Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 09:08 pm
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Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 09:43 pm
Your understanding is as deficient as your grammar. The only way to "stop" him from leaving was to arrest him
It is not clear that the had to charge him, as the leader of the sex crime unit argued that they should not.

The probe was marked from the outset by bitter debate between Friel and Alonso, two sources said. Alonso wanted to charge DSK fast. Friel said the case was still shaky. She lost the argument and the investigation was taken out of her hands, the sources said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/07/02/2011-07-02_another_black_eye_for_cy_strausskahn_latest_mishap_in_manhattan.html#ixzz1R6XgJuIi

other reports say that yelling was heard between the two on this subject. That Bill does not think that he should be charged in no way indicates that he does not understand the subject matter, it means that his position was on the losing side of the debate, and now we know that it should have been on the winning side.
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 12:02 am
The only way to "stop" him from leaving was to arrest him. Otherwise the law has no authority to restrict his movements.


He surely could had been held with his agreement at some safe house from leaving for long enough to check out the maid and her story under the threat of a formal arrest if he did not agree to those terms.

There were zero reasons at that time to have a formal arrest less alone a damn perp walk in front of cameras!!!!!!!!

It was a stupid and pointless and now embarrassing action to have dragged such a man off of a jet and throw him into jail cell on the word of a maid who backgrounds no one even knew at the time.

Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 12:29 am
I'd bet my last croissant that the average gal in New York or Chicago or Houston is generally unaware that many French women live with a level of culturally sanctioned sexual harassment that would drive them crazy. Who knew?

Not I, for one. I've sat in Parisian cafes, lingering over my café au lait and watched a parade of French women, teens to octogenarians, all the while trying to deconstruct what it is about them that's so stylish: Their deft use of accessories? Good haircuts? Thin waists and big belts?

Never once did it occur to me that in dressing to draw attention, they'd be drawing attentions they didn't dare demur. Because French women project a sense of personal power, my imagination didn't wander in the direction of their possible powerlessness. But it's the unwanted quandary of working women everywhere: an advance by the boss who pegs job promotions or salary increases to sexual availability.

I've always bought the Francophile line that French men are so very charming, that French women have a je ne seis quoi style, that sweet nothings are somehow more romantic when uttered with a French accent than a Texas twang.

Has the mystique of French fashion and romance obscured the reality of French sexual politics? Perhaps. Add French insistence on the privacy of one's personal life to the mix, and you've got a perfect recipe for sexual exploitation in the workplace.

"People have started raising questions about the relations between men and women in France," says Hélène Périvier, co-director of the gender program at the Institut d'Études Politiques. She tells the New York Times, "And those questions won't go away."

To someone of the bra-burning, Equal Rights Amendment-demanding generation, this response to the phenomenon of the sexualized workplace sounds mild -- even a few decades late.


Garden Variety American preaching and claims of superiority....obviously this chick did not get the memo that Europeans have had enough of American Cowboys and Cowgirls.....And are not listening much.
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 12:36 am
Side note this was a claimed local crime however it handling would and did impacted the image of the US and the nation foreign relations not just the state of New York so given that the State Department should had gotten involved at the time of him being stop from leaving the country.
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 12:41 am

Between ‘’black Monday’’ and ‘’holy Friday’’, DSK’s friends -- elected officials, functionaries, former colleagues, business leaders, friends of the family -- got together to talk about him, and together, step by step, put together an informal profile. Without letting themselves get swept up in the tide of prevailing public opinion, they conducted a discreet, and perhaps overdue, examination of conscience. In pairs and small groups, in cafés and country homes, they analyzed the floor plan of the Sofitel suite and attempted to recreate the scenario, minute by minute. They were awed by how far DSK had fallen, how fast, and ‘’live’’ he was for all to see -- and they were rarely sure that their friend was entirely beyond reproach.
The only "profile" they rejected out of hand was that of a violent man."Dominique runs at the slightest sign of conflict!" "He never spanked his kids." "He’s not a courageous man." A relative said: ‘’He’s too lazy to force anybody."
Passionately committed to the process, each one looked squarely at what they knew about DSK. "I don’t know what he did in New York, but I know how he was at Bercy [the French Finance Ministry headquarters] and in Washington", says Stéphane Boujnah, who was DSK’s advisor when the latter was Finance Minister and who now heads the Santander bank in Paris. He remembers how quickly DSK rallied even the most diehard technocrats at Bercy; how prodigious his memory was; how he played the financial crisis to advantage to morph the International Monetary Fund, that crusty and much disparaged institution, into a lever for global rescue; and his talent for explaining France to the world and the world to the French

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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 12:46 am
Prosecutors said they were stymied in their attempts to obtain more information from the woman after Thompson, her lawyer, failed to make her available for questioning for 19 days after he cut off the June 9 interview

But Vance, being the mother ****** that he is, refuses to drop the charges when his only witness is both uncooperative and constantly lying.
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 12:53 am
Well we now know that the maid can not only lied about being raped but is more then willing and able to put on an emotional act concerning such claims.

The charges should be drop at once before any more harm is done to the US image in the world.


The tipping point, which led to Strauss-Kahn’s July 1 release from home confinement, may have been an interview with the accuser on June 9 in which she admitted that she had falsely claimed she had been gang-raped by solders in Guinea, prosecutors said.

The woman had “cried and appeared markedly distraught” in two interviews when recounting the rape, according to a court filing. Then she admitted that the rape she had spoken of so emotionally had never occurred. Prosecutors said the woman’s attorney cut off questioning.

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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 01:36 am
It might be interesting to send a freedom of information request to the Sate Department concerning any communications between the state of New York and the Department over the DSK matter.

Have anyone here done such a request in the past?
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 02:41 am
Well it nice to be about to be proven right once more that there will be no trial and the lady had turned out to be far from a poor victim.

The only victims here was DSK, the smooth running of the international financial system, and the standing of the US before the world.

Oh one more prediction no civil suit will be file by the maid lawyers and they will disappear from view allowing the maid to face whatever charges that might be file against her without their aid.

Too bad they was not able to settle with DSK lawyers before their client got caught up in her own lyings and her own past including a false claimed of being gang rape.



Charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn are expected to be dropped.

NEW YORK'S district attorney is expected to drop the criminal case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn after the chambermaid who accused him of sexual assault was alleged to be married to a drug dealer who sought to make money from the charges.
The former head of the International Monetary Fund was arrested in New York last month and charged with seven counts of sexual assault, attempted rape and false imprisonment.

The Frenchman was put under house arrest after a 32-year-old African maid claimed that he attacked her while she was cleaning his room at the Sofitel Hotel in Manhattan. Mr Strauss-Kahn has denied all charges.

At the end of last week, Cyrus Vance Jr, the district attorney, admitted that the alleged victim had lied about the day of the attack.

The prosecution team also said they had uncovered inconsistencies concerning her immigration documents.

Mr Vance is thought unlikely to move to a trial on any charge because of the ease with which the defence would demolish the maid's credibility.

It has also emerged that last Wednesday Mr Vance received a translation of the transcript of a telephone call which the accuser made to a man in jail awaiting trial on charges of drug dealing.

During the conversation, she said: "Don't worry, this guy has a lot of money. I know what I'm doing." The translation took six weeks because the couple spoke in Fulani, a dialect of the accuser's native Guinea.

As Cyrus Vance Jr attempted to salvage his career from what is emerging as a botched prosecution, a poll yesterday for Le Parisien newspaper found that 49 per cent of French people want Mr Strauss-Kahn to "play a role on the political scene in future" but 45 per cent want him never to return.

Privately, President Sarkozy's ministers spoke of Mr Strauss-Kahn as politically dead.

While still restricted to stay within the US - the authorities have retained his passport - Mr Strauss-Kahn was released from house arrest on Friday.

He and his wife, Anne Sinclair, ate a celebratory four-course dollars $US600 supper with another couple. Wearing a jacket, no tie and a broad smile, Mr Strauss-Kahn, 62, was photographed at Scalinatella Ristorante on East 61st Street where he ordered prosciutto and "orange flesh melon" and a glass of Pinot Grigio before eating pappardelle with truffles served with an Italian red wine, a Brunello di Montalcino. For dessert he had cheesecake.

A diner said Mr Strauss-Kahn appeared "in a very good mood". On Saturday afternoon, the Strauss-Kahns left their Tribeca townhouse pursued by media crews. The smiling couple paid a brief visit to the Time-Warner Centre before going to the Museum of Modern Art where they ate at the restaurant before returning home at about 5.30pm.

A ferocious character assassination against the Guinean maid dominated the New York tabloids at the weekend. She was accused of demanding money immediately after the sexual encounter with Mr Strauss-Kahn.

Whatever happens, the maid is expected to take him to court with a demand for civil damages, Kenneth Thompson, her laywer, indicated.

His client had suffered injuries in the alleged attack, including a torn shoulder ligament, bruises, and abrasions to her vagina, he said. DNA evidence shows that a sexual encounter did take place between the maid and the politician. He admits having sex with her but claims it was consensual.

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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 09:32 am
The French woman/reporter is looking for her 15 minutes of frame and perhaps some $$$$ as it is stated that she is going to file an attempted rape charge from an event that is supposed to had occur in 2002.

Hopefully she got her story in better order then the New York maid.

Thank god I am not a wealth high profile male!!!!!!!!!!

Oh it appear not to be a criminal complain she is going right for the $$$$$$$ with a civil suit at least by one story.

Amazing that that French laws allow a civil suit to be file in so late a manner.

Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 11:05 am
Amazing that that French laws allow a civil suit to be file in so late a manner.
It must have escaped your notice that the American Feminists have been pushing for decades to rub out statutes of limitations for sex crimes, with much success.

And there is this

Strauss-Kahn went on the offensive against his French accuser Tuesday evening, saying through his legal team that he planned to file his own criminal complaint of slander against her.
Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 11:23 am
Tristane Banon, a young journalist, said he was sexually assaulted in 2003 by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and has indicated that it planned to file a criminal complaint.

The facts which it claims to have suffered were discussed during a television show Thierry Ardisson and resumed since in many recent articles. In essence, she said: " He [DSK] wanted me to hold her hand to respond, then the arm ... We ended up fighting, we fought on the ground, I gave a kick He undid my bra, he tried to remove my jeans. When we fought, I said the word "rape" to scare him, that he was not scared . "

What offenses may be charged to DSK if these facts were proven?

The Penal Code criminalizes, with different levels of severity, two behaviors:

- The crime of sexual assault, punishable in Article 222-22 of the Penal Code, which states: " It is an infringement of sexual assault committed sexual violence, coercion, threat or surprise (...). "

Jurisprudence (Poitiers CA January 15, 1999), for example, condemned a hotel owner to three months suspended prison sentence and a fine of 3000 francs for the sexual assault of an apprentice waiter. It was busy to clean a hotel room led by the accused, he had tried to kiss her, had fondled her breasts and did fall on the bed, the Teenage waitress s It was discussed and had threatened to prevent the wife of the perpetrator.

- The crime of rape, punishable with Article 222-23 of the Penal Code: " Any act of sexual penetration, of whatever nature, committed against another person by violence, coercion, threat or surprise a rape. (...) "

The fundamental difference between rape and sexual assault is the act of penetration: if there was penetration, it is a rape, if it is a sexual assault.

The legal consequences of this characterization is extremely important, especially in terms of punishment, since rape is punishable by 15 years in prison, against five years for sexual assault. Another consequence of this characterization, particularly important in the case of Tristan Banon is the prescription: the case of rape, the requirement is 10 years from the date of the facts, if s' acts of sexual assault, the requirement is 3 years.

It is important to note that the attempted rape is subject to the same limitation rules that rape "consumed", ie 10 years.

These facts could they still be prosecuted today?

The victim claims that the attack took place in 2002, 9 years ago. Therefore, if it wishes his complaint to be admissible in court, it is essential that it shows she was the victim of rape, or at least attempted. Indeed, if the allegations are "only" constitute sexual assault, they will be prescribed.

The demonstration of an attempted rape could be tricky for two reasons.

First of all, in fact it denounces, Madame Banon does not reflect an attempt to penetrate, yet admit to attempted rape, the case law requires a beginning of execution that was interrupted only by a circumstance beyond the control of its author.

Historically, the Court of Cassation considered that the attempted rape is for a man to " lay bare his virile member and the closer to the genitals of women, without necessarily attempt to introduce . " In a decision dated August 22, 2001, the Court of Cassation accepted prosecution for attempted rape in one case or the victim physically objected that the author's book on his person to an act of sodomy. And in a January 1996 decision, the court approved a prosecution for attempted rape because the defendant had put a condom and tried to enter the victim and that only a "temporary disability" had forced the author to abandon his project .

The facts alleged by Ms. Banon seem still quite remote from these decisions.

The question of proof is also fundamental, in many such cases, physical evidence of the allegations (DNA, videos, ...) are missing, especially if the facts are old. Then the word of one against the word of another. This drawback is also likely to oppose the proposed action by Ms. Banon.

Ms. Banon risk that if it files a complaint for rape against DSK?

In addition to the risk of the complaint no further action, the main risk would be pursued by itself M.Strauss-Kahn for false accusation.

Specifically, if Ms. Banon rape complaint filed against DSK in the knowledge that the facts denounced partially inaccurate, it could be prosecuted for false accusation (penalty: five years in prison and a fine of € 45,000 ... ). Prudence would require to limit the complaint to the facts of sexual assault, but it inevitably would lead the prescription of the action.


Translation by Google

It will be interesting to see how the French treat Tristane now, it is not at all clear that she will get more support than condemnation. What little I know about the French leads me to believe that at this point they want DSK left alone, that they will view Tristane as yet another opportunist going after DSK for profit.
Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 11:31 am
She looking for a fast payday to go away so he can resume his public life and not need to deal with her suit for years to come no doubt.

If she and her lawyers become convince he is not going to pay her off she might just go away after a few months.

God it is a hell of a note how we got so out of balance on this subject that high profile men are becoming view as ATM machines for any woman they been alone with for a minute or more in the last few decades.
Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 11:40 am
Thank for the information as the stories was not clear if we are talking about just a civil suit or criminal charges on top of that.

Wonderful tool of blackmail using the state to help try to force money out of you or in this case his wife.

Once more it look like the woman is looking for a fast payoff from a man who must be damn tired of this nonsense.
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 11:42 am
She looking for a fast payday to go away so he can resume his public life and not need to deal with her suit for years to come no doubt
She admits that she could not make a go of it as a journalist, though she blames DSK, says that nobody would hire her because they were afraid that she would make a scene. How have her three books sold?

Thing is the first and only public mention of her claim that I know about was five years after the fact...before then will anyone besides her mother claim that Tristane was alleging a problem with DSK? 2007 is after she had already failed as a journalist, maybe she was getting bitter at that point and looking for a man to blame? She better have someone who will claim that she was talking on this before 2007, and a diary of course.
Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 01:45 pm
Trstane's mother certainly has the victim identity in grasp, I suspect that she is egging her daughter on now

Banon's mother, Socialist politician Anne Mansouret, said shortly after the housekeeper's accusations were splashed across front pages around the world that her daughter had been attacked by Strauss-Kahn in 2003 but that she had discouraged her at the time from filing charges against him.
He was never charged in connection with the alleged attack in France on Banon.
Mansouret, a member of parliament, said she cautioned Banon not to file a police report at the time for fear it would hurt her journalism career.
However, in light of the charges against Strauss-Kahn, 62, after the alleged incident at a Sofitel hotel in New York in May, Banon's attorney, Koubbi, said a few weeks ago that he and Banon were considering filing a complaint.
Koubbi said the cases were not connected.
"I don't see any reason why these two cases should be joined, because either the prosecutor has enough elements to condemn Dominique Strauss-Kahn in the United States -- and if he does, he should do it -- or he needs to bring two cases together to get a conviction," he said in June.
"In that case, we do not want to participate," he added.
Strauss-Kahn's attorney in France, Leon Lef Forster, did not respond to requests for comment on the allegations in May.
Mansouret described herself last week as "the woman who embarrasses the Socialist Party."
"I am ... a sort of collateral damage in the DSK affair. I knew for a long time that my political career was sealed with this bomb, but I didn't imagine that this bitter past could be revived so violently," she wrote July 1 on the Rue89 website, referring to the alleged attack in New York.
Mansouret recently pulled out of the Socialist Party presidential primaries
. Strauss-Kahn had been a front-runner for the party nomination until the New York arrest, and suggestions that the case was foundering have revived talk of his chances in next year's presidential elections


Both mother and daughter now blame DSK for their failures, going after DSK now looks like typical female bitterness and vengeance.
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 01:57 pm
@High Seas,
the late unlamented (even by his own relatives) Marquis de Sade,....

I was taking advantage this afternoon of the weather and watching my potatoes grow when I remembered this line of your's HS. I had let it go before due to time being short.

I must say you demonstrate a considerable ignorance of the great man's amazing life. He had any number of exceedingly loyal friends. His wife in particular but her sister also and indeed the mother of these girls whose insane jealousy of her daughters drove her from the one end of the compassion spectrum to the other almost at the rate of the pendulum Foucoult invented.

He had friends in high places too. He could even get the staff of the prisons he was incarcerated in eating out of his hand.

His servants risked their very lives for him. Relief from boredom by peaceful means was in very short supply in those days and the Divine Marquis certainly must have filled a void in their lives for them to have done that.

His enemies, the aristocrats and corrupt church leaders, put out many vile slanders about him and, it seems, you have swallowed the washed out dregs of them with relish. A thousand commentators having chewed them all before. Just as it goes with DSK. Or with anyone else who is subject to such slanders by an organised conspiracy. An anti-republican and anti-atheism conspiracy in Donatien's case.

Algernon Swinburne said that the day will come when every city in the world will erect a statue of the Marquis de Sade to honour his memory.

He represents the resurgent genes of our common ancestor equipt with power and wealth.

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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 03:26 pm
News is rampaging here of some disgraceful and criminal activities which took place under the direct supervision of a lady editor of a tabloid newspaper owned by the Murdoch camp.
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Reply Mon 4 Jul, 2011 10:25 pm
But Ms Mansouret has said she is "revolted" by the gleeful reaction of many men in France to news the case in New York might fail.

Bitter much??

Mr Koubbi told L'Express that he and his client had decided to press charges in mid-June, and that the timing of the decision was not linked to Mr Strauss-Kahn's US trial



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