Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:28 am
Allegations that she worked as a hotel hooker may explain why Strauss-Kahn insists their encounter was consensual. His defense attorneys refused yesterday to comment on the damning evidence -- or say whether he paid her for sex.
Sources also told The Post Strauss-Kahn's probers uncovered evidence that she was part of a pyramid scheme that targeted immigrants from her native Guinea.
"We have people who have been victimized, who have claimed she ripped them off.
Nice working people from her neighborhood," a source said.
The stunning new info surfaced yesterday as the accuser was unmasked as a pathological liar and scam artist by prosecutors whose rape case has unraveled.
Strauss-Kahn -- who was under house arrest with a $5 million bond -- was released without bail after the Manhattan DA's Office admitted that the maid repeatedly lied to them about the alleged attack and her personal history.
Most damning to the case is that she flat-out lied on her asylum application that she was the "victim of a gang rape" in Guinea -- memorizing a cassette tape that coached her on what to say, according to a letter prosecutors sent to the defense.
"She reiterated these falsehoods when questioned about her history and background, and stated that she did so in order to remain consistent with the statement that she had submitted as part of her application," prosecutors said in the letter.
"Presently, the complainant states that she would that she was raped in the past in her native country but in an incident different than the one that she described during initial interviews."
To get tax benefits, she also claimed she had a second child. She only has one, a 15-year-old daughter.
"She also admitted to misrepresenting her income in order to maintain her present housing," the letter said.
Prosecutors said the woman lied to a grand jury by testifying she immediately alerted a supervisor about the assault.
The maid actually cleaned a neighboring suite on the 28th floor and then scrubbed Strauss-Kahn's room before she reported the incident to her boss.
Twenty-eight hours after the alleged sexual assault, the woman talked to her boyfriend in an immigration jail in Arizona -- saying "words to the effect of, 'Don't worry, this guy has a lot of money. I know what I'm doing,' " The New York Times quoted an official saying.
The bombshell disclosures will likely force the DA to drop all charges against the banking big shot.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/maid_cleaning_up_as_hooker_0mMd759PLuYGYYJyA0RNbI#ixzz1R1bzzycA
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:28 am
So your only concern is violence?

Well yes, why should violence & aggression against women & children not be a serious concern?

It certainly has a very serious impact on the lives of women & children!

I had read studies that women are just or nearly as likely to be the aggressive as men in domestic violence situations.

Just give me some credible, acceptable statistics comparing women's violence to that of men in domestic situations & I might even consider your claim.
I won't be holding my breath. Neutral

Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:30 am
Well yes, why should violence & aggression against women & children not be a serious concern?
Call me when you are willing to be concerned about violence and aggression directed towards men....
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:35 am
Before she ever walked into Dominique Strauss-Kahn's dazzling suite at the Sofitel, his accuser was well aware of his VIP status -- and planning to get her hands in his deep pockets, sources told The Post.
"She figured he's a rich dude, and she would get paid," said a source close to the defense investigation. "She was told by the crew she ran with that this was a gold mine."
The maid, who routinely traded sex for money with male guests, parked her cleaning cart outside Suite 2806 on the morning of May 14 and keyed her way into the room -- knowing what he looked like from a photo hanging in a maid closet that identified him as an important guest.

Multiple versions have emerged of what happened next, but nobody disputes that the 32-year-old maid performed oral sex on the Frenchman known as "the Great Seducer."
Sources now tell The Post that when the two were finished, the woman demanded cash from Strauss-Kahn -- but he refused to pay.
"There was an expectation of money after the fact, but he was dismissive," the source said.
And not gently, the source said -- DSK brushed off the maid's request as he turned his back and got dressed.
She pressed her case.
"She remained in the room with him while he got dressed for at least nine minutes," the source said.
The humiliating exchange sparked the maid's anger, prosecutors suspect.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/hotel_maid_got_stiffed_by_dom_4sML8y67I7vcfXEBbTo2UM#ixzz1R1direuM

Sounds right, DSK did not imagine that she would **** him over, but little did he know what a pro she is....

Vance just got royally fucked by his own bias and ignorance of human nature....serves that mother ****** right. If New Yorkers have any decency they will throw him out of office on his ass.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:38 am
Here are some of the information you ask for concerning studies and females willingness to turn to violence themselves toward males.

I suggest you might wish to go to the link below for more details.

Oh another personal note I had a former co-worker who woke up to find his wife about to place a knife into him.


Family Conflict Studies
Nntiorznl Fnniily Vivleizce Siiriieys. These studies have obtained data from
nationally representative samples of 2,113 married and cohabiting
couples in 1975 and 6,002 couples in 1985. In both surveys, the rate of
female-to-male assault was slightly higher than the rate of male-tofemale
assault (Straus & Gelles, 1986, 1990). Because the seeming
equality in assault rates may occur because of a tendency by men to
underreport their own assaults (Dutton, 1988; Stets & Straus, 1990), the
assault rates were recomputed for this chapter on the basis of information
provided by the 2,994 women in the 1985 National Family
Violeuce Survey The resulting overall rate for assaults by women was
121 per 1,000 couples, as compared to 122 per 1,000 for assaults by men
ns reporfed by their female p ~ ~ t i ~ eTrhsi.s difference is not great enough to
be statistically reliable.
Separate rates were also computed for minor and severe assaults.
The rate of minor assaults by women was 78 per 1,000 couples, compared
wit11 a rate for men of 72 per 1,000. The severe assault rate
was 46 per 1,000 couples for assaults by women and 50 per 1,000 for
assaults by men. Neither difference is statistically significant. Since
these rates are based exclusively on information provided by women
respondents, the near-equality in assault rates cannot be attributed to a
gender bias in reporting.
Other Funlily Violmce Szirzvys. There have been more than 100 family
violence surveys, whicli have used a variety of measures and reported
similar results. This includes research by respected scholars such
as Scanzoni (1978) and O'Leary, Malone, and Tyree (1994); and largescale
studies such as the Los Angeles Epidemiology Catchment Area
study (Sorenson & Telles, 1991), the National Survey of Households
and Families (Brush, 1990), the Dunedin, New Zealand, birth cohort
study (Moffitt, Caspi, Rutter, & Silva, 2001), and a statewide survey
conducted for the Kentucky Commission on Women.
The Kentucky study raises a troublesome question of scientific
ethics, because it is one of several in which the data on assaults by
women were intentionally suppressed. The existence of that data
became knorzm only because FIornung, McCullough, and Sugimoto
(1981) obtained the computer tape and found that, among the violent
couples, 38 percent werr attacks by women on men who, as reported
by the women themselves, had not attacked them. More often, the
strategy to maintain the myth that partner assault is exclusively a male
crime has been to omit questions that ask about violence by women, as
for example in the Canadian National Survey of Violence against
Samples of "Bnttered Wmieiz." Studies of residents in shelters for
battered women are sometimes cited to show that it is only male partners
who are violent. However, these studies display the pattern of
deception and cover-up noted in the previous paragraph. They rarely
obtain or report information on assaults by women; and when they do,
they ask only about women's use of violence in self-defense. One of the
few exceptions is Walker (19841, who found that 1 out of 4 women in
battering relationsliips responded affirmatively when asked if she had
"used physical force to get something you wanted" (p. 174). Giles-Sims
(1983) also found that in the year prior to coming to a shelter, 50 percent
of the women reported assaulting their partner, and in the six months
after leaving the shelter, 41.7percent reported an assaiilt against a partner.
Giles-Sims's case study data suggest that is not likely these assaults
were in self-defense.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:39 am
Talk to me when you can supply me with accurate, acceptable statistics concerning women's violence against men .... compared to male violence against women & children.

Not that I believe that violence of any sort is an acceptable resolution to any domestic (or other) conflict.

Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:40 am
No, Bill, I meant proper statistics.

Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:42 am
Talk to me when you can supply me with accurate, acceptable statistics concerning women's violence against men .... compared to male violence against women & children.

Not that I believe that violence of any sort is an acceptable resolution to any domestic (or other) conflict.

Already had been done now do you have any more requests?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:43 am
No, Bill, I meant statistics.

You got them.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:43 am
msolga wrote:

Talk to me when you can supply me with accurate, acceptable statistics concerning women's violence against men .... compared to male violence against women & children.

Not that I believe that violence of any sort is an acceptable resolution to any domestic (or other) conflict.

Bruised and battered husbands have been complaining for years and now the biggest research project of its kind has proved them right. When it comes to domestic confrontation, women are more violent than men.

Bruised and battered husbands have been complaining for years and now the biggest research project of its kind has proved them right. When it comes to domestic confrontation, women are more violent than men.

The study, which challenges the long-standing view that women are overwhelmingly the victims of aggression, is based on an analysis of 34,000 men and women by a British academic. Women lash out more frequently than their husbands or boyfriends, concludes John Archer, professor of psychology at the University of Central Lancashire and president of the International Society for Research on Aggression.

Male violence remains a more serious phenomenon: men proved more likely than women to injure their partners. Female aggression tends to involve pushing, slapping and hurling objects. Yet men made up nearly 40 per cent of the victims in the cases that he studied - a figure much higher than previously reported.

Professor Archer analysed data from 82 US and UK studies on relationship violence, dating back to 1972. He also looked at 17 studies based on victim reports from 1,140 men and women. Speaking last night, he said that female aggression was greater in westernised women because they were "economically emancipated" and therefore not afraid of ending a relationship.

"Feminist writers say most of the acts against men are not important but the same people have used the same surveys to inflate the number of women who are attacked," he said. "In the past it would not even have been considered that women are violent. My view is that you must base social policy on the whole evidence."

His views are supported by Dr Malcolm George, a lecturer in neuroscience at London University. In a paper to be published next year in the Journal of Men's Studies, Dr George will argue that men have been abused by their wives since Elizabethan times. He uses examples such as the actor John Wayne, beaten by his wife Conchita Martinez, and Humphrey Bogart battered by his wife Mayo Methot, as well as Abraham Lincoln whose wife Mary who broke his nose with a lump of wood.

His research is backed up by historical records which show that men who were beaten by their wives were publicly humiliated in a ceremony called a "skimmington procession". The procession was named after the ladle used to skim milk during cheese making.

Dr George has also unearthed a plaster frieze in Montacute House in Somerset that depicts a wife hitting her husband over the head followed by a "skimmington" ceremony.

"It's a complex argument but we do get more women aggressing against male partners than men against female partners," said Dr George. "The view is that women are acting in self-defence but that is not true - 50 per cent of those who initiate aggression are women. This sends a dangerous message to men because we are saying they are not going to get any legal redress so their option instead is to hit back."

Terrie Moffitt, professor of social behaviour at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College, London, admitted that women do engage in abusive behaviour and said the Home Office should fund research into the issue in the UK. "If we ask does women's violence have consequences for their kids then the answer is 'yes'," she said. "There is also an elevated risk of children being victims of domestic violence if there is central violence between parents."

However, Dr Anne Campbell, a psychologist at the University of Durham, said that women should still receive the most support because they were the greater victims of domestic violence. "The outcome of violence is that women are more damaged by it and need the bulk of resources," she said. "But women's violence has become increasingly legitimised. There is a sense now that it's OK to 'slap the bastard'."

Not that you will listen, as your mind is closed as demonstrated by the fact that we have had this conversation a few times and yet you still come round spouting your ignorance...
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:48 am
I am more concerned that Firefly said in the rape thread that perfection is the state getting every man that they go after.

I'm more concerned that you are delusional, since I never said any such thing.

Just put on your tin foil hat, Hawkeye, and tell the world that DSK was set up at the Sofitel hotel by a feminist conspiracy designed to replace him at the IMF with a new female chief, and to demonstrate how feminist power can bring even the mightiest of men to his knees through their iron-clad control of the American criminal justice system. The feminists are everywhere, controlling everything, and DSK is their latest martyred victim. Get rid of the rape laws. Get rid of the courts. Justice should be what Hawkeye decides it is...mainly about protecting men from sexual assault charges...only white men, of course...

Does your white sheet with the pointy hood fit over your tin foil hat, Hawkeye? Laughing
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:48 am
The problem is that msolga does not understand that men and women are more similar then otherwise including their willingness to turn to violence as a mean to deal with problems.

Women do tend on the whole not to be as good at it as men are and that in the reason why my former co-worker is still alive as even half asleep he was able to deal with his wife deadly knife attack on him.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:53 am
and tell the world that DSK was set up at the Sofitel hotel by a feminist conspiracy designed to replace him at the IMF with a new female chief, and to demonstrate how feminist

Given that she seems to be a low level criminal involved with drug dealers I see no reason to think that if she was offer money to set him up with more funds coming from a civil suit or settlement that she would not be willing to do so.

I do question if it was feminists however the groups that might wish him removed him from the IMF are not few in numbers.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:53 am
The problem is that msolga does not understand that men and women are more similar then otherwise including their willingness to turn to violence as a mean to deal with problems.
She is an old woman who has been raised on feminist lies and is not able to see beyond what she has been spoon fed. She is in another words sadly normal.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:54 am
The Family Research Laboratory (FRL) is an independent research unit devoted to the study of family problems.

Written by Murray A Straus. (who is he?)
That's one paper.

You call that conclusive statistical evidence?
I don't.

Could you refer to actual accepted government statistics, please?
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 01:57 am
You call that conclusive statistical evidence?
I don't.

We showed you some of ours, why have we not seen yours yet? OOPs. I forgot, you are the decider, you dont need to prove your assertions.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:01 am
And Hawkeye reference study also?

In any case we gave you the information that you ask for and a google search will find more such studies.

Neither I or Hawkeye are likely to be willing to do a PhD research paper for you, still and all there is ever reason to believe by the known facts that women are just as violence within a family as men are.

If you would care to disagree it is your turn to come up with facts and studies that support your position that women are less violence then men in families.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:05 am
Sure, I'll provide you with some creditable, widely accepted statistics, hawkeye, when you do the same. Official government statistics would be good.
And what you .. (oops, Bill ...) provided was not in that category.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:07 am
I'm more concerned that you are delusional, since I never said any such thing.
Yes you did, you said that you would not be happy until the conviction rate is 100%, you said this while bitching that the conviction rate is far too low for your liking.
Reply Sun 3 Jul, 2011 02:08 am
msolga wrote:

Sure, I'll provide you with some creditable, widely accepted statistics, hawkeye, when you do the same. Official government staistics would be good.
And what you .. (oops, Bill ...) provided was not in that category.

As I said, you are not interested in the truth, only in the perpetuation of your fantasies.

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