Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 12:25 pm
It is a study funded by the Department of Justice and it is a very reputable source. It was done under the auspices of the DOJ

Right, the opinions expressed do not reflect the official policies or positions of the DOJ.

But statistical findings are not considered "opinions or points of view"--they are regarded as being objective data.

Sorry dear this silly study was done under a grant and not under the control or oversight of the DOJ in any manner what so ever so it creditability need to stand in total independent of the DOJ.

On it face it does not stand up and I had given many links to experts who had torn this study apart on the rape thread.

Oh it you wish to see real statistics you can go to any university website that take government funding and find out that the reported rapes are less then one percent or less of the female student population.

In other word ten to thirty a year out of a female student population of 5000 or so not the three hundred plus a year that this study would had your believe.

For the study to match the reported sexual assaults on campuses you would have to assume a non report rate of over ninety percents.

But then we had gone over this with hundreds of posts on the rape thread.

To sum up any claims by you or anyone else that the study statistics are DOJ statistics are completely false.
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Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 01:49 pm
Spendius has told us that women are responsible for their own rapes because they are sexually provocative, or "irresistibly attractive"--so, presumably, women who are forcibly sexually assaulted against their will, should apparently regard it as a compliment, an example of admiration for their sexual appeal, rather than as a heinous violent crime which is also a basic human and civil rights violation.

That is a gross travesty of what I said. I said "to an extent" and that is the position of judges, juries, policemen, the Minister for Justice and the general public in the UK. "TO AN EXTENT".

How could those women publicly regard it as a compliment when they are working the sympathy for compen? I bet a few gloat about it privately though even if some are "scarred for life". We men are expected to keep a stiff upper lip about things that scar us for life.

Of course there are many cases which are of the nature that you are trying, idiotically I might add, to say all cases are.

There is no smear in being realistic. You're over-excited ff. I'm beginning to think you like it. Orgies of thrumming indignation with a sexual bent. Lovely eh? I've never seen a woman wallow in the images of "being forced" as much as you do.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 02:00 pm
In order that viewers here should not be under any illusions I do believe that the vast majority of women are devious and deceitful. I wouldn't have it any other way. What a dull game it would be otherwise.

The exceptions are very unintelligent. That's why the posts from females on this thread are so insulting to women. Deviousness and deceit are evolved characteristics in females. Where would women be if they weren't?
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 02:12 pm
BillRM wrote:

You're not denying that you think all women are devious.

You got to be kidding me yes I do not think that all women are devious ...

not kidding.

You didn't believe hawkeye had posted it. Then when I brought back the proof, you didn't seem to have a problem with what he'd posted. Interesting how far you had to be pushed to disagree with him.

I've understood for some time how negatively spendius and hawkeye think of women. It wasn't something I'd expected of you.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 02:24 pm
You didn't believe hawkeye had posted it. Then when I brought back the proof, you didn't seem to have a problem with what he'd posted. Interesting how far you had to be pushed to disagree with him.
Saying that women are devious is not a slam on women, I am not saying anything that you will not find in the book "the rules" about how to catch and keep a man. Men need the game, women who are not devious tend to bore us to tears. However, the law needs to keep this traditional game between men and women in mind when it makes assumptions on behavior, believing and acting as though women can be assumed to be telling the truth is stupidity, and unjust towards men.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 02:50 pm
I've never seen a woman wallow in the images of "being forced" as much as you do.

Your repeated attempts to turn the real life crime of forcible sexual assault into an erotic scene from a bodice-ripping romance novel really reflects the fact you are attempting to substitute fantasy for reality when dealing with the issue of forcible sexual assault. The reason I emphasize the word forcible is because that is what DSK is charged with, and it is regarded as a very serious and violent crime against an unwilling victim.

You not only trivialize the crime, you negatively characterize the victims of such crimes as "working the sympathy for compen", suggesting they are responding dishonestly in order to get financial gain--again, casting aspersions about women's honesty, and about whether women are even actually traumatized or suffer long-term negative consequences from such violent assaults. A few, you claim, might even , "gloat about it privately", as though being violently sexually assaulted was a testament to their sex appeal.

Is this how you also view the forcible sexual assaults of men, commited against them by other men? And do you also blame those male victims for their own assaults, particularly considering that most men who assault other men are heterosexual?

Sexist and demeaning attitudes, like yours, toward women who have been the victims of forcible sexual assault, are one major reason that victims are reluctant to come forward and report their attacks to police.

Fortunately, the maid at the Sofitel hotel had the courage to lodge a complaint and to testify before a grand jury. And, according to her attorney, she will continue cooperating with the prosecution and she will give her testimony at DSK's trial. I really doubt that her testimony will sound like something out of a bodice-ripping romance novel.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 02:57 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Saying that women are devious is not a slam on women, I am not saying anything that you will not find in the book "the rules" about how to catch and keep a man.

Not a slam? Watch spendy react to being told he's underhanded. Of course he does meet the definition by way of being indirect and rambling.

The rules. The 1970's are long gone, along with white suits and gold chains for men.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:09 pm
The rules. The 1970's are long gone, along with white suits and gold chains for men.
It was published in 1995, and it was a run away best seller which suggests to me that women find value in the idea presented.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:10 pm
A few, you claim, might even , "gloat about it privately", as though being violently sexually assaulted was a testament to their sex appeal.

Well it is a testament to their sex appeal. That's why so few grannies are ever raped and in the odd case where one is the bloke is seen as a cretin.

You just take the worst cases, which we all agree about, and assume all the others are as bad. And they are not. That's why there is a range of sentences at the judge's discretion.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:11 pm
Must be an American thing. I've never met an adult woman who talked about the "rules" other than with derision.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:19 pm
ehBeth wrote:

Must be an American thing. I've never met an adult woman who talked about the "rules" other than with derision.

Even the Bible for with it young women promotes this approach


So ya, I'd say you have not been paying attention.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:39 pm
Fortunately, the maid at the Sofitel hotel had the courage to lodge a complaint and to testify before a grand jury. And, according to her attorney, she will continue cooperating with the prosecution and she will give her testimony at DSK's trial. I really doubt that her testimony will sound like something out of a bodice-ripping romance novel.

The question being is her courage of the same nature as the runner up Miss Washington State courage in bringing false charges and a civil suit against Mr. Copperfield or not?

Off hand it seem even odds to me that the maid is another lady looking for a lottery winning and the victim is not her but DSK as Mr. Copperfield was the true victim not the runner up beauty queen who cry rape on him.

As long as Mr. Copperfield live a lot of people on hearing his name will not think what a great magician but oh that was the guy who rape some woman on a private island or was charge with doing so at least.

Even if it proven beyond question that DSK did not rape the maid he will be first remember as the man who assaulted a maid in a hotel or at least was charge with doing so and not as one of the best economic technicians of our time.

An for the most part women walk away with a slap on the wrist at the very worst when it is found out that the cry of rapes was not true.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:41 pm
"the Surrendered Wife" published 2001 is an extension of the theme

Self-proclaimed "feminist and former shrew" Laura Doyle sets forth a whopper of a game plan for establishing profound intimacy in one's marriage. Building on the gender stereotypes defined by bestselling author John Gray (Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus), Doyle seeks to heal the overworked, underappreciated wife who snarls at her mate's every thought or action. Her message to these smart, self-sufficient types: check the nitpicking, the unsolicited opinions, and--egads!--the finances at the marital door (although she says it's still okay to wield control at work). Many women will find such advice archaic and offensive; some will simply laugh off this credential-free anachronism when they receive the book as a bridal-shower gag gift. Still others, identifying with Doyle's profile of a controlling wife, will be curious enough to dabble in her proposed art of "surrendering."
According to Doyle, the wife who chooses to surrender must learn to take care of herself first, overcome the desire to have more power, and abandon the myth of equality. Delving into the personal tales and sisterly advice shared within each chapter's pages, surrendering wives will further note the need to master unsavory phrases like "I can't," and "Whatever you think"--tough to swallow for a generation of women who value their own opinions. While she fully acknowledges that a few bills will go unpaid and a few deadlines or freeway exits will occasionally be missed, she also insists that surrendered wives will encounter less worry and fear, more money, and better sex. Hey, "Whatever you think...." --Liane


Laura Doyle originally self-published The Surrendered Wife. Once it became the bestselling book in Washington state, she sold reprint rights to Simon & Schuster. The book went on to become a New York Times bestseller.

Read more: http://www.bookmarket.com/selfpublish-d.htm#ixzz1PlBjqYrW
the media gate keepers did not jump at the chance to publish this non PC book, but once the public bit it did go into major release.

It was a time when you might have heard advice such as this: "Strive to be vulnerable with your husband by baring your most tender feelings. When you feel the fear of being rejected welling up, find your courage by reminding yourself that you are safe with your husband... Make yourself available for sex at least once a week, whether you feel like it or not."

Actually, this isn't a quote from the 1950s, or the 1970s. It's not even a spoof along the lines of the Harry Enfield sketch that exhorted, in the style of a public information broadcast: "Women, know your limits!"

These are the words holding a new generation of women in thrall. In case you haven't noticed, there's a new breed of woman about, who wants nothing more than to shed her capable, executive office persona and head back to the kitchen sink. And the woman who wrote the words is Laura Doyle, a 32-year-old Californian, whose new book is a massive hit with American wives. Its thesis is that the secret of a happy marriage is a submissive wife, who never says no, never nags her husband, and if she disagrees with him, says, through gritted teeth if she must, "Whatever you think". Its title, The Surrendered Wife, would have had feminists laughing their heads off five years ago. But not now.

The Surrendered Wife is a bestseller. There are "Surrendered Circles" all over the US, at which women get together to receive the word on not having to be right. Doyle has become the latest "it girl" in the neo-retro movement, where the pressure on women to re-enact their grandmother's lives has never been stronger.

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Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:42 pm
BillRM wrote:
As long as Mr. Copperfield live a lot of people on hearing his name will not think what a great magician but oh that was the guy who rape some woman on a private island or was charge with doing so at least.

many people thought he was gay until the rape charges appeared. he couldn't win for losing it seems.
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Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:43 pm
yup yup Cosmo
great teen mag
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Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:44 pm
Saying that women are devious is not a slam on women, I am not saying anything that you will not find in the book "the rules" about how to catch and keep a man. Men need the game, women who are not devious tend to bore us to tears. However, the law needs to keep this traditional game between men and women in mind when it makes assumptions on behavior, believing and acting as though women can be assumed to be telling the truth is stupidity, and unjust towards men.

When you consider all women to be devious--i.e. dishonest, deceitful, untrustworthy, insincere, etc., it most certainly is a slam on women--all women. And, to further say that, because of her gender, it can never be assumed that a woman is telling the truth, is a blatantly sexist, and bigoted attitude.

We are not talking about "a game" between men and women when we are discussing violent crimes of sexual assault with unwilling victims. We are talking about violent and felonious criminal behavior on the part of a perpetrator. That is not something that can be, in any way, regarded as within the continuum of normal and acceptable social/sexual behaviors--and that is how most people, in most countries, view such behaviors--as very serious crimes.

We are not discussing "The Dating Game" or "How to Catch and Keep A Man"--we discussing crimes of forcible sexual assault--and, in the case of women, the victims of such crimes can be in their 80's and 90's. These are generally opportunistic crimes against vulnerable individuals.

The police certainly do assess credibility when dealing with a sexual assault complainant, as they do with anyone who reports a crime of any type--credibility is probably the first thing they consider. And the NYPD Special Victim's Unit and the D.A.'s sex crimes division, both very experienced in handling sex crimes, found DSK's accuser to be highly credible. They did not discount her report simply because she was female, and they arrived at their own decision to make an arrest. There was nothing "unjust toward a man" about any of this. They had what they considered to be a highly credible complainant, they had some additional evidence, and they knew who she was accusing, so they felt justified in making an arrest. And now the matter will be for a jury to decide.

You keep harping on how "unjust" and "unfair" it is to arrest and prosecute men for forcible sexual assaults. Well, it's also rather "unjust" for any woman to get forcibly sexually assaulted against her will, don't you think?

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 04:02 pm
I don't consider all women to be devious, only the more interesting, which thankfully is the majority. If you approach a woman you don't know she will more often than not be skilled at Deceit, the wise go in heads up.

As a bit of an aside....when I think on this subject I always think back to the movie the man from snowy river where the hard bitten Kirk Douglas charactor says to his daughter "You are deceitful just like your mother"...a woman who ran off with another man. Well DUH! There is a lost man right there.
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Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 05:14 pm
The question being is her courage of the same nature as the runner up Miss Washington State courage in bringing false charges and a civil suit against Mr. Copperfield or not?

Courage!!!!!!!?????? How can you talk about courage in this trivial and pathetic context. There are thousands of Western women working in backward countries in various capacities whose courage is so far in advance of these thrumming violets that one needs a ******* reverse dictionary to call what this cleaning woman has done by such a label.

In fact, the use of the word "courage" in relation to these hysterical gold digging actresses who the NYPD want to believe for its own reasons (being on telly looking important), as does Media (for the cash), is a blasphemy of the highest significance and absolute proof that ff and Beth are up a gum tree.

Not to put to fine a point on it it is ******* disgusting. It takes "courage" to assert that a prick brushed your lips. Goodness gracious me. What is happening to our silly world?

There are nurses taking care of patients with seriously infectious diseases.

What an utter denigration of women these people are engaged in for no other reason that to have an excuse to be indignant. They don't give a shite about cleaning women from Guinea. They never did, they don't and they never will.

Courage my fat arse!!
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 05:17 pm
You don't need courage to milk the paps of saps.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 08:25 pm
spendius:That's why the posts from females on this thread are so insulting to women.

I disagree. The posts from women on this thread are a tribute to the intelligence and courage of females who post on a2k

However, sentiments from cretins like you:
Deviousness and deceit are evolved characteristics in females.
..are an embarrassment to a majority of male posters on a2k.
Just my opinion mind you...

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