The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 16 Sep, 2011 07:53 am
Using the principles of proofiness scientists have been able to show that sprinters will one day break the sound barrier. We all know that a sprinter will never be able to run over 750 mph but it is easy to take the increases in speed over the last century and project them into the distant future and say they have “proved it.” Like the sprinters speed the commie/conservatives have used proofiness to show that tax cuts increase government revenue if we follow their logic then cutting taxes to zero would generate the maximum amount of tax. This is as likely to happen as a sonic boom from an Olympic sprinter. The commie/conservatives are a one trick pony; they have one answer for every problem, more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. If the commie/conservatives can just cut the taxes to zero on the ungodly greedy the commie/conservatives believe taxes will increase to the point the government can pay off the national debt in cash and no doubt the sprinter will run by at 750 miles an hour.

On a supply and demand curve the maximum profit is not reached at minimum price nor at the maximum price. The taxes on the ungodly greedy have already been cut from 93% to 15%, the majority of the ungodly greedy income doesn’t comes wages it comes from capital gains. That is a tax cut of 84% in the last 50 years but the commie/conservatives don’t believe that you can ever cut the tax on the ungodly greedy enough. The trouble is that government has not shrunk over those 50 years the Bush’s creation of Department of Homeland Security was one of the biggest expansions of government in the last century. You can not purchase more government for less, you have to pay for it or our children will have to pay for it.

The commie/conservatives believe that the further you cut taxes the harder people will try to work. In other words we have had it backwards all along our tax structure should be regressive instead of progressive. Instead of taxes getting progressive higher they should be regressive and get lower the more you make. In other words a middle class worker would pay 25% on income over $34,500 but if you were a hedge fund manager making $5 billion you would pay only 15% in taxes on your outlandish salary. That is a true regressive tax structure but the commie/conservatives want to cut the taxes of the ungodly much further. The commie/conservatives want to make the tax structure much more regressive. They want income tax structure much more like social security deductions where the rich would simply pay out of income tax, like you pay out of social security after the first $100,000. If you were rich you would only pay income tax on your first million.

Before Bush the commie/conservatives had already turned the America’s progressive tax structure upside down when all state and local taxes were taken into account the middle class actually already paid a higher percentage of their income in taxes than the ungodly greedy. Income is income whether it is from a standard wage or from a capital gain, selling a stock, bond, house, or commercial building. But types of income were separated as special cases, the ungodly greedy are paid in stock or stock options that allow them to buy stock at a price from years earlier and sell it at today’s price. If the stock goes down they don’t pick up the option. Ninety percent of the ungodly greedy income comes from capital gains but almost 100% of the middle class comes from wages. This separation allows the commie/conservatives to target the ungodly greedy income with tax cuts and tax the wage earners at much higher rates and most of public has no idea how badly they are being taken. Now the commie/conservatives want to make our tax structure even more regressive. We can’t tax cut our way out of debt anymore than an Olympic sprinter will break the sound barrier.
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Reply Sun 18 Sep, 2011 07:07 pm
Fair tax, what does that mean to you? Our current income tax rates vary from 10% for the poor to 35% for billionaires. The commie/conservative idea of a fair income tax is everyone paying 20% tax the poor would pay 20% of every dollar they earn and the billionaires would pay 20% of every dollar they earn, well not exactly the billionaires would only pay that rate if they were paid a salary, wait that not quite true either as the 5 hedge managers that made over a billion last year only paid 15%. Not to worry this inequity would be taken care under the flat tax system, those hedge mangers would no longer pay a penny in income tax because the capital gains for stock have already been paid by the corporation and it is unfair to taxes them twice. All earnings from capital gains and dividends would be tax exempt only wages would be subject to the income tax in fact the name would be changed to wage tax. This double taxing always got to me, income tax meant a tax placed on your income, nobody paid it for you. When I worked in the private sector the owner of the business paid the taxes on the income of that business and I paid taxes on my income, I never tried to complain that taxes had already been paid on the money I was paid, in fact all his customers had paid taxes on their income so in fact he was paid with money that had already been taxed, so why should he pay taxes on money that the taxes were already paid on? The double tax argument is just another self-serving argument by the commie/conservatives.

If you ask the members congress the intended purpose and history of the income tax I doubt there is one congressman that could tell you that income tax was a tax placed on “excess wealth.” The 1913 Saturday Evening Post article that details the speech made to introduce the income tax bill to House of Representatives should be required reading of each and every congressman and it should be read into the congressional record at the beginning of each and every congressional session. No workingman was to be taxed the first $80,000 in income in today’s dollars was exempt it was a sin tax placed on greed.

So what is a fair tax? A tax where everyone is treated equally, it is actually very simple give every person that original $80,000 exemption from income tax. That way Joe Blow gets an $80,000 exemption and Warren Buffet gets the same $80,000 exemption even Rush Slimbaugh would get an $80,000 exemption, everyone would be treated exactly the same. If I didn’t want to pay property tax I can chose not to own property. Life is full of choices no one is putting a gun to these billionaire hedge fund mangers and requiring them to make billions. If Buffet decides he does not want to pay the tax he doesn’t have to earn even 1 cent over $80,000 the tax is optional the income tax is a sin tax placed on greed. I never paid a dime of the sin tax on cigarette or alcohol because I could chose and did chose not to commit the sin. We pay fire insurance because we have no idea whether our house will be the one that burns it very unfair if you think of all the money you paid for other people’s who careless burnt there houses. We pay car insurance for the same reason. When we are children no one knows who will make a million and who will live in poverty, so the risk of paying income tax is similar to the risk involved in fire insurance, with the exception that paying income tax would be voluntary by simply making less than $80,000 you would never have to pay.
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Reply Mon 19 Sep, 2011 05:35 am
Everyone agrees we need to simply the tax code; income tax was extremely simple when it was passed in 1913. The 1913 income tax return was just one page with first $80,000 in today’s income exempt. Since 1913 special interest groups have polluted the tax laws with all kinds of tax deductions. Tax deductions have been added from million dollar motor homes to multi-million dollar mansions. The 1913 congress had it right; there were no tax deductions, just the $80,000 tax exemption. No workingman will ever get an exemption for his million dollar motor home, calling it an exemption for a second motor home. The ungodly greedy continually complain about the percentage of tax but we know from experience that when the tax was 93% on millionaires that many paid not one cent on multi million dollar incomes.

Our tax system was so corrupted by special interest tax deductions that an Alternative Minimum Tax law had to be passed to make sure millionaires paid some tax. Once that law was passed the millionaires used their high paid lobbyist to make special laws to they could get by paying half the income tax on their multi-billion dollar salaries. Now Obama proposes making the billionaires pay at least the same tax rate as their secretary, the commie/conservatives are up in arms that billionaires should be asked to actually pay the same percentage of their multi-billion dollar salaries as the middle class. It is Christmas in Washington D C this morning you can bet the bribes to commie/conservative, sometimes referred as campaign contributions, are coming in at a record pace of Obama’s announcement to make billionaires pay the same percentage of taxes on their income as the middle class. This is real class warfare and the ungodly greedy have launched their nukes by now in a first strike effort. You can bet the big money is flowing in Washington today as the billionaires send $100 of millions to their lobbyist and commie/conservative congressmen.
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Reply Tue 20 Sep, 2011 05:34 am
Rush Slimbaugh was squealing like a stuck pig on his radio program yesterday, the very prospect that he the Great Rush Slimbaugh might have to pay the same percentage of his income in taxes as a middle class wage earner. Slimbaugh was livid about the prospect that the “Buffet Rule” might be come the law of the land and require the billionaires and the millionaires to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes as their secretaries. How can anyone expect Rush Limbaugh and the ungodly greedy to be treated like mere commoners, after all they paid enough in bribes to politicians to have special tax laws written just for them. What is America coming to when a politician can take the ungodly greedy money and then double cross them down the road? There ought to be a law, once bribes are tendered the ungodly greedy should get what is rightfully coming to them.

Rush explained how buying stocks was really gambling and since they were taking a risk they should not have to pay income tax on their winnings. But wait a minute, lottery winners are also gambling and they must pay income tax on their winnings. Matter of fact the taxes are taken before they get their winnings. I get it the ungodly greedy had enough money to purchase the politicians to write the laws giving them special treatment. But wait minute, maybe if lottery winners would get together and pay off enough politicians, they could declare lottery winnings capital gains and not income. Remember a political contribution is the world’s best investment it returns $100 for every dollar invested in bribes.

But then that cry baby Rush pointed out they had already paid taxes on the money they were gambling with and it was unfair to tax the money as it was already taxed. Come on Rush your audience isn’t that stupid, you pay taxes only on the winnings not the principle you invested. Rush was desperate.
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Reply Wed 21 Sep, 2011 05:36 am
If we are going to have an income tax the first thing we have to do is define what income is.
“Income is defined as “the monetary payment received for goods or services, or from other sources, as rents or investments.”

From dictionary .com
So according to definition of income, monetary payment for investments is income but the ungodly greedy say money made on stocks is not income, it is capital gains and should not be taxed as income. It is important to note that almost a 100% of the middle class income comes from wages while 90% of the ungodly greedy income comes from capital gains. In our political system the politician vote is sold to the highest bidder, is it any wonder that the tax on wages of a similar amount is 233% than that on capital gains? Capital gains are income, plain and simple, and no class of income should be treated differently under the income tax. This special classification of income makes taxes one dollar in wages 233% higher than one dollar of capital gains.

The commie/conservatives want a flat tax so let’s give them a flat tax, all income will be treated as income the original $80,000 exemption would be restored to do away with the need for a progressive tax and a flat 40% tax rate with no deductions. The middle class wage earners of 160,000 would pay only an effective tax rate of 20% on his income as the first 80,000 of income is tax free.
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Reply Thu 22 Sep, 2011 05:34 am
The commie/conservatives come by their deep and abiding hate of United States government naturally. The communist founders of the Modern Conservative Movement hated America so bad that they devoted their lives to overthrowing the government of the United States. George Washington is considered the father of America while Frank Meyer is considered the father of the Modern Conservative Movement. Meyer was a dedicated communist who was deported from England for trying to organize a communist revolution there. Once he returned to America he continued to work for a communist revolution in America until it was obvious to even Meyer that communism had become both hated and feared in America. Meyer and other communist intellectuals like Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz had to face the hard reality that they had brief window in time during the Great Depression when a communist revolution was possible but Roosevelt thwarted them. As with most third party movements in America the two primary parties steal the best ideas.

Roosevelt realized something would have to be done with the elderly as America changed from primarily an agricultural economy to an industrial economy and Social Security became the answer. Minimum wage was made the law of the land to ensure the ungodly greedy paid at least a minimum wage it was a good first step, the next step along that line will be a government mandated Fair wage. Unemployment was another big step as unemployment in the perpetual boom bust cycles was a reality. These and other changes made by Roosevelt stopped people like Meyer from overthrown the American government and establishing a communist government in America. During The communist party was growing by a factor of 10 during one 4 year election cycle and we all know how fast a numeric progression advances.

We have to realize the dripping hate of commie/conservatives like Ann Coulter, Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity comes to them naturally it comes from the very tap root of conservatism, the communist intellectuals bequeathed that to them through their philosophy. Revolutionaries both hate and fear the government they are trying to overthrow. They knew that the fate of unsuccessful revolutionaries is often death or worse. Fear originates in the emotional mind, not the rational mind and as such is never rational. Both Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers after leaving the communist party became paranoid. Frank Meyer didn’t sleep at night, he slept during the day he always feared that a former comrade would be sent to assonate him like Trotsky. Difference in opinions in communism are often settled permanently.

We like to limit dead hand control in most instances but in philosophy and especially in political philosophy it is unavoidable. Today the communist intellectual live, breath and hate through conservatism
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Reply Fri 23 Sep, 2011 05:34 am
When you hear Rush Slimbaugh or Glen Beck talking about the founding fathers they are always discussing the liberal founding fathers of our country but you never hear them discussing the communist founding fathers of their political movement. Most political movements are very proud of their founding fathers. The liberals are in fact proud to sight the liberal founding fathers of our country as founders of their political philosophy. But in over 10 years of listening to the Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck, and Sean Hannity I never heard them mention even one time the founding father of the Modern Conservative Movement, Frank Meyer and what and what an outstanding communist he was. When you read Ann Coulter and her union busting rhetoric, her daddy was a professional union buster, she never gives James Burnham credit for being founding father of her political movement. She never mentions that Burnham was a “trusted adviser of Trotsky. Coulter is quick on the draw to give the ultimate commie/conservative insult and call anyone communists that believes in the traditional America dream but never gives credit to the communists who are responsible for her political philosophy.
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Reply Sat 24 Sep, 2011 05:57 am
Reagan enshrined Whitaker Chambers as a genuine American hero by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Whitaker Chambers was not only a spy but a spy master who ran a large network of communist spies in Washington DC before WWII. Chambers gave America top military secrets to the Russian communists and the Nazis. Chambers hated the American government so bad he devoted his life to destroying it. Just once I would like to open Ann Coulter’s new book, “Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America” and see her acknowledge the debt she and other commie/conservatives owe to Whitaker Chambers and other communists. Coulter should follow Reagan’s example an acknowledge I will give Reagan credit where credit is due, he not only publicly acknowledge the debt that Modern Conservatism owed to the communist intellectuals responsible for his and other conservatives’ political philosophy he made those communist intellectuals genuine American Heroes.

I never understood how someone who spent much of their life trying to destroy the American government could ever be granted the highest award that can be given to civilian, equivalent to the military Medal of Honor. Ann Coulter needs to write a book explaining why as soon as the Conservatives got into the Whitehouse they started making genuine hard core communist intellectuals and a communist spy American heroes. I have been waiting years for Coulter to stop to stop creating paper tigers to attack and explain all those communist heroes of her commie/conservative political movement. Coulter will never acknowledge in public, let alone in a book, the tremendous debt Modern Conservatism owes the communist intellectuals but she will continue to call good Americans communists even though they have never sent top secret plans for our battleships to the Nazis and communists.

However at the very least Coulter should acknowledge that deep and abiding hate she has for the American government was bequeathed to her by the communist intellectuals.

The hate of commie/conservative authors always bubbles to the top, Peter Ferrara in his book “America’s Ticking Bankruptcy Bomb” shows his hate of the American government by stating, ”By foreclosing America from its own energy supplies, the federal government has effectively committed an act of war against the American people.” Ferrara is now telling all the gun nuts in the country that “act of war” has been committed against them by our government. The act of war? Trying to cut down some of the billions of tons of poisons being spewed into the air. Can you say Oklahoma City? The conservative’s authors just point the gun nuts in the direction and pull the trigger or just wait for the explosion.

There are still places in America that so much poison is being put into the air that there is more cancer clusters then Love Canal. But the commie/conservatives are quick to assert the right to life but not when a good profit can be made. If 200,000 people a year die because of air pollution, the commie/conservatives, like Coulter, believe they died for a good reason, profit.
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Reply Mon 26 Sep, 2011 05:31 am
In Ann Coulter’s new book “Demonic” she tries to make the impossible leap from a lynch mob to the Democratic Party. She list several examples from the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution as bad but somehow leaves out the American Revolution. Coulter is a master of “proofiness” with Coulter it is not what you see as much as what you don’t see. Just as she very obviously left out the American Revolution when she listed the major revolutions of the last few hundred years, she tells as how violent the other revolutions were while acting like the American was bloodless. She also never touches on the communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement that would indeed be the third rail of Conservatism.

Coulter raves that democrats have heroes such as FDR, John Kennedy and Obama as she pretends that Republicans have not deified Reagan. You never hold a conversation with a conservative where they don’t invoke the senile B movie actor at least once. History will eventually decide that Reagan was one of the worst presidents in history single handedly destroying the American pension system and raising social security so he could cut the taxes on godly greedy from 70% to 28%.

While Coulter’ working premise in her new book is that most of the American people are stupid even she should realize there are exceptions, on second thought that would show a moderate amount intelligence on her part and I wouldn’t give her that much credit.
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Reply Tue 27 Sep, 2011 05:13 am
If a graph was drawn to show the income tax rate on the ungodly greedy’ income over the last 40 years it would start at 91% and plunge to 15%. In 1961 any income over $400,000 for a married couple was taxed at 91%. But by 1962 only income over $2,971,916 was subject to the 91% tax rate. In 1964 the income tax rate on the ungodly greedy was slashed to 77%. The tax cuts for the ungodly greedy continued in 1965 it was cut to 70% where it remained until Reagan cut it to 28%.

In commie/conservative ideology the way to increase tax revenue is to cut taxes, the more you cut taxes the more revenue the government takes in. This was of course arrived at one night when the commie/conservative leading lights were out drinking. According to this theory maximum tax revenue would be reached when the tax rate is cut to zero. Does anyone really believe that the maximum tax revenue would be at a zero tax rate? I knew sooner or later a zero tax rate for the ungodly greedy would be proposed and sure enough Ferrara, a former member of the Reagan Whitehouse has is indeed proposed a zero tax rate on billionaires. Ferrara endorses cutting the capital gains tax rate to zero, this would exempt 90% of the ungodly greedy’ income.

Income tax has come full circle it was conceived as a tax levied on “excess wealth” with virtually all wage earners exempt, to a tax that taxes only wage earners and exempts virtually all excess wealth. The commie/conservative political ideology is more like a religion than political philosophy. No matter how far taxes on the ungodly greedy are cut the commie/conservatives want to cut them further. Now as the country plunges head long toward bankruptcy, the commie/conservatives have set their sites on a zero tax rate for the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Wed 28 Sep, 2011 05:33 am
We have all heard the chants from the commie/conservatives, lower taxes maximize economic growth. The tax cuts on the ungodly greedy started in 1964 with a 15% tax cut. Of course that wasn’t enough, you can never the taxes on the ungodly greedy enough, so in 1965 the taxes on the ungodly greedy were cut an additional 9%. By the time baby Bush’s tax cuts were fully implemented the tax on the ungodly greedy had been cut by 85% where was the economic boom this was suppose to cause? According to commie/conservative political ideology a 85% tax cut on the ungodly greedy should cause not only an economic boom but an economic explosion but 30 years of commie/conservative ideology ended not an economic explosion but in an economic implosion that we have not recovered from today. Now the commie/conservatives want to cut the taxes all the way to zero on the ungodly greedy. This according to commie/conservative ideology will make tax revenues soar of the charts. I don’t think tax receipts will soar if the taxes on the ungodly greedy are cut to zero but the campaign contributions will go through the roof.

We need only look at recent history to see how effective $500 million in bribes (campaign contributions) from the oil companies to the Republican Party worked. It worked so well that the CEO of Exxon/Mobil was given $400 million retirement after America started paying $4.50 for gas. What will the commie/conservatives do when cutting the tax rate to zero on the ungodly fails to produce the expected results? How far past zero will the commie/conservative be willing to go? They will no doubt call for rebating the taxes the taxes the ungodly greedy paid in past years.

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Reply Thu 29 Sep, 2011 05:31 am
I am finishing up James Burnham: and the Struggle for the World” this will be the third biography I have read about the communists who founded the Modern Conservative Movement. I have also read Whitaker Chambers autobiography. You always wonder how a book will end, what big event will end the book. This one didn’t disappoint, the big accomplishment was Reagan awarding the Trotskyists the Presidential Medal of Freedom. I was astounded when I found Reagan awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Whitaker Chambers who was a known communist spy. I couldn’t believe an American President would award the highest civilian honor to a communist whose life was devoted to destroying our way of life. I couldn’t believe Reagan would award even one communist the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Sidney Hook was another communist that Reagan awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. It seems you didn’t have to be a communist to be Ronald Reagan personal hero but there is no doubt that those nurtured on communist philosophy were Reagan most admired political philosophers. Communists and conservatives share the structure of thought.

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Reply Fri 30 Sep, 2011 05:32 am
When James Burnham died Ronald Reagan was quick to acknowledge the great debt the Modern Conservative Movement owed the communist intellectual.
Burnham was “one of those principally responsible for the great intellectual odyssey of our century.” President Reagan declared “the journey away from totalitarian and toward the uplifting doctrines of freedom.”

From the book James Burnham and the Struggle for the World.
By all means the conservatives were content to let the communist intellectuals lead the way toward “freedom.” But at least Reagan gave credit where credit was due.
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Reply Sun 2 Oct, 2011 08:23 am
Everybody associates the “Nation Review” with William Buckley most people believe he was responsible for its founding but almost no one knows that the “National Review” had a co founder, a foreign communist named William S. Schlamm. To be received in the Kremlin by Vladimir Lenin himself was quite an honor for the son of wealthy Jewish Merchant. No other communist at the “National Review could brag about being personally received by Lenin himself.

There can be no doubt that the Modern Conservative Movement was born from the womb of communists who had a deep and abiding hate of America. One communist after another keeps popping up, each communist I find leads to several other communists and each of these communist were in very influential positions. They lie at the very heart of the Modern Conservative Movement political ideology; the communist intellectuals were the most influential and the Modern Conservative Movement paid homage to the communists by awarding them the Presidential Medal of Freedom and naming Frank Meyer “The Father of the Modern Conservative Movement.

As conservatism was in the ascendancy America began to decline. Is it any surprise that conservative philosophy bought out the worst in America and Americans? It was the fringe element, the dissatisfied, the political outcast that gave us conservatism. Each American will have to ask himself this question is America before or after conservatism?
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Reply Mon 3 Oct, 2011 05:32 am
The worst insult a conservative can make is to call someone a communist, but when history is closely examined it shows that conservative owe the communist intellectuals a large debt. Without the core group of communist intellectuals the Modern Conservative Movement would have remained a fringe political movement made up radical right extremists. The communist intellectuals had developed their propaganda skills to an art form while they were communists. These communist intellectuals’ propaganda was so effective that during the early years of the Great Depression the communist party was growing 10 fold in just one four year period.

One of the first public spectacles on the new media of television was Joe McCarthy communist witch hunt. Beamed directly into large number American homes Americans sat spellbound as McCarthy cast himself in the role of dragon slayer and burnt his victims at the stake. Not since the witch hunts of the dark ages had a group been so unpopular. But the hard core communists for the most part missed McCarthy wrath. The communist intellectuals soon realized there was no future for communism in America. The communist intellectuals had been politically active all their lives but McCarthy had closed one door but they always say when one door closes another opens and indeed another door opened for the communist intellectuals the long time champions of communism became the new “champions of freedom.”
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Reply Tue 4 Oct, 2011 06:52 am
All revolutions against greed begin as a simple idea, they are not born whole cloth as an armed insurrection, and revolutions often ferment for decades in the minds of men. As other things bought into physical form from the minds of men, revolutions take shape slowly and win over one mind at a time. Yesterday on the Glen Beck show he played a tape of Rosanne Bar addressing a group and calling for the use of guillotine to deal with the ungodly greedy. Roseanne proposed setting a limit on earnings of $100 million a year, the ungodly greedy who persisted in making billions after the limit was set would like Marie Antoinette be beheaded. This may sound a little extreme until you realize that it is the time tested method of controlling greed is to eliminate the ungodly greedy.

In America in 1913, greed was spinning out of control, instead of rolling out the guillotine, America chose to treat greed like any other sin and tax it. A sin tax was placed on “excess wealth” it was called an income tax. In order to keep greed under control the income tax was over 90% on “excess wealth” from WWII until the tax was cut in 1964 these years provided the biggest prolonged economic expansion in American history a period that made America a world superpower. The conservatives presided over the biggest decline in manufacturing jobs in American history. The conservative “expansion” provided us with Wal-Mart, McDonalds and telemarketing jobs.

Using income tax to control greed seems to be more humane than the guillotine but the vast accumulation of wealth by the ungodly greedy make the purchase of our government practical. Part of the money the ungodly paid in taxes is now channeled into political bribes and sophisticated propaganda. Once the ungodly greedy close off the alternatives, Rosanne guillotine idea will be seen as a possible solution by more and more people.

The demonstrations taking place in New York and other American cities may be the beginning of the revolutions the communist intellectuals always knew they could spark by simply letting greed take its course. All the communist intellectuals need do was to remove the chains that held the greed monster in place; unchained greed would do their dirty work for them. The communist intellectuals may not have been able to stage a successful communist revolution in the 30s but they will be smiling from their graves if the useful idiots that followed them achieve their lifetime ambition of destroying America.
Reply Wed 5 Oct, 2011 05:35 am
Roseanne Bar’s guillotine solution for the problem of the ungodly greedy seems barbaric at first glance but judged in the historical context is simply the norm. When you have the power to write the rule book and the ungodly greedy can purchase the politicians to write the rule book, you have no need to cheat, you simply fix the game. You can clearly see how fixed the game is when the ungodly greedy pay 15% income tax on their vast wealth while the tax rate on the middle class is more than twice as high. Over a period of time this will result in an even more radical redistribution of wealth to the ungodly. In the last 30 years, the conservative years, the ungodly greedy wealth has multiplied by almost 600% while the middle class works 32 more hours a week and makes less in real dollars.

How to redistribute the wealth to the ungodly greedy? Ferrara tells us in his book that the “producers of wealth” the ungodly greedy are the most productive citizens. The most productive citizens are usually found on the golf course during the work day and produce nothing. When is the last time you saw the CEO of a company floor pouring steel into a mold? Or operating the complex machinery in a machine shop? The skilled works are the ones responsible for production and it is doubtful that the CEO could operate even one piece of machinery responsible for the production but in Ferrara mind the CEOs are the producers. Most CEOs would not last even one day on the factory floor.

This is how Ferrara justifies and rationalizes the vast redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy taking place in America today. Ferrara now decides that states which previously were unable to file bankruptcy should be able to file bankruptcy so they no longer have to pay the pensions to their workers. Under Ferrara’s bankruptcy law a governor could simply decide to declare bankruptcy, the bondholders would be paid then all the suppliers and merchants and the workers would be cheated out of everything. The guillotine solutions is sounding more practical as the ungodly greedy get greedier.
Reply Wed 5 Oct, 2011 04:05 pm
Zardoz... Just to let you know, people are reading you posts, so don't stop. Your efforts are not wasted.
Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2011 05:05 am
Kuvasz, thank you, it is nice to know that some people are reading the posts. I keep a running count. This board has been an adjustment. It has taken me almost 6 months to get 2053 hits. My last post on the local board on a small town newspaper site “The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement V got 67,860 hits in 7 months. Some days the post had 5,000 hits. That board was closed down but you can still post comment about newspaper articles that are removed in a few days. I knew it would take a while to develop a following on this board (I had posted for ten years on local boards.) I was banned from the other local board because of a difference of opinion with the operators. City Council had decided to fire 50 firemen over residency requirements and set a deadline. The deadline passed without action and a large apartment building burnt with several lives lost. Several other local fire departments assisted with the fire. In months following the fire months I pointed out that had if city council had been successful in firing half of the fire department the tragedy would have been far worse. The board operators insisted that I was being insensitive to the victim’s relatives while I saw it as an issue of preventing council from firing half the fire department over nonsense. It was more important to me to see there would be enough firemen to fight the next large apartment fire than being insensitive. Besides I think they were more worried about being insensitive to councilmen’s next election than the victim’s relatives. We came to an understanding that there was no freedom of speech on their board unless your opinion coincided with theirs. They demanded an apology that I was unwilling to render. But in the end the firemen were not fired over the residency issue. I lost the battle but won the war.
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Reply Thu 6 Oct, 2011 05:34 am
The demonstrations in New York are growing everyday the inevitable fruit of 30 years of Greedism. The young people today are beginning to understand what effect greed is having on their lives. When I went to college I could pay my own tuition and books by mowing lawns or with a part time job. If this generation choice had been $100,000 in debt or a factory job most of us would have opted for the factory job. When you start out you need everything from a house, car, and house hold appliances. Often couples starting out have small children to support. Now many will start life with a mountain of debt, $100,000 in student loans is not uncommon. Buried under a mountain of debt the current generation will have to work 32 more hours a week and will still not make as much to show for it as we did at that point in life. Now the choice is between a lifetime at Wal-Mart and college, the factory jobs have disappeared. Is it any wonder that the demonstrations are growing daily?

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