The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 6 Aug, 2011 08:02 am
How has the Pee Party affected Congress? According to a recent poll 88% of the American people are currently dissatisfied with Congress. It is surprising that 100% of the American people aren’t dissatisfied with Congress yet but it is getting close.

Standard & Poor’s downgraded America’s credit for the first time in history. The Pee Party blocked Obama’s plan to raise taxes on the multi-billionaires salaries to the same rate as the middle class now pays and cut $4 trillion from the national debt. The founding fathers of the Modern Conservative Movement, the communist intellectuals, lifetime ambition had been the destruction of the American government while they did not achieve that in their lifetime, there followers are nearing that goal.

Even though Congress was not in good shape before the Pee Party members were elected it is now completely dysfunctional. Nothing is ever settled with the Pee Party members, budgets that were passed for a year in previous congresses are now extended for a month and the same arguments rage over again each month. Is it any wonder the United States of America credit was downgraded?

The Federal Aviation Administration budget is an example of how badly the Pee Party guamed things up. The last long term funding bill for the FAA was for three years between 2004 and 2007. Since that time the republicans have agreed only on short term funding bills for a month or two, and sometimes three. The sticking term on the long term FAA funding bill is a stipulation that union elections for railroad and airline unions. The commie/conservatives want a provision that automatically declares a no vote for anyone that does not vote in the election. This is the most anti-American provision ever considered. Next theses Republicans would declare that anyone that didn’t vote in a national election automatically be considered a vote for a republican. It is the same exact principal anyone that doesn’t voted is declared to have voted for the opposition cause. Even Russia would not try to count every no vote in an election as a vote for themselves. The FAA shutdown over the republican election rigging cost the country $400 million in uncollected taxes and 74,000 jobs at a time that both are desperately needed, in next years election lets put anyone out of office who believe that people who don’t vote should be counted as automatic no votes. Is that not trying to make stuffing the ballot box the law of the land?

The Republicans are for the ungodly greedy paying half the rate of the tax placed on “excess wealth” and are anti-working man and antiunion and the statistic over the last 30 year of commie/conservative control of the American prove it.
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Reply Sun 7 Aug, 2011 07:53 pm
My favorite store at the Mall is closing, Border’s, it seems it went bankrupt. The local store had been very profitable but no doubt decisions made at headquarters and exorbitant salaries for top brass led to the Bankruptcy. Greedism has spawned a paradigm where CEOs feel fully entitled to half to all of the profit of any corporation. Even though a CEO is only one employee of a company that has 10s of thousands of employees according to the rules of predator economic specify that if you are in a position to take all the profit it is your god given right to take it. If the company bankrupts it was just a job and the CEO will find another job by next week.

It took me a few weeks to get to Borders and the political books were marked down to 40% already. The selection was extremely poor all the books with a liberal point of view were gone and only the red neck right authors Like Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, and Baby Bush remained. One title struck me as relevant, America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb,” by Peter Ferrara. Ferrara was a member of the Reagan Administration and I wondered how someone that cause this mess thought he could fix it. The current mess started with the Reagan administration endorsement of predator economics and massive budget deficits. Before I opened the book I knew what the red neck right solution would be, more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy, sure enough that was the answer. Even after the taxes on the ungodly greedy have been cut by 89% they can say with a straight face what America needs is even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

This idiot then goes on to state that Reagan was responsible for a 25 year economic expansion, the man is delusional all the statistic tells us that the American standard of living has declined for 30 years with working couples working 32 more hours a week and taking home less. The biggest loss of manufacturing jobs in history took place during these years as manufacturing jobs fell from 51% of the economy to just 13% the lowest point since the industrial revolution began. The financial sector is now the dominate sector with a 20% share. Banking and loaning each other money is now the backbone of our economy. How long do you think that will last?
“I don’t believe in human suffering. I fully accept the “liberal” premise that prosperity and opportunity must be available to all Americans. A booming economy that benefits just a few at the top is no success. The American must be for all, or it is inoperative. What we need is a rising tide that lifts all boats, in Kennedy phraseology, along with a comprehensive safety net to catch any that might fall under it.”
Peter Ferrara from his book, “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb”
In the Regan’s 25 year economic expansion that Ferrara boasts about only a very few Americans benefited, 13,400 ungodly greedy out of 300 million Americans. So even by his standards Reagan economic expansion was “no success.” The definition of insanity is said to do the same thing an expect different results but to a political ideologue dear Uric the fault is never in their political philosophy just in unforeseen circumstances they could not avoid.

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Reply Mon 8 Aug, 2011 05:32 am
Is history simply repeating itself? Are we on the brink of destruction? The first Great Depression followed a long period of Republican control of our government. This depression began under baby Bush after a long period of Republican control. Obama tried to broker a $4 trillion deficit reduction plan that included, as it should a return to the previous tax rates for the ungodly greedy but the Pee Party blocked the deal because they wanted to use politics to defeat Obama in next year’s election. If a long term solution was in place the Pee Partiers couldn’t make it an issue in the next election. Now that the credit rating of the United States has been downgraded markets are crashing worldwide. We may well be approaching the darkest days of this generation’s lifetime. Mankind chose not to live in jungle in where predators ruled, why would we want an economic system where predators ruled?

Now the only question is how low can the markets go? Many funds require that bonds have a triple rating and automatic programs will sell any bond that does not have that rating causing huge losses on markets across the world. The last poll showed that 88% of Americans were not satisfied with congress and that was before the markets crashed. I wonder whether those that voted for the Pee Partiers realize that it is the Pee Partiers, and the Pee Partiers alone, who were responsible for America’s credit rating be downgraded. If 88% of Americans are dissatisfied with congress then 100% should be dissatisfied with the Pee Partiers before this is over with. It will be interesting to see if any of the Pee Partiers are re-elected. The throw the rascals out mentality may well prevail in the next election sending an even more radical group to Washington. In our town we having a saying that it can’t get worse, yet in each election it always does. The Pee Partiers were a new low for this generation, can it get worse? It can get much worse.
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Reply Tue 9 Aug, 2011 05:33 am
The commie/conservatives are always complaining about “entitlements” such as social security and Medicare and I would be the first to agree that America has an “entitlement” problem but the “entitlement” problem isn’t the elderly lady getting a $700 social security check and paying a $110 of that to Medicare, it is the Hedge manager taking a $5 billion dollar salary and feeling fully “entitled” to it. There is a thin line between what a hedge fund manager, or any other CEO for that matter, is “entitled to” and outright theft. In the end the economic outcome in any society has to reflect more than a lottery distribution of wealth, there has to be a connection between a man’s contribution to society and the finical compensation. Our society has lost that connection, people who manipulate stock prices and literally steal the pension funds of millions are reward with billions a year for their misbegotten deeds while teachers who make life long contributions to our society. In most colleges football coaches have million dollar contracts while the University cannot afford to hire decent professor and even they quickly move on to better paying jobs.

CEOs are just employees of a corporation that are in a place to help themselves to the assets of a stockholder owned company. CEO salaries are set by the board directors and the board members are put in place by the CEO. Board of director are paid lavish salaries $300,000 a year for two meetings a year is not uncommon for large corporations and board members often sit on the board of directors of several corporations. The board members are often beholden to CEO for their appointment and continued position on the board. When it comes time to set the CEO salary board members are more than willing to give huge salaries so they may continue to collect their lavish salary. In other words a fixed casino has nothing on the salaries of the American CEOs whose salaries have skyrocketed in an environment of rampant greed; it was like starting a fire in pure oxygen.

Throughout much of American history greed was not always worshiped as a god, the greed cult, is a relatively recent phenomenon, it is born of the commie/conservative political ideology. The winner take all philosophy in the long run is only god for a relatively few winners. But the illusion of becoming a winner is the opiate that placates the masses that have been the losers over the last 30 years. The outright worship of the ungodly greedy in programs like “Life Styles of the Rich and Famous” is much like the groupies worship of Rock Stars. A witness in a court case of mine was extremely proud of her ability to get her and her husband into hotel rooms of rock stars to party with them. You could tell that just to be around the rock stars added to her status in her mind. It is hard to deal with someone if you view them as a god. As long as we view the ungodly greedy, in a just world context, as gods or at least god’s chosen people on earth we will not be able to deal with this problem.

In a just world context we tend to rationalize the word as just, in other words we start with the finished product and rationalize the outcome as just. In actually experiments students were shown pictures and give a short biography of the subject and told to rate that subject those who had good things happen to them were rated higher than the same picture shown to a different group that the biography showed bad thing had happened to. We simply are hard wired to believe that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people and we rate them accordingly. We simply don’t want to believe the world is not just. If a picture was shown of a man and the group told he was a billionaire he would be rated much higher if they were told he died in a plane crash. The plane crash would be deemed divine retribution just as the billions would be viewed as god smiling on him.

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Reply Wed 10 Aug, 2011 05:34 am
Most people are not accounts and are not aware of government accounting tricks. The old saying is, Figures don’t lie but liars do figure. What most people don’t realize is that the deficits under Reagan and Baby Bush were far worse than what the public was told. How do liars figure? They counts debts as assets, Enron actually formed a “subsidiary” and sold its “debts” to the subsidiary making their debts look like assets on the “books.” Reagan did basically the same thing, Social Security was formed as a pay as you go system, and it was never intended to have a “trust fund.” Reagan then lumped the social security in with the rest of the tax revenues and counted the trust fund as all other government income. Obama, unlike Reagan and Baby Bush, cannot cover his deficits with excess social security payments.
“For most of the last 50 years annual social security surpluses have been masking the full scope of the federal deficit, as those surpluses were lumped in with gross federal deficits in the unified federal budget accounting. But no more. Those annual federal deficits are now gone. In 2010 social security ran at a cash flow deficit.

From the book “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb.”
Peter Ferrara, the author of the above quote, goes to talk about “How Spending for Social Security” is running up America’s deficit. Hold on just a minute social security has a trust fund of over $2.4 trillion, there is no “federal spending for social security” the social security money is simply be paid for by current social security taxes and some of the interest generated by the social security trust fund. Words are magic and talking about social security as spending instead the simple repayment of the money makes social security vulnerable to cut backs in “spending.”
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Reply Thu 11 Aug, 2011 07:22 pm
Whichever political ideology becomes the dominate political ideology in America will determine our future. Political ideology determines the paradigm and the paradigm determines the solutions to our political problems. Take the radical view of Social Security the radical right frames the problem as the government having to “pay” social security. They believe that they spent the money on tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and that they gave worthless paper in exchange for the social security trust fund. In a deliberate effort to wage all-out war on social security the commie/conservatives had Baby Bush pose for a photo opportunity beside the cabinet that held $1.7 trillion of the social security trust fund and tell the public, “There is no Social Security just IOUs” the $1.7 trillion in treasury bonds, “were not real assets” it was nothing but worthless paper. I wonder if Baby Bush’s financial advisor told him that US Treasury bonds were just worthless IOUs when Bush bought them for his own portfolio. You bet the commie/conservative financial advisors advise their clients to buy US Treasury bonds while they tell those on social security the same investment is worthless paper. You can bet the ungodly greedy US Treasury bonds would be honored at the same time the same US treasury bond for social security were dishonored.

While left views Social Security as a saving account where regular deposits were made, interest was paid on that saving account and now the elderly expects to withdraw their investments plus interest in monthly installments like an annuity.

It is a basic difference in world view of commie/conservatives and liberals, commie/conservatives economic ideology is predator economics, an economic theory based on the law of jungle, if you are political or economically strong enough to take it, it is yours. You can see it reflected in the debate on social security if you are president you can just declare $1.7 trillion in treasury bonds worthless paper and now you see and now you don’t. This is how easily money can be stolen in politics it is simply predator economics at work. Commie/conservatives proudly proclaim that they are the party of values but in the end they might prevent 12 year old rape victims from getting an abortion or prevent gays from having the same rights as others, but they would steal trillions from the elderly and call it good business. They would steal the pennies off a dead man’ eyes and brag about it.

The ideology war is effective in shifting the paradigm, the commie/conservatives have no values, lying to the public is a way life. Do you think the ideology war is not effective? President Bush, in a speech, sighted a 1994 survey by a libertarian group that stated more young people believed in UFOs, than believed social security would be there for them. Even that was a lie, as questions in a poll can be constructed to get the answer they want. Much like the question when did you stop beating your wife. Either answer has you beating your wife. But a neutral poll found 71% percent believed they were more likely to get social security when they retired and but 26% believed in UFOs were more likely real than getting their social security. But the 26% is enough to swing an election and change the course of history.
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Reply Fri 12 Aug, 2011 01:35 pm
When Bush posed in front of the cabinet holding the social security trust fund early in his term it held $1.7 trillion how much did it hold when he left office? The social security trust fund that was going broke held $3 trillion. This helped Bush hide $1.3 trillion of his deficit as social security and tax revenue are mixed in the same pot and counted as income. Where did Bush spend this extra $1.3 trillion? The same place the commie/conservative Reagan did on even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

Most people who go to a fortune teller at a local carnival really don’t believe they’re about to meet a tall dark stranger. But financial predictions for the future are often just as wrong. No one can see into the future and all that is possible is a best guess. The financial predictions for the future of social security in the past have been very far off the mark and to assume that the future predictions will be more accurate especially when they are 40 years into the future is a mistake.

The projections on social security are made for 75 years. If those projections show that social security would be insolvent rates are raised. If those making the projections for future assume an inflation rate of 5% for the next 75 years and the actual inflation rate averages 3% over that 75 year period it effects both the incoming revenue and what is paid out. Small mistakes can account for billions if not trillions in errors. The projections are treated as facts and we must remember they are only guesses. Eliminating social security based on someone guess work would be a mistake. The social security tax rates have been adjusted in the past and may need to be adjusted in the future either upward or downward.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 11:53 am
They should make a law to have the government follow accounting rules and no
manipulating funds and renaming them.
Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 03:02 pm
Today I’ll return to the original topic of this thread. `One of the things I have always found strange is that when Joe McCarthy was hunting communists the real communists, that founded the Modern Conservative Movement avoided being named by McCarthy as communists. James Burnham one of Trotsky close advisors for instance was an anti-anti- McCarthyism.
But ‘McCarthyism’ is not McCarthy. I believe ‘McCarthyism’ is an invention of Communist tacticians, who launched it and are exploiting it, exactly as they have done in case of dozens of their previous operations in what might be called “diversionary semantics.”

James Burnham
Many people saw their life completely ruined by McCarthy and his henchman Richard Nixon, school teachers could no longer teach, Hollywood screen writers and actors were blacklisted. But the communist intellectuals that had been the backbone of the American communist movement went unscathed. The communist intellectuals like Burnham were well known and McCarthy needed no witnesses against them as their own writings spoke volumes communist writings spoke. But extremely well known communist intellectual writers like Burnham, Irving Kristol, Norman Podhoretz, Frank Meyer, and Wildmoore Kendal were not bothered by McCarthy. Why would those who were guilt of attending a communist meeting or two ruined and the communist intellectuals not only went unscathed but were made national role models and heroes when they were awarded the Presidential Medal of freedom by Reagan.

Were the McCarthy simply show trials were the lower level pawns were sacrificed to divert attention from the communist intellectuals? It seems strange that so many paid the price by having their lives ruined while the guilty not only escaped attention but became the heroes and role models for the radical right.
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Reply Sat 13 Aug, 2011 03:26 pm

I agree that there social security should be a law that social security be held entirely separately from the federal budget. I had no idea that social security surplus had been used to offset the budget deficits until I ran across how the accounting was being done in the book “America Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb” by Peter Ferrara. Ferrara said this type of accounting has been masking the real deficit spending for 50 years.

By using this accounting method enabled Bush to justify huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy by saying that the Clinton surplus allowed him “to give back the people’s money” when in fact there was never a surplus and he what he was really doing was giving away the next generation’s social security.

Ferrara does say this type of accounting is a standard business accounting and I have no doubt it is as 60% of the private sector had defined benefit pensions and now that percentage is nearing 0% in the private sector. Pension funds were booked as company assets and when the company got in bad shape it stopped payments to the pension funds and when the company the pension fund was used for collateral for the new buyer’s loans to purchase the company. That accounting method also needs to be changed. Pensions fund made companies attractive targets for take overs that then dismantled them and sold off assets. Flush pension funds made companies look healthier than they were much like social security made the US government look healthier than it was.
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Reply Sun 14 Aug, 2011 04:05 pm
This morning on one of the Sunday Morning News shows they showed the clip of a Mitt Romney, (the GOP front runner), speech where the crowed was giving him a rough time. What is this country coming to when a politician can’t stand up and tell bold faced lies without someone pointing out the lies? Romney said that something was going to have to be done about entitlements like social security and Medicare because 50% of government spending was on those entitlements. Spending? No way, we paid into those programs and it is a simple return of the investment made by the public. When the ungodly greedy squeal about tax rates do you notice they only talk about income tax and leave social security which they don’t consider a tax because they pay a far smaller percentage, only the first $100,000 of their income is subject to social security. When is the public going to stand up and say we are tired of the lies? Social security was paid for by the public and has over a $3 trillion trust fund. Social Security was designed as a pay as you go system where those working paid for those who were retired. This generation not only paid for those benefits that were paid to last generation but paid to build a huge $3 trillion trust fund. Not one dollar the federal government pays out for social security is “spending” it is only the return of the dollars this generation paid in.

It is high time the government looked only at income tax as income and spending as only as spending those tax revenues. The return of Social Security and Medicare dollars to those who paid them is not government spending anymore than a bank returning the saving accounts deposits to depositor constitutes spending on the banks part. It no wonder the Federal budget is such a mess if they have no idea what is income and what are simply deposits placed in their care. Social security has been overpaid for 50 years based on flimsy projections into the future. Social Security was designed as a pay as you go system not meant for one generation to pay $3 trillion in advance. And even with the $3 trillion in advance the ungodly greedy are planning to use the politician they bought to give them even bigger tax cuts and drain that three trillion trust fund into their pockets. Social Security was raised to pay for the 89% tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

It is high time the public demand every time they hear a politician say over 50% of the Federal budget is being spent on “entitlements” that he show them how much money is actually being spent by the Federal government that is above and beyond what is currently being paid into social security and interest off of the social security fund is not a government expenditure. Will there ever be an honest candidate stand up and tell the truth? The lies of the commie/conservatives have led us down this garden path only when actual tax revenues are accounted for without adding in the Medicare and Social Security revenues can the size of the actual Federal Budget be known and spending adjusted to actual income. The continued augmenting of the Federal Budget with trillions of dollars dedicated to social security has led the ungodly greedy to a sense of “entitlement” to those dollars. The typical ungodly greedy pay .0002% in Social Security while we paid 6.2% of every dollar we made in social security but that doesn’t stop the ungodly greedy from feeling “entitled” to the Social Security trust fund to fund even more tax cuts for themselves. Not only that but they own the politicians who gave it to them in the first place in the form of 89% tax cuts. Now the time has come to pay the piper and the ungodly greedy are squealing like the pigs they are.
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Reply Mon 15 Aug, 2011 05:32 am
Like social security, Medicare has a trust fund, while the social security trust fund is projected to last to 2037 till after most of the baby boomer generation has passed and demands on social security will be much smaller, the Medicare trust fund is projected to run out in 2017. What does this mean for the American people? The same as it does when one’s personal budget is cut, either benefits will have to be cut back or taxes raised. The problem with Medicare is runaway medical cost which have rose at a double digit rate for the last 40 years. Medical costs began to spiral out of control after WWII when health insurance became more common. A doctor could not charge a patient more then they could afford at least if he wanted to collect but once the doctors founded health insurance companies the sky was the limit. Then once health insurance was in place doctors found they could charge the insurance company for the service and the patient for the same service, this meant there were two payers for the same service. Then came the health saving accounts giving the medical industry three payers for each medical service. In no other sector are there three payers for the same service.

Mitt Romney continues to lie to the American public that 50% of government spending is on “entitlements” like social security and Medicare while there are trillions in the Social Security and Medicare trust fund and even he knows he is lying. We are all familiar with the Republican lie that those trillions in trust funds are just worthless paper but you can bet Romney consider the millions in US treasury bonds in his portfolio one of his safest investments.

When the interest is paid on the social security trust fund the pay back by 2037 to social security trust fund by the US government will be $7 trillion. The Republicans are trying to convince the American public this is “spending” not the paying back of a loan to the American people.
Imagine $7 trillion more in tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The politicians cut in campaign contributions will be huge.
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Reply Tue 16 Aug, 2011 05:33 am
Even though none of us can see into the future we all know that some adjustments may have to be made in the future to social security funding, in fact twenty such adjustments were made in the past. At one time social security was not adjusted for cost of living and what you made on the day retirement was what you made the rest of your life. In order for social security to be increased congress had to pass a law raising social security. In the 70s an automatic cost of living adjustment was added to social security with the idea of helping the elderly with the ever increasing cost of living. Jimmy Carter was responsible for signing into law the automatic cost of living adjustment. Social security precipitants have seen their social security increase 151% since 1974 because of the automatic cost of living adjustments. Someone who got a $400 a month in social security (not an uncommon amount) would now get social security check in 1974 would now be $1004 not a lot but the $400 would not even pay rent today.

Social security and Medicare may be the biggest problem of this generation and how we resolve it may define us as a generation. The commie/conservative solution? The lottery of course, put the money in the lottery called Wall Street and let it ride. Will there be any cost of living adjustments in lottery winnings? No. You are on your own like any other gambler. As usual figures don’t lie but liars do figure, and no liar figures like a gambler. Citing figures from 1906 to present Ferrara claims that working couple earning the average wage and buying disability and survivors insurance equivalent to the benefits social security provides would have a $1,223,622 at retirement if they invested both their share and their employer’s share of social security in the stock market and bonds. Everyone is a winner in lottery and the stock market, just ask Ferrara.

The best financial advice has always been if you can’t afford to lose it don’t gamble with it. Retirement money is certainly not something anyone can afford to lose. Ferrara when he cites all the money made in the stock market fails to note all the failures or the fact that only one company remained continuously on the stock exchange, all the other original bankrupted. But the average of stocks on the exchange doesn’t take into account any of the companies that bankrupted, they are simply dropped, ever batter would have a 1000 point batting average if they could drop every strikeout from their record. The stock market is a fixed game with a few winners and where the suckers are fleeced as often as sheep. Case in point, the state I live in held and election to decide whether to invest state retirement in the stock market. The gamblers carried the day an the expert gamblers pulled up a chair to the table, $500 million in retirement funds were lost in round one. The money that it took 40 years of hard labor for employees to pay in was lost in mere days. Not to worry. What is a gambler to do? Get another stake and double down. The employers share was raised 200% to provide more money to gamble with. Now that money has been lost also. Who do you think will be asked to replace the loses that now approaching a billion dollars the employees will see their contributions raised by 200% next and that money will be lost also. You are playing with professional gamblers who can manipulate the game. You wouldn’t box with Mohamed Ali, you wouldn’t race with Dale Eranhart, why would you gamble your retirement against professional sharks? Ask Ferrara where that tremendous rate of return is. The state should now have billions. Trying retiring on Ferrara imagination, you can not eat Ferrara imagining.
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Reply Wed 17 Aug, 2011 05:35 am
When is a US Treasury bond not a US Treasury bond? When it is sold to the social security trust fund then it is becomes and IOU. If you buy US Treasury bond from a private stock broker it is an investment. If the social security trust fund buys the same Treasury bond it is just an IOU. If China buys US Treasury bonds they consider it one of the safest investments in the world but the commie/conservatives continue to tell the public that US Treasury bonds in the social security trust fund are just “worthless paper.”
Both statements can’t be true, either the Treasury bonds are a safe investment for everyone or they are “worthless paper” for everyone. All the years of the commie/conservatives telling the world that our Treasury bonds are “worthless paper” may have more to do with the recent downgrade of our securities than many people realize. The commie/conservatives have laid clear ground work for dishonoring the US treasury bonds in the social security trust fund. If the commie/conservatives are successful in dishonoring the $2.7 trillion in US treasury bonds in the social security trust fund will the world continue to believe that US Treasury bonds are a safe investment?

Make no mistake about it the commie/conservatives have only one value, greed and more greed. According to predator economics, the economic theory of the commie/conservatives, if you are strongest enough to take it, it is yours. The photo opportunity of President Bush standing beside the cabinet holding the social security trust fund holding trillions US Treasury bonds and declaring it “worthless paper” was the first step of claiming those trillions for the ungodly greedy. You would think that most people would find it hard to believe Bush’s statement that US Treasury bonds were “worthless paper” while he was marketing US treasury bonds to the rest of the world as the safest investment in the world. But many Americans believed Bush’s “worthless paper” statement. In any transaction someone loses and someone gains. Who gains if the US Treasury bonds are declared useless paper? Who loses? The ungodly greedy gain because their taxes will not have to be raised to pay the trillions paid into social security trust fund. The losers are the American working people who paid far more than they needed to pay into social security to create the social security trust fund.

Many people have faced a cash shortfall and had to decide what bills would be paid and what bills they would not pay. They may decide to pay their utilities while letting a car or even a house go back. The commie/conservative reasoning will be that we will have to pay the US Treasury bonds that are held by China and other foreign countries. When they look for those they can cheat make no doubt it, it will be the elderly. On one side will be the ungodly greedy, who have trillions in liquid political power and on the other America’s elderly, it isn’t even a David and Goliath match. The first step in the longest trillion dollar journey is that trillions in US treasury bonds are just “worthless paper.”
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2011 05:33 am
In our time propaganda and communist became linked. When you think of propaganda communist comes to mind for most of this generation. But propaganda had been existence since the beginning of time, it is more commonly known as lying, but it wasn’t just Og telling wildly exaggerating about his last hunt, it was deliberate lies told to achieve a political objective. Like horror movies, propaganda has gotten much more sophisticated and like horror movies the objective of propaganda is often to frighten people. Fear is propaganda most effective tool, just as the audience jumps as Jason cuts off another teenage campers head in Friday the 13th, the American people jumped as Bush stood next to the cabinet that held the social security Trust Fund worthless. If you had checked the audience of Friday the 13th you would find they were physiologically in fight or flight. The audience of Friday the 13th was not in any danger but their body had reacted by releasing the chemicals to ready their body to fight or flee. It is not necessary for the danger to be real to engage the fight or flight mechanism. When Bush stood by the cabinet holding trillions in US Treasury bonds and declared them “worthless paper” the same fight or flight mechanism was engaged across the nation. Like a lightening strike spooks a herd of cattle into a blind stamped Bush’s “worthless paper” photo opportunity was meant to be the lightening strike that started the stampede away from social security and into the corral of the ungodly greedy where they could be slaughtered like cattle.

After the General Bush led ungodly greedy into battle with the battle cry of “worthless paper” the propaganda campaign kicked into high gear. They beginning telling the American people you can have what is behind door number one. They proceeded to tell the American public in lottery winner economic everyone can be a millionaire all you have to do is do away with social security that is holding us all down, it seems like social security has been “the man” that is holding us all down.” Peter Ferrara in his book “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb” explains how we will all become millionaires. Nothing like a lottery where everyone wins the grand prize. Ferrara tells us if we just eliminate social security and invest the money in Wall Street the “average” income family will retire with $1,223,602 in today’s dollars. Wow “worthless paper” on one side and a $1.2 I know which one I’d pick “worthless paper.”

Since social security only started in the 30’s so we have a historical reference point to look at when people did not pay social security. Did the “average family” retire with $1.2 million in today’s dollar in the bank? No. Why? The stock market was returning the 6.9% long term rate of return Ferrara assumes in his calculations. “Those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”, Social security was started because there was an epidemic of elderly Americans eating out of the trash cans.

Play it again Sam. Does the argument against social security sound familiar? It should because it is a remake. Much the same argument was used to destroy the pensions of this generation. In 1960’s 60% of American private sector was covered by a defined benefit pension. It was argued that IRA would make millionaires out the average family. Just invest your money in the stock market that has had a 6.9% rate of return since 1881. The result is the average family now banked only $50,000 by age 65 that provides an annuity for only $300 a month for life. The average family with a defined benefit pension got 2,500 a month. Someone wins and someone loses, the working man lost while the hedge fund manipulators make $5 billion a year. The distance between reality and propaganda driven illusions is only a short trip when one is in fight or fright.
Reply Thu 18 Aug, 2011 02:52 pm
Ayn Rand's "Me, me, me" philosophy provides a philosophical framework for narrowing the scope of personal responsibility and concern thus leading to a narrow-minded person with narrow interests. It leads to CEOs who only look at the bottom line and disregards the effect on the economy. When one company does that it is not too bad but when a bunch of them especially in an oligarchy like that in the US it means disaster.
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Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2011 05:35 am
Talk7200 when I first started posting on this board I posted on a thread entitled “You can go back in time and prevent a great catastrophe. Which one would you prevent?” The post was as follows.
“I would stop Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum from immigrating from Communist Russia to America. Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum is better known by her alias, Ayn Rand; she is responsible for the philosophy of Greedism.

Zinov’yevna, and I prefer to use her real name instead of her pen name Ayn Rand, did more damage to America then several direct strikes by atomic bombs. The physical damage by atomic bombs would be eventually repaired the loss of life accepted but the philosophy of Greedism like acid, keeps destroying the character of Americans generation after generation. Zinov’yevna’ philosophy is like the siren’s song that beckons America to crash 0on the rocks. The Russian’s philosophy took time to germinate in America, written in 1957 the Russian screen writer’s book made the silver screen this year in what was critically reviewed “as the worst made movie ever made,” the DVD coming soon to a trash can near you. I read all 1200 or so pages of “Atlas Shrugged” earlier this year and it is definitely and ode to greed she rightfully deserves credit for the decline of the standard of living of middle class America.
“You stood here and watched the storm with the greatest of pride one can ever feel---because you are able to have summer flowers and half naked women in your house on a night like this, on demonstration of your victory over this storm. And if it weren’t for you, most of those who are here would be helpless at the mercy of that wind in the middle of some such plain.”

Zinov’yevna from her book “Atlas Shrugged”
The underlying overblown ego of the Russian is obvious even in the title of her book that the ungodly greedy are like Atlas supporting the world on their shoulders. Rand was an atheist raised during the Russian revolution but many Christians embrace her moral values steeped in her atheist philosophy, greed is appealing to many as drugs and prostitution to others.
Reply Fri 19 Aug, 2011 01:02 pm
The underlying overblown ego of the Russian is obvious

She puts herself in the class of Aristotle Mr. Green . Her books really belong at the bottom of bird cages.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2011 05:01 am

The trouble with Zinov’yevna’ ideas are they bring out the worst in mankind. They push people in direction they already have an existing tendency toward. Even though people have lived in groups since the beginning of time, selfishness comes naturally. People tend to use their brain in reverse; they start with a conclusion and rationalize its existence. In America, as in other countries the ungodly greedy exist, Zinov’yevna book is an attempt to not only rationalize their existence, but to justify it by stating that the ungodly greedy are Atlas carrying the rest of us on their shoulders. Possibly the easiest thing to do is rationalize the status quo. Things are the way they are because it is a “just world.” Just as Kings of old were thought to derive their power directly from god the ungodly greedy of today are believed to have there vast fortunes because god smiled on them and many cases the $5 billion a year is considered their just reward. Even as the ungodly greedy sink us all, the rationalizations and the justifications continue, the band plays on as the ship sinks.
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Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 05:34 am
Ferrara makes his argument for destroying the social security system using averages. Averages are a form of what is called “Proofiness” in other words average sounds like a sound concept but averages can be used to distort reality. For instance if you had a bar and one patron made $38,000 a year, another patron made $39,000, another patron made $41,000 a year and yet another made $42,000 a year, the average income would be $40,000 a year. That average would be meaningful but what happens when a hedge fund manager limo pulls up and the hedge fund manger enters the bar? The hedge fund manager makes $5 billion a year, now the average income is now over $1 billion. That really doesn’t tell us anything meaningful. That is the way Ferrara arguments is structured on average return for all the companies that didn’t go out of business and off the stock exchange. So a 6.9% average return on the stock market doesn’t mean everyone got 6.9% return anymore than the billion dollar average income in the bar. What the 6.9% average tells us is that millions lost everything on the stock market but some made billions. Sound familiar? You’re right it is called a lottery but the stock market is a lottery that can easily be manipulated and fixed.

Ferrara goes on to tell readers about the social security system in Chile that is his dream free market lottery, the social security money in Chile is sent out of the country to investment banks in New York who gamble with the money. If more of the major banks in America had failed Chile’s social security would have been lost. American taxpayers actually bailed out Chile’s social security gambling with the TARP program. Chile’s free market social security system is in existence for one reason and one reason only America was able to bail it out what happens when we can’t bail it out? Oh well the elderly can always eat out of trash cans. I hear we have a better grade of garbage now days.
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