Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 09:36 am
you, and Hawkeye, and BillRM, statements which characterized half the world's population in extremely negative terms, are bigotry in action.

Strange is it not that I and Hawkeye share a home, bed , and more important a life with a woman and somehow I do not think for a second Firefly that it is at all likely that you are doing similar sharing with a man .
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 09:50 am
an attack on your positions taken here is not an attack on all women.

I haven't taken any positions on this legal case, nor are my comments about bigotry and sexism in response to anything said about me personally.

I am referring to the highly negative stereotypes and descriptions which have been used to characterize all women by you and Spendius and Hawkeye.

You, for instance, are constantly warning all men to be fearful of women, because women (presumably all women) will maliciously slap false rape charges on them--you even said you'd be afraid to stay in a NYC hotel because you implied it's open season for false rape allegations against men.

Spendius has told us that women are responsible for their own rapes because they are sexually provocative, or "irresistibly attractive"--so, presumably, women who are forcibly sexually assaulted against their will, should apparently regard it as a compliment, an example of admiration for their sexual appeal, rather than as a heinous violent crime which is also a basic human and civil rights violation. Would Spendius regard the men who are sexually assaulted and raped, particularly in prison, in that same way?---I doubt it. Spendius is committed only to making lame excuses to try to explain away the actions, and responsibility, of those who commit forcible unwanted sexual assaults--assaults which can have children and men as victims, as well as women--it is victim-blame at its worst.

Hawkeye has said no woman should be trusted or believed--simply because she is a woman--because all women are deceitful and devious.

All of this sexist garbage has nothing to do with the legal case against DSK--it is nothing more than a smear campaign directed toward women--all women.
Women in fact fit the same bell curve as men as far as being either honorable good citizens or evil worthless humans.

There is no such bell curve. But, if there were, I think it would reflect the fact that considerably more men than women sit in prisons around the globe--an indication that those so incarcerated might not be "honorable good citizens"--and they are predominantly male.
Does this mean all men are criminals, or even that most men are criminals? Of course not. It says absolutely nothing about men as an entire group.

But the fact that you immediately posted the case of a woman who was a "worthless example of womankind" and then tried to link that to the maid in the DSK case is a clear example of more smear tactics in an attempt to malign women--all women.
Now the question who is the worthless human being in the case of DSK and the maid is still to me a very open question.

The story as so far released of the maid indicate in my opinion that she is more likely to be the worthless one instead of DSK.

Now you judge the maid to likely be the more "worthless human being" in the DSK case? A worthless human being? Why? Because she reported being sexually assaulted? Well, if she's "worthless", why not go ahead and treat her as piece of garbage--cast aspersions on her credibility, her character, her motives, without any justification, simply because you've decided she must have fabricated her complaint out of a desire for money. Obviously, if she was attacked by DSK, she is quite legitimately entitled to monetary damages, but that's not what you're saying--you are clearly calling the maid a liar in terms of her report to the police, which is what would justify you considering her "worthless". Again, she must be a liar according to you, because that is how you regard women.

Even if DSK is guilty, I would never regard him as a " worthless human being"--that is a vile thing to say about anyone, particuarly about a man you claimed to have admired so much that you felt he should have had diplomatic immunity to shield him from arrest.

The only thing that's "worthless" are your sexist, bigoted, anti-women posts.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:14 am
Hawkeye has said no woman should be trusted or believed--simply because she is a woman--because all women are deceitful and devious.

Strange I do not remember him saying any such thing would you care to post such a comment from him?

It also seem strange that he would enter into a married contract if that was his true feelings.

You, for instance, are constantly warning all men to be fearful of women, because women (presumably all women) will maliciously slap false rape charges on them--you even said you'd be afraid to stay in a NYC hotel because you implied it's open season for false rape allegations against men.

Are you trying to be a magician in turning some women into all women and that there are as many evil women in the world as evil men into all women are evil?

And yes after the DSK incidence where the police did all of an hour or two of investigation and then arrested him, I would say that all high profile men need to be worry in fact be very worry that they do not run into a woman who wish to win the lottery at their expense in New York.

Why? Because she reported being sexually assaulted? Well, if she's "worthless", why not go ahead and treat her as piece of garbage--cast aspersions on her credibility, her character, her motives, without any justification, simply because you've decided she must have fabricated her complaint out of a desire for money. Obviously, if she was attacked by DSK

Oh and there is no problem with attacking DSK character as after all the police did a two or so hours investigation before arresting him and did so under the false believes that he ran out of the hotel to escape the country instead of meeting his daughter and then going to the airport for a flight he had book a week or so before.

Once more Mr. Copperfield and the other gentleman who had the run in with the young lady in the youtube video should be damn glad that she did not charge them with sexual assault in New York.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:20 am
Sorry dear but you do have a nerve after portraying men as rapists in waiting

For you to keep making that assertion simply reflects the fact you have no compunctions about out and out lying. I have never said any such thing--and you, and everyone else reading this thread, knows that--so why do you continue to post lies, particularly lies no one will believe?

I have never portrayed men as "rapists in waiting"--although I do think Spendius may have said something like that.

And the rape campaign posters, which definitely do not portray all men as "rapists in waiting" are designed only to remind students of the "No means no" date rape laws, in order to help prevent date rapes, and they really are no different than reminding them not to drink and drive. Anti-drunk driving campaigns are not meant to imply that everyone wants to get behind a wheel drunk and kill someone. These are educational campaigns geared toward preventing crimes--their purpose is to act as a deterrent, and only a simpleton would view them as being demeaning toward men, all men. You are grasping at straws in your attempts to find anti-male bigotry in such things.

You are posting irrelevant nonsense, totally unrelated to the topic, simply to continue to give yourself an excuse to smear women--all women.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:28 am
remind students of the "No means no" date rape laws, in order to help prevent date rapes, and they really are no different than reminding them not to drink and drive

Lord in going to college in the days without those very handily posters all around I do not know where I came up with the knowledge that you can not force sexual intercourse on an unwilling date.

Next we should have posters telling young men that they should not steal or murder on college campuses just in case they do not know that or need to be remind of that fact.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:30 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
There is absolutely nothing to suggest that this woman is dishonest, or devious,
Other than that she is a woman

gotta wonder what it is like to be a woman living in the same house with a man who thinks like this
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:31 am
BillRM wrote:

Hawkeye has said no woman should be trusted or believed--simply because she is a woman--because all women are deceitful and devious.

Strange I do not remember him saying any such thing would you care to post such a comment from him?

well, it's re-posted now.

would you care to comment on his comment?

(don't bother saying it was a one-off. he's posted similar things in other threads. they're also findable)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:35 am

Sorry I need a little bit more content then that.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:36 am
Strange is it not that I and Hawkeye share a home, bed , and more important a life with a woman and somehow I do not think for a second Firefly that it is at all likely that you are doing similar sharing with a man

The fact you, or Hawkeye, share a home and a bed with a woman does not mean that you do not hold highly negative stereotypical views of women--you express such views all the time. Are you foolishly implying that married men can't be sexists or bigots?

You have no idea about my personal life, nor will I tell you anything about it, because it is quite simply none of your business, although I have repeatedly told you I am heterosexual. I never asked you to tell me about your life with your wife, or your ex-wife--and, quite honestly, I'd rather not know about it, given some of the things you have told us.

For instance, you have told us your first wife accused you of physically abusing her, and your current wife sleeps with a gun. If you think that makes you sound like a great admirer of women, you are crazy.

I can tell you this, no man who has ever shared my bed has had to sleep with a gun.

Married men can be sexists and bigots. And you're a good example of that, and so is Hawkeye.

You are posting such drivel and garbage, I think there is no point in even bothering to respond to it, since it only gives you incentive to post more of the same.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:37 am
Read the original post.

I found the original, I used it to respond from.

I quite like you wanting to find a way to support him.

I saw the post you deleted. Does mrs. BillRm know that you also think all women are devious?
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:45 am
I saw the post you deleted. Does mrs. BillRm know that you also think all women are devious?

I delete the post because I was under the impression at first you was addressing me and then rereading it came to the conclusion that your comment was direct at Hawkeye not me concerning how a woman could live with such a man.

Second my wife and I had known each other since 1985 so she is well aware of my views.

My true views not how you and Firefly would care to paint them.

Oh we have three grandsons so she is as concern about this anti-male society we are turning into as I am.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:52 am
BillRM wrote:

I saw the post you deleted. Does mrs. BillRm know that you also think all women are devious?

I delete the post because I was under the impression at first you was addressing me and then rereading it came to the conclusion that your comment was direct at Hawkeye not me concerning how a woman could live with such a man.

Second my wife and I had known each other since 1985 so she is well aware of my views.

You're not denying that you think all women are devious.

I'm getting a better sense of why Set started the thread he did today.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:01 am
You have no idea about my personal life, nor will I tell you anything about it, because it is quite simply none of your business, although I have repeatedly told you I am heterosexual. I never asked you to tell me about your life with your wife, or your ex-wife--and, quite honestly, I'd rather not know about it, given some of the things you have told us.

For instance, you have told us your first wife accused you of physically abusing her, and your current wife sleeps with a gun. If you think that makes you sound like a great admirer of women, you are crazy.

Let see no one know who you are in the real world so you do not removed any level of privacy by being open and honest on this website. We therefore tend to wonder given that why you are so fearful for the rest of us to know such details that almost all other members male and female had have no problem sharing.

My wife sleep with a gun I happen to had purchase for her for her birthday and it give both of us peace of mind when I am not in the house however if there is a strange sound down stair she still consider it my job to get out of bed and check on it

In any case I know there are evil men in the world as well as evil women, something you seem not to understand at least when it come to women.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:06 am
You're not denying that you think all women are devious.

You got to be kidding me yes I do not think that all women are devious .......otherwise I would not had grant my wife full access to my banks accounts long before we was married and in fact never even bother to take her off when we broke up for a time.

Silly woman and or dishonest woman.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:25 am
I am sure that according to you that when you come around here claiming that we should assume that since most of Congress has been traditionally made up of white men we can legitimately assume that the interest of all other genders and races have not been looked after

Did I ever say that? I don't think so. But, certainly, as more women and people of color are elected to Congress, I would think it helps to insure that the interests of a broader range of citizens is considered--the government, in fact, becomes more representational.
and when you peddle your outrageous claims that one out of four college women are raped by men, and when you put up story after story of an old lady being raped by a man or a make cop raping, that you are not conducting hate speech

My "outrageous claims" were U.S. Department of Justice statistics. I think that is a reasonably credible source. Your labeling such statistics as "outrageous" simply reflects your obvious bias, because you refuse to accept the prevalence of sexual assault crimes.

Posting current news stories about rapes/sexual assaults, in order to illustrate a point about the types of victims or perpetrators of these crimes, in no way constitutes "hate speech"--that is just plain crazy. You are so paranoid that you believe any discussion of sexual assault crimes is a malicious attack on men, all men. While that might help to explain why you feel the need to attack and malign women, all women, as a counter-response, while you fail to see is that the initial perceived attack on men, all men, is all going on only in your mind, and it is a reflection of your own paranoia regarding women. You posted the news story about DSK's sexual assault arrest that started this thread. Was that an example of "hate speech" toward men on your part? To suggest that I am in engaging in "hate speech" by posting similar news stories is absurd. You are the one with double standards.
Let someone speak against the interests of women and there you are claiming that so and so should not be listened to because they are a hater.

No, this is not about "the interests of women", it is about how you repeatedly characterize women, all women, as a group, in highly negative over-generalized stereotypes. It is about sexism. It is about bigotry on your part.

You can't claim that I similarly characterize men, all men, in terms of such over-generalized negative stereotypes, because I simply do not do that. Nor have any other females posting in either this thread, or the Rape thread, done such things. If you're searching for man-haters, women who dislike all men, go look elsewhere, they really aren't posting here.

Whether people choose to listen to you, and agree with you, is up to them. No one has tried to silence you. You're free to continue expressing your sexist and bigoted views.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:31 am
My "outrageous claims" were U.S. Department of Justice statistics. I think that is a reasonably credible source. Your labeling such statistics as "outrageous" simply reflects your obvious bias, because you refuse to accept the prevalence of sexual assault crimes.

Sorry you are either wrong or lying once more and hoping to get away with it.

It was a study/survey done under a grant from the DOJ and it very first words was a disclaimer that the DOJ does not stand behind it or any similar studies done under grants from them.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:40 am
Silly woman and or dishonest woman.

So, now you're trying to label ehBeth as dishonest?

You really can't stop doing it, can you BillRM?

You really do think all women are dishonest and devious, and you express that at every opportunity, so you might as well stop denying it.

Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:40 am
The author(s) shown below used Federal funds provided by the U.S.
My "outrageous claims" were U.S. Department of Justice statistics. I think that is a reasonably credible source. Your labeling such statistics as "outrageous" simply reflects your obvious bias, because you refuse to accept the prevalence of sexual assault crimes.

Firefly I have not yet figure been able to figure out how you feel you can get away with making such false statements and not know by now that you will be challenge at once.


Department of Justice and prepared the following final report:
Document Title: The Campus Sexual Assault (CSA) Study
Author(s): Christopher P. Krebs, Ph.D. ; Christine H. Lindquist, Ph.D. ; Tara D. Warner, M.A. ; Bonnie S. Fisher, Ph.D. ; Sandra L. Martin, Ph.D.
Document No.: 221153
Date Received: December 2007
Award Number: 2004-WG-BX-0010
This report has not been published by the U.S. Department of Justice. To provide better customer service, NCJRS has made this Federally-funded grant final report available electronically in addition to traditional paper copies.
Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:42 am
You really do think all women are dishonest and devious, and you express that at every opportunity, so you might as well stop denying it.

Just you and her and others such who time after time had proven how dishonest you are.

See the last example of you being dishonest as we had cover the survey rape claims issue in the rape thread so an honest error seem to be rule out.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 12:06 pm
Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

It is a study funded by the Department of Justice and it is a very reputable source. It was done under the auspices of the DOJ

Right, the opinions expressed do not reflect the official policies or positions of the DOJ.

But statistical findings are not considered "opinions or points of view"--they are regarded as being objective data.

You continue to be irrelevant and to grasp at straws. There is nothing I was being deceitful about. What both you and Hawkeye choose to label "outrageous claims" are valid statistics from an extremely reputable souce--the DOJ funded this study in order to obtain such sexual assault crime statistics--that's how they get data.

I suspect it is your own propensity to be deceitful that causes you to unjustifably suspect, and accuse, others of doing the same.

It really is pointless to continue to respond to you.


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