Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 03:03 pm
This goes way beyond naive.
You are catching on...she is smart and she is connected, there is zero chance that she is as naive as she acts. Firefly lies constantly in the attempt to promote her argument, this is the only possible explanation for the disconnect between her assertions and reality.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 03:48 pm
not necessarily, just let folks become bankers and politicians at their peril
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 03:51 pm
Oriana. I want to know why an expert on Iran (dixit Wiki) chooses to focus on DSK?
Lil. Under what circumstances did you write the biography of DSK? Was it an order?
Michel Taubmann. I have been in recent years, a specialist on Iran, but foremost I am a journalist. I have long worked in Limousin France 3, Arte then where I was responsible for the Paris office of information. I wrote The Case Guingouin , the story of the first French resistance fighter, leader of the communist resistance in Limousin, which after the Second World War was the victim of a police conspiracy.
I am also interested in Women's priests to celibacy in the Catholic Church. The project on Strauss-Kahn was born two years ago by a discussion with my editor Yves Derai, editions of the Moment. We had the idea to do a book about someone who could play an important role in politics. We chose Strauss-Kahn, which was quite logical.

Dodcoquelicot. For you, man DSK, as you know, is he capable of committing or attempting to commit such an act?
Yrais Schaa. DSK is it you feel capable of losing control to the point of forgetting that it may completely undermine his political career?
Jacques. The question that everyone wants to ask the biographer: In your opinion, DSK is he a man capable of such disregard for the human person and the other of such inconsistency meet the challenges and responsibilities? In short, it could be a sick man?

Your nickname. Do you think that DSK can be a victim of a conspiracy to end his political career?
Pazfern. Can we call it a stunt? If so, who would benefit?
We can not exclude an organized conspiracy, but for now we have no proof.

Jcfromparis. There was a genuine code of silence journalists and policies regarding the attitude towards DSK moved several women?
In the past, there was omerta. For example, the fact that Francois Mitterrand, President of the Republic, had a double life. On Strauss-Kahn, one can not speak for years because omerta newspapers allude to the fact that he is a great seducer. For my part, I am the first in my book, have addressed the relationship Dominique Strauss-Kahn in women. The limit is that I did not make public any contacts between consenting adults, which are private, and have no political consequence.
For cons, I spent two long chapters to matters which are of public affairs. The first is the case Piroska Nagy, the name of this high-Hungarian officer with whom the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn had an affair in 2008. I spoke, because this case led to investigations in the IMF and by a firm of independent investigations in New York, and that the various investigations have cleared Dominique Strauss-Kahn of accusations of abuse power. Clearly, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Piroska Nagy had an open relationship, he did not abuse his position of power to get this relationship with her.
The second case is the case Tristane Banon, who just re-emerge today. I developed a long and contradictory ways that matter in my book, after conducting several interviews and made several intersections. I concluded that the charges of attempted rape made by DSK Tristane Banon cons were unfounded. Moreover Tristane Banon, nine years after the fact, has not yet filed a complaint. There is a very different affair between Tristane Banon, where he is on TV charges on Paris Première, in 2007, and the current case in New York where there is a complaint and an investigation.
I asked myself the question whether indeed Dominique Strauss-Kahn could be a rapist. It's a loaded question, to which I have not answered lightly. I came to the conclusion that if Strauss-Kahn was a seducer, an unrepentant flirty, fickle man, he had absolutely not the characteristics of a rapist. DSK loves to seduce. It has the capacity, both by his personality and his social status, easily seduced many women. However, I can not see him as a kind of wild animal, which comes out of his bathroom, which behaves like a predator with a young woman.

Gabga67. Will himself was aware he could be outrageous with women? And that sooner or later it would fall over it? One has the impression that he minimized his behavior.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn did not hide, including my book, its fickle nature, its casualness. He even says that his friend Lionel Jospin was not virtuous enough in terms of his personal morality. But many women I interviewed and worked with him - friends or political opponents, and document in my book, saying that Dominique Strauss-Kahn was under the work stand very well with women without their making any proposal. Moreover, it could also, and quite often play the nice heart and try to seduce, but its kind of relationship with women, were the proposal, sometimes insistent, but when a woman told him no, it was not. He did not return to the load.

Sofitel. Have you found it, since you know well, in DSK, the possibility that he "farted" the shot, an act of madness, psychological or personality excluded you think this assumption?
Leoemile. Some psychologists are beginning to talk of missteps (cited also by Libération this morning) it is plausible that cracked under the pressure?
He is a man who shows a lot of composure. A man who was very determined to attend the next French election. And really, there were other ways not to arrive at the Elysee that wreck lives. This does not resemble him at all.
I want to emphasize the fact that I can not imagine DSK wild beast, and I believe he is innocent of the facts which he is charged. It happened anyway something in this room 2806 which, for me, remains an enigma

DSK's biographer, translated by Google.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 04:15 pm
"The American legal system is an inhuman system that grinds one who falls into his hands" . Europe 1 radio on Tuesday morning, on France 2 on Monday night, former culture minister Jack Lang has slammed the manner in which the arrest took place and the hearing of DSK . "I admire American democracy but I know - to be interested in me - the American legal machine, which may be an infernal machine. Whatever the nature of the facts, nothing can justify a man being treated with contempt and violence " , he said. According to Mr. Lang , "it is not unthinkable, knowing the U.S. system, highly politicized, whether by a judge of the attitude " to "afford a French" .

Translated by Google
"Le système judiciaire américain est un système inhumain qui broie celui qui tombe entre ses mains". Sur Europe 1, mardi matin, comme sur France 2, lundi soir, l'ancien ministre de la culture Jack Lang a critiqué vertement la manière dont se sont déroulées l'arrestation et l'audience de DSK. "J'admire la démocratie américaine mais je connais – pour m'y être intéressé – la machine judiciaire américaine, qui peut-être une machine infernale. Quelle que soit la nature des faits, rien ne peut justifier qu'un homme soit traité avec ce mépris et cette violence", a-t-il expliqué. Selon M. Lang, "il n'est pas impensable, quand on connaît le système américain, très politisé, qu'il y ait de la part de la juge une attitude" visant à "se payer un Français".

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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 04:32 pm
All very interesting - particularly coming as it does from France where the legal system does not include the clear presumption of innocence that exists in the British (and our) legal system. So far the suggestions of inhumanity do not seem to point towards the police and courts of New York, but rather in another direction. Perhaps, if we had a workable extradition treaty with France the judge would have been more inclined to grant bail. Unfortunately we don't - something the French critics don't appear to include in their calculations.

Again we are being asked to believe that, because these people believe the accusations of DLS were in some sense "not like him", he is necessarily innocent, and that the charges may be part of a politically motivated political conspiracy. Unfortunately the "not like him" refrain has been heard many times before by acquaintances of people convicted of rather horrible serial crimes on matters for which there appeared to be very little doubt. In short it proves nothing - one way or the other. Moreover there has not yet appeared any evidence of the suggested conspiracy, and it seems hard to project any such motivation on the police of the city of New York in this case.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 04:40 pm
Perhaps if we had a workable extradition treaty with France the judge would have been more inclined to grant bail.
This is the same judge who claimed to be alarmed that he was found sitting on a plane, with a reservation that had been made days before, this judge claiming that this indicated that he was trying to flee jurisdiction....AFTER he called the hotel and asked them to bring his phone to him thus allowing the police find him. She was not interested in any facts, nor any determination of his flight risk. He even offered to pre waive right to object to extradition, and was willing to take any other steps that the prosecution wanted. Nothing mattered, no facts where going to matter, this Judge knew what she wanted to do before she sat down.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:04 pm
Unfortunately the "not like him" refrain has been heard many times before by acquaintances of people convicted of rather horrible serial crimes on matters for which there appeared to be very little doubt. In short it proves nothing - one way or the other.

And for US presidents, like Reagan, Bus, Bush, who have yet to be convicted, right, Gob?

The only difference being is that the refrain is "just like him".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:11 pm
You're not being fair here. This is not about keeping details of politically powerful figures hidden, this is about the right to a fair trial

I wasn't referring to the French criminal justice system. I was really referring to the French privacy laws, that do stifle the ability of French journalists to write and talk about, and investigate, the private lives of powerful and influential public figures and politicians. Consequently, many "secrets" in those private lives, remain hidden from the public, and the voters, and this lack of disclosure may conceal information which is relevant to leadership ability or judgment or character on the part of these public figures. I would much rather have the more intrusive, and investigative, U.S. journalism that subjects our public figures and politicians to much closer scrutiny, because I feel such disclosure of information is necessary, and that it is an additional safeguard against abuse of power.

In the U.S. we do not feel that merely knowing the fact of an arrest, or seeing a photo of someone in police custody, deprives someone of the right to a fair trial. Jury selection is carefully done, by both the prosecution and defense, to eliminate those possibly influenced by pre-trial publicity, jurors are instructed not to listen to or discuss news of the trial, or they are sequestered, and the presumption of innocence is stressed in court. If necessary, gag orders can be imposed that prevent the prosecution and defense from publicly discussing the case with the media. Our criminal justice system is open--our courtrooms are open to the public, and we have had entire trials broadcast on television (we used to have a cable channel that broadcast nothing except trials)--and I much prefer it that way.

Other countries have different mores, different procedures, and different laws. I'm not surprised that some in France were shocked to see photos of Strauss-Kahn in handcuffs, being treated like a common criminal--although anyone familiar with American TV crime dramas or movies shouldn't be surprised--that is how we do things here--all those accused of crimes, regardless of their social status, receive similar treatment.

My local paper prints the names of everyone arrested in this jurisdiction for any sort of crime--driving while intoxicated, burglary, petit larceny, assault, etc.--sometimes along with a mug shot photo--even though these people are all presumed innocent prior to trial. For a while, another paper printed the names of all those arrested for patronizing a prostitute. And, it doesn't matter the social status of these people--they will all be treated in an equal fashion.

Other countries follow different rules, and all systems have their pros and cons. I am not suggesting that other countries do things the way they are done in the U.S., but I do feel that our system works well here. And, at the moment, Strauss-Kahn is in our criminal justice system and he will have to live with that.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:14 pm
We shall see what happens Friday...40 hours in at the first hearing the prosecution with a straight face told the judge "we have not had time to figure out if we have all of his travel documents yet" (paraphrase), I would not put it past them to try to float the same BS 6 days in, trying to turn the screws. One call to either the UN, IMF, or State Department would have gotten them their answer. They could have called the French Consulate, but we all know that you cant trust the French *sarcasm*
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:21 pm
My local paper prints the names of everyone arrested in this jurisdiction for any sort of crime--driving while intoxicated, burglary, petit larceny, assault, etc.--sometimes along with a mug shot photo--even though these people are all presumed innocent prior to trial. For a while, another paper printed the names of all those arrested for patronizing a prostitute. And, it doesn't matter the social status of these people--they will all be treated in an equal fashion.
Perhaps a new low for the American "justice" system....my communities over the years have published the crimes, with dates and addresses down to the block, but not named names of innocent citizens, which is as far as the state has a right to go. Only after the guilt is established should individuals be broadly connected to the crimes, though of course this would prevent the state from beating the bushes trying to flush out more accusations against the charged.

Along the same lines we used to run a check on individuals to see if they have ever been convicted of anything, but now we check to see if they have ever been charged with anything, and we are moving towards keeping a record of all police contacts, like the insurance companies do. Between this kind of record keeping on the front lines an the data mining methods developed to track "terrorists" the intel collected by the state on its own citizens is now massive....something that previous generations would never have tolorated.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:28 pm
I don't want to get into a huge row with you over this , but there was one thing I found quite discomforting. You said,

My local paper prints the names of everyone arrested in this jurisdiction for any sort of crime--driving while intoxicated, burglary, petit larceny, assault, etc.--sometimes along with a mug shot photo--even though these people are all presumed innocent prior to trial. For a while, another paper printed the names of all those arrested for patronizing a prostitute. And, it doesn't matter the social status of these people--they will all be treated in an equal fashion.

My local paper prints the names of people convicted, that way if someone was in the wrong place at the wrong time, they won't get their names dragged through the mud. What really concerned me though was the printing of men's names who had visited prostitutes. All this succeeds in doing is driving prostitution deeper underground. The working girl will spend a lot less time ensuring her own safety, and more time evading the police. Clients will be met at increasingly more secret locations, and the end result is a far greater risk of rape and murder. This sort of publicity does absolutely nothing to protect women, in fact it does the exact opposite.

Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:36 pm
This sort of publicity does absolutely nothing to protect women, in fact it does the exact opposite.
we have many punitive measures that dont have a positive impact, even though the whole claim for putting them in place was that they would. Just last week I linked to a study that showed that the practice of sex crime registries have no effect on recidivism, so that means that the negative effect of making it very difficult or impossible for people to rebuild their lives is not even balanced with the positive result that they were put into place to achieve. It is about time folks came to grips with how barbaric the American "justice" system is, and with how pervasive are the lies that we have been told , and with how little competence the leaders of this system possess. My main focus is my contempt for the feminists who run sex law, but all of the system is broken.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:50 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Perhaps if we had a workable extradition treaty with France the judge would have been more inclined to grant bail.
This is the same judge who claimed to be alarmed that he was found sitting on a plane, with a reservation that had been made days before, this judge claiming that this indicated that he was trying to flee jurisdiction....AFTER he called the hotel and asked them to bring his phone to him thus allowing the police find him. She was not interested in any facts, nor any determination of his flight risk. He even offered to pre waive right to object to extradition, and was willing to take any other steps that the prosecution wanted. Nothing mattered, no facts where going to matter, this Judge knew what she wanted to do before she sat down.

I have not seen any news reports attesting to when the reservation was made. Do you have any factual basis for your assertion that "it was made days before"? There were reports that he appeared to have left the hotel in a hurry, leaving cell phone and "other personal articles" behind. I don't claim to know all the relevent facts here, and doubt that you do either.

Unlike both of us, the judge did have access to all the available evidence and to the arguments of both the prosecutors and defense counsel. On what basis do you assert that her decision was biased or contrary to normal precedent in such cases?? The question of flight risk is highly relevant and France is notoriously sticky about extradition - ask Roman Polanski or Ira Einhorn, both of whom were convicted (not just charged) of serious crimes here and both of whom evaded extradition in France for years.

Mr. Levy Strauss is indeed a prominent figure in France and the world, and it is indeed a big step down from a comped suite in a Manhatten hotel to Rikers Island. However, that is the judicial system here. The implied proposition that we should apply unequal justice based on one's station in life is not at all compatable with the official judicial values of either this country or of France.

Some of our European critics in this matter are the same folks who were calling for the American, Paul Wolfowitz' dismissal from the World Bank because he had intervened to have his girl friend's new employer give her a salary that was equal to her former (tax free) salary at the World bank, following her mandated departure from that organization because of her reported relationship with Wolfowitz - something that both parties freely reported to the Bank as soon as Wolfowitz took the job. No crime or misbehavior at all was involved, but the "standards" enforced by these critics then were very high indeed - much higher than those they applied to DLS following his earlier misbehavior at the IMF, or are applying now, when he is accused of forcible rape..
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:53 pm
I have not seen any news reports attesting to when the reservation was mad
At the hearing defense had a copy of an IMF document that asserted as much, which was prepared days before the events.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:58 pm
In my county some genus set the distance from any park or school etc that anyone on the sex register can live at 2500 feet.

Resulting in the only place such people can live is camping under a highway bridge in the county.

Hundreds of sex offenders free to move around at will when children are awake and moving around but limited to living under a damn bridge at night when children are at home in bed.

This did wonders for causing sex offenders to disappear and stop reporting.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 06:29 pm
I have not seen any news reports attesting to when the reservation was made. Do you have any factual basis for your assertion that "it was made days before"? There were reports that he appeared to have left the hotel in a hurry, leaving cell phone and "other personal articles" behind. I don't claim to know all the relevent facts here, and doubt that you do either

I know that I had give you the information myself earlier on this thread.

Seem like you are a birther kind of person on this matter believing what you wish to believe no matter how many times someone give you the facts.

Oh note any lawyer knowingly giving a court false information of this nature would be open to being disbar.


The reason he was rushing is because he had a luncheon appointment," said Brafman, a renowned courtroom performer who has previously represented Michael Jackson and hip hop mogul Jay-Z.

Promising to produce that lunch partner to corroborate the alibi, Brafman then fired another shot: the Air France flight was booked long before and had nothing in common with a sudden attempt to escape, he said."The theory he ran out of the hotel and ran to the airport, running away, is simply not true."

And if Strauss-Kahn showed no sign of being in a panic or attempting to flee after noon, then that was "inconsistent with logic and consciousness of guilt," Brafman said.

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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 06:54 pm
This did wonders for causing sex offenders to disappear and stop reporting.
These laws did however largely have the effect of stripping these guys of their families, making it impossible for them to work, and then finally making them homeless.

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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 06:58 pm
The question of flight risk is highly relevant and France is notoriously sticky about extradition - ask Roman Polanski or Ira Einhorn, both of whom were convicted (not just charged) of serious crimes here and both of whom evaded extradition in France for years.

That was exactly the issue raised by the D.A. (Alonso) at the bail hearing before Judge Jackson.

"It's just like Roman Polanski -- it's the same, exact situation," Alonso warned Jackson, referring to the movie director who was charged with a sex act involving a child in California in 1977 and fled to France to dodge prosecution for more than 30 years.

It would be absurd if the prosecution and judge were not mindful of what went on with Polanski--another powerful, wealthy, internationally regarded man, also accused of sex crimes, who fled the U.S., and was not extradited--and did not take this into account when considering bail or possible house arrest in this case.

Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 07:12 pm
It would be absurd if the prosecution and judge were not mindful of what went on with Polanski--another powerful, wealthy, internationally regarded man, also accused of sex crimes, who fled the U.S., and was not extradited--and did not take this into account when considering bail or possible house arrest in this case.

World famous with no travel documents and add a GPS leg tracker and the flight risk is near zero as we all know.

The reason that the prosecutor desire him to be lock up is to break his will to fight the charges not some bullshit fear he will escape to France.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 07:19 pm
NEW YORK – IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was placed under a suicide watch in jail, while pressure mounted on him to resign Tuesday and the hotel maid who accused him of attempted rape said through her lawyer that she had no idea who he was when she reported him to the police.
Law enforcement officials emphasized that Strauss-Kahn had not tried to harm himself but that guards were keeping a close watch on him just in case.

Another move at humiliation...DKS kill himself??!!, the concept is laughable. This case is moving further into the likelihood of being the cause of long lasting problems in the relationship between the EU and USA. Much more of this and OBAMA should seriously consider ending it, by removing jurisdiction from NY by having the state department and DOJ claim diplomatic immunity.

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