Is the Head of the IMF a Sex Criminal?

Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 01:24 am
The thing about conspiracy theories is they cut both ways. Strauss-Kahn was viewed as the next president, if he comes away from this a free man, his election will be a formality. Admittedly, his being aquitted will have to happen pretty sharpish if he is to make the next election, but if compelling evidence against the maid comes out in the next few months he'll be home and dry.

Let see if it turn out that he is completely innocent then our local police and justice system had done the following on the word of a foreign hotel maid.

1)one interfere and harm the working of the world economic system at a very critic time

2) force a very important and respected international bureaucrat to do a perp walk with handcuffs.

3) force him to spend days at least in a cell with pimps and drug dealers by not granting him bail

4) guarantee that this man who will have every reason to be piss off with the US will become the President of France

5) cause the US to look like fools and barbarians to the rest of the world

We are living in interesting and amusing times.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 01:32 am
You forgot:

Not allow him to get clothes from family so that he can look fresh for court (he has been wearing the same clothes for days)

not allow him to shave

Most likely not allow him to shower for days

Thanks to Bush and others we are already seen to be barbarians, we can stop adding to the story line any time now.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 01:38 am
I wonder to what degree our state department is monitoring as the state of New York is bravely marching down this road.

Somehow if this all blow up I do not think that the US will be able to placed the blame completely on one of our political sub-divisions.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 01:44 am
Not allow him to get clothes from family so that he can look fresh for court (he has been wearing the same clothes for days)

not allow him to shave

Most likely not allow him to shower for days

Firefly will be telling us that since we treat pimps and drug dealers in a like manner treating the head of the IMF in such a disrespectful manner is no big deal.

After all a foreign hotel maid had claimed he had rape her.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 02:06 am
Don't you think you're using rather perjorative language there

'following on the word of a foreign hotel maid.'

Just because she's foreign and a lowly maid does not mean she should be viewed as a commodity. I've already told you I do not agree with the way he has been treated, I've already stated he should have been allowed out on bail with certain conditions attached.

The French are pretty much pissed off all the time, They've never got over Greenwich being used as the zero meridian instead of Paris, that and the supremacy of the English language. I seem to recall you saying that France were just playing second fiddle to Germany. I think Bush and the 'freedom fries,' and 'cheese eating surrender monkeys,' slurs did more to piss the French off than anything else. Incidently when did the Americans ever get the French to surrender? We don't call them that, and since 1066 we've spent most of our time getting the French to surrender on an almost daily basis.

Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 02:17 am
Just because she's foreign and a lowly maid does not mean she should be viewed as a commodity. I've already told you I do not agree with the way he has been treated, I've already stated he should have been allowed out on bail with certain conditions attached.

If someone with a low social standing was charge with raping say Hillary Clinton and it was the word of a garbage collector for example against her do you not think for a minute or a second that his social standing would not be compare to her in order to drive home the point of how worthless his word is compare to her???!!!!????

The head of the IMF have just as must standing as Ms Clinton and a foreign hotel maid had just about the same social standing as our Garbage collector.

The man had been trusted with a large part of the economic welfare of the planet so off hand I do not think that all other things being equal you would not give his word greater weight then a hotel maid any more or any less then the word of the US secretary of state over a garbage collector.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 02:22 am
That doesn't mean it's right.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 02:27 am
That doesn't mean it's right.

Why is it not right to grant the word of someone who had gain a position of trust such as a Secretary of State or the IMF head greater weight then someone who had not done so?

Try beating a traffic ticket in court where it is your word against the cop who issue the ticket and see what happen.

The court have no problem assuming that the word of the cop is more likely to be true then your.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 02:31 am
I think he's going to do alright anyway. His lawyer managed to convince a jury that Michael Jackson did not molest little boys. After that this case should be a walk in the park.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 02:33 am
Footnote the local US TV news seem to be taking delight in comparing his cell in the NY jail to his 3000 dollars a night hotel room so it work both ways.

Second the news also had reported claims that he had attack other women in the past at that hotel with as far I can tell there is zero foundation for.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 03:27 am
Bill said
Try beating a traffic ticket in court where it is your word against the cop who issue the ticket and see what happen.

You're quite right. I'm not rich and powerful, if I were I could probably afford to hire this guy;

Call him Mr LoopholeGetting celebrities off driving charges is Nick Freeman's speciality and he's made a fortune out of doing it. But each time he puts a drink-driver back on the road does he not feel a little guilty? Steve Boggan meets him

Share Steve Boggan The Guardian, Friday 27 January 2006 Article historyIt is difficult to think of Nick Freeman as one of Britain's wealthiest lawyers as he poses with his favourite Bentley like a model at a motor show. He is sighing and caressing the bonnet of his Azure Mulliner convertible (two tonnes, £260,000 when new) and describing the horns of a terrible automotive dilemma. "I never wanted to part with this because Bentley weren't making any more of them; but now they are, so I've got my name down for one and I'm having to sell this. It's such a shame."
The only reason Nick Freeman has to sell the Bentley is because the garage forming the left side of his £2m V-shaped pile can accommodate just three vehicles. And you get the feeling that he isn't the sort of chap to leave a fourth on the gravel drive, making the place look untidy.

Freeman is known among lawyers, footballers and their wives as Mr Loophole. He is the millionaire advocate to whom you run if you are facing a speeding or drink-drive charge when your £600,000, 1,001hp Bugatti Veyron means more to you than mere money. If you are the sort of person for whom driving your Ferrari Enzo over the speed limit is the ultimate expression of freedom, then Freeman could be your hero. But what if your child was killed by a drink-driver or a boy racer? Is Freeman a freedom fighter at a time when some speed cameras are bringing in tens of thousands of pounds a week in fines, or a man who manipulates the law in favour of the rich and famous?

In recent years Mr Loophole has been pilloried and applauded for preserving the licences of David Beckham, Sir Alex Ferguson, the golfer Colin Montgomerie, snooker player Ronnie O'Sullivan and a host of other businessmen and soap stars accused of speeding or being drunk behind the wheel. Among the clients in his in-tray this month are the supermodel Caprice and Emma Parker Bowles, a relative of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Depending on who you believe, some clients have been happy to part with up to six-figure sums to ensure they retain their right to drive. It hardly seems fair; if you have enough money - like Manchester businessman Jon Bradshaw, four and a half times over the limit and acquitted last month thanks to Freeman - then it seems you can get off almost any charge.

Now, however, as Mr Loophole invites me to sit behind the wheel of his other Bentley, a Continental GT Mulliner (£112,750, according to Tuningnews.net), he tells me he wants the common driver to be able to exploit the kind of legal points he used to identify only for the rich and famous. He and colleagues at his Manchester law firm, Freeman and Co, have just set up Freemankeepondriving.com, a service intended to allow you and me into his exclusive world for just £1 a week.

"Basically, most drivers are respectable, law-abiding people who never come into contact with the police," he says. "So when they find themselves in difficulty with road traffic offences that could cost them their driving licence, they are unsure what to do. They go to their regular solicitor, who might specialise in conveyancing or commercial litigation, and they don't always get the best advice." Under Freeman's scheme, drivers can get immediate advice and then representation - at, he insists, competitive rates - from a panel of lawyers trained by him in the art of the loophole.

We are now in the living room of his home near Knutsford, Cheshire, part of Manchester's commuting Golden Triangle, a place where rich lawyers rub shoulders with rich footballers. The decor is cream, the same colour, coincidentally, as the leather upholstery in the Azure, the car Freeman calls "the big Bentley". He is 49, lean, square-jawed - a fitness fanatic - and imbued with the kind of enthusiasm that comes as standard with your boy racer made good.

Born in Nottingham, Freeman enjoyed a comfortable but not privileged upbringing . He completed his A-levels a year early and took a year out in Paris, where he worked as a waiter and driver to save for his first car. His exam results were disappointing so he applied to study law at Trent Polytechnic in Nottingham, which was regarded as having a decent law department.

He admits there were times when he considered giving up law but he became hooked after colleagues pressed him to take part in an advocacy competition for articled clerks in Nottingham. It turned out he was excellent on his feet; he won the competition and was quickly snapped up to work as a prosecutor for Greater Manchester police. In 1983, a prominent firm of criminal lawyers in Manchester poached him and within six months he was a full partner.

"I was, and still am, a criminal lawyer, but gradually I began taking on more road traffic work and my side of the firm grew enormously," he recalls. "Month by month, it became clear that we were in the unhealthy position of having a practice within a practice. I was there 16 years and this caused problems. Eventually, at the age of 42, I took a gamble and decided to go it alone. Every single one of my clients came with me."

His big break came with the Ferguson case, followed by David Beckham's. He became the darling of some and the bête noire of others when he successfully defended Sir Alex against a charge of driving on the hard shoulder of a motorway by arguing that the Manchester United manager had had an upset stomach. The image of the nation's top football coach relieving himself at the roadside proved irresistible.

Later, appealing against Beckham's conviction for speeding, he argued that the England captain was trying to escape a group of chasing paparazzi. He never played the card, but he admits that echoes of the death of the Princess of Wales may have helped his cause.

So just what are these loopholes that he so profitably exploits? They are many and varied, he says, but generally rely on the incompetence of police officers during the legal process and his encyclopaedic knowledge of road traffic regulations and procedures.

"I recently defended a businessman who had crashed his car and was taken to hospital seriously injured," he says. "The law used to forbid the police from taking blood from an unconscious person, but now allows it on condition that consent is obtained from the person afterwards. In this case, the driver was surrounded by about seven surgeons trying to save his life, so the police surgeon, not wanting to get in the way, asked one of them to draw some blood from a tube coming out of the driver's arm. There was no doubt the driver was over the limit, but the relevant legislation says that the blood must be taken by someone who is not associated with the driver's care. In this case, it was taken by a surgeon directly involved, and so the man was acquitted."

In other cases, during cross-examination Freeman identifies discrepancies in the evidence of police officers or shortcomings in procedures leading up to charges. Often, he simply establishes that inadequate statutory warnings were given before blood or breath tests were taken.

Freeman is at pains to point out that he doesn't just get people off using loopholes - but admits that he does have two clients whom he has cleared on technicalities three times. How does he square that with his conscience? "Morally, I can't, but ethically, I can," he says. "I am a lawyer and my job is to give my clients the best defence I can. That is the job of every defence lawyer. I can't pick and choose who I defend based on my opinion; that would mean I was judging them, and that would be a dereliction of my duty. If I repeatedly identify shortcomings in police procedures, then perhaps we will end up with better standards in policing and then we will all be safer on the roads because people will not take chances. Until then, it is my job to identify inadequate policing and procedures.

"I want to make one thing clear, however. I do not condone drink-driving or irresponsible driving of any kind. And where I successfully defend clients I will often take them to one side and give them a polite ticking-off, tell them they have been very lucky and advise them to use that luck by not transgressing again."

It is time to leave with mixed impressions of Mr Loophole. On the one hand, he is a candid, charismatic and talented advocate. On the other, he has no problem with admitting there is moral ambiguity in what he does. I tell him this and he takes it on the chin. In spite of his proximity to celebrity, Freeman somehow retains a common touch. He doesn't even laugh when we work out that each of the wheels he has had specially made for his Bentley Azure cost £700 more than my old Ford Ka.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 05:31 am
Another off topic subject but what the hell am I hearing about the IRA being back in the bomb business?

I was under the impression that a deal was done at least ten years ago and ever one disarmed after promising to be good little boys and girls.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 07:33 am
You're all over the place here Bill. You were the one who brought up speeding tickets in the first place, and now you're talking about the IRA. What do you mean when you say IRA? Are you talking about the group that rebelled in Dublin in 1915? Or do you mean the Provisional IRA, the group who were doing all the bombing in the 1970s-1990s. Or are you talking about the Continuity IRA, or the Real IRA dissident Republican groups opposed to the Good Friday agreement.

God knows what this has do with the case in point, but I suspect you're talking about the Provisional IRA. Their political wing Sinn Fein signed the Good Friday agreement. They are now part of a power sharing government in Stormont, and they're also committed to reaching the goal of a United Ireland through peaceful methods. That has not changed. They retain the support of the majority of the Nationalist Community.

When your President Lyndon Johnson signed all that civil rights legislation in the 1960s the KKK didn't just vanish did they? In the same respect there were still those in Northern Ireland opposed to the peace process, the Continuity IRA and the Real IRA. Those are the ones threatening to bomb the UK, and it's more to do with trying to overshadow Liz's visit to Ireland than anything else. At best these groups number about 200 people, and they have hardly any support within the Nationalist Community, unlike the support the Provisional IRA had in the 1970's.

Right, are you happy with that answer? Now would you like to tell me what the **** any of this has to do with Strauss-Kahn being accused of raping a maid in a hotel in New York.
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 09:33 am
Now would you like to tell me what the **** any of this has to do with Strauss-Kahn being accused of raping a maid in a hotel in New York.

Your period just came on?
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 09:52 am
Well Bill, thank you for that well thought out riposte that would have made Oscar Wilde feel inadequate. I really don't know you you come up with such well thought out, salient and precise witticisms. I bow to the master.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 09:59 am
how could anyone give any credence to a person of so called "high standing", i would never give them the benefit of the doubt, the man is a banker and politician, he should get the death penalty, just for those crimes alone
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 10:19 am
You have to admit socialism is way cooler than it used to be, though, if he's staying in expensive hotels and flying everywhere first class.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 10:32 am
BillRM wrote:

The cold blood murder of two humans being is however would by anyone standard but perhaps for a crazy feminist be a tiny little bit more serious crime.

An interesting example of Bill's persistently tortured syntax, spelling and punctuation. Did you finish high school ?
Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:17 am
Bill's just in a state of apoplexy, Gob. I've seen similar things happen to you.
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Reply Tue 17 May, 2011 11:37 am
People tend to forget that ALL hotels, especially expensive ones, have hidden cameras so it is likely based on the camera evidence that the police are after the IMF banker. Of course, the hotel wouldn't want to publicize this. How do you think all those celebrity hotel scandals got started?

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