The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2016 08:19 pm
If you ask most Christians what is the philosophy of Jesus Christ the vast majority could not tell you. Religion is a special type of philosophy concerning the supernatural. So the philosophy of Jesus Christ is important to Christianity. Some have tried to discern exactly what the philosophy of Jesus was.

1) Accumulate no wealth or possessions. There is no need for them. Besides you would run the risk of getting rich. If you do be sure to give it all away.
2) Make no plans. Give no thought to the morrow. Do not buy groceries or cook. Don’t buy patterns or sew. Just stand there like a lily. God will feed and clothe you.
3) Be gloomy and mournful.
4) Be self-righteous and put-upon, holier than thou. Parade your perfection in such a way as to invite persecution.
5) Be smug and know that you are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Let everybody know this.
6) Do behave so you can be high up in the class system in heaven.
7) Think of yourself as a gross sinner. Nearly ever though you have and almost everything you do must be regarded as a sin that will require repentance.
8) Take no pleasure in this world. Constantly point to toward the Kingdom of God, the coming which is imminent.
9) Be comfortable to believe that someone else bought your way into heaven by being tortured to death, a death in which you had a hand. Be comfortable in that concept of salvation.
10) Agree with everyone else.
11) Don’t admit to having sexual urges. If the sight of a member of the opposite sex arouses you, pluck out your eye.
12) Be a eunuch, if you want to win special approval of God.
13) Don’t have any deep love for your family. Abandon them, if you want to receive an “hundred fold” and attain everlasting life in heaven for sure.
A partial list from an article entitled “The God from Galilee” by Ruth Hurmence Green.

There are a lot of Christians but there are very few “eyes plucked out.” In heaven the first shall be last and the last shall be first but few Christians are striving to be last so they will be first heaven. Very few Christian take Christ’s advice to heart. Who would have thought that abandoning your family would be a Christian value? But it indeed is. Historically many religious clergy have taken a vow of poverty and lived off the generosity of others. Few Christians would actually want to live the philosophy of Christ if given the choice.

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Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2016 08:06 pm
Why wouldn’t Christians want to be paupers in this life if it ensured they would be first in the afterlife? After all we are talking about all eternity here. This life is but a blink of an eye in the face of all eternity. The answer to the question when you come right down to it is that Christian don’t really believe otherwise we would have 2.2 billion people on welfare. Sure they are not afraid to hedge their bets as long as they get to heaven what does it matter if they are last? Remember the first shall be last and the last shall be first in heaven.

What is wrong with that statement? That shows there would be a rigged class system in heaven. Why would there be a rigged class system in heaven? What purpose would it serve? Hell was advertised as the punishment system but according to Jesus there is a separate punishment in heaven. People in heaven would not be equal but in a imprisoned in a complex class system for eternity and how would this be determined? Basically if you served no real purpose on earth other than religion you would be among the ruling class in heaven. Does this strike you that heaven is the creation of a supreme being?
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Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2016 08:07 pm
The “Walking Dead” is a popular TV show but who knew that Jesus was the inspiration for this show.

“The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” (John 5:28,29)

You could not make this stuff up. Jesus must get credit for a very vivid imagination. It would be like a scene from “Night of the Living Dead or Michael Jackson “Thriller.” Can’t you picture the dead crawling out of their graves? Why is it that you don’t hear sermons about this passage? The supernatural is never hindered by what is rational and possible and the faithful have no problem ignoring the passages, which are totally irrational. A soul that no one has ever scene or that no scientific instrument can detect is one thing but the dead coming back to life is another.

In ordinary conditions people have a filter-to-filter out the nonsense but religion comes as a package deal. If you decide to accept religion then you must accept it all. You have to suspend disbelief even in things that you would find widely unbelievable if you encountered them in another context. If the events in the bible were encountered out of the religious context the vast majority would classify them as mythical. Of course a rational mind would use the wildly unbelievable events to impeach the source of the wild tales. Does Jesus know the tales he is telling are wildly unbelievable? He might be a conman but he is not stupid. His solution to problem is brilliant. He simply tells his followers to act as if they have no intellect and “believe as a little child believes.” Suddenly the dead coming up out of their graves does not sound far-fetched. Tell children that the dead will come up out of the graveyard next door and you will frighten them to death. They have no rational frame of mind to disqualify the story they are being told and that is exactly what Jesus wants and he tells his followers what is required.

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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2016 08:05 pm
As you sat in a movie theater watching “Night of the Living Dead” and you saw the hands coming up out of the grave you know that there isn’t any possibility that this might happen. It is ridiculous that a long dead corpse would come back to life. But when you go to church on Sunday the preachers tells you that Jesus said he would raise all that are in graves. Jesus should be paid realities from the “Walking Dead” because it was his original idea.

“The hour is coming in which all that are in graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto a resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” (John 5:28,29)

Jesus however did not specify whether the living dead would be out for brains. If he had people would believe it. We see the fantasy movies where skeletons become animated if Jesus brings back “all that are in the graves” there would be little left but bones of those who had been long buried.

The idea of the dead coming back to life is a key tenant of religion. After all ever lasting life is the bait. Jesus has to claim that he can raise the dead but it will always happen at some indeterminate time in the future. It is a power he never has to demonstrate it is like tomorrow, the time will never come. You can claim that you will leap over the Empire State Building some time in the future. No one will be able to disprove that you can do it because that time will never arrive. Christians have waited for 2,000 years for the end of the world that Jesus said would happen before the death of the generation he was speaking to but he was attributed the power to do it by his followers even though it never happened. As for me I am in training to jump over the Empire State Building I just don’t know when I will try to do it.

Religion is dangerous because it can make people believe lies and people that believe lies are easy to manipulate. The terrorists who flew the planes into the World Trade Center did not have a political agenda or a military agenda they had a religious agenda and religion will take us back to the Stone Age.
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Reply Sat 27 Aug, 2016 08:49 pm
Religion and human sacrifice have long been closely associated but the biblical parallel is lost on most modern day Christians even though it is right in front of their face. The term scapegoat is a familiar term to most people. Not only is the term familiar the procedure is familiar. An organization caught up to something will look for someone to blame, a scapegoat to take the blame. More often than not the scapegoat was not the guilty party just the one chosen to take the blame. The term scapegoat comes from ancient religious practices where each person would touch a goat that was to be sacrificed when they touched the goat their sins would be transferred to the goat. Of course in earlier times a human served as the scapegoat. When God sacrifices his only begotten son he is reenacting the ancient religious practice. In many cases it was the first-born son that was offered as a sacrifice.

To keep this despicable practice alive in any form is a mistake. It violates every rational principal. Is there anyone out there who wants to touch a goat and then sacrifice it? Do you believe you could transfer your sins to the goat? Is the same thing going to happen in a religious practice? Why were scapegoats needed? At a time when people lacked any control over their environment scapegoats offered the “illusion” of control. Doing something even if it was wrong beat doing nothing at all. The idea that many had done something to offend God when the crops died or droughts continued led those to believe that they must have offended the Gods. When man created the supernatural it had to be appeased. Man has always been the model for God and if man is easily offended than surely than God must be as easily offended.

Glorifying the ancient reprehensible practice of sacrifice in all the glory of religion is irrational. Jesus was sacrificed much like a goat. The sacrifice of Jesus is major tenant of the Christian religion and it glorifies and justifies all the human sacrifices in history. The sacrifice of Jesus was not new or unique it was thousands of years in the making. It is time we look at the sacrifice of Jesus for what it was a primitive idea that shows us what an abomination Christianity really is. When you look at an old movie and the Aztec Priest cuts the heart out of his sacrifice remember Christians believe that sacrifices work.
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Reply Sun 28 Aug, 2016 08:37 pm
One of the man’s most primitive ideas was that he could sacrifice another to atone for his sins. Sacrificing the first-born male child did not atone for one’s sins in fact it was a far greater sin to kill your child than the sins you were trying to atone for. Jesus was a Jew and the Jews at time were still performing human sacrifices. God’s sacrifice of Jesus is centerpiece of Christianity. It perpetuates the idea that sacrificing others was a valid practice after all if God sacrificing Jesus saved the world from sin By example it stands to reason that sacrificing others for whatever purpose might also work. Religion serves to keep ignorance alive. God serves as a role model and a God that would sacrifice his own son sets one terrible example.

God is suppose to be a supreme being capable of creating the universe if he wanted to absolve humans of their sins would there not have been a simpler way? He could of just waved his hand and made them vanish but he didn’t. The people that made the bible up needed to uphold the validity of traditional religious values. The foundation ideas that underlie sacrificial practices was that God was much like man of which he was modeled after. A sin is just a sin but if you damaged someone else property you needed to atone for that sin by paying for the damage. God was a jealous God and if you went whoring after other Gods you need to atone for your sin much like you would for damaging the neighbors fence except the price was a little higher, your first born. Innate in the sacrifice of Jesus is the idea that you owe a debt to God for any and all sins that you commit. Most sins involve other human beings without involving God in anyway but God is still entitled to collect. It sets up lender debtor transaction with the human race being the debtor.

The philosophy behind Christianity has more holes in it than Swiss cheese but most Christians look only at the surface and disregard the deep water underneath. The idea of human sacrifice is reprehensible and any religion that validates it and glorifies it should disappear from the face of the earth. Ideas in the real world are modified or disregarded when they are found invalid but supernatural ideas when found invalid remain that way and the real world idea are that show them as invalid are written off. Geology is considered like so much which craft by the religious right.

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Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2016 08:48 pm
Jesus taught that religion should be superior in everyway to anything else in life.

“If a man cometh to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children and brethren, and sisters, yea his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:26, KJV)

The word hate has been traced to the original Greek version. Why would Jesus followers need to literally “hate” their families? Actually this is quite a common practice in more extreme religious cults. To control the followers they need to isolate them from any out side influence that might point out the flaws in the religious cult. The cult has to be the most important thing in their life with no competition. If a man hates his family religion will be the most important thing in his life because there is nothing else. Jesus needed to surround himself with this type of individuals. This started a tradition of Monasteries were men gave up their families to live in isolation and contemplate religion for a lifetime. The message was clear that the real world and family ties needed to take a back seat to religion. So much for family values when it comes to Christianity.
“As explanations go it wasn’t much of one, but it did resolve the problem of cognitive dissonance, that discomfort we feel when we know that what we know just isn’t so. Psychologists tell us that we deal with distress by “discovering” new facts. That idea is not just facility of Christians—indeed, it is the generator of many of our greatest scientific discoveries and almost all of the UFO sightings—but belief in ancient holy texts is certainly one good reason for the phenomenon, and the biggest lies we hear are frequently the ones we ask someone to tell us.”

From an Article titled “Bridging the Leap of Faith” by Bobbie Kirkhart
Indeed “the lies we ask someone to tell us.” “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
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Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2016 09:21 pm
So many of the bible stories make no sense. The bible stories are given the benefit of the doubt because they are part of the over all story of the bible and one is suppose to believe as a little child believes. But what if we just looked at the bibles stories as adult. How many believe that it would be possible to put two of each animal on earth on a boat to ride out the great flood? We now know that gene pool would be way too small for any of the species to survive. The bible could incorporate only the state of knowledge at the time it was written down. At the time when the bible was written genes were unknown as well as germs if someone became sick it was believed to be caused by evil spirits. If the bible was written or inspired by a supernatural being there would be no knowledge gaps. Hold your hand up if you think Jonah lived inside the belly of a whale for a week. It would seem the combined force of the outrageous tales would be enough for most people to realize the bible is nothing more than a myth but exactly the opposite has happened.

Two rats are placed in side by side cages and electric shock are applied to both but one cage has a platform and if the rat jumps on the platform the shock stops in both cages. The one rat can control his environment. After a period time the rat that can control his environment is healthy and learns new mazes with ease. After a while the second rat no longer bothers to jump when the shock is applied. The rat stays huddled in a corner resolved to just take the shock. The second rat’s endorphins are high and it does not learn new tasks. In America now many people are like the rat but the shocks are the loss of jobs and a steadily declining middle class standard of living. When I was growing up the bible stories were not considered true but metaphors by even most of the preachers. Many Americans stayed huddled in the corner and turned to more extreme religion just as the rat turned its endorphins up. Religion serves the same purpose as a drug for many people. When I receive an unreasonable complaint in a neighborhood you would need to know something about the person complaining. Someone complained about a barking dog in a neighborhood but the complainer lived a good distance from the dog. No one else ever complained including those in close proximity. The man that was complaining wife was dying of cancer he could do nothing about the cancer so he looked for something he could control. This was a common occurrence when unreasonable complaints came in. Control of the supernatural offers control to those who have no control over their environment.
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Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2016 08:46 pm
“[Eze: 9-6] 3 And the glory of God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which (had) the writer’s inkhorn by his side. 4 And the Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of Jerusalem and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. 5 And to the others he said in mine hearing, Go ye after him through the city, and smite: let not your eyes spare, neither have you pity: 6 Slay utterly old {and} young, both maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom (is) the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which (were) before the house. “

What this bible passage clearly illustrates is that there is no problem that can’t be solved by killing people. This is the way God solves problems from the beginning of time. There is no time to teach or reform people simply wipe all of them out with a flood. In the Christian’s God’s universe there is no room for a difference opinion and if there is a difference of opinion killing them offers the best solution. The passage above is the classic difference between the older generation and the younger generation. The older generation always focuses on what they see as a corruption and the deterioration of moral values of the younger generation. But a generation later the younger generation takes the older generation place and the cycle repeats. At one time the older generation believed Elvis Presley dancing and rock and roll would destroy the younger generation. What are seen as abominations by older generations are not but change is always resented. The passage above is one way to deal with change and keep the younger generation locked into the religious values of the older generation.

ISIS deals with this problem exactly as God would deal with it. They behead people who don’t dress as the morality police dictate. They are publicly beheaded as an example. Be honest, can you say that you truly see any difference between the actions of ISIS and God in the passage above? There is no difference ISIS has it correct they truly have that old time religion and practice it as God intended it be practiced.
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Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2016 08:22 pm
Morality advances but religion stays frozen in time. The some of the bible stories were published in comic book form. One published in Sweden nearly sent the publisher to prison for depicting violence against women. When the prosecutors was shown that the words accompanying the illustrations were exact quotes from the bible the case against the publisher was dropped. [Judges 19-30 KJV] is very similar story to Sodom and Gomorrah except God does not destroy the city of Gibeah. The stories are so similar that one has to wonder if there was a common source.

[Judges 19 1-30] is rather long but in this case a concubine who seems to have been freelancing on the side runs home to her father and after a few weeks her husband arose and went after her. After she agrees to return home they journey through a town called Gibeah and wouldn’t you know it there was no room at the inn. But finally one old man officers the traveler, his concubine and his male servant a place to stay. True to the spirit of the time the men of the town show up wanting to “know” the man and his servant. The old man decides to offer the men free use of concubine and his own virgin daughter. Of course after a night of use and abuse the women are dead and the husband chops his concubine up into 12 pieces and sent her to all the coasts of Israel.

Why God did not destroy Gibeah after this incidence is anyone guess. I wonder how the Israelites survived, as they don’t seem to have any interest in women. I wonder if there were any incidences where the Israelites gathered around a house and demanded to know the women inside. If that happened it didn’t make the bible.

The bible is now considered violent pornography that is unfit for distribution at least in some countries if the verses are put to illustrations. Morality advances but religion mongers a morality that should have vanished.
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Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2016 08:06 pm
Experts have long known that the stories in the bible did not originate with the bible. The similarities between the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah and similar recounting of the tale in Judges show there must an older common source for both tales. In our time books usually have only one author but the bible is a collection of tales from many different authors. The Gospels of Mathew, Luke, and John are very similar again they seem to have drawn from a common source. Experts have spent considerable time trying to figure out if one of the gospels was the original or if there was an earlier common source.
“An even cursory examination of mythology throughout the world will reveal an astonishing similarities between the traditions surrounding Christ and the church and the ancient superstitions of paganism.”

From book “Everything You Know About God is Wrong” and a Article “The God From Galilee” by Hurmence Green
Both the Sodom and Gomorrah and the twin tale from Judges clearly illustrate the value of women in biblical times. In both tales the women are sacrificed to the crowd instead of turning the men over to the crowd. In Sodom and Gomorrah it is the property owners virgin daughters that are thrown to the wolves. In Judges it is the concubine and the virgin daughter of the old man that are turned over to the crowd. In the Judge’s tale may be a bit of a morality play as the concubine may have been moonlighting as a whore but the old man’s daughter is a virgin. Of course the Sodom and Gomorrah tale is a caution against homosexuality. It is odd that the Judge’s tale seems to not be offended by homosexuality of the Israelites. Again bible teaches us about family values. If you have houseguests in your house that are threatened by a crowd sacrifice your daughters to protect the strangers.
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Reply Sat 3 Sep, 2016 08:42 pm
Religious freedom is a one-way street. In America religious groups want to be free to spread their religion but when their religion is spread they will openly tell you it is about eliminating everyone’s else’s freedom. To be sure some religious groups are more extreme than others but they all wish to replace the law of the land with their religious values. Take the case of abortion, which involves only a woman and her fetus. Religious groups have made a major push to replace the law of the land with their religious teachings of when a soul enters the body. The soul is a figment of their imagination and there is not one shred of evidence to support their belief. Now facing 10s of thousands of Zika babies born severely deformed the religious right will try to stop each and every abortion. Marco Rubio openly acknowledged that each Zika virus baby would require at least $10 million dollars in medical care in their lifetime. Who will pay for 100s of billions in medical care? It won’t be the parents or Marco Rubio it will be the taxpayers.

The Christian dream of making American a Christian nation did not work out simply because freedom and religion are like the opposite poles of a magnet. But other religious groups are using the religious freedom clause to openly advocate outright treason on college campuses across America and we turn a blind eye because it would be politically incorrect to say or do anything. This is being done on college campuses in public buildings and it is not being questioned. If KKK had a meeting advocating the overthrown of the American government and to replace with the charter of the KKK they would be arrested in short order. There have to be limits placed on religious freedom. Religious freedom should not protect speech advocating treason or treasonist actions.

An article entitled “With the Sword: Attending a Muslim Students’ Conference” detail Tasha Fox experience attending a Muslim Students’ conference held at her alma mater the University of California on Berkeley Campus. She watched as the women dressed in tradition garb filed in on one side and the men in tradition garb filed in on the other. This was at the American University most associated with free thinking when she attended. One of the main speakers had to address the crowd by phone as he was jailed for life for murder. A criminal who discovered Islam in prison was now a respected leader of their movement. The speaker, Inman Jamil real name was H Rap Brown the Black Panthers Justice Minster. Islam is spreading like wildfire in prison across America. The Muslim believe this low life criminal had the potential to spread Islam across North America.

The Muslim Student Association was founded in 1983 and now has a150 chapters at North American colleges. Its stated goal“ ”to promote understanding between Muslims and peoples of other faiths and religions” Islam has long been a misunderstood religion in the west.” Of course the understanding requires a good understanding of sharia law.
“Of course there will be some poop butts”, Ali mused with broad gestures and a wry smile, “who will not want to live under sharia law and will leave.”

Speaker at conference

This conference was held on Valentines Day 2004 with the memory of 2001 fresh in the minds of Americans. These are not the terrorists who flew into the World Trade Center they are more mainstream but their objective is much more heinous they don’t want to destroy a few buildings, they want to replace the American government with sharia law. They are insisting on promised revival of Islam.

The real danger to America is not terrorist it is the mainstream Muslim looking for the promised revival of Islam. The picture is of automatons marching in on either side of the building enslaved by religion is almost like a scene out of a sci-fi movie.
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Reply Sun 4 Sep, 2016 07:01 pm
Why do the Muslims speaker at the Muslim Student Conference think that Sharia law should replace the America government? It is quite simple they think of themselves as God chosen people and God gave them this country. When you are using your imagination you are free to imagine anything even that the world was a gift from your God. In 2010 only .9% of Americans were Muslims but the speaker at the conference said that if the Americans didn’t want to live under sharia law that they could leave. That statement shows the absolute audacity of religion that a tiny minority intends to turn America into a caliphate. People operating under the influence of religion are often worse than people under the influence hallucinatory drugs both are having active hallucinations but the drug addict has enough sense not to work to make his hallucinations a reality. The drug addicts are also not willing to die for their hallucinations.

Most colleges have put a stop to letting more extreme religious cults use the Universities as recruiting grounds. Any and all religious groups should not be allowed to use college campuses to recruit new members. If a college student wants to attend an off campus church that is fine but using college facilities to recruit new members like the Student Muslim Conference is wrong. The Christians would love to use the campus to recruit members but would be less than thrilled to find the Muslims doing the same. The Christians would like to see a ban on Muslim recruitment of college students on campus but they would like to continue the practice themselves.
Abdel Malik Ali was back. Again he was going on about a caliphate. Students must focus on the formula, “for how we come to power. From an Islamic movement we graduate to an Islamic revolution, than an Islamic state.”
“Allah akbar.”

From the book “Everything You Know About God is Wrong” an article entitled “With the Sword” by Tasha Fox
Religion has got a pass for way to long Abdel Malik Ali didn’t stutter he makes it clear he is recruiting for a revolution and the complete overthrow of our government and our way of life. This has been going on since 2004 and we now have what amounts to an army of sleepers in America just waiting to strike out. I wonder if the shooters in the San Bernardino attack attended any of this man’s Muslim Student Conference.
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Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2016 08:44 pm
The seeds have been planted; the women that attended the Muslim Student Conference in 2004 could not wait to start raising the children of the Islamic Revolution.
“A female student from San Diego urged her female listeners “to establish the Islamic state if you think about the sister’s greatest role, it is to be a mother…training the children who will lead that revival. It is a promised revival; it is going to happen. We know that. It is a fact. The mission will be fulfilled.

From an article named “With the Sword” by Tasha Fox

______________________________________________________The lies we tell ourselves are far more dangerous than we realize. The children of the Islamic Revolution are now nearing their teenage years and it will not be long before we hear from them. Waves and waves of immigrants have come to America seeking a better life and those waves were assimilated into the American culture but now because of turmoil and war in the Middle East waves of immigrants are coming from the Middle East but their religion dictates that they not be assimilated into our culture but what is more frightening is that their religion dictates that they change our culture. Letting these Muslim speakers advocate the violent overthrow of our government as freedom of religion is a travesty and mistake. The time to deal with this was when the seeds were being planted not after the shootings and bombings start. Letting a felon speak via phone at a Muslim Student Conference from prison is asking for trouble. H Rap Brown was a troublemaker when he was a Black Panther and it doesn’t matter what he is called. You can call him Inman Jamil and he loses his dark past but he should be just called murder.

Even law enforcement treats religion with kid gloves and we can no longer afford that luxury.
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Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2016 08:07 pm
It has been politically incorrect to say anything about anybodies’ religion for many years no matter how ridicules it is. In the United States some people take religious seriously which leads to very many people seriously underestimate what the true believers are capable of. In the world we grew up in violence was between to armies that were sanctioned by countries. One army fought with another army and civilians were usually not the targets. The wars were about national aggression and territory. Now we see bombs going off all over the world and the targets are civilian targets not military targets. The objective is not to capture territory but capture the culture. A father and his four-year-old daughter were killed as he dropped her off at her kindergarten. Religion passes itself off as the wellspring of morality how could any religion sanction such an outrageous act? It is easy, religious objectives are far more important then any individual or group of individuals. Religion is the important thing people are mere pawns. Religious objectives are primary people are secondary.

Throughout history terrorism has been a tried and true method of getting new members and keeping the flock faithful. ISIS beheads people and we shudder but can you imagine watching a human being burned to death with green wood to make sure their agony was prolonged? This practice helped make Christianity the biggest religion in the world. Religion and terrorism have a long and close relationship. As for being burnt slowly alive or being beheaded, beheading is far more humane.

An army is being raised in the United States today. There has already been a very public declaration of war and we said and did nothing because it would be politically incorrect to criticize anyone’s religion. Children raised from birth to kill have no problem killing. The Muslim women are very proud to be chosen to raise Muslim revolutionaries. Those children will think their parent’s beliefs are normal because it is their religion and they have no access to normal thought. Maybe the next kindergarten bombing will take place in America. In a clashes of cultures one will win and one will lose but not before there is ocean of blood shed.

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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2016 08:46 pm
Many people believe that religion is at worst a harmless pastime but the millions that have died know different. During a confrontation a rap musician the man he was confronting warned him but the rap musician assured the man he could not be touched. After all he had bodyguards but later that night he was dead. We are like that when it comes to religion we know that people are dying everyday somewhere in the world but we don’t think it can touch us and we are just as wrong as the rap musician. The Muslim Student Conferences went on at over 150 different locations in North America and thousands of people heard about the impending Muslim Revolution but none of the attendees felt the least bit threatened by the imposition of sharia law in America.
Sharia Law:

Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand. (Wkipedia has a charming picture of a freshly amputated hand)

Criticizing or deny any part of the Quran is punishable by death.

Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.

Criticizing or denying Allah, the god of Islam is punishable by death.

A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death. (sort of like getting out of the mob)

A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.

A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.

A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old. (child molesters will love this one)

Girls’ clitoris should be cut (Mohammed’s words Book 41, Kitab Al Adab Hadith 5251

A woman can have one husband who can have 4 wives; Mohammed can have more.

A man can beat his wife for insubordination. (women won’t like this one)

A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a woman needs her husband permission.

A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it.

Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman. (this one will be tough)

A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).

A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man.

A female heir inherits only half of what a male heir inherits.

A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval)
The Christian right is going to love these laws.

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Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2016 08:26 pm
Another problem with religion is that when you mix it with nonsense the nonsense becomes divine knowledge. All these women at the Muslim Student Conference could not wait to start raising the Muslim revolutionaries who will implement Sharia Law in America. Do they have any idea what Sharia Law is? I doubt it. Do they know how women are treated by Sharia Law? I wonder if they are ready to have their clitoris cut after all Mohammed commands it. This tells us who Mohammed was. American women will want to take an eye for eye except it won’t be an eye. By mixing nonsense in with religious belief some of the most absurd things become the new normal.
“Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado became the first high school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic replacing “One nation under God,” One nation under Allah.”

“In 2013, Skokie School District 68 in Illinois became the first US school district to celebrate Eid-Adha, a Muslim high day, as a school holiday, in lieu of Veterans Day.”

From an article on the Internet entitled “Sharia Law In America”
The examples above show that Muslims are gaining influence. Instead of being assimilated the Muslim objective is to change the existing culture.

The Muslim captured a good portion of the known world at one time and are looking for a Muslim revival. The question is why did they lose their Empire and revert back many to a tribal nomadic society? Times change and an Empire must change with the times but religion is timeless and can never change. The Ottoman Empire was a caliphate and could not change. Muslims long for their past glory and another caliphate but they cling to a religion that was for a world gone by. Will America become the next Muslim caliphate? There is very little chance of that but there may be a lot of blood spilled as the Muslim becomes more frustrated. It is not one religion that is the problem but the basic philosophy, which allows the belief in the supernatural to continue to exist.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2016 09:21 pm
The Muslim objective is to spread Sharia Law throughout the world. “…some countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe recognize sharia and use it as the bases for divorce, inheritance and other personal affairs of their Islamic population.” This is what is being pushed for in America that the Muslims in America would be subject to Sharia Law. Some courts in America have already taken Sharia Law under consideration in criminal cases. Having two sets of laws that are applied by what religious group you happen to belong is a dangerous precedence. In America laws are made by the government to grant this privilege to a religion and give them weight in an American court of law would be travesty. But you have to remember other countries have already done this. In America we should never allow any religion to dictate that members of their religion should be subject to a different set of laws. For everybody to be treated equally under the law we cannot be subject to different laws.

In Germany were the guilt about the Holocaust abounds the Muslims are seen as another minority religious group who might be persecuted. The German people are bending over backwards in an attempt to make sure they are not seen as persecuting another minority religious groups. They allow Sharia courts presided by Muslim “peace judges” in Germany. “Non Muslim German judges in German courts cite Sharia Law and quote from the Quran to uphold polygamy and husbands right to beat wives when cases involving Muslims.” Mormon polygamy is also protected in America where the government turns its head while underage girls are routinely raped. Government has long been afraid to take on religious groups for fear it may seen a violating freedom of religion but one must remember if religions rules there will be no freedom for anyone.
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Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2016 09:47 pm
Imagine that you are on the board of directors of General Motors and you are looking for a new CEO. Times have been bad and you have had to recall another 4.3 million vehicles. Most people believe that the supernatural is superior to the natural and as such should determine how they live their life. The mistake GM has been making is to have been hiring mere mortals as the CEOs. Since the supernatural is superior we should hire Jesus as the next CEO of General Motors. The other board members asked how will we know he is at work since he is invisible? You have to have faith and believe like a little child.

But how will we know what he wants us to do? Simple he left us a book that covers every situation. We will just ask ourselves what would Jesus do? But that book is 2,000 years old and cars would not be even invented for another 1900 years after it was written. How could that book written by people who could not even imagine a car help? Jesus sees all and knows all so he will be able to lead us.

The majority of people will see the problem with this scenario. Jesus has not yet been hired as a CEO of any company and is not likely to but while Wall Street would not put Jesus in as a CEO of Fortune 500 company 2.2 billion put Jesus in charge of their lives. This doesn’t mention the many other Gods that are in charge of people’s lives. To be consistent if we really believed the supernatural was real than we would put the supernatural in charge of our companies, government and schools. The supernatural is real it is just invisible at least that is what people profess to believe.
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Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2016 08:10 pm
A man comes home and his 7-year-old daughter is playing in another room with a friend. He asks his daughter whom she is playing with and she says Jill. When he goes into the room his daughter is playing he sees only his daughter. He asks his daughter where Jill is and she says oh daddy she is right over there by the window. He looks and toward the window and sees no one. Then he admonishes his daughter and tells her she has imagined her playmate. You are too old to be playing with imaginary friends. But daddy you have an imaginary playmate. No I don’t. Yes you do and his name is Jesus. Her daddy tells her, “I cannot see Jill so therefore she is not real. The daughter replies, I can’t see Jesus nor do I know of anyone who has actually seen him so he isn’t real.

The daughter argument is valid. People can and do have imaginary playmates and fiction writers imaginary playmates lasts into adulthood.
“There is a difference between the common imaginary companions that many children create, and the imaginary companions of psychopathology. Often when there is a psychological disorder, and an imaginary companion is present, the creator believes that this companion is real, and does not differentiate between the real and the imagined.”


If a psychopath had imagined God we would suspect that he had endowed God with fragments of his own personality. Maybe a God that would kill every man woman and child in two cities because he was homophobic. Or destroy the world in a Great flood because he was not pleased. Favor genocide instead of diplomacy.
“And he bought out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes. Even so dealt David with all the cities of the children of Ammon.”

(I Chronicles 20:3)
David did not just kill he abused the corpses. This sounds very much like fantasy of a modern day psychopath if not a reality.

The bible stories will reveal a lot about the people who created their imaginary playmate Jesus.
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