The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2016 09:18 pm
The idea that Gods were originally created as imaginary friends may be closer to the mark then most people would like to admit.
“Most young children play pretend games and interact with their stuffed animals, dolls, or other special toys as if they were alive. According to Marjorie Taylor and her colleagues at the University of Oregon, by the age of seven, about 37% of children take an imaginative play a step farther and create and invisible friend.

From Psychology Today
If in child hood over a third of children created an imaginary friend they would be primed to accept an invisible God. Imaginary friends provide the child with an ally and someone to talk to when no one else is listening. It is important to note this phenomenon happens spontaneously so it must offer some survival advantages. The fact that the phenomenon exists in childhood in a large portion of the population it should be no surprise that it might persist into adulthood and the imaginary friend might grow up to become a God.

“Children with invisible friends can readily describe what these friends look like and how they behave. Many children even offer details about hearing or touching their invisible friends. Invisible friends can be part of the life of a child—and a family—for years.”

From Psychology Today
Does that sound familiar? People often talk to God and people don’t question it. Their imaginary friend can even grant wishes. The two phenomena are so similar they must share a common origin. When reality becomes too harsh an escape into fantasy may offer some refuge.
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Reply Tue 13 Sep, 2016 08:32 pm
When you are talking to Christian or a follower of another religion you will often hear them say I believe, not that I know. You don’t say I believe the sun will come up tomorrow you say the sun will come up tomorrow. Our use of language has a way of betraying us. Often if we listen close enough we will hear the underlying message that the speaker intended to conceal. The language of religion is the language of concealment. When you say I believe in God your language betrays your implied message of doubt. A criminal trial requires evidence beyond a shadow of doubt but a civil trail only requires a preponderance of the evidence. The criminal jury says he did it and sentences the criminal to death. That is a certainty but the civil jury looks at the evidence and says I believe the baby is his (before DNA). I actually sat on a jury where the baby was paraded in front of the jury and we were suppose to decide if the baby looked like the defendant being sued for paternity. If you believed the baby looked like the defendant you found the defendant to at least legally to be the father.

The language of religion is the language of doubt. The religious question will always be do you believe? If you answer yes to that question you can be member. If you are dealing with facts why would you have to believe as a little child believes? Is there anything else in the world that requires you to believe as a little child believes? No, facts do not require the belief of a little child. What does that tell you? The purveyors of religion already know that their story is unbelievable and instead of sighting facts to back up their story they decide to modify their audience by asking that they set their rational mind aside. They are not asked to look at the evidence for and against God and make a rational decision they are just asked to believe what ever lies they are told and believe like a little child. If you hired a contractor to put a roof on your house and he came for final payment and you saw that no roof had been put on and just refused payment. The contractor said you need to believe like a little child that I put the roof on and pay me. Would you believe because he said so?

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Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2016 09:11 pm
I don’t think the vast majority of people ever question whether God exists. They simply don’t seriously question the existence of God. Why not? Humans are herd animals and are quite content to allow others to think for them. Also we are willing to defer to experts or pseudo experts in the field. Direct experience is one of the best ways we learn but it is not possible in this case because none of us were present 2,000 years ago. What is left is a written record written at least a century and possibly up to three centuries after the stories took place. The first thing we know about it is a fraud because gospels purports to be written by Jesus’ apostles Mathew, Mark, Luke and John who were long dead when the gospels were written. I don’t know maybe they came back from the dead to write the gospels.

So the bible sets out to deliberately deceive it readers from the get go. Why didn’t the authors of the gospels simply sign their own name? The writers of the bible needed eyewitness testimony and written reports of miracles performed centuries before are not as compelling. The bible was a carefully orchestrated fraud from the beginning it was built on lies. The people alive at the time the bible was written would have had the best chance to refute it but at the time only clergy could actually read the bible. It would be centuries before the flock would be allowed to read the bible on their own.

In America being Christian is simply stylish, going along with the crowd and trying to fit in. More than anything else religion shows our herd like behavior. Early man banded together in tribes to survive this behavior had survival value so we have genetic tendencies toward herd behavior. We need only to look at fashion trends, when I was young it was fashionable for women to go braless, a few years after that they wore hot pants with a good portion of their rear end on display. These fashion trends swept the entire country one woman followed another. Religions are like that they become fashionable and sooner or later they become unfashionable when another religion comes along to be sure religion trends last far longer but eventually like the braless fad they are replaced.
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2016 09:13 pm
In the times we live in it is simply fashionable to be a religious believer and it has been fashionable for thousands of years to be a believer in one religion or another. It is important that we realize how strong the forces we are subjected to are. To be non-believer is a lot like trying to swim up stream against the current. It is far easier to just be carried along with others down the stream It is easier not to think on your own and it is best not to ask questions. The young women who went braless in their youth would not consider doing so today and would forbid their granddaughters to leave the house without their bra today but at the time they thought nothing of it. There is safety in numbers and going along with the crowd has its advantages. To set fashion trends today clothing manufactures look for celebrities to use and endorse their product. The celebrities are like the lead steer in a herd if you can turn them you can turn the rest of the herd.

There are no big celebrities who claim to be atheists for a very good reason it would damage their celebrity. A celebrity’s income depends on his popularity with the public. If they were to take a position against belief in God they would suffer a huge loss of income. Those who don’t believe will simply keep their mouth shut to avoid financial losses or even the possible loss of their celebrity. Strong role models are very important and the lack of them is one of the big reason religion has survived so long. Islam commands that nonbeliever be put to death and at one time Christians burnt non-believers at the stake. Today both the Christians and the Muslims would like to see a law in America that mandated the death penalty for blasphemy. This is one of the primary tools in building a religion it serves to stop any and all free discussion of obvious flaws and out right false hoods. Once the religion has gathered a majority the death penalty no longer need be enforced it is because the majority is sufficient to suppress the opinions of the minority. Given the choice most people will chose to be fashionable in their clothing and their religion.
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Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2016 08:42 pm
When we look at religion around the world we find Christian countries, Muslim countries, Hindu countries, and Buddhist countries among others. If people studied religion and made a choice based on what they believed to be a true religion. We would expect to a bell curve distribution of the type of religion they follow but that was not what we find. The vast majority of people in a country tend to follow the same religion for centuries. From this we know people are not making an informed decision of what religion to follow. Religion is more or less culturally forced on people. What this tells us is that once there is a big enough majority, that majority has the ability to oppress those who dissent subtly without need of the death penalty.

Monotheism has cut down on the number Gods but there are still 12 major religions distributed throughout the world: Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism. If people are honest with themselves they would have to admit that their choice of religion would be most likely determined by geography. If the primary reason for selection of a religion is the religion of the vast majority what does that tell us about religion in general? This tells us that there is no real concern if the religion is valid after all they can’t all be valid. When it comes to religion the primary reason for choosing that religion is that it was the religion of your parents. If people would study all the world’s religions and the alternative and then make an informed choice they could at least pretend to be intellectually honest but they are quite happy making an uninformed choice. The force of the majority is all that necessary to convince most people. If the majority are swimming upstream very few can resist going with the majority even if they are swimming upstream without their bra. Mathematics is the same from country to country as are other sciences but religion varies according to what country you are in. If there was one God you would think he would step forward and point out all other religions but his were invalid but if he did the other religions would be sure he was a fraud. No amount of proof would convince a true believer that his religion was the wrong one.
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Reply Sat 17 Sep, 2016 09:13 pm
Most Americans are familiar with Catholic Church efforts to protect the child molesting priests and simply move them to other parishes but there was an even darker side to the church overseas that I had never come across. The Catholic Church has always been obsessed with sex and controlling the sex lives of its members. The Catholic Church in Ireland called them “Magdalene Asylums” more commonly known as Irish Gulags for women. The name of course is taken from the bible story of Mary Magdalene the whore in the bible. The Catholic Church was all about reforming prostitutes and others sexually misbehaving women like those who were pregnant after being molested by their fathers. The Catholic Church could make them disappear forever. The Irish Gulags had walls that were 20 feet tall to make sure no one escaped except but through death.

This went on during the twenty century of course idle hands are a problem so the Gulags served as laundries were the captive women worked 10 hours a day 6 days a week. Since these laundries used slave labor they were very profitable for the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church could remove all of the inmate’s civil rights.

“A country already reeling from the revelation that up to a quarter of the population had been physically and sexually abused by members of the Catholic priesthood now it had to contend with yet another dark secret.”

From an article entitled “Irish Gulags for Women” by Sam Jordison
The population of Ireland is now 4,595,000 and that means that over a million people were molested by priests. This from an organization that wants to control the sex lives of the population.

The story came to light in 1993 when the Nuns of the Good Shepard sold property for a new development and a mass grave was uncovered. There were supposed to be 133 bodies but a 155 were found and most died in the 1960s or 70s. The nuns could not even name 45 of the victims and could not provide death certificates for 80 of them and the law requires death certificates. Of course no one was charged but it bought the story to light a few who escaped the Gulags told their stories in a documentary. The sadistic nature of these prisons would have been lost in time if not for the development.

When one religion decides it has the right to control the sex life of others and the government decides to turn a blind eye it is a recipe for sexual sadism that only Marquis de Sade could imagine.
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Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2016 07:49 pm
It looks like those with their imaginary friend are up to their old tricks. Three attacks meant to kill and maim in just two days. What we are seeing is likely to become the new normal in America. The New Jersey attack was foiled because so many people showed up that late registration caused the race to start 35 minutes late. The course was an out and back meaning the explosion would harm runners both going out and coming back. Only one of the three pipe bombs exploded and that one only partially exploded. The New York bomb was placed under a dumpster that absorbed part of the force of explosion and another pressure cooker bomb was placed four blocks away with the intent of killing those fleeing the first explosion. It did not go off. The other attack was at a mall St Clouds, Minn. the attacker used a knife to attack nine mall goers. No one died in any of the attacks though 3 people remain hospitalized in the St Clouds attack.

We have taken religion way to lightly. Religion has killed millions throughout history and it is a gift that will continue to generate corpses until ignorance can be stamped out. The attacker in ST Clouds asked at least one victim if he was a Muslim before he attacked him. The only safe way to go to a mall in America will be to dress in traditional Arab garb and claim to be Muslim. Minnesota has the largest Somali community that is estimated at 40,000. More than 20 young men have left the state to join al-Shabaab. You will remember al Shabaab from the mall attack in Nairobi, Kenya, which killed 67 people. The victims were asked to recite passages from the Koran. The make believe nonsense has to stop and the imaginary friends are going to have to go.

If we allow people to believe in imaginary friends or imaginary Gods what are we to expect? Most children eventually realize their friend is imaginary while most adults continue to pretend their imaginary God is real. Garbage in results in garbage out and in this case a lot of dead bodies. If we don’t do something the imaginary Gods will make war for all eternity. The Christian right in America is powerful and it tries to intimidate the minority. The Christian right entry into politics in the last 3 decades put members on school boards, state and federal legislatures but they still lost the fight over rights for homosexuals. They could not repeal legal abortion in 50 years. They are far more vulnerable than they know. Man has evolved a rational mind for a reason and the imaginary is never reasonable.
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Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2016 09:03 pm
The New York and New Jersey terrorist was caught and he only succeeded in injuring 31 people including two policemen during his apprehension. He could have just as easily have killed thousands if he had been more experienced and all his bombs exploded on time. The bomber no doubt served the imaginary ruler of the universe, God. How did he know what this imaginary God wanted him to do? He imagined what this imaginary God wanted him to do as happened throughout history he was sure his imaginary God said to kill as many people as he possible. This would convince all those that believe in another religion that his one true imaginary God was the one and only God.

How do you get a number of people to believe in utter nonsense?
Simple, death and threats of death have been the tried and true method throughout history. You can justify death for non believers because God commands: “Criticizing or deny Allah, the God of Islam is punishable by death.” Anyone who is not a Muslim is denying Allah.” The Muslim have got a lot of killing to do and they will have to compete with the Christians who bomb abortion clinics and kill the doctors.

Imagine if the president of the United States was imaginary. People would be free to imagine what he wanted. Of course all the people would not all imagine the same thing and different sects would appear some would say the president is in a favor of abortion and others would say he was against it. The different groups would soon go to war with each other because both are absolutely sure that they are right. The gold standard of proof for a true believer is absolutely none. There are none so convinced they are right as those who have no proof. Conviction or belief trumps any sort of proof. How sure are true believers? Sure enough to kill millions.

The bombing will become more and more common in America and billions spent on Home Security will not stop all of them. Why should we be surprised if those who imagine that a God rules the universe decide it is their duty to kill the nonbelievers? As long as we refuse to see religion as the real problem we will be condemned to repeat a very bloody past.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2016 07:38 pm
Religion remains the number one problem threatening the long-term survival of mankind. Man’s imagination is indeed a formidable enemy. Many a man has been killed because a lover or a husband imagined that their spouse was having an affair. Religion sanctions some of the most inhumane actions known to man. One of the more recent inhumane discoveries sanctioned by a major religion was the Irish Magdalene Asylums when they were finally exposed to the public as what amounted to slavery. The Catholic Church never even offered an apology for all of the stolen lives. Evidently being religious means you never have to say you’re sorry or provide reparations to the few who escaped with their lives.

One would hope that the Catholic Church reforms did away with the Magdalene Asylums (laundries) that were all over Ireland but that was not the case. Progress did the very profitable laundries in. It was the advent and spread of commercial laundry machines that were even more efficient than slave labor. The laundries washed for Hospitals and other large commercial ventures. Slavery became illegal in Ireland in the 12th century but the Catholic Church kept slaves well in to the second half of the twenty century but because it was a religion keeping slaves they got a free pass as religion so often does.

Religion is the self appointed sex police and when you violated the churches rules you paid the price, they owned you but only the females no sexual misbehaving males were keep in any of the laundries. The religious view is that women were responsible even for rape and should be punished accordingly. The three things that would get you sent to the Catholic laundries were being too good looking, too flirtatious or pregnant out of wedlock. One nun disfigured one of the girl’s faces with scissors and told her you are not so pretty now. But in Ireland there was no public outcry to end slavery because there was a catholic government and a dominant catholic church. The last Catholic Laundry was not closed until 1996.

When the Sisters of the Good Shepard were publicly confronted with their atrocities in documentaries and films they said it was very unfair because it did not show any of the good things they did. Do they really think a bake sale is an offset?

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Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2016 09:23 pm
Christianity is a doomsday cult as are most other religions. Jesus himself predicted the end of the world in his generation and it didn’t happen. If a religious cult is pedaling false information once the cult predicts of the end of the world and it doesn’t happen the cult should be completely discredited and all confidence in the cult should be lost. At least that what happens in real world situations but it does not happen that way when dealing with supernatural situations. Psychologists studying more recent end of the world predictions refer to the phenomenon as “spiritual events” and whole Christian sects have been built on failed end of world predictions. In 1844 a 100,000 people showed up to witness the end of the world many were sober reformers not just wild-eyed cultists. Both the Seven Day Advents and Jehovah’s Witness were founded on this demonstrably false information.

There are currently 18,028,796 Seven Day Advents in the world and Jehovah’s Witness peaked at 8.2 million. But do they worry that their origin can be traced back to William Miller’s outright lies in 1844? No because the false prophet prediction was a huge spiritual event in America and besides God could have had a millions reason to change his mind. Everyone knows that God can change his mind just like anyone else. If you can start with lie as the rock and build your church on that accepting any and all other lies should be no problem.

Cognitive Dissonance is the term used when people hold to conflicting views and how they go about resolving the difference.
“Cognitive dissonance” is a term coined by researcher from the University of Chicago who, under the leadership of one Dr Leon Festinger infiltrated a prophecy group in the 1950s: a fellowship of believers sure that a tidal wave was about to kill millions. In their humane but unsparingly detailed account 1956 account. “When Prophesy Fails,” they describe their efforts to find out just how far personal investment in strong convictions will go when what the material world calls “evidence” becomes the enemy.”

From an Article entitled “End of the World Prophet Found in Error not Insane”
Studying end of the world’s prophet gives us a large piece of puzzle when it comes to religion. Once you are ready and willing to believe the big lie the other lies come more easily.
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Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2016 09:39 pm
Breaking news Christ is do to return any day now in a space ship and abolish the internal revenue service. It must be true because it written on the Internet and anything you read about Christ has to be true. It seems there was a top secret law passed in the year 2,000 with the heavenly acronym NESRA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act).
“Some people have asked, why Jesus needs a spaceship? a grandmotherly lady tells us. Well it might be more comfortable…”

From an article entitled “End of the World Prophet Found in Error not Insane” by John Gorenfeld

These people have found the real problem with Republicans. They have been unmasked and it turns out they are really space aliens masquerading as fiscal conservatives. Well that explains a lot of things. Who knew? If you Google NESRA it returns 509,000 results.

It turns out NESRA was in fact a set of economic proposals suggested by Harvey Barnard that included a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest, and returning to a bimetallic currency but it became a religion. The Dove of Oneness aka Shaini Candace Goodwin began posting that the Jesus’ second coming would affirm that an actual law had been passed and all private debt had been abolished. I suspect Shaini has a lot of personal debt after all the most important part of any religion is wishful thinking but remember any day now Jesus will come. Did I mention Jesus is also bringing checks? The forces of darkness (Supreme Court) have been blocking the NESRA payout and you will have to admit in those black robes they do resemble Darth Vader.

There is actually a documentary film about this group titled “Waiting for NESRA.” These people were originally victims of a “prosperity plan” which was a scam and the conman, Clyde Hood, was convicted and sent to prison but they could not admit they were scammed and instead chose to “believe.” They now call themselves “The Open Mind Forum” and they meet in a Kentucky Fried Chicken somewhere in Utah. Belief is just another form of refuge.

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Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2016 09:09 pm
“We live in the bright sunlit world that we believe to be reality but there is a dark side.” We are all familiar with witches and witch doctors putting curses on people this is the dark side of the supernatural. If the supernatural is capable of good then the supernatural is also capable of evil. Christianity is very conscious of its public image. Christianity also reinvents itself on a regular bases getting kinder and gentler as it goes but at one time the curses were as much apart of Christianity as Voodoo. If you had a neighbor you wanted done in the Virgin Mary was known to take contracts. You simply went to her shrine and prayed to have neighbor cursed and when he died of a heart attack you thanked the Virgin Mary. Those rosaries had a real purpose after all. If your kid only knew at one time he could enlist the Virgin Mary’s help in having the neighborhood bully done in or turned into a frog.

What about political opponents could a curse be used to remove a political opponent? It seems we have a case in recent history that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that curses can remove the leader of a nation. The curse was put on in ceremony in a graveyard at midnight. The country was Israel, the politician was Ariel Sharon, and the year was 2005.
___________________________________________________-“The curse inflicted on Sharon was known as the pusba denura (“lashes of fire”) in the Aramaic language used for these rights. It was a vivid and exotic ceremony. A group of men went into the graveyard at midnight where by candlelight and under the cypress trees, they recited prayers and invoked the curse. This took place in July 2005.”

From an article entitled: “Faith and Curses” by Therese Taylor
What did Sharon do to deserve to be cursed? He withdrew the Israeli settlers from some of the settlements captured in the war. How do we know the curse worked? Simple in 2006 Sharon had a severe stroke and went in to a coma with no hope that he will recover. Those that cursed Sharon were overjoyed this was truly cause and effect. A curse had been levied and the angle of death visited Sharon. This was not a scene from a Shakespearean play this was the 21st century. As humans we are all conditioned to look for cause and effect but it is easy to see cause when there is none.
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Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2016 09:02 pm
We all realize that the world is based on cause and effect and it is an important survival skill. We must also deal with random events but it is very important that we learn which events have a cause and which are random. Our ancestors that heard the sticks breaking in the jungle and realized that might be a tiger and fled or prepared to fight the tiger were far more likely to survive and have descendents. When it comes down to it we are more likely to err on the side of seeing random events as having a cause after all if it happened to be a fellow member of the tribe causing the sticks to break our ancestors would still think it might be a tiger the next time.

We are genetically programmed to look for cause and effect in our world. This laid the corner stone for belief in the supernatural and religion. The problem with cause and effect is that not everything has a proximate cause and the exact cause may be hard to determine as there may be several factors that might appear to be a cause when they are not but in the case of the sticks there may be many others reasons for sticks to break in the jungle but when the tiger appears you can’t take the chance.

When the World Trade Center was destroyed Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are quickly declared that rights granted to homosexuals caused God to destroy the world Trade Center. This demonstrates another frequent error, seeing the cause you wish to see.

Once the supernatural was imagined a whole new profession was created. Those who could manipulate the supernatural they could put you in good with God and you would be richly rewarded. Given that the events that the supernatural holds sway over are random something else must take place and that is a natural bias toward seeing results. In any string of random events some will be good and some bad. The art of the game is to have the followers see the good events and forget the bad. When it comes to curses the opposite holds true. An old man having a stroke is hardly a rave event but when you are already conditioned to look for something bad to happen to that individual because of the curse you put on him to you it is undeniable proof.
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Reply Sun 25 Sep, 2016 08:24 pm
A Jordanian journalist, Nahedh Hattar, was shot to death on the courthouse steps for posting a cartoon on Facebook. Hattar was set to go on trial on charges of inciting strife and insulting Islam.

“The cartoon depicted a bearded man, presumably an Islamic State militant, lying in bed with two women while asking God to bring him wine and cashews. The man also asks God to have someone clean up the mess, install a door for his tent and knock before entering in the future.”

Not only did the religious crazies kill him what is worse is the government was going to prosecute him for inciting strife and Insulting Islam. Be warned that Christians have tried to get a similar law passed in America and of course they want the death penalty for anyone insulting Christianity. This is the real story of how religion was spread throughout the world at the point of a sword or the barrel of a gun.

After the cartoon was posted some conservative Muslims called for his execution. Jordan, which borders Syria, may be the next country to fall to the Islamic extremists. When laws prohibit anyone from criticizing religion they invite even more extreme religions that cannot be criticized. The Islamic extremists have been quietly invading the neighborhoods and are beginning to take over government departments.

The cartoon is offensive to anyone that believes in God because of the reality of the portrayal of God as a servant but in all religions they pray to God to do this or that and it is but a short step to commanding God to do this or that and this is frightening to true believers because if God is man’s servant how could he be a God?
When any philosophy or idea reaches the point that it is illegal to publicly question it the extremist will run amok. History has taught that religion and government should always be separate and when government begins to take on itself a duty to protect any religion from being criticized the country is in trouble.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2016 08:10 pm
As soon as mankind was able to reason he looked for cause and effect in world because if he found the cause he could predict the effect. It helped make sense out of what appeared on the surface to be a confusing world. Once mankind began to find what caused things it was inevitable that he would ask what was the cause of life on earth and from this key question sprang up tens of thousands of religions. While real cause and effect required trial and error to prove the true cause had been found religion created the supernatural where no proof of cause was ever necessary. Man is curious by nature he always wants to know why. By creating a parallel dimension that is invisible it lends itself to simplistic answers to very complex questions. How did life happen? Simple God created it. Who created God? God always was and always will be. Because the invisible world does not obey any known laws of the universe explanation of any cause is simple. There is nothing beyond the reach of the supernatural. Ancient man did not know the laws the universe must follow to create order but now those laws are common knowledge to most men.

No proof is ever required for supernatural events the supernatural has no boundaries. Mankind seems to have discovered Gods about the time that hunter gather societies transitioned into agricultural societies. At that point cause and effect became very important, which seeds to plant and how much water. What was very clear to ancient man was the sun was a cause of their crops success and the first God was born, the sun. The stories in the bible can be traced on observations of the cycles of the sun. Many of the catholic clergy will admit that the stories of the death and resurrection of Christ are a retelling of the death of he sun during the winter solstice and its rebirth three days later.

It as easy for ancient man to make the sun a God because everyone could see it and if they could not touch it at least they could feel the warmth. They knew from the cycles of the sun if there was no sun there was no life in effect the sun granted them life and it had the power to take it away. It was easy for ancient man to believe but it takes a tremendous effort to believe the same fairy tale today.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2016 09:32 pm
The information about the real origin of religion has been widely available for years but it is doubtful that one in a thousand is familiar with it. It is like Dorothy, the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion after arriving in Oz decide not to look behind the curtain. Why is the general public not aware that most religions are based on the astrology? Some older churches have even covered up the sings that they were originally constructed as places where astrology was worshipped. The last thing that a true believer ever wants to do is read anything that might question any of the things they take by faith. The trouble is that if Dorothy had never looked behind the curtain she would still be in Oz today.

Throughout history religion has been very much like the Great and Terrible Wizard of Oz it got by on terrifying people when it wasn’t outright killing them. When you think about all of the killing done in the name of religion throughout history and all the killing yet to come and realize that religion can be distilled down to sun worship it baffles the imagination. You can take your horse to water but you can’t make it drink and that is pretty much the case here. Thousands of archeologists have carefully studied religion and traced back to its source and while not all agree a very strong case can be made with the evidence. If you explained to most people on the street that Jesus was only a stand in for the Sun and they were in fact worshiping the sun they would be extremely offended but if they realized that was what was going on would it change their thinking? No, it if a sun worshiping cult existed today the vast majority of people would never believe that the sun could offer them everlasting life. While the sun is responsible for life on earth now everyone knows that sun is a star like other stars in the sky composed hot plasma. If religion had stayed true to itself and people still worshiped the sun, as scientists were able to explain exactly what the sun is would people just reject the facts? I think we only need look at the creationist argument today that the world is only 6,000 years old when we know it is billions of years old. No amount of scientific proof will ever be enough and the sun is in effect is still be worshiped today.
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2016 09:22 pm
NASA announced that they were changing the Zodiac signs and adding a new sign. It seems the Zodiac has not been revised in 2,000 years and in that time period everything has changed. If you were born between Nov 30 and December 17th you fall under the new sign “Ophiuchus.” This has evidently upset a number of people around world but NASA says not to worry it was all fake anyway. Since religion is based on the out of date zodiac will NASA come out and declare all religion fake also? Not likely. As for myself I can look up at clouds and sometime see what would appear as a familiar shape but to look up at the stars and see the detailed characters and stories is beyond me. The people that looked up at the night sky and saw detailed stories if anything possessed magnificent imaginations.

A detailed examination of these stories and of the religious stories that were based on shows they are not perfect in every detail but the core story are still very apparent. It is very apparent that the death and resurrection was based on the cycles of the sun and many Gods share the same birth date as Jesus. The odds that the different religions chose the same birth dates for their Gods suggest a common source. Of course many people will look at their religion and not see any similarities to ancient sun worship but few people would see any similarities between a model T and modern 2017 car but we know that the basic purpose of both is the same. The model T is the root from which our modern cars grew just as modern religion grew from ancient religion. Most followers of religion would like to think their religion sprang whole cloth at one point in history but the fact the stories can be traced much farther back in time demonstrates that is not true. I would still like for NASA to release a statement that religious people should not take themselves to seriously because religion is all fake anyway.
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Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2016 09:23 pm
One of draw backs of religious groups is they set up power structure governed by a higher authority. In fact religious groups claim that their authority flows directly from God, according to them the highest authority in the universe. We are all subject to a number of power structures whether at work or school these power structures have limited authority over various areas of our life. Government is a power structure that can hold the power of life or death. Police Departments have authority over criminal activities. But religions subjects people to extraneous and unnecessary power structures. Famous experiments with power structures show just how quickly they get out of hand. A pretend prison experiment was terminated before its end because the pretend guards had become so abusive that they were doing real harm to the pretend prisoners. Another experiment had volunteers shock people in a learning experiment to the point of death and good deal of the subjects were willing to kill under the authority of those doing the experiment.

One of the most appalling examples of religious authority getting out of control was the Catholic Priest molestation scandal. The priests used their religious authority to find, access and molest thousands of children. The church used its authority to cover up the molestations so they would not hurt the churches reputation.
“In other letters, the priest discussed plans for proving submission by kneeling next to the toilet when the master craps then wiping ass with paper then with tongue. Also being forced to lick master ass and kiss it frequently.”

Taken from “The Philadelphia Grand Jury Report: On Abusive Priests and the Cardinal Who Enabled Them.”
The letter was found by a mother whose son was on a two-week trip with the author of the letters, Father Mulholland. The letter suggested several other parish boys participated sado-masochistic rituals with father Mulholland. “After the boy returned from the trip, the Archdiocese’s Vicar General, Gerald D Mcdivitt, recorded that he, “confessed to a relationship with Father.

At the time of the writing of the grand jury report Father Mulholland was unpunished and continued as a practicing priest. But you have to remember these are God’s represent on earth and that should tell you something. People who want to abuse power are attracted to power like moths to flame. Pretend power become dangerous very quickly why submit to extraneous power structures?
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Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2016 08:27 pm
Even after all the efforts of the Catholic Church to hide the priest molestation of children it finally became public and the public had seen individuals child molesters before but had never seen an organized rings of child molesters before. As the number of priests reported for child molesting increased it seemed that a large percentage of priests were child molesters but all the publicity had made it look like there were a higher percentage of priests that molested children than in the general public. Studies show that the percentage of child molesting priests is no higher than the general public. So all the years of religious indoctrination had absolutely no effect on reforming child molesters not one priests gave up child molesting for Jesus not even during lent.

I will accept the fact that the percentage of child molesting priests is no higher than the general public but I believe the amount of children molested by the priests is far higher than the general public because they were part of power structure that granted them easy access to children. The priests also held highly respected position in the community as men of God they were often beyond reproach. One boy reported to his father that a priests was molesting his younger brother his outraged father nearly beat the boy to death. How dare he accuse a priest of such a hideous crime. Such is the nature of belief.

Exposing children to an unnecessary power structure is dangerous an especially to power structure that is built on and maintained by lies. We would all like to believe in an ideal world where everyone was as moral as we are but the reality is far different. When I dealt with people that were victims of conmen they all shared a common trait they were far to trusting. At some point you have to realize that there are bad people in this world, some are thieves, some are murders, some are rapists, some are conman, and some are child molesters. Just look at the number of child molesters in your neighborhood on the computer it will surprise you and you have to remember when you look at those red marks that just as many Christians clergy are molesters. They say coming to Christ will “save” you but that is just another lie it didn’t keep one priests from molesting child in fact the Church became an enabler. The channel ID Discovery runs a series called “Killer Clergy” detailing all the Christian clergy that killed people. One Priest doing what he did best was molesting a group boys when one of the boys told the local undertaker what was happening. After the undertaker approached the priest about his crime the priest killed the undertaker and the boy who told on him.
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Reply Sat 1 Oct, 2016 09:07 pm
What will the evangelical Christians do in this election? They do not seem to be as much of a force in this presidential election. Will they vote for Trump and will he send them naked pin ups of his wife? Or will they just sit out this election? Can they vote for a presidential candidate who has been married three times? Now that Trump’s appearance in a porno movie has hit the Internet will pornography be acceptable in Christian homes? Unlike Trump’s wife there was no nudity on Trump’s part in the film, maybe there really is a God after all. You must admit having a centerfold of the first lady would be a first.

One thing I will credit Trump with is that he has taken the wind out of the sails of the Christian right. They have simply not been a voice in this presidential election. Since Christian right makes up a lot of the grass roots get the vote out organization it is going to hurt other Christian right candidates in this election. The Christian right in previous has been able to support preachers in the primary such as Mike Hukabee and Pat Robertson but they were unable to win the nomination. If Trump has done nothing else he succeeded in weakening the Christian Coalition political arm and that is a good thing.

The more active the Christian right becomes the worse it is for the country and the future of America. Their ideas come from a time when ignorance was the rule not the exception. Their ideas are frozen in time and can never be questioned. If the Christian right gets control they will outlaw evolution from being taught in school and teach that the earth and everything on it was created in a magic trick by kindly old man just 6,000 years ago. The very foundation of many of our sciences is based on the earth being billions of years old. The Christians crazies can believe whatever fairytale they want but as for science we can’t plug in ignorance to the equation without reaching a wrong conclusion.
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