Quote:It may turn out that Spendi's insights and imaginings are largely verified in this instance. The fact that, prejudgments of all kinds are sometimes correct, doesn't justify them or make them reliable guides to belief. There were, and perhaps still are, other possibilities, and closing one's mind to them is simply foolish ... or worse.
I know that doesn't say that my "insights and imaginings" have been unjustified, or are not guides to belief, but it gives that impression. If you can point out George what I have said that you consider a "prejudgment" I will make an effort to either defend it or apologise for it.
As it stands, impressionistically, I am accused of prejudgment by a similar technique, the assertion, that the cleaning woman employed against DSK.
I don't yet accept that a sexual event took place for sure. And I have offered a couple of other possibilities as well as alluding to others which I thought a little too advanced for readers of this thread. I thought at the time that DSK should have sat in Riker's rather than offer that over-excited female judge any grovellings over bail. His word of honour should have been sufficient. And he was ill advised to resign his exalted position.
Having the chief of the IMF in a cell on the word of an immigrant cleaning woman, never mind what we know about her now, and denying him his tie, is quite a sufficient embarrassment for the US justice system to be the laughing stock of the world's elites.
You're not an undercover socialist are you George? Are you one of those wet Nellies who think the law should be applied equally in trivial cases of this nature? It's a sentimental affectation which I admit can garner short term popularity in certain knitting circles.
Are senior naval officers subjected to the same process as the ratings regarding allegations of minor infringements of taste.
And, unlike you, I have not engaged in being wise after the event. Incidents like this one are always part of a much wider picture. And it is that picture I am interested in.