Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:23 pm
engineer wrote:

hawkeye10 wrote:
Wrong, the fact the he has live 72 years

you are correct, but this does not change my point.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:30 pm
Alan Dershowitz, the famous law professor and criminal defense lawyer who served as an adviser to OJ Simpson, predicts that Dominique Strauss-Kahn will settle with the maid who accused him of attempted rape for about $3 million.
He told Le Figaro that the maid would wind up getting more money -- around $2 to $3 million -- if she settles with DSK ASAP. However if she waits for a conviction and then sues, she'll likely end up in years of litigation and wind up with less, or nothing.
But there's one problem with settling now. It's obstruction of justice if DSK pays off the maid and asks her not to testify.
Dershowitz explains:
"Nobody can say: 'I will give you a million dollars, $2 million, $3 million, and you have to not testify.' That’s obstruction of justice, that’s a crime. So the request essentially has to come from the victim."
He thinks the DSK defense and the maid's lawyer will work something out to skirt the legal issues for the simple reason that it's in everyone's best interest to settle.
It's in the maid's best interest to settle for 3 reasons, says Dershowitz. All of them have to do with her getting less money if she waits:
"It is notoriously difficult to recover the money after winning a civil suit... In the case of OJ Simpson, his wife's family has not received a penny."
DSK could declare bankruptcy, and she'll get nothing. Dershowitz told Newsweek: "If you win a suit—let’s assume she wins a $10 million judgment against him. She’s not going to collect it. He’ll go bankrupt. Whereas if she settles the case, the wife pays up. So the difference is between getting, say, a million right now from the wife, or $10 million from the husband which the lawyer has to spend the rest of his life chasing."
DSK could divorce his wife and in the process, give her all of the money, so the maid will get nothing. Dershowitz told Le Figaro: Who even knows if the couple does not decide to divorce? Anne Sinclair could keep all his money and lawyers of the complainant will never recover their money.
"[The maid and her lawyer] may want to see justice done, but ultimately, money is more important," he told Le Figaro.
He also decoded what the news stories about each side's strategy REALLY mean. In the news, the maid's defense team and DSK's defense team might sound like they're enemies. Really, though, the maid's lawyer is probably negotiating a settlement with DSK's defense right now. And those news stories are just part of the negotiations.
"When [the maid's lawyer] said he was cooperating with the prosecutor, it was just a message to the defense and said he expected an offer," says Dershowitz. "If he really cooperated, he would not bother to specify. For now, we hear a lot of messages sent from both sides."
In other words, when the maid told her lawyer that "all of DSK's power and wealth will not keep the truth from getting out," for example, what she really might've been saying was, "I want another $1 million."
And when DSK's team announced that he has evidence that undermines the maid's credibility, that was probably him saying, "Not a chance in hell," and when the maid warned about testifying at the trial, that might've cost DSK another $1 million.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/dominique-struass-kahn-maid-3-million-settlement-2011-6#ixzz1PD3yrOyD
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:34 pm
The Takedowns: American System Is Inferior

The notion of an "independent judge" mentioned above, it turns out, comes up again and again in French criticisms of the American system. For example, take Sorbonne law professor Roseline Letteron's introduction to her withering takedown:

For several months the American model of penal procedure has been presented to us as an incontestable improvement. After the Outreau affair, vigorous criticisms overwhelmed the "inquisitory" French procedure, resting on a judge who ... searches for the elements of scientific/natural evidence to prove the guilt, but also, and above all, the innocence of the accused.

Letteron's op-ed in Le Monde is also noteworthy for mentioning that, in the immediate reaction to DSK's arrest, America's apparent "egalitarianism ... met with a favorable echo in our country, and some immediately saluted the superiority of a penal system which didn't hesitate to imprison the powerful in order to assure the protection of the most humble victims." But Letteron strongly feels that the DSK affair provides a test case upon which to prove that the American system is not, in fact, thus superior. She points out first of all that the two systems do not rest on similar principles, as is often assumed, attacking the notion that the presumption of innocence is as fundamental a part of American legal tradition as the French, in which it actually appears in Article 9 of the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man. Read this section. It seems what really set Letteron off, as with many, was the "perp walk":

European standards are simply more demanding than the guarantees of American law which give us, in the DSK affair, an egalitarian facade. Certainly it's praiseworthy to show the world that a victim's word will be heard, no matter her social status. But is it likewise necessary to throw the accused as food to public opinion, at the precise moment when he may not yet benefit from the rights of defense?

It's Faux-Egalitarianism!

That's a refrain not just in Letteron's piece. Attorney Daniel Soulez Larivière also writes in Le Monde that "the quasi-religious egalitarian dogma, become republican, is an elegant screen for perpetuating a real deception. No, equality is a myth." Harsh words. Here's his explanation: "A profound inequality between the 'small' and the 'big' clearly plays to the disadvantage of the 'big,' who has the notion and the means to flee [here's the DSK bail issue again, and we'll come back to it later]. ... It's clear that a perp walk (cuffs on the hands) for a small-time [drug] dealer doesn't interest anyone, while the same parade for DSK interests a million television and Internet spectators throughout the world."

It's Repressive, and These Lawyers Haven't Read Political Philosophy

"The Dominique Strauss-Kahn affair in France is giving rise to a debate on the procedural particulars of the American penal system. What renders this system unique is its 'repressiveness,'" declares Mugambi Jouet, jurist on the penal court for the former Yugoslavia at the Hague, also in Le Monde (are you detecting a trend, here?). He trashes the U.S. incarceration rate, the concept of the plea bargain (because of fees, "few of the accused will risk going all the way to trial"), and even American legal professionals' hobbies and education: "The politicians, prosecutors, and judges pay little attention to the sociopolitical and humanitarian consequences of such a repressive system. ... Many of them have no interest in criminology or the human and social sciences."

Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:46 pm
IN the international annals of sex scandals involving powerful men, Dominique Strauss-Kahn could outstrip Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky and the Profumo affair for sheer global media impact and geo-political aftershocks.

Even more than in 1998 when we learned all about the US president's "zipper problems", and the 1963 revelations that rocked Cold War Britain -- war minister John Profumo resigned after it was revealed his call girl mistress was apparently sleeping with Soviets -- "L'affaire DSK" has crossed national, continental, class, ethnic, religious, partisan and above all cultural boundaries.

The "affair" -- still unfolding in court -- has at its base a serious legal case of attempted rape. It has revealed sharp divisions and some convergence between diverse Western democracies and how they report on the sexual profligacy and/or sex crimes committed or alleged to have been committed by politicians.


This is a retort to the several uniformed A2K members who have popped onto this thread claiming that this case is nothing much, wondering why we are still talking about it, insinuating that their is some defect with those of us who want to talk about it. There is a defect shown, but it is with them.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 07:54 pm
Wrong, the fact the he has live 72 years and lever been charged with a sex crime, and even now there are no clear cut historical accounts of sex crimes that he has committed, indicates that he is not a sexual criminal. True predatory sexuality comes out long before 72 years of age, and general wealthy powerful men do not rape because they dont have any motivation to do so, they can have their pick of women. His lack of history with sex crimes and his general background and his age and not great health combin to make it highly unlikely that this man did what this woman claims that he did.

DSK's 62 and not 72. And he seems to be in fairly good health and robust enough to keep up a hectic schedule, including international travel, and a good deal of skirt-chasing.
True predatory sexuality comes out long before 72 years of age...

But, it could have been going for years unexposed, or it might get more reckless with advancing age. The songwriter Joseph Brooks recently commited suicide at age 72--he was facing charges for sexually assaulting 13 women at the time of his death.

Last year, 72-year-old songwriter, film director and one-time Oscar winner (for penning "You Light Up My Life"), Joseph Brooks was charged with a 91-count indictment after luring girls to his apartment via Craigslist ads. He conned many into taking cross country trips to his casting couch, with promises of stardom and a part in his next movie. Except there was no movie, and when the young girls would arrive he would allegedly sexually assault and rape them.

Songman's 2 added rape raps
January 20, 2010

The DA slammed the Oscar-winning loser with two more rape cases yesterday -- hiking his casting-couch-victim tally to 13 would-be starlets and threatening to throw him in prison on a life sentence as a sexual predator.

Prosecutors also said they want his bail hiked "substantially" because he's been spending hidden millions like a drunken sailor -- and may be plotting to flee justice.

Brooks lavished between $75,000 and $110,000 a month on himself last year, Assistant DA Maxine Rosenthal told Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon.

Rosenthal estimated Brooks' 2008 worth at $4 million, much of it stashed in his kids' names and in a collection of 11 "corporations."

But defense lawyer Jeffrey Hoffman said of the 72-year-old stroke victim, "There would be no way in the world for him to run away considering his physical condition, his age and his accounts."

And Brooks was 72--and, as I said, DSK is only 62. And Brooks had no prior criminal record as a sexual predator either. So, that blows your age excuse for DSK out of the water.
wealthy powerful men do not rape because they dont have any motivation to do so, they can have their pick of women

Being able to have your pick of women has nothing to do with the need for conquest, or domination, or even a need to humilate women, which are some of the things that might motivate a sexual assault. And I'm not so sure that he did have his pick of women--outside of those he might have been paying for their services. DSK had a track record of trying to aggressively pursue unwilling women as well as those who might be consenting. And, from the accounts of the women who have spoken to the press, the man doesn't like to take "No" for an answer. Sarkozy wasn't warning DSK about skirt chasing--he was warning him about criminal sexual assault--based on the reputation DSK had.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 08:09 pm

The "affair" -- still unfolding in court -- has at its base a serious legal case of attempted rape.

So, it's attracting huge media attention--because of who he is. But, it's still just another sexual assault and attempted rape legal case.
This is a retort to the several uniformed A2K members who have popped onto this thread claiming that this case is nothing much, wondering why we are still talking about it, insinuating that their is some defect with those of us who want to talk about it

Probably because you can't stop talking about the subject of rape, nor can BillRM or Spendius. You are all still posting in the Rape thread, just to continue talking about it with each other. And you are still offering the same sort of rape apologies and excuses for DSK that you made throughout that other thread. You seem unable to understand that some people do commit forcible sexual assaults on unwilling individuals, and that these are inexcusable and very serious crimes.

Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 08:12 pm
The songwriter Joseph Brooks recently commited suicide at age 72--he was facing charges for sexually assaulting 13 women at the time of his death.
Another case that looks all the world like gross prosecutorial abuse. His assistant pleaded guilty but the judge did not see fit to give her much jail time. It is instructive that Brooks was charged by the same gang that charged DSK, and that he killed himself not because of this case but because he was in a lot of pain due to an end of life illness.

Oscar-winning accused serial rapist Joseph Brooks committed suicide in his Upper East Side apartment Sunday, but one hard-charging Manhattan prosecutor is still bent on extracting justice -- from beyond the grave.
Assistant District Attorney Maxine Rosenthal today objected to Brooks' $1.25 million bail bond being released, or "exonerated" -- meaning that his estate would forfeit the money.
Brooks' departure from the case -- reportedly via a mail order "suicide kit" complete with plastic bag and helium tank -- was entirely voluntary, she argued.
"The defendant did absent himself from the case," Rosenthal told Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon, prompting literal jaw drops from the lawyers for Brooks and his co-defendant.

The judge disagreed, ordering the bail be returned, as is customary in cases abated by the defendant's death.
The prosecutor's move puzzled Brooks' bail bondsman, Ira Judelson, who has been in the business 14 years and written the big-bucks bonds for such celebrities as Little Wayne and Plaxico Buress.
"As long as there's a body, the bail is always automatically exonerated," Judelson said. "I've never heard of this before."
The prosecutor next set her sights on Brooks' co-defendant in his casting couch rampage -- Shawni Lucier, his assistant and "procurer" -- announcing that there would be no plea bargain offered, and that she would recommend some jail.

She knew full well, she admitted, that he just wanted to give the "girls" wine, have them read from a lascivious script, and then pounce.
"Defendant stated that she did not tell the women that they must have sex with Joe, but stated that she did tell them that it was a highly sexual part...The acting exercise was to drink a glass of wine and try to feel fire in their belly. Put their hand on their belly and feel the warmth...
"One girl came out drunk and stumbling... She would send people to meet Joe Brooks at 10 or 11 at night. Joe Brooks thought that was the magic hour and she guesses it was easier for him to seduce them."
Lucier insisted, however, that none of the girls ever cried rape -- at least not to her

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/da_extends_prosecution_of_joseph_4mlEexw6W0lOFZaSkMapfO#ixzz1PDDsUeSn

Leave it to the Manhattan DA to criminalize the casting couch, to make a normal part of the business rape. This is the kind of mess we got into because we allowed the feminists to make seduction and coercion criminal....and a highly punitive felony at that.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 08:47 pm
It is instructive that Brooks was charged by the same gang that charged DSK, and that he killed himself not because of this case but because he was in a lot of pain due to an end of life illness.

He didn't have an end of life illness, nor was he in pain--he had a stroke and he may have suffered a second one. He killed himself just as his pre-trial hearings were about to begin. He clearly chose death rather than face his imminent trial.

And Brooks and DSK even used the same NYC madam for call girls.

Meanwhile, despite the charges against him, Brooks continued to see a steady stream of call girls until his second stroke. "I'd see beautiful women leaving his apartment and say, 'I'm better looking than him!'" a neighbor said. Which isn't so surprising when you read some of the accounts of his dealings with the never-young-enough string of prostitutes provided to him for a long time by madam Kristin Davis. “I would ban him and then he would come back and beg, he would apologize for his bad behavior, and say ‘it will never happen again.’ I’d give him another chance and he’d be OK for two or three appointments and then it would go bad,” Davis said.

So, being able to buy women, even beautiful women, does not stop some men from wanting to sexually assault other women.

And yes, the Manhattan D.A.'s office does not fool around in these sexual assault cases. What's instructive is that the D.A. is going after DSK just as he went after Brooks--DSK is being treated like others.

Another case that looks all the world like gross prosecutorial abuse.

Brooks was charged with sexually assaulting 13 women--what did you expect the prosecutor to do, give him community service in a plea deal? The case was going to trial and Brooks likely would have been convicted because it was a strong case. The assistant didn't commit the sexual assaults. Charging people with sexual assaults, and moving toward trial, when you believe these people to be guilty, is hardly "prosecutorial abuse"--it means the prosecutors are doing the jobs they are paid to do.

Meanwhile, Brooks was a 72 year old man, with no prior record as a sexual predator, who, despite his advanced age, was charged with 13 criminal sexual assaults. So, it's certainly possible for DSK to have legitimate sexual assault charges pending against him, despite the fact that, at the age of 62, he has no prior criminal record either. Just because you haven't been caught or convicted before doesn't mean much.
This is the kind of mess we got into because we allowed the feminists to make seduction and coercion criminal....and a highly punitive felony at that.

Seduction is not criminal. Forcible sexual assaults of unwilling individuals are criminal--and they were criminal long before the feminists had anything to say about the sexual assault laws. Violent felonies carry high penalties because they are regarded as heinous crimes by almost everyone...except you, Hawkeye.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 09:25 pm
Joseph Brooks, the 73-year-old Academy Award-winner and alleged serial rapist who killed himself yesterday, insisted on his innocence until the end, reportedly using his "rambling" three page suicide note to boast how he would have gotten off and blame his choice to take his life on failing health and financial troubles. "He was facing serious charges and had nothing to live for. I'd have done the same thing," a neighbor told the News.
According to a law enforcement source, Brooks said in his note he would have been exonerated of charges of rape (he was scheduled to appear in court Wednesday for a pretrial hearing on charges of raping or molesting at least 13 actress wannabes) and instead attributed his decision to take his life on his failing health (he had suffered a stroke in 2008 and possibly had a second a few months ago) and on an ex-fiance who he claimed jilted him of millions before revealing she was already married. His diminishing health was probably a large factor, as another neighbor put it "I saw him yesterday—he looked like walking death...like a skeleton." A worker at a nearby restaurant he frequented said he could barely even eat toast anymore.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 09:28 pm
Meanwhile, Brooks was a 72 year old man, with no prior record as a sexual predator, who, despite his advanced age, was charged with 13 criminal sexual assaults. So, it's certainly possible for DSK to have legitimate sexual assault charges pending against him, despite the fact that, at the age of 62, he has no prior criminal record either. Just because you haven't been caught or convicted before doesn't mean much.
Just because he was charged does not mean that he did anything wrong....you keep forgetting that part.
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 10:06 pm
Just because he was charged does not mean that he did anything wrong....you keep forgetting that part.

And, because the matter is going to trial, it does mean that the D.A., on the basis of the available evidence, considers the defendant to be guilty--you keep forgetting that part.

BTW, this is what the Manhattan madam, Kristin Davis, had to say about DSK...

According to Davis, the recently resigned IMF managing director used her escort service twice in 2006, while he was seeking the French presidential candidacy, reports the Telegraph.

Strauss-Kahn, who is currently...accused of raping a housekeeper at a luxury hotel reputedly called Davis in January 2006 requesting an "all American girl." Davis said he paid about $2,400 for two hours with her, The Daily Mail reports.

Davis, 35, said she decided to speak out against Strauss-Kahn because of the allegations against him. She said she doesn't feel the need to protect her clients that are abusive, reports The Daily Mail.

"The girl said he was pushy, overly grabby and forceful. He did not rape anyone. However, at $1,000 or more an hour, we expected the clients to behave like gentlemen, not animals," said Davis to The Daily Mail.

Miss Davis, 35, who claims to have a long list of celebrity clients, said Mr Strauss-Kahn called her directly on her mobile phone and paid $1,200 cash for two-hour sessions in hotel rooms.

"He wanted an 'All-American girl', with a fresh face, from the mid-West," she said. "A girl in January 2006 complained he was rough and angry, and said she didn't want to see him again".

In September 2006, Mr Strauss-Kahn travelled to New York for a conference hosted by Bill Clinton. Miss Davis claims that month, she sent him a Brazilian-born prostitute who reported that "he was rough", said Miss Davis, adding: "She told me not to send any new girls to him."

Saying that, "At $1,000 or more an hour, we expected the clients to behave like gentlemen, not animals," tells you something about DSK and how he treats women--particularly women with whom he does not have a relationship. It also sounds like Tristane Banon's "rutting chimpanzee" description of him.

Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 10:21 pm
And, because the matter is going to trial, it does mean that the D.A., on the basis of the available evidence, considers the defendant to be guilty--you keep forgetting that part.
I dont have any faith in the American "justice" system and thus I am not the slighted bit impressed with what a DA tells me, nor do I have any faith in grand juries to keep DA's honest.......you keep forgetting that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jun, 2011 11:32 pm
A group of French students has launched an online business selling T-shirts calling for Dominique Strauss-Kahn to be freed. The youthful entrepreneurs say they have already sold 500 of the garments, bearing slogans such as “Free DSK”.

The three students, who are at the university in Nancy where Strauss-Kahn taught economics 30 years ago, say they started dsk-support.com, because they were shocked by the way the US media covered the former International Monetary Fund boss's arrest on sex assault charges.

The site offers a number of designs and slogans, but their common theme is that Strauss-Kahn, often referred to as DSK in France, is innocent and should not go to jail.

“Some people tell us it is shameful, that we are being disrespectful to the complainant,” one of the students, Peter Cadorin told the AFP news agency. “But we’re not talking about her, we’re talking about DSK.”

Nevertheless, they admit that one design has proved particularly controversial. It reads “No jail for DSK” with the “i” transformed into a feather duster - a product which is unlikely to prove popular with the chambermaids who demonstrated outside Monday's hearing for Strauss-Kahn in New York.


Product here:
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 03:23 am
it does mean that the D.A., on the basis of the available evidence, considers the defendant to be guilty--you keep forgetting that part.

You got far more faith in the so call juttice system then I do as I question if most DAs give a **** if someone is in fact guilty or innocent only the chance they might be able to get a conviction or force the person to a plea deal.

Footnote I posted this reply before seeing the similar one from Hawkeye.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 03:39 am
DSK had a track record of trying to aggressively pursue unwilling women as well as those who might be consenting. And, from the accounts of the women who have spoken to the press, the man doesn't like to take "No" for an answer. Sarkozy wasn't warning DSK about skirt chasing--he was warning him about criminal sexual assault--based on the reputation DSK had.

Sorry pursuing women aggressively or not does not indicate a rapist in any way or no any manner.

Most men do not care for a no and at times will try a hard sell to change that no into a yes or even hell yes and that also does not indicate that a man is a rapist in waiting.

Footnote I had have women myself complain to me that during the courtship period with them I was not aggressed enough so men can not win one way or another it would seem but once more pursuing a woman does not indicate that a man is a rapist.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 04:10 am
You seem unable to understand that some people do commit forcible sexual assaults on unwilling individuals, and that these are inexcusable and very serious crimes.

And you seem not to understand that every time a woman cry rape does not mean that a rape had occur.

However strangely very strangely crying rape when no rape had occur is not a serious crime and mostly such women are let go with not punishment or at most face a minor misdemeanor charge.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 04:52 am
Here is a high power lawyer saying the same thing I neen saying this case will not go to trial for the very reasons I already gave.

Simpson Lawyer Explains What's REALLY Going On Behind The Scenes At The DSK Trial
Courtney Comstock | Jun. 13, 2011, 3:37 PM | 2,369 | 14

Alan Dershowitz, the famous law professor and criminal defense lawyer who served as an adviser to OJ Simpson, predicts that Dominique Strauss-Kahn will settle with the maid who accused him of attempted rape for about $3 million.

He told Le Figaro that the maid would wind up getting more money -- around $2 to $3 million -- if she settles with DSK ASAP. However if she waits for a conviction and then sues, she'll likely end up in years of litigation and wind up with less, or nothing.

But there's one problem with settling now. It's obstruction of justice if DSK pays off the maid and asks her not to testify.

Dershowitz explains:

"Nobody can say: 'I will give you a million dollars, $2 million, $3 million, and you have to not testify.' That’s obstruction of justice, that’s a crime. So the request essentially has to come from the victim."

He thinks the DSK defense and the maid's lawyer will work something out to skirt the legal issues for the simple reason that it's in everyone's best interest to settle.

It's in the maid's best interest to settle for 3 reasons, says Dershowitz. All of them have to do with her getting less money if she waits:

"It is notoriously difficult to recover the money after winning a civil suit... In the case of OJ Simpson, his wife's family has not received a penny."
DSK could declare bankruptcy, and she'll get nothing. Dershowitz told Newsweek: "If you win a suit—let’s assume she wins a $10 million judgment against him. She’s not going to collect it. He’ll go bankrupt. Whereas if she settles the case, the wife pays up. So the difference is between getting, say, a million right now from the wife, or $10 million from the husband which the lawyer has to spend the rest of his life chasing."
DSK could divorce his wife and in the process, give her all of the money, so the maid will get nothing. Dershowitz told Le Figaro: Who even knows if the couple does not decide to divorce? Anne Sinclair could keep all his money and lawyers of the complainant will never recover their money.
"[The maid and her lawyer] may want to see justice done, but ultimately, money is more important," he told Le Figaro.

He also decoded what the news stories about each side's strategy REALLY mean. In the news, the maid's defense team and DSK's defense team might sound like they're enemies. Really, though, the maid's lawyer is probably negotiating a settlement with DSK's defense right now. And those news stories are just part of the negotiations.

"When [the maid's lawyer] said he was cooperating with the prosecutor, it was just a message to the defense and said he expected an offer," says Dershowitz. "If he really cooperated, he would not bother to specify. For now, we hear a lot of messages sent from both sides."

In other words, when the maid told her lawyer that "all of DSK's power and wealth will not keep the truth from getting out," for example, what she really might've been saying was, "I want another $1 million."

And when DSK's team announced that he has evidence that undermines the maid's credibility, that was probably him saying, "Not a chance in hell," and when the maid warned about testifying at the trial, that might've cost DSK another $1 million.

Please follow Clusterstock on Twitter and Facebook.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/dominique-struass-kahn-maid-3-million-settlement-2011-6#ixzz1PFK16oil
Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 05:04 am
ff quoted--

Last year, 72-year-old songwriter, film director and one-time Oscar winner (for penning "You Light Up My Life"), Joseph Brooks was charged with a 91-count indictment after luring girls to his apartment via Craigslist ads. He conned many into taking cross country trips to his casting couch, with promises of stardom and a part in his next movie. Except there was no movie, and when the young girls would arrive he would allegedly sexually assault and rape them.

That's not only irrelevant to this thread but it is ridiculous as well.

You find one guy who allegedly used the casting couch when there was no movie and we all know very well that in most cases there is a movie. Which means you are now defining rape as being sex when there is no movie and ignoring the pressure on young women who want badly to be in movies who are in effect being forced by their own ambition and who don't complain because they get what they want out of it. I read that Marilyn Monroe said, on signing a big money contract--"that's the last cock I'll suck." Which is exactly what Professor Greer meant by "All men are rapists".

You are defining rape the way you want. You are playing with words ff for no other reason than that doing so provides you with an opportunity to write posts, and I assume have conversations, in which you can continually repeat sexually exciting phrases which your posts are full of.

I can assure you that if your posts on this thread were read through by a psychologist there is only one conclusion he would come to. It is that you are obsessed with sexually stimulating words and phrases and your indignation is nothing but a socially acceptable excuse to write them, speak them, think them, dwell upon them and enjoy them. The same goes for those who wrote those newspapers you paraded and for the eager consumers of such unmitigated drivel.

It's a vicarious sex orgy of the bodice ripping variety which goes all the way back to Samuel Richardson--

However, some did question the propriety of having Lovelace, the villain of the novel, act in such an immoral fashion.The novel avoids glorifying Lovelace, as Carol Flyn puts it,

by damning his character with monitory footnotes and authorial intrusions, Richardson was free to develop in his fiction his villain's fantasy world. Schemes of mass rape would be legitimate as long as Richardson emphasized the negative aspects of his character at the same time.

You see do you? He gets to entertain his readers with "schemes of mass rape" and comes up smelling of sweet roses in the morning dew at the same time simply by some criticisms of Lovelace.

It's corny I know. It's cliched as well. It's covered in cobwebs . It's track record is long and profitable. It plays on women's fascination with (select any phrase/s from your canon). Everytime it is dusted off for re-presentation the fascination is the constant. Only the details are changed. And practised writers on the matter know how to exploit every nuance as well they might given the perfection acheived by their role models. As long as you get the forced down pantyhose ( forced/underclothing) combined with the faked indignation it is impossible to go wrong.

DSK as a 21st century Lovelace.

I prefer Henry Fielding. His women are a right bunch of proper feminists. Poor Tom Jones. Although, by a simple literary trick--the "with a bound Jack was free" one--Mr Fielding conjured a most unlikely happy ending much to the amusement of the intelligentia.

The reason the Marquis de Sade was banned was because he didn't bother about his heroes

Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 05:22 am
Probably because you can't stop talking about the subject of rape, nor can BillRM or Spendius. You are all still posting in the Rape thread, just to continue talking about it with each other.

Where? When? I don't recall posting on any rape thread. I have no interest in that sort of thing. I have always dealt with ladies on the basis of being invited back the day after. Or even later in the day. And all next week, next month, next year and on and on as long as I could muster up the energy. Why not? They're all the same aren't they? What's the point making a fresh start everyday? What a bloody nuisance that is.

hawk has even expressed regret, and on here, that I have not been on that thread. Which I couldn't be as I didn't know it existed and if I did know it existed I wouldn't be interested.

So one giant slanderous lie about me plus an admission that you haven't read the thread with any sort of care and attention. Not that I mind. I understand the eagerness to weave the lurid and exciting phrases into a new pattern.

And that is what is interesting about all this. The alleged event is so trivial in the ongoing history of a sick world that I'm at a loss to explain any other reason for its abiding fascination other than that I offered in my last post. Even calling it trivial is something of an exaggeration.

It's a version of "crying like a fire in the sun".

Reply Tue 14 Jun, 2011 06:02 am
Which means you are now defining rape as being sex when there is no movie and ignoring the pressure on young women who want badly to be in movies who are in effect being forced by their own ambition and who don't complain because they get what they want out of it. I read that Marilyn Monroe said, on signing a big money contract--"that's the last cock I'll suck." Which is exactly what Professor Greer meant by "All men are rapists".

Yes rape is now being define as not paying the lady off in full after she provide the sex IE rape by fraud.
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