thibault de Montbrial, attended the meeting, it was said a source close to the investigation. " I am over the firm Kenneth Thompson in France, especially to see if there are other victims of Dominique Strauss-Kahn "in France, said June 23 at the AFP Me Montbrial.


So much for her previous claims that she would not be party to the US case. Her claim that the timing of the filing in France has nothing to do with the US case falling apart is obvious horseshit as well. How can anyone believe a word this woman says?
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 02:23 am
Socialists have been informed. Holland, in particular, which would then, at the request of Anne Mansouret (who is general counsel of the Eure PS), called Tristane Banon, she said. What the First Secretary of the day did not remember. July 5, he said they had "no knowledge in the detail ' accusations of Banon.

The PS national secretary and MP Laurence Rossignol Aurélie Filippetti, still with the Greens in 2003, have also been contacted on this matter by Anne Mansouret.

The latter, according to the mother of the complainant, advised him in a mail, file a complaint against it would DSK described as threatening to women. Filippetti different version in Le Monde : "I had to tell his mother that if her daughter had suffered, she had to file a complaint. I do not think I said that DSK could be dangerous for women, and I do not remember having sent an email to Ms. Mansouret. " Tristane Banon also said investigators have discussed the facts with two journalists, Patrick Poivre d ' Arvor and Philippe Vandel, which it would have shown the SMS sent by Strauss-Kahn.

Commenting on the page of the Figaro on Tuesday containing "Case Banon-DSK / Francois Holland will be heard" , Laurence Rossignol, told AFP, denounced the "manipulation of the right" , both to Holland with the case Banon that Aubry with rumors circulated on the Internet : "It's all part of the same campaign of rumors, stink bombs. They water off. Every situation of being socialist candidates are subject to the same manipulations on the part of the line .

Interesting that Filippetti both encouraged Mansouret to encourage Banon to file charges if she was hurt and now also denies a story told by Mansouret as so many others are doing as well. Wasnt the story supposed to be that Mansouret and Banon decided that they could not file charges against DSK because he was so powerful and no one would believe them? Filippetti's words back then to Mansouret directly contradict this assertion.
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 02:47 am
The young woman eventually escaped. As she comes to take refuge in his car, in shock, the bra undone and pants open, she received a text message: "So I frighten you?". The young woman said she received text messages but not others have kept no record. She added that it has no other evidence, contrary to what his lawyer suggested so far. She saw two psychologists, but did not consult any doctor.

"She was very convincing"
She also claims he told his story to journalist Philippe Vandel, then a columnist for VOD, and showing him several SMS DSK in the weeks that followed the facts. "She was very convincing," recalls he in everyday life. "I saw it with my editor, we had said we would do an article in the event of complaint. I remember then, her lawyer, she had deliberately recruited right, had withdrawn. His publisher was also pressured terrible, and it's stayed there. "

The young journalist was also entrusted with Olivia Cattan, president of the association Women Speak. "She told me about his mishap shortly after the incident, confirms it. It was during a dinner attended by several journalists. She had given all the details, and we were very shocked. I had advised him to file a complaint, but she was afraid. "Mansouret Anne, the mother of Tristan, who had also dissuaded his daughter to go to court in 2003, is now one of its strongest support. The site of L'Express also said that the story she made ​​the assault to the police confirmed in every version of his daughter


Christ, Banon was whining to everyone it seems, several of who told her to file charges if she was harmed. Another story has it the Banon even complained about DSK to his daughter, the one who is at Columbia, who was quite young at the time. What a neurotic bitch.
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 03:40 am
I love the DA trying so hard to find some reason not to drop this case.

I hope they video tape the police interview where the maid put on a show of being upset in recalling a gang rape that never happen.

The jury should be out ten minutes after seeing that tape.

My bet is still that the charges will be drop on Aug 1 or 2.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 12:58 pm
This is how far women have come.

One Isabel Lindsay, in the mid 17th century stood up in church when Archbishop Sharp of St Andrews was preaching and declared that he had shagged her when he was a college student.

She was sentenced by the Kirk Session "to appear for a succession of Sundays on the repentance stool wearing the brank."

The direction of progress is plain. How far will it go before it implodes from its own contradictions. Presbyterian Archbishops are of little account compared to IMF managing directors.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 03:45 am
The former wife of DSK: "Nothing is true, says Anne Mansouret"

Brigitte Guillemette , second wife of Dominique Strauss-Kahn , an economist and consultant in the company she created, "Euroscope consuting group".

Why did you decide to file a complaint for defamation against Mansouret Anne, the mother of Tristan Banon?

- Because nothing of what this woman says is true: I am not one of his relatives, daughter Camille has never been a friend of Tristan Banon. About all she lends me are false. We are caught in a frenzy creepy and unhealthy it is time to stop.

You do not deny still not be the godmother of Tristan Banon ...

- Let's agree on what is meant by the term "sponsor". I met Anne-Mansoureh Riahi (so it appeared at that time) in the early 90's, that is to say long after my divorce from Dominique Strauss-Kahn . Then I ran a communications group, and I had received the recommendation of a mutual friend.

We do not become "friends", even if we met from time to time in cocktails or parties. One day, Anne-Riahi Mansoureh called me and asked me if I could be the godmother of his youngest daughter, Anne-Caroline, who was 17 or 18 and wanted to be baptized, to marry in Saint-Nicolas -du-Chardonnet, with a very religious young man, if I remember correctly.

"You're the only person I know that is called," explained Anne Mansouret-Riahi. In front of her insistence, I agreed to this service , especially Anne-Caroline was an adult. I am his "godmother", formally ....

A few years later, I learned that Anne-Caroline, who had meanwhile renamed Tristane Banon, met Dominique Strauss-Kahn to interview. I guess it was recommended by his mother, but certainly not through me, or that of my daughter, Camille, with whom she was not in contact. Dominique is also, at the request of Tristan Banon, which gave details of Camille.

How was the meeting between the two women?

The first time, Tristane Banon, who is six years older than Camille, called her by telling her that she had interviewed his father, that he would like to talk about. They had coffee together. Then Tristane reminded my daughter to give him a new appointment in a cafe in the Latin Quarter. There she told him to have been assaulted by Dominique.

Camille, who was in shock, unable to imagine that his father could do such a thing, is back home in tears. I once spent two phone calls: one to the father of my daughter - who has strongly denied, and the second to Anne Mansoureh-Riahi.

"All this does not matter ... Anyway, I am the lady of the Strauss-Kahn," me-as said. I really wondered where I lived ... I advised the woman to explain directly with Dominique and avoid in the future, any contact with my daughter and me. I hung up and since I had stayed there.

I obviously never deterred Tristane Banon to start a lawsuit, I've never heard from or of her mother. If I file a complaint today is simply to try, if possible, to restore the truth and to preserve our peace. I have only one obsession: to protect my daughter.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 07:54 pm

DSK chambermaid may try case in France
July 21, 2011

PARIS, July 21 (UPI) -- The New York chambermaid who accused Dominqiue Strauss-Kahn of sexual assault and attempted rape may take her case to a French court, a French lawyer says.

The case could be tried in France because under French law, crimes by French nationals outside the country are applicable back home "if they are punished by legislation in the country where they were committed," lawyer Jean-Michel Scharr told Le Parisien, France's largest national newspaper.

"The victim is not obliged to wait for a decision by the American justice system, whatever its nature, to do so," he said.

A French judge would have three months to decide if the case warrants a full investigation and possible trial, The Daily Telegraph reported.

Strauss-Kahn could not be tried in both countries on the same criminal charges, but could be tried on similar ones, Scharr said.

The U.S. case against Strauss-Kahn was reported on the verge of collapse due to questions about the housekeeper's credibility.

At minimum, the lawyers could file a civil lawsuit, Scharr told the newspaper.

The chambermaid's New York lawyer, Kenneth Thompson, denied she would seek to bring criminal prosecution against Strauss-Kahn in France, the Telegraph said.

French writer Tristane Banon claimed last month Strauss-Kahn tried to sexually assault her in 2003, and she announced she would officially accuse him of attempted rape too.

Strauss-Kahn denied wrongdoing in both cases and launched legal action against Banon for defamation.

Strauss-Kahn is next due in a New York court Aug. 1.
Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 11:31 pm
LOL her lawyers are going to try every means they can dream up to get the $$$$$ by keeping this case alive.

Kind of amusing in a sad sad way.....................

As far as a civil suit I can just see the reaction of a civil jury to viewing a interview tape where she put on an emotional act about a gang rape and then admitted it never happen.

Game is over except for the sad fun of watching her lawyers trying to bring this case back to life a task that would only be possible if one of her lawyers was Jesus himself.

Side note it is also kind of amusing watching you ride this ship into the ground also Firefly.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 12:57 am
This is becoming amusing even if it is making a joke of our legal system in front of the rest of the world.

Can not wait for the next court hearing in early AUG to see if the state is going to bit the bullet and drop the charges or keep this nonsense going.


Who's Mad at Whom in the DSK CaseAdam Martin Jul 20, 2011 691 Views Comment Kenneth Thompson, the former federal prosecutor representing the Sofitel hotel maid who says Dominique Strauss-Kahn tried to rape her, reportedly "crashed" a meeting yesterday between prosecutors and the attorney representing Tristane Banon, the French journalist who has accused Strauss-Kahn of attempted rape in France. His uninvited arrival didn't disrupt the meeting, according to DNAinfo. "The pair spent close to three hours in the meeting with the District Attorney's office, but Thompson was only allowed to participate in part of the discussions, sources said." The two lawyers then walked to the subway together, and the Guardian suggested they may be joining forces against Strauss-Kahn.

But while yesterday's meeting went civilly enough, the prosecution's antagonistic handling of Thompson underscores the rising tensions between all parties in the increasingly contentious criminal case. It can be difficult, when lawyers speak, to decipher what is rhetoric and what is actual feeling, but the players in this case have shown an abundance of the latter. Let's take a look at who has expressed frustration over whom.

Kenneth Thompson: The lawyer who took over Strauss-Kahn's accuser's case for civil attorney Harry Shapiro lashed out most vehemently and memorably against Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance and the prosecutors charging the case. In his comments following the July 1 hearing in which Strauss-Kahn's bail was lifted after prosecutors called attention to the accuser's dishonesty about her past, Thompson called the prosecution's revelation "a lie." He said Vance was sabotaging his own case "because he is afraid he will lose, like he lost the case against the two police officers accused of rape, like he lost the case against the Deutsche Bank employees in the fire near Ground Zero." He accused prosecutors of mistreating his client and her daughter, screaming and yelling during an interview. A few days later, Thompson called on Vance to remove his office from the case and appoint a special prosecutor, charging that Vance's chief assistant, Daniel Alonso, had planted "damaging leaks" in the press.

Thompson's relationship with his own client is also reportedly deteriorating, DNAinfo reported, "after he tried to prevent her from speaking publicly, including preventing her from speaking to prosecutors for 19 days after the initial meeting with prosecutors following the attack."

Cy Vance and his assistant district attorneys: Vance hasn't said much publicly that wasn't carefully scripted. But his office has made clear through off-the-record conversations with reporters that it doesn't think much of Kenneth Thompson's tactics. The charge that he kept his client from meeting with prosecutors, first noted in a Bloomberg Businessweek article and repeated in today's DNAinfo story, has rankled some in the office. Then there was Thompson's call for Vance to step down from the case and appoint a special prosecutor to take over. That didn't go over well in the district attorney's office, sources there said, in particular because the office learned of the demand through a news story before it received Thompson's letter. Vance, of course, has not stepped down from the case.

Prosecutors also had annoyed-sounding words for Brafman and his team when co-counsel William Taylor slyly suggested they had evidence to undermine the accuser's credibility. "We were troubled that you chose to inject into the public record your claim that you posses information that might negatively impact the case and 'gravely' undermine the credibility of the victim," Assistant District Attorney Joan Illuzzi-Orbon wrote in her formal response.

Ben Brafman and William Taylor: Strauss-Kahn's defense has shown the least amount of public frustration with the other parties in the case, but it's been clear from some of its filings, most notably the May 25 letter referenced above, that the lawyers have been annoyed with the information that consistently appears in the press. Brafman and Taylor's letter included this paragraph:

As you will note, we have refrained from commenting on any substantive issue in this case, despite the fact that the police department has intentionally violated its duty. Indeed, were we intent on improperly feeding the media frenzy, we could now release substantial information that in our view would seriously undermine the quality of the prosecution and also gravely undermine the credibility of the complainant in this case.

The defense team also weathered a fairly personal attack when the New York Post alleged Strauss-Kahn's representatives had tried to pay off his accuser's family in Guinea. The terse denial they issued in response didn't sound too friendly.

Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments or send an email to the author at [email protected]. You can share ideas for stories on the Open Wire.
Adam Martin
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 01:14 am
This is becoming amusing even if it is making a joke of our legal system in front of the rest of the world.
It is way better than the soap opera's that my wife used to watch, but I am currently finding the French story line to be more interesting than the NYC one. We have drama, farce, tragedy, romance, intrigue, sexcapades galore, vengeance, deceit, gold digging, power games, neurosis on parade .....my oh my this is fun.
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 06:00 am
It is way better than the soap opera's that my wife used to watch, but I am currently finding the French story line to be more interesting than the NYC one. We have drama, farce, tragedy, romance, intrigue, sexcapades galore, vengeance, deceit, gold digging, power games, neurosis on parade .....my oh my this is fun.

I can see why the networks are taking soap operas off the air as who needs them when you have "real life" operas being produced for free by our legal systems and the lawyers.

I love the fact that the French reporter mother had an unhappy past sexual relationship with DSK or so it is claimed.

I had no idea that international bankers could give rock stars/sport stars a run from the title of most women willing and eager to lay down for them.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 02:06 am

0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 02:59 am
BillRM wrote:

I had no idea that international bankers could give rock stars/sport stars a run from the title of most women willing and eager to lay down for them.


I would imagine with DSK it's option 2. But I wopuldn't put it past him to go for option 3.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 03:58 am
Option 1 is hardly worth considering. Gold digging is the standard procedure as Darwin's evolution theory proves.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

With rich women it is another matter.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 04:07 am
spendius wrote:

With rich women it is another matter.

You're such a tart Spendi. I'm sure those 'Sugar Mummas' are falling over themselves to get their hands on you, you naughty boy.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 04:11 am
What's naughty about offering them stuff they have never experienced before?
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 04:13 am
spendius wrote:

What's naughty about offering them stuff they have never experienced before?

Naughty stuff.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 04:15 am
How can anything they want be naughty except for Christians?

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