The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 05:34 am
The law of supply and demand is to economics what the law of gravity is to falling. If demand goes up price also goes up. If a trillions of dollars in social security is suddenly used to buy stocks the price of stocks will go through the roof. This will be another tremendous redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy. Currently 90% of stock and bonds are held by the ungodly greedy so when the price goes through the roof, the ungodly greedy wealth will radically increase.

Most Americans believe that the price of stock represents the value of a company’s assets and as stockholder they own a portion of those assets. But nothing can be further from the truth, as the wildly fluctuating stocks have shown us the value of the company assets has very little to do with the real price of stock. The price of stocks are simply a bet placed on the future performance of a company. There is no real difference between placing a bet on the future performance of a horse in horse race or a dog in a dog race. If you look at the history of stocks they were a form of gambling at middle age Fairs.

Once trillions in social security was put in the stock market and the prices were artificially driven through the roof the short selling would begin in earnest and the hedge fund managers would make $100s of billions short selling, the best bet on Wall Street would be that stock prices are going down as they have no connection to value. This would cause another redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy, the ungodly greedy make billions when the stocks go up and billions when stocks go down short selling. If the social security is dumped into the stock market the stock market will follow the most basic law of economics and the fluctuations will get far worse then they are now. The ungodly greedy will ride the waves like an expert surfer getting rich beyond imagination.

When prices do not reflect value the sharks rush in, they can smell blood on the water. Every type of thief and conman will find a notch to exploit on Wall Street. The best advice I was ever give was never gamble with something you can’t afford to lose. Social security will certainly never make anyone rich but it will provide a roof over your head and something to eat. This debate is reminiscent of the old fable of the dog crossing the bridge with a bone in his mouth; he looks over the side of the bridge and sees his reflection. Thinking it was another dog with a bone he jumps in to take that bone. Too late he realizes it was only his reflection and in the process he losses the bone he had. The generation may well repeat the dog’s mistakes. It is the siren the gambler always hears, as they are lured to the rocks.
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Reply Wed 24 Aug, 2011 05:33 am
In the not to distant past manufacturing was the backbone of the American economy, before commie/conservatives imposed Greedism as the primary economic philosophy. As Greedism gained popularity in America, in he last 30 years, the commie/conservative years, manufacturing in America was cut in half from 26% of GNP to only 13% but at the same the financial sector doubled from 10% of GNP to 20% of GNP. The financial sector is made up in part by the American gambling industry, more commonly know as the stock market, along with banking and insurance. America was once a nation that made things, now we are a nation that devotes its time to figuring out how to swindle each other. We are fast becoming a nation of Bernie Madoffs. Isn’t Greedism grand?

The value of American stock has been overblown since the oil embargo of the 70s, a deal struck with the Arabs allowed them to radically raise the price of oil as long as oil was traded in dollars and most of the money invested in the United States. The stock market had not hovered around 1,000 points but as Ronald Reagan bought Greedism to the Whitehouse the market reached average multiplied by a factor of 10 breaking 10,000 points. Do you think the assets of the American companies went up by a factor of 10? Or were the prices simply inflated by foreign money that was mandated to be invested in the US? Inflation between 1980 and 1990 only accounts for 58% of that 1000%. The primary economic law is supply and demand so a bet placed on stock is really a bet placed on how much demand their will be for that particular stock at some future date. Companies are complex structures that hide or even in some cases even sell their debt to subsidiaries to hide the actual financial shape of the company. To have any idea what a company stock is worth we would have to be certified public accountants and put 1,000 of hours into studying books that are not made available to the public. No one has the enough time to study all the companies on the stock exchange. Even the sophisticated expert is basing his decision on limited knowledge. My wife worked for a company that had a good reputation, it was in great shape and doing a good business and just as suddenly it was bankrupt. The company acquired a string of stores from another company that were in much worse shape then the even company accountants knew. It bankrupted the company. So one acquisition can bankrupt even a healthy company.
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Reply Thu 25 Aug, 2011 05:31 am
When the first commie/conservative president, Ronald Reagan, took office in 1981 the stock market was right at 1,000 it had taken from 1881 to 1981 to break and remain above a 1,000. By the year 2,000 the stock market stood 11,497. The stock market closed at 11,320 yesterday lower than it stood at 11 years ago. Where is Ferrara 6.9% average rate of return for those 11 years? Actual the average couple invested in the average stock lost money even before inflation during those 11 years. They do not even have the principal left but there is comfort because their grand parents saw their investment grow 10 and 1/2 times but this is what averages give you one generation retiring in comfort while the next eats out of garbage cans. Ferrara “proofiness” sounds good when averages over 130 years are used but when actual cases are examined the clay feet are obvious. The historical graph of the stock market shows a steep incline in the stock market after 1980. Between 1960 and 1980 the stock market fluctuated and high had been around 1,000. But between 1980 and 2,000 there is a radical change with the stock market going steadily upward. Why? The commie/conservatives took office was the battle cry of doing away with regulations they often cited nonsensical regulations but their real target was the laws passed during the Great Depression that were put in place to keep another Great Depression from happening.

Every form of gambling on stocks was legal again the number of bets on stock performance would shame a Las Vegas casino. You can place bets about stocks going up or place bets about stocks going down, it doesn’t matter and when you lose, like all the big banks did, the taxpayers will be there to cover your losses so the economy doesn’t completely collapse. When banking was unregulated banks were free to merge and make super banks that are to big to fail and must be propped by the government or the government will collapse under the weight of their failure. Investment banks and commercial were combined; this was against the law because of abuses before the Great Depression. Investment banks now make up investments that they know are close to worthless and the commercial part of the bank sells them to naive investors, the investment banks than short sells the stock making millions and the investors are left holding worthless paper. When a criminal steals something from someone he is just a criminal but when a businessman steals millions from the public he is just a “good businessman.”

If the referee leaves the court in a college basketball game the game would quickly deteriorate into chaos. The laws put in place after the Great Depression were the referee of Wall Street without the rules the “good businessmen” were free to come up with 1,000s of different schemes to defraud the public and they await with baited breath the trillions in Social Security. If Ferrara and his commie/conservatives allies manage to get trillions in social security dumped on the stock market you can expect to see the stock market break 30,000 but their will be no real value there only paper value inflating the supply and demand curve. Like an over inflated balloon it will be sure to burst and today’s hedge fund managers $5 billion yearly salaries will seem small as they short sell themselves toward the first trillion dollar salaries. Lottery winner economics always makes lottery winners out of a tinny few.
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Reply Fri 26 Aug, 2011 05:31 am
Like it or not commie/conservatism and the damage it has done will define this generation in history. Reagan made a number of communist intellectuals national heroes including Whitaker Chambers (communist spy master) and James Burnham (a dedicated follower of Leon Trotsky). Of course all these communist intellectuals were suppose to have seen the error of their ways and experienced a come to Jesus moment.

Burnham, a new believer in the American way soon set out to apply his newly acquired democratic principals to America’s racial problems. “
In Burnham’s editorial upholding segregation Burnham wrote southern whites were entitled to take the steps they deemed “necessary to prevail politically and culturally’ in places where they lacked the majority since “for the time being” they were the advanced race.” If the majority wanted what was socially atavistic” the editorial went on, “then to thwart the majority may be undemocratic, enlightened.”

From the book “James Burnham and The Struggle for the World”

It is obvious the communist intellectuals like Burnham had no problem with minority rule as long as it was their minority ruling. It was people like Burnham and Whitaker Chambers that laid the foundation for Reagan political thought. Is it any wonder that Reagan launched his campaign for president in the town where civil rights were slain and their killing upheld by the community as “social justice?” The killing of civil rights workers was just a step “necessary to prevail politically and culturally,” any commie/conservative could understand that.
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Reply Mon 29 Aug, 2011 05:34 am
Most Americans realize that we have problem with health care, the cost of health care is rising much faster than inflation or wages. My health insurance cost $60 a month in 1974; this policy would be labeled a Cadillac health insurance policy it actually paid for medical care with a base policy and paid for 80% of any medical expenses not covered by the base policy. By 2008 that policy cost over $20,000 a year and the insurance company picked what doctors they would pay for. The policy adjusted for inflation would cost $3,109 in 2008 dollars but it cost $20,000 more than 650% as much.

The commie/conservatives have done nothing but complain about National Health Care but now the commie/conservatives have put forth an actual solution. From the folks that bought you lottery winner economics now comes lottery winner health care. Even the commie/conservatives know something must be done to stem the rising cost of health care. The commie conservatives believe if you can make health care a lottery this will solve the situation. Ferrara takes the case of a man with a deadly form of cancer that will cost a million dollars to treat the chances of survival are remote. The insurance company would agree to split the saving if the man decided to forgo treatment. The insurance would write the man a check for $500,000 and the CEO of the insurance would probably get the other $500,000. This would help health insurance CEOs catch up with the $5 billion that hedge fund managers make. Insurance CEOs only make $785 million a year now how can they possibly be expected to pay for their private jets.

Imagine your doctor comes in and says I have good news and bad news. The bad news is you are dying; the good news is you have hit the health insurance lottery for a cool ½ million dollars if you decide to forego treatment. Will lottery winner health care do for health care what lottery winner economics did for the economy? If we stop treating people and pay them off for not getting treatment there may be some savings if the insurance companies can be persuaded not to take their ½ million savings and put it all in the CEO’s pocket. But this is unlikely and insurance CEOs are now some of the richest people on earth.

Undoubtedly many poor people would decide to forgo treatment so their spouse and children could keep the house and have something to live on. Medical care would become a luxury only the rich could afford, this is result the commie/conservatives have been trying to achieve. Ferrara laments the case of a 100 year old who might not be ale to get a pacemaker but sees nothing wrong with a 30 year old poor person dying for lack of medical care. After all life is a lottery and it is more than obvious the poor lost the lott
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Reply Tue 30 Aug, 2011 05:35 am
There is no doubt that health care is one of this generation most pressing problems if we solve it or how we solve it will define this generation. When the baby boomers arrived health care cost about 4% of GDP but that cost is projected to rise to 20% of GDP. That is a 400% increase and is unacceptable. The adoption of Greedism as the political philosophy thirty years ago is the biggest single factor. The communist intellectuals knew if they could replace American values with only one value greed they could destroy America.

Thirty years of Greedism destroyed the American health care system. When the cost of health care increased 650% beyond inflation the American economy was distorted. That 650% increase is not just born by those who are sick but by all the healthy Americans also because it is a cost of medical insurance. So even if you are healthy all your life you pay the runaway cost of service you don’t use. Our health care costs are far worse than we know because 20% of the people are responsible for 80% of the health care costs. If we all used that much health care the 650% would be 2600%.

Greedism has priced many of the middle class out of getting health care as they must now pay a good portion for the cost of the medical insurance but when they go to get medical care they find they must pay large deductibles up front and the expensive medical insurance pays nothing. So now many pay for a medical insurance that no longer pays for medical care. We now pay 650% more for medical insurance that pays absolutely nothing for many people. In medical insurance you can see Greedism at work, more and more is charged for a product that pays nothing for many people. Greedism is responsible for the one area that has soared above and beyond medical insurance premiums CEO of insurance companies. Insurance CEOs that made $120,000 thirty years ago now make $785 million plus perks. The insurance company’s CEO’s salaries went up by 6542%, more than a factor of 10 the staggering increase in the cost of health insurance. Greedism teaches you to take what is yours, mine, and everyone else’s if you can steal it take it.

The commie/conservatives have a Greedism solution for Medicaid as well. The commie/conservative solution is a free market solution, of sorts, for Medicaid. Instead of Medicaid Ferrara would give vouchers to those instead, they would then use the voucher to purchase Health Insurance on the free market. This would insure that multi-millionaire doctors would be able to chare even more outrageous prices, even to the poorest citizens. How would these insurance vouchers be paid for? By the taxpayers of course. As it is now Medicaid uses it free market power to get the one of the lowest price for medical services.

When a business purchases goods in large quantity they get the cheapest price. When the Federal Government purchases health care in large quantities they get the best price and cut the $785 million insurance CEO out of his cut. Using vouchers to buy private insurance would result in the taxpayers paying 500% more for the same medical services. But the commie/conservatives senators and congressmen would get millions in bribes (more commonly known as campaign contributions) from the insurance CEOs.

The Bush drug plan to make drug companies CEO even richer is and example of how Greedism is designed to make the ungodly greedy even richer. The government could have purchased drugs in quantity for those on social security and the cost would be less than 20% what seniors pay now. Now the drug companies who have been paid all that money to research new drugs say instead they will use that money to market drugs overseas to make even more money.

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Reply Wed 31 Aug, 2011 05:30 am
The commie/conservative solution to social security is to gamble the money on the stock market. The commie/conservatives also have a solution for Medicare, it should sound familiar, it is of course take the Medicare money and gamble it in the stock market. The commie/conservatives ignore the real problem is that the cost of medical care has been going up at a sustained double digit rate for the last 30 years as Greedism was adopted as the American political philosophy. No area in American life has been more profoundly affected by Greedism than the medical field. The commie/conservatives propose to do nothing about the real problem but to set up a system where only lottery winners will be able to afford medical care in their old age.

In Paul Ryan bill he plans to eliminate Medicare entirely and let each citizen invest his Medicare payroll tax and his employer share in the stock market. Ryan realizes that many Americans are poor and even if their Medicare taxes are invested they will not be able to pay $4,000 a month for private health insurance when they retire, Ryan’s answer, treat employer provided health insurance as it was cash income. In other words the tax health insurance as it was “excess wealth” and make it subject to the tax on excess wealth. This tax would be used to provide “vouchers” to the poor seniors to buy health insurance on the “free market.” Of course Ryan bills gives tax credits for purchasing insurance but “Cadillac” health insurance would be heavily taxed. Of course Cadillac Health insurance is the only real health insurance all other plans are simply co-insurance plans were 80% of the Americans are stuck with the paying the full cost of their medical care plus paying for a medical “insurance” policy nothing because of increasing high deductibles. Now Ryan and the commie/conservatives would make you pay income tax on a medical policy that was deliberately designed to make sure that 80% of Americans got no benefit from it.
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Reply Thu 1 Sep, 2011 05:32 am
The most important step in solving any problem is being able to successfully separate the problem from the symptoms. Problems always cause symptoms but treating the symptoms does not solve the problem and the symptoms simply reappear. For instance your car front tires ware out on the inside. You put new tires on the car and that takes care of the symptom but in a few months the new tires are wore out. You have the front end checked by a mechanic and he tells you that you have a bad tie rod once the tie rod is replaced and the car aligned the problem is solved. Many people spend their time treating the symptoms and never dealing with the underlying problem, this is exactly what is going on with health care we are trying to treat the symptoms and not the cause.

If doctors treat symptoms and don’t deal with the underlying cause the patient often dies. The symptoms of the health care problem are the sky rocketing cost but the sky rocketing cost are not the underlying problem. No matter how we try to deal with the skyrocketing cost it won’t solve the problem. The commie/conservatives worship at the alter of the free market and believe the free market will solve all the health care problems but not every problem can be solved with a free market solution. The commie/conservatives see no difference between the purchase of a television set and purchase of care for a heart attack. When ones has a heat attack one has no choice, he is taken to the closest hospital and charged whatever that hospital and doctor on duty decide to charge. When your television fails you are not taken by ambulance to the nearest store and directed to buy whatever the clerk selects for you and pay any price he demands you pay. The two situations simply have nothing in common. You can buy a television set from 1,000s of different stores across the country but there are only two hospitals close by and trauma night is on alternative nights at the hospitals.

Secondly when one’s life or a life of a loved one is in danger you would pay any cost to “save their life.” There are very few of us that given the choice, between even a remote chance at life for a child and no chance of life would not give everything we own and ever would own for that desperate chance. This does not happen when buying a television set.

When you are in a car accident you are taken often unconscious to the nearest hospital. You don’t call ten hospitals to get the best price on two broken legs and a concussion. You might make an argument that routine care like a physical could be regulated by a free market but when you go to buy the television set you pick up the sales papers and check prices, there but are no ads for physicals in Sunday’s paper. You then go to the store and watch different sets to see how they compare. When is the last time you went to different doctors offices and watched them give physicals to see which had the best technique and was most thorough?

To man with a hammer ever problem looks like a nail whether it is or not. To the commie/conservatives every problem has a free market solution whether it does or not.

If the cost of medical care is only a symptom what is the underlying sickness? The commie/conservatives know they nourished it and spread it throughout America. Philosophy is to life, what a movie script is to a movie, it doesn’t have to be true, as long as those who are involved act as if it is true. Political philosophy in the end is just opinion and even though it may be the opinion of the majority people at one point in time, it is just opinion unless it can be supported by fact. Political philosophy is often structured more by emotions than facts and meant to appeal to the emotional mind. Hitler manipulated the emotional mind of one of the most advanced countries on earth. Many people believed in the Nazi political philosophy but that didn’t make it right. We as humans are always engaged in the business of creation, we are always creating our reality. The line from “Pogo” comic strip applies, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
By accepting as true a political philosophy based on Greedism we created the conditions that let medical care go from 4% of GDP on the way to 20% of GDP. In a Clint Eastwood western he acts as if the script was real, he gets into character. In America we get into character and act as if greed is the underlying moral force of America.
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Reply Fri 2 Sep, 2011 05:32 am
The commie/conservatives were running around when the National Health Care Reform bill was passed screaming death panels, death panels. But they never seem to acknowledge the fact that the death panels have already been in existence for years. The health insurance companies have only one reason to exist, to make a profit. They do not exist as a public service to keep you and your family healthy they have only that one reason to exist, make a bigger and bigger profit. The bet you place with the your health insurance premiums is that you will need health care, the insurance company bet is that most people it insures will remain health and that the insurance company will not have to pay health care expenses on them. In a fair bet the outcome is determined by chance but not so in the casino run by the insurance companies. Insurance companies quickly weed out the sick who need health care.

Health insurance is tied to employment, if an employ get really sick the first thing he loses is his job the next thing he losses is his health insurance which with no job he can no longer afford to pay for it. He and his family are dumped on the government like last weeks trash. This is a win, win situation for the insurance company because they collected insurance premiums for decades but can dump a sick employee, referred to in the trade as a medical loss, in mere weeks. But that is not all the cards the insurance company holds in the fixed casino of death, they can and do deny medical care by denying payment for needed medical care. These are the real death panels, even if the insurance company can tie things up in red tape the patient often dies during the delay. The insurance companies always tell the patient they are not denying care they are just denying payment. Of course the dying patient has put all his money for medical care into the insurance company for decades but the insurance company always intended to cut his hands off when he reached for the chips.

Death panel employees are highly rewarded for the health care they deny and they salary is based on how much money they save the insurance company and all health insurance companies already have “death panels.” The question is do you really want somebody who is up for a big bonus for denying health care to decide whether you or your child will get needed health care? When the only motive is profit every reason to withhold treatment is examined and rationalized. It is said that doctors bury their mistakes but insurance companies know “that dead men tell no tell no tales.”
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Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 05:28 am
Those who lie to take economic advantage of someone else are known as conmen. Since America adopted Greedism as the official political philosophy of America the conmen in America have multiplied ten fold. Under Greedism if you can take advantage of someone else it is not only your right to take advantage of them but your duty to take advantage of them. Lying has replaced baseball as the national pastime and lying for political gain is the rule not the exception. Today’s political lies are so outrageous it his hard to believe the commie/conservatives can tell them with a straight face. Take the social security lie spread by the Heritage Foundation.
“Of course the big picture is entitlement programs includes Social Security and Medicare. Social Security spending for 2010 was $721.5 billion and Medicare spending totaled $457 billion for the year for a combined total of $1.179 trillion. Adding federal welfare spending for the year leaves a combined total for entitlements spending of $1.879 trillion.
The total federal budget for that year was $3.720 trillion. So entitlements /welfare spending state spending overall for that year was just over 50% of the entire budget. Not exactly stingy.

From the book “America Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb”

Can you spot the lies? They are very obvious but when they are believed it will cheat the American people out of trillions. One of the first things the communist intellectuals were taught by the communist party was that lying to achieve a political objective was always acceptable. The communist intellectuals who founded the Modern Conservative Movement had no trouble lying to themselves and even less lying to the public. But the lies they tell are so obviously lies. Social Security “spending” every cent of social security was covered by the social security taxes being collected and a little taken from the interest on the $2.7 trillion Social Security trust fund, not even one penny of the principal of the $2.7 trillion trust fund was spent. To classify the return of the Social Security money to the public that they paid for social security is a bold face lie. If Social Security taxes were insufficient to meet the social security payout and there was no social security trust fund interest to pay the short fall and the money was taken out of the Federal Budget the portion of social security and only that portion could be classified as spending of the federal budget.

Likewise, Medicare has its own funding source, just as there is a social security tax; there is a Medicare tax that is dedicated to fund Medicare. However Medicare has no trust fund and the Federal budget does supplement a small fraction. This small fraction and only this small fraction could be figured as a percentage of the federal budget. If social security and Medicare were eliminated tomorrow the federal budget would still be the same other than the Medicare supplement. If the Social Security and Medicare are taken out of the calculation the percentage of “entitlements” becomes only19% instead of 50%.
Social Security and Medicare both have tax a dedicated to funding those programs and only those programs.

If the commie/conservatives are successful in eliminate Social Security and Medicare they cannot continue to collect the taxes for those programs. They propose to pour the money on an out of control fire called the stock market and watch it all go up in smoke.
Of the original 30 companies on the Stock Market only one remains the rest bankrupted if you diversified your money among the original 30 you would not have enough money to by toilet paper. But those who are big enough to manipulate the market are making billions; they call it profit taking and can do it on fractions and make large profits. If you tried the same your stock brokers gets all of your profit in fees.
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Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 05:32 am
Lying is one of the primary tools a conman uses to manipulate his victims. Useful lies, the great social security lie is being used to cheat the American people out of their social security. The Republicans were against social security from day one and fought tooth and nail for the next twenty years. The new assault against social security by the commie/conservatives was to be expected as were the lies at the base of the assault. In lottery winner economics all the focus is put on the lottery winners and all the rest are merely losers and the losers are simply getting what they deserve, after all it is a just world and that is what god intended.

When you tell the public that social security, Medicare and welfare spending are taking over half the federal budget it is a lie. Social Security has not taken one cent of the Federal Budget since its inception and in fact Federal Budget has borrowed $2.7 trillion from the social security trust fund. Reagan’s 70% cut in taxes for the ungodly greedy was borrowed from the social security and the social security tax was raised so there would be more money to cut the ungodly greedy taxes. The Bush tax cuts were also borrowed from the social security trust fund. When Bush decided to give the Clinton surpluses to his ungodly greedy campaign contributors there was no surpluses to give back. There was no surplus in the Federal Budget; the excess social security was being counted as a surplus in the Federal Budget. In other words the social security tax and federal taxes were thrown in one pot and counted as a total even though they knew social security taxes were dedicated funds paid for one purpose and one purpose only.

So the public is being told social security and other programs are eating up over half the federal budget and that is a bold faced lie. Social security can pay every cent of its obligations through 2037 and not touch one red cent of the Federal Budget money. The trouble is the $2.7 trillion plus interest borrowed from the social security trust fund by Reagan and Bush to pay back their biggest campaign contributors must now be pay back by the Federal Budget. The massive Bush and Reagan tax cuts must be repealed; the country could not afford the tax cuts then and can’t afford them now.

The problem is not social security, the baby boomers paid enough social security, by 2037 the majority of baby boomers will be gone and no longer collecting social security. The social security system did not borrow from the Federal Budget the Federal Budget borrowed $2.7 trillion from the social security trust fund. The government simply did not have enough money to operate on when Reagan took office instead of raising taxes on the ungodly greedy or cutting spending Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by an unbelievable 70% and expanded spending. But Reagan raised the taxes on the poorest Americans, the social security tax. Telling the American people that social security is eating the federal budget up is nothing more than a commie/conservative lie.
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Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2011 05:33 am
Rush Slimbaugh on his show yesterday was talking about the American pensions telling his audience that they will not get more than 10 or 20 cents on a dollar out of their pension they have paid into all their lives. A pension according to Slimbaugh is just a promise that can be broken at any time. However if a CEO defers his compensation to a later date, like Cheney deferred compensation from Halliburton, that is a contract enforceable by law. Of Cheney as vice continued to give no bid contracts to Halliburton. A pension is simply deferred compensation and as such is a contract and should be enforceable in a court of law and against any and all assets of the company.

Rush Slimbaugh is of course one of the ungodly greedy, his last radio contract was for $10 million. This doesn’t count books and speaking fees. Slimbaugh says if you are not working at age 95 you should not expect to eat. Slimbaugh takes it for granted that the ungodly greedy will be able to cheat the baby boomers out of the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund but also their pension. The ungodly greedy view the rest of us as cash cows that exist only to make them money. All wealth is ultimately generated by labor, if the ungodly greedy are going to get richer they need more labor. When the women entered the labor force there was a tremendous surge in the wealth of the ungodly greedy but working couples actually made less in inflation adjusted dollars. Now that most women work where will the next influx of labor come from? If the ungodly greedy can steal the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund and pay only Slimbaugh’ predicted 10 or 20 cents on the dollar. Slimbaugh figures the elderly should work to make the ungodly greedy richer till the day they die. Those that refuse to make the ungodly greedy should not be able to eat. Greed has no conscious, greed has no morals, and mankind has known since the beginning of time greed is just a sickness of the mind. When many Americans accepted Greedism as their political philosophy America lost it soul.

There is only one way that the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund can be paid, by raising the taxes on the ungodly greedy that got tax cuts of 70%. The Pee Party that is blocking tax increases on the ungodly greedy, who got 70% tax cuts under Reagan while social security taxes were raised on the middle class and working poor, to fund those tax cuts are cutting their own throats. The ungodly greedy won’t be eating cat food for breakfast but many of the Pee Party can look forward to eating Fancy Feast if they can even afford that.

If you were making $10 an hour but decided you wanted to spend like you made $20 an hour, you could borrow the money say from the social security trust fund but you have to realize that you would have to one day pay it back plus interest. It has now come time to pay the piper the $2.7 trillion pay back plus interest will be about $8 trillion, it is time the ungodly greedy pay up.
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Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2011 05:31 am
Look for the ungodly greedy to use the money they got from the massive Reagan and Bush tax cuts to back a Presidential candidate that believes social security “is un-American and unconstitutional.” Rick Perry is the commie/conservative candidate who has done exactly that in his book he declared that “social security is un-American and unconstitutional” and you can bet the ungodly greedy won’t mind spending a few billion to get him elected. The pay back with interest for the ungodly greedy massive tax cuts to the social security trust fund is $8 trillion. Even if the ungodly greedy have to make $8 billion in campaign contributions that would be 1,000 to one return on their money. I am sure good old commie/conservative Rick Perry would be as generous as Rush Slimbaugh and have no trouble returning 10 cents on a dollar to those who paid into social security for a lifetime. Now that would not be un-American, in Greedism the more people you cheat, the better businessman you are.

After President Roosevelt signed social security into law the big question was would the Supreme Court declare it unconstitutional like it had the minimum wage laws, but the Republicans last hopes were dashed when the Supreme Court found social security was not unconstitutional. Now Rick Perry also believes the Supreme Court should not have the last word and it decision should simply be overridden.

Like the anti-communist communists before him Rick Perry is now trying to distance himself from anti-social security stance in his own book that was just published by claiming to a follower his anti-social security stance was only temporary he like the communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement, had simply “changed his mind.” It seems on the Republican debate last night Rick Perry has changed his mind again and declared social security a ponzi scheme.

The ungodly greedy CEOs are accustom to borrowing money from public corporations like they were banks and then have the loans forgiven by the board directors so they need not ever pay them back. CEOs have borrowed $5 million from a corporation and never had to pay it back. There is no doubt at all the $2.7 trillion was “borrowed” from the social security trust fund to fund massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy but the ungodly greedy aren’t accustom to paying back the money, multi-million dollar loans to the ungodly greedy from public corporations are simply “forgiven” why should a $2.7 trillion loan from the social security fund be any different. But don’t worry the ungodly greedy are willing to negotiate, after all 10 cents on the dollars is better than nothing isn’t it. It is time the baby boomers put a stop to the ungodly greedy ripping them off. The ungodly greedy are sick they have enough for a 100 lifetimes now but they want more and they will continue to take more until they are stopped.
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Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2011 05:34 am
Rick Perry looks like he will be the next commie/conservative candidate for president. Only the commie/conservatives would nominate a candidate for president that is thinks social security is un-American and unconstitutional. Of course Perry’s conclusion that social security is un-American and unconstitutional comes after Reagan raised the social security tax to create a $2.7 trillion social security trust fund. If Perry gets elected and packs the Supreme Court with the commie/conservatives judges that agree with him that social security is un-American and unconstitutional. If the commie/conservatives get their way and have social security ruled unconstitutional, what will happen to the $2.7 trillion social security fund that the baby boomers paid? The commie/conservatives will declare that $2.7 trillion in US Treasury bonds just worthless paper, if you will remember the last commie/conservative president did exactly that even as $100s of billions of extra social security taxes poured in Bush declared them worthless paper. This was Bush’s big photo opportunity posing before the cabinet that held the social security trust fund in US Treasury bonds and declaring them worthless paper.

I wonder what would happen if Bush had told the ungodly greedy that their US treasury bonds they held were just worthless paper? If US Treasury bonds that make up the social security trust fund are worthless paper then all US Treasury bonds should be just worthless paper. The US Treasury bonds held by Bill Gates as well as the US Treasury bonds held by the Chinese should be declared worthless paper.

Rick Perry’s campaign coffers will no doubt runneth over, the ungodly greedy will spare no cost trying to get him elected. The stakes are very high this election, the republican party has the best chance since social security was made the law of the land 80 years ago to overturn it. The commie/conservatives have all but eliminated pensions in the private sector over the last 30 years leaving most of the baby boomers to depend on their social security even though it replaces only 40% of pre retirement income. Now along comes Rick Perry and declares even social security to be unconstitutional. Not to worry though you will get to keep your 6.2% you pay into social security and bet in on the stock market. For those who draw social security Rick Perry says sorry about you but in lottery winner economics there are a few winners but millions upon millions of losers, suck it up there are millions of garbage cans in America with perfectly good food in them.
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Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2011 08:44 am
You always hear the commie/conservatives complaining about the “Welfare state” and of course when they say welfare state they are referring to the money used to feed, cloth and house the poor but you never hear them complain about the Welfare for the Rich programs they refer to them as just good business deals. Where was the outcry when $500 million in taxpayer money was given to Boeing to build a new factory? Where was the outcry from the commie/conservatives when Daimler Benz, a foreign corporation was given $500 million to build a plant in Alabama? This wasn’t even an American corporation. The same $500 million of welfare for the rich was offered to another foreign corporation to build a plant in America but Toyota turned it down flat and built in Canada instead because America health care costs are 300% to 400% higher than other industrial countries, it seems the grapes of Greedism are baring fruit. Even ½ a billion dollars in welfare for the rich can’t offset the true cost of Greedism.

Welfare, unlike social security and Medicare, does not have a dedicated stream of revenue and the cost of welfare is directly born by the Federal Budget. In the 2010 budget $700 billion was spent on welfare for the poor the however “welfare for the rich” is not broke out of the Federal Budget so we have no idea what it amounts to but we know it is substantial because of the occasional $500 million dollar glimpse. It would be interesting if we could compare it. Fifty million of taxpayer money was used to build a local downtown mall with a private investment of $10 million.

This was a form of welfare for the rich multi-story property owners downtown. The buildings were empty as the downtown was designed before cars were as common as they now are. It was an old story three major high ways converged downtown but when the new interstate was built the downtown property owners used heir political power to stop a mall from being built at the interstate exit. The mall was built at the next small town and the downtown which had been a shopping destination from a 100 mile radius died. Then the federal government stepped in to provide $50 million rental subsidies for the rich. By building a new shopping destination across the street the first floor of those old vacant building was now more attractive to rent. It has been 10 years now and the new mall has never been able to finish or rent much of the space. Many of the businesses bankrupted and closed but some property across the street has been rented by the local university and other small shop owners. The rent in the old buildings is now much cheaper than the new mall an as such makes it easier to rent but the taxpayers spent $50 million in “welfare for the rich” in just this one small town. “Welfare for the Rich is often known as economic development.

When a local restaurant went broke just a block up from the downtown mini mall, he claimed the lack of a direct path from the mini mall to his restaurant was at fault. A half million in Federal stimulus was used to build a sidewalk down the alley and street light were installed so people could walk to the restaurant that is now a vacant building, more welfare for the rich.

Welfare spending by the Federal has increased dramatically since the commie/conservative begin their campaign against abortion each child costs tax payers $300,000 to raise to an adult even though the commie/conservatives haven’t stopped abortion they have cost the taxpayers billions. The commie/conservatives want to make sure the babies aren’t aborted but they don’t want to pay to support them for life either and it is often for life as many are the children of prostitutes, drug dealers and other career criminals and many follow their parents into their professions and end up being incarcerated for life costing taxpayers millions. There is more to a child than just be born and the commie/conservatives are just as responsible for these children as their mothers and fathers and should step up to the plate and pay 50% of their income in taxes to support them for life.
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Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2011 08:41 am
Charles Seife book “Proofiness: The Dark Arts of Mathematical Deception” is a must read book for everyone. “Figures don’t lie” is a truism in our society and once things are reduced to figures we can easily compare one option to another. But the rest of that truism is often forgotten but while figures don’t lie, “but liars do figure.” Seife takes us through the practiced methods of Proofiness, from disestimations to cherry picking and everything in between.
“The American mind seems extremely vulnerable to the belief that any alleged knowledge which can be expressed in figures is in fact as final an exact as the figures in which it is expressed.”

Richard Hofstrader, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life

"As McCarthy knew, numbers can be powerful weapons. In skillful hands, phony data, bogus statistics can make the most fanciful idea, and the most outrageous falsehood seem true. They can be used to bludgeon enemies, to destroy critics, and to squelch debate. Indeed, some people have become incredibly adept at using fake numbers to prove falsehoods. They have become masters of proofiness: the art of using bogus mathematical to prove something you know in your heart is true---even when it is not."

From the book: Proofiness: The Dark Art of Mathematical Deception
The above reference is to Joe McCarthy speech in Wheeling, WV where he claimed to have the names of 205 communist in the State Department. In fact McCarthy had no names and asked Randolph Hearst, an ardent anti-communist, to supply him with some names after his Wheeling speech. The fact McCarthy used a specific number like 205 gave his lies authority. McCarthy’s lie was so powerful it changed history. McCarthy changed his number in the following days from 205 to 81 to 57 but he gave no names.

The Peter Ferrara is a master of proofiness in his book “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb” I don’t think he missed even one type of proofiness. I would recommend reading both books at the same time so you find a current example of the particular type of the proofiness Seife is talking about in his book.
“Bush 2001 tax cut included some nongrowth tax reductions, such as increasing the Child Tax Credit, but it also reduce the top marginal tax rate from 39.6% to 35%, a reduction of only 11% he had to fight tooth and nail. Bush 2001 tax cuts also reduced the rate for the lowest-income workers by 33% from 15% down to 10 %.

From the book “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb.”
Even the structures of Ferrara’s sentences are meant to manipulate. The tax cuts percentage on the top is 4.6% for the wealthiest Americans and 5% for the lowest-income Americans but expressed in percentages of cuts it is “only”11% but for the lowest- income it is 33%. In Ferrara’s figures the lowest-income earners got 300% more in the tax cut. Quite a deal. But when the actual dollars are tabulated almost all the tax cut went to the ungodly greedy and the actual dollars are the bottom line not all Ferrara’s mathematical manipulations. Like McCarthy’s lie of 205 communists the Bush Administration lie was very effective. In reality, in real dollars a tiny minority, the ungodly greedy got almost all of the Bush tax cut. But Ferrara figures would have you believe the lowest income earners got 300% more than the ungodly greedy, that is proofiness check to see how many more examples of proofiness you can find in Ferrara’s book

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Reply Mon 12 Sep, 2011 07:46 am
Most of us when quoted statistics tend to believe them, we are more likely to grant credibility to statistics then to a persons statements. We know from experience that a person’s statements are often no more than someone’s personal opinion and as such are given no more weight than that. But we believe that mathematical statistics tend to rise to the level of facts and as such are taken much more seriously. In a person argument we constantly try to sift the facts from the opinion but when statistics are sighted they tend to bypass are truth filter. In Charles Seife book Proofiness: “The Dark Art of Mathematical Deception,” he lets the public in on how statistics can be manipulated to deceive the public.

Yesterday we saw how the Bush administration used the “The Dark Art of Political Manipulation” to make the Bush tax cuts for the ungodly greedy look like tax cuts for the lowest wage earners. After all what are you going to believe the Bush administration statistic that show the lowest wage earners got a full 300% larger tax cut than the ungodly greedy or what you actually got back in your tax return. Bush himself was so caught up in the lies he was peddling to the public he actually said, “That the low wage earners got by far the lion’s share of his tax cut.” When the dollars were totaled up this obvious lie came back to haunt him but the damage caused by the Bush Administration’s proofiness was final.
“Deregulation, which saved consumers an estimated $100 billion dollars per year in lower prices. Reagan’s first executive order, in fact eliminated price controls on oil and natural gas. Production soared, and the price of oil declined.”

From the book, “The Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb.”
Catch the proofiness? The gusstimation of course, when you see nice round numbers in billions they are guesses not supported with facts. Even though the $100 billion is listed as estimate we believe it might not be exactly a $100 billion but very close to that figure.

Was Reagan deregulation responsible for a huge drop in oil prices? Or was their something else going on in the world that drove oil prices to record highs.
• Oil Crisis (1979-1980)
In 1979, the Iranian revolution sent oil prices soaring. The country’s oil production plummeted drastically to 2.5 million barrels a day. The 1980 Iraqi invasion worsened the situation. The combined production of both the countries reduced to just one million barrels per day (from 6.5 million barrels in 1978). This lowered the global oil production by 10% and oil prices rocketed to $35 per barrel.
• Oil Glut (1980-1986)
The energy crises of the 1970s slowed down the economic activity across the industrial nations. This resulted in oil conservation and overproduction, pulling down consumption and prices of crude oil drastically. The import of oil by the US reduced from 46.5% in 1977 to 28% in 1982-1983. Oil prices which had peaked to $35 in 1980 fell to $10 within six years.

Economy Watch
This is world class proofiness, Taking credit for something that the action did not cause. Ferrara raises proofiness to an art form for those who have no idea what actually happened in the world at the time. Reagan long term deregulation effect was more likely the $4.39 a gallon gasoline price under Bush and the $400 million pension for the Exxon CEO.
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Reply Tue 13 Sep, 2011 05:35 pm
Some of Ferrara’s statements are so outrageous that they even defy proofiness. “Manufacturing output soared to its highest level in 20 years.” If we know one thing about manufacturing in the United States it has plunged from a high of 51% of GNP in the 50s to the current low of 13% of GNP in 2008. In just the last 30 years from 1978 to 2008 manufacturing in America fell by a full 50%. In this period of overall decline is when Ferrara is gives Reagan credit for manufacturing output soaring to its highest level in 20 years. Anyone who lived through the Reagan years would question this statistic. The Reagan years were the darkest years of my life and many others layoffs were counted in the hundreds in even small operations and there were no pay raises for the entire Reagan term.

This proofiness technique is called “Cherry Picking” if it not outright lying. In Cherry Picking you pick out certain statistic to prove your argument. Say you pick an increase in manufacturing output coming for a one year period coming out of a major recession when oil prices had soared to $102 a barrel because of the Iraq/Iranian war but ignore Reagan overall downward manufacturing trend during his 8 years in office.

Notice also the statement is a generalization and there are no specific figures. We know that American manufacturing had been declining for 20 years already. Do you think it was a coincidence Ferrara picks those 20 years to compare Reagan’s performance? No that is another incidence of cherry picking. If you were going to run a race wouldn’t you like to be able to pick the worst runner as your competition? In cherry picking they can and do exactly that, the comparison makes them look faster than they really are. Cherry picking is much the same technique used by the pretty girls in High School; they always seemed to pick homely girls as friends the comparison made them look even prettier.

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Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2011 07:47 am
The easiest form of proofiness in politics is cause and effect, simply claming that their policies were responsible for a positive effect. The classic example has to be Reagan claim that his deregulating of oil prices was responsible for the price of oil prices going down. Notice according to the commie conservatives it was Reagan’s deregulation of oil prices, not the ending of the Iraqi/Iranian that was responsible for the decline in oil prices. To start with the United States could only regulate domestic oil prices; the price of oil was set by world supply and demand. The Iranian revolution closely followed by the Iraqi war lowered Iran oil production from 6.5 million barrels a day to 1 million barrels a day. The effect of a 10% drop in world supply was predictable, the price increased dramatically. After the war when oil supply was restored the effect was predictable and obvious the price of oil fell dramatically, but Reagan and the commie/conservatives are still taking credit to this day. No doubt according to the commie/conservatives it was Reagan’s deregulation that was responsible for ending the Iraq/Iranian war.

It is so easy to take credit when credit isn’t do. But there is a flip side, when the inevitable happens and commie/conservatives policies of deregulation end up in the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression the commie/conservatives were not jumping up and down claiming credit. After 30 years of deregulation that made every con scheme legal before the Great Depression legal again the commie/conservatives claimed it was overregulation that caused the great collapse of our economy. Oh well, that he commie/conservative’s story and they are sticking to it.

Ferrara admits that Bush’s loose money policies were responsible for part of the Great Economic Collapse. Bush’s easy money policies made borrowing money profitable because the interest rate was below the inflation rate and banks and stockbrokers borrowed to leverage their bets; this was known before the Great Depression as buying on the margin. That practice was outlawed after the Great Depression it amounts to placing bets with someone else’s money. But the commie/conservatives did away with those regulations.

According to Ferrara the bursting of the housing bubble was also responsible in part for the collapse. The same old commie/conservative song, that making it possible for the poor to buy a home that was responsible for the collapse. It wasn’t those who were not able to pay for a $30,000 shack that caused the problem. The bubble was not created by them. There is only one sentence that betrays the fact that Ferrara knows the truth. When he is speaking about the lower standards applied to allow lower income people to buy homes he says that standard was also applied to those wanting to buy $500,000 to $700,000 homes for speculating. One developer selling new homes was actually increasing the price $10,000 an hour. The bankers were cleaning up as they got a commission for all the loans they could make, a commission on a $500,000 homes is much bigger than on slum property. The bankers’ greed soon took over and liar’s loan became more common, those with no job, no income and no credit were able to buy houses worth several $100 thousand and sell them at a profit as the housing bubble expanded. The bankers could careless if the new owners could actually pay the loan because the loan was being sold and would be securitized and sold to some dumb stockholder who had no idea what was actually backing the security. Look, maw no regulations. Any bet on these securities, or derivative as they were called, could be placed and that to could be sold also. When there are no regulations everything is legal.
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Reply Thu 15 Sep, 2011 07:48 am
In the end after all the statistics and proofiness the question comes down to is America better off after 30 years of commie/conservative philosophy. There is no doubt that 1 1/100 of a percent of Americans can answer that they are in fact many, many times better off under Greedism but the fact that 13,400 out of 300,000,000 are better off is of little comfort to the 99% of Americans who are worse off today than when Reagan darkened the steps of the Whitehouse. Lottery are so nice and it is nice to dream of winning the lottery but for the vast majority that lottery win will always a dream. When we structure the economy of a country on lottery winner philosophy it endangers all of us. Money is liquid power and the path to a political victory is paved with money.

One of the oldest laws of human interaction is reciprocity those who seek something come bearing gifts. Reciprocity is older than the bible; the wise men came bearing gifts. Psychologists that studied the law of reciprocity noted how effective it is acceptance of even a small gift sets up an obligation on the part of one who accepts the gift. Politicians would pass out pencils and matches at the polling place in hopes of obligating voters. No doubt bigger gifts impose bigger obligations. In the Republican presidential debate Rick Perry admitted to taking a $5,000 gift from a drug manufacturer and he gave an executive order requiring all girls in Texas to take the vaccination. Later it was found Perry was lying and he actually took $28,000 in contributions from that drug company. In a strange coincidence Perry chief of staff was hired by the drug company and is setting up super political action pack to get Perry elected. If Perry gets elected President you can bet millions of little girls are going to have sore rear ends and now the drug company has decided little boys should also be vaccinated. Political contributions are the best investment they return $100 for every dollar invested but this one may return a million to 1.

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