The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 18 Jul, 2011 05:32 am
The commie/conservatives have publicly stated their intentions to destroy the government of the United States, Grover Norquist, the second most powerful commie/conservative, said, “He just wanted to shrink the United States Government to the point he could drag it into the bathroom and drown in the bathtub.” The object of the commie/conservative movement is to eliminate entitlements, like social security, workers compensation, unemployment, and Medicare. One commie/conservative theory to accomplish this was to simply spend all the money, once there was no money to pay for social security it could simply be eliminated. The republicans fought social security from the day it was introduced. For twenty years they did everything in their power to eliminate social security. In the fifties even the republicans begrudgingly began to accept social security but with the birth of the commie/conservative movement renewed the fight against social security and other entitlements.

Once it was known the Bush tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and two massive wars were plunging America deeper in debt Dick Cheney justified the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy by saying that, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” But soon as Cheney was out of office deficits began to matter again. Make no doubt about it the commie/conservatives caused the Great Recession by cutting taxes on the ungodly greedy, declaring two wars, and cutting taxes on the ungodly greedy again. The commie/conservative solution, even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy, by further cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy the commie/conservatives hope to eliminate social security or at least to privatize social security and put it on Wall Street where it can easily be stolen by the ungodly greedy who now make up to $5 billion a year manipulating stock prices. The ungodly greedy do just as any other farmer, they grow the crop by getting all the suckers money on the table, one the money is on the table they harvest the crop. Small investors are at the mercy of market forces but those making billions a year have no trouble manipulating stock and commodity prices. Then those making billions are given special tax breaks on their $5 billion incomes and pay taxes at half the percentage the middle class does. “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Five billion dollars is absolute power and corrupts not only the hedge fund manager but our government.

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Reply Tue 19 Jul, 2011 05:48 pm
The polls show the commie/conservatives are beginning to lose the national political debate, that the ungodly greedy who are making $5 billion a year should be required to pay the same tax rate that those digging ditches are required to pay. Imagine a world where the ungodly greedy must pay the same tax rate as the working man, a tax that was levied only on “excess wealth.”

The commie/conservatives cry that making the ungodly greedy pay the same tax rate as the working man is outrageous and it will take money out of the economy. But instead it should be taken from those social security. Those on social security spend every dollar and put that money back in the American economy while the ungodly greedy use the money to buy castles in England. Historical we know from studying other former world powers once the ungodly greedy are allowed to amass huge amounts of wealth they export that country’s wealth to where the greatest return. It is their nature they can never have enough; it is a sickness that will destroy us all if we let it.

Let us not forget how Reagan was able to cut the ungodly greedy taxes by 46%, Reagan was running the government at a huge deficit and in order to fund the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy he raised the social security and raised the retirement age on this generation. There was no money to provide massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy but the social security which was running a surplus before the social security tax was raised and the money was used to cover the increased deficit caused by massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

The commie/conservatives argue even if you took all the wealth of the ungodly greedy it wouldn’t cover the deficit. The top 25 hedge fund managers averaged a billion a year. The get a special tax break carried-interest loophole this allows them to pay only 15% instead of paying 35% in taxes on their billions. The commie/conservatives have said they will let America go into default before these billionaires are required to pay one red cent more. Fifteen percent is the capital gains tax rate, why are these billionaires getting this billion dollar rate? You and I know the commie/conservatives are bribed with the billions in tax saving these billionaires save, they are called political contributions. “Absolute power corrupts corrupt absolutely.”
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Reply Wed 20 Jul, 2011 07:55 pm
Now that the greedy hedge fund managers are looking at the very real possibility of losing their tax loophole that costs America $500 billion on just the top 25 hedge fund managers. Wasn’t it $500 million the commie/conservatives were raising so much hell about when Medicare was being cut so we could have health care for everyone? The commie/conservatives were on every television station raising hell about those cuts to Medicare? Now that $500 million could be replaced by simply closing a loophole on just 25 taxpayers they are fighting like their life depended on it.

The hedge fund managers are paid a salary based on commission but the loophole allows them to pay half the tax rate of working people. The hedge fund manager’s salary and commission are taxed as capital gains instead of taxed like everyone else’s salary and commission. How could this happen that the richest of the rich pay less than half of their income tax? This is an example of campaign contributions at work.

What is the best investment in America today? Campaign contributions, campaign contributions return $100 for every dollar invested. No stock or company can claim a 100 to 1 return on your money but campaign contributions can. Why are the commie/conservatives really in favor of such massive accumulations of wealth? Because without massive accumulations of wealth there would not be massive campaign contributions, corruption is like corrosion on metal unless steps are taken to prevent it the corrosion destroys the medal and the corruption destroys the country.

The tax system in America is now a clear indicator of the corruption that has overtaken America in the last 30 years, the commie conservative years. When billionaires are simply allowed to buy the political system and cut their taxes from 35% to 15% it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know the game is fixed. Those that defend these massive tax loopholes should be targeted for removal from office. Anyone that voted for the loopholes for billionaires and took large campaign contributions from these hedge fund managers should be singled out at election time. Each one of these commie/conservatives that wants to cut Medicare and social security and keep tax loopholes for billionaires, has no business holding political office.

Loophole implies a mistake in the code that someone found and exploited, this was not a loophole but a deliberate tax cut on some of the riches people in America.

It is time for world dumbest generation to wake up and put the greed mongers out of offices. There is no doubt these commie/conservatives are whores for the billionaires and they will never change. There is nothing colder than a whore’s heart and these commie/conservatives have whore’s heart.
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Reply Thu 21 Jul, 2011 11:02 am
If a hedge fund manager can pay 15% income tax on his $5 billionaire dollar a year income, how many of the ungodly greedy get this tax giveaway and it is a tax giveaway not a loophole. This amounts to a $100 million dollar tax giveaway to just one individual. You can bet if a workingman tried to claim this tax giveaway we would end up in jail. The communist intellectuals who founded the Modern Conservative Movement made no secret about it that their goal was the destruction of the United States Government, they are now closer than any point in history to achieving their goal of the total destruction of the United States government even closer than during the Great Depression. The communist intellectuals chosen weapons is not guns and bombs but greed and the augmentation of greed.

The Modern Conservative Movement has done more to spread greed across America, raising greed to level not seen since the Gilded Age. An age when $100 million dollar tax giveaways are not only quietly given but fiercely defended by the commie/conservatives. The communist revolution in Russia was bloody but the revolution of the communist intellectuals in America the deaths will take place by starvation, lack of medical care and freezing to death in homes with no heat. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption, when a $100 million dollar tax giveaway to just one individual is justified as just a loophole it tells us how far down that road America has gone.

The hedge fund managers receive what is known as ”privileged tax treatment.” This special privilege costs America a conservative $6 billion a year and that is exactly what it is “a special privilege” for the ungodly greedy. Now the commie/conservatives say we cannot revoke this $6 billion “special privilege,” they may be right we as citizens can’t revoke the $6 billion dollar “special privilege” but as voters we sure as hell can put those who defend ‘special privileges” for the ungodly greedy out of office.
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Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 11:03 am
George Sorel (1847-1922), one of the Machiavellians, said, “-belief rooted in emotion rather than reason, and able to rouse the masses to collective action—the crucial role in forming mass movements, and so discounted reason as a significant factor in politics.” The Machiavellians were a group of political philosophers who derived their political philosophy from Machiavelli. The basic idea was that “myth” was primarily responsible for political ideologies. The idea that emotional mind, not rational mind was the driving engine of any political movement was used by Hitler to bring the Nazi Movement to political power in Germany. Hitler stated, “To overcome this barrier of instinctive aversion, of emotion hatred, of prejudiced rejection, is a thousand times harder than to correct a faulty or erroneous scientific opinion. False concepts and poor knowledge can be eliminated by instruction, the resistance of emotion never.”

If “myth” is at the root of political ideology the emotional mind not the rational mind is the target. We already know the opinions in emotional mind are battle hardened and extremely hard to change. How would you further protect the emotional mind from change? Impeach the source of any counter opinions. Again from Hitler’s Mein Kempf,”

“It must, over and over again, be pointed out to the adherents of the movement and a broader sense to the whole people that the Jew and his newspapers always lie and that even an occasional truth is only intended to cover bigger falsifications and is therefore itself in turn a deliberate untruth. The Jew is the great master of lying, and lies and deceptions are his weapons in struggle.”

Not only does that serve to arm the Germany mind against the Jewish point of view but it disqualifies any new information from the Jews as only “lies.”

In America today if you were to substitute “mainstream media” for Jewish newspapers you would have exactly what Fox News and Red Neck Right Radio has done to the mainstream media, they have closed the minds of their followers and protected them from dealing with any possible truth.

This is why the ungodly greedy are escaping the majority of the tax levied against “excess wealth.” Taxes in America are now an issue for the emotional mind, and emotional mind is anything but rational. The mass media in America is now cast, as Hitler cast the Jewish Newspapers in Nazi Germany and every bit as effectively for members of the commie/conservatives. .
Reply Fri 22 Jul, 2011 01:48 pm
The problem with all these spin doctors is not them but the voters. Their education is very narrowly based. Most high school kids can skip hard courses they don't like and carry on and get to advanced courses in their narrow interest. It is like a field of grass. The grass sways whichever way the wind blows. The voters are easily swayed as their educational grounding is very narrow and cannot understand the implication of many policies given by politicians. Many politicians are in the same boat. This creates very unstable situation. It can easily seen how GWB was voted twice in a row.
Reply Sat 23 Jul, 2011 07:21 pm
Unfortunately we live in an age of specialization and many people never bother to obtain even a working understanding of political philosophy. I never even bothered to register to vote until I was twenty-five when a local bond issue was placed on the ballot that would affect me directly. I had no idea how political philosophy would change my life over the next 30 years. We all believed that we had a lease on the status quo, that it was our birth right and couldn’t be taken away. We didn’t think anything that happened in Washington could change our lives as profoundly as it did. In retrospect looking back over the 40 years of my adult life America changed for the worse more than any similar period in history. As I drive through the town I grew up in most of the factories that provided the life style of the 50s have closed and moved overseas. I work for the government and it was one of the worst paying jobs in town, the job I held now pays $4 an hour less and is one of the better paying jobs in town, not because it pays any better, it pays much less in inflation adjusted dollars, but the good jobs have been shipped out of the country by the commie/conservatives who gave huge tax cuts to every company that would take its operation overseas. We acted like leaves in the wind that would always benefit from a favorable wind.

In the 60s the storm clouds were gathering on the horizon but we were too busy starting our families to notice. By the 70s the skies were black and but nobody paid attention, they thought the storm would soon pass and it would be business as usual. By the 80s the winds of greed had changed the basic American values we grew up with. America was no longer a country but a competition where winner takes all. The communist e intellectuals built an army of the ignorant from the ground up. The ungodly greedy funded programs on college campuses that espoused greed as the answer to every problem. They pushed the idea of predator economics, a country where winner takes all.

The changes made in the 80s were systemic; they attacked the root values America was founded on. And over the next 30 years every one lost with the exception of top 1/100 of 1%. No one shared in the increased GNP except this top 1/100 of 1%.

The science of influencing the voting public is far more sophisticated than most people realize. Billions of dollars are spent to get people elected each election cycle; much of that money is spent on using sophisticated methods used to influence voters. Some of the best minds in the country devote their time to the best way to influence the voting public.

Apathy is problem, most people don’t understand how one vote out of a 100 million can make a difference but there are many more things that can be done. The communist intellectuals understood that if you had to work two to three full time jobs you would not have time to participate in the political process. I have worked on presidential campaigns going door to door and worked on campaigns for governor. The future of America belongs only to those who are willing to work for it. The communist intellectuals were willing to work to impose greed as a primary value on America.
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Reply Sun 24 Jul, 2011 05:17 pm
The key to why the United States is in such bad shape was discussed on Meet the Press show today they pointed out that the majority of voters are no longer democrats or republicans, 40% of Americans are now registered independent. They may have hit on the reason America is going downhill so fast. People without a political party or a political philosophy are a lot like a man with no country. Political objectives throughout history are achieved through political parties, people who share the same political philosophy, the same political objectives. Someone who votes based on the best smile, or the best commercials, succeeds only in muddying the political waters and encumbering political grid lock.

One of the most destructive achievements of the communist intellectuals who founded the Modern Conservative Movement was to convince many Americans that you could divorce political philosophy from politics. The communist intellectuals convinced many that you shouldn’t even considerer political philosophy just vote for whoever, there is really no difference, political philosophy is just an illusion.

The independent voters in America began to increase in 1966 at the same time that the commie/conservative movement was beginning to gain strength. The communist intellectuals were beginning to gain public influence through the “Conservative Bible,” the “National Review” with its communist editors. If you can convince someone that political philosophy has nothing to do with politics you can take them out of the game. Their votes will simply cancel themselves out. You need not have a political philosophy to vote you just need to vote for the most appealing candidate.

Then there are the one issue voters who believe they were placed on earth to control everyone’s private life and want to impose their religious cult’s values on everyone else. They view government as a means to gain control of everyone else. Given time they would take us back to the Salem witch burning days when people could be executed for blasphemy. It sounds surreal until you realize the death penalty for blasphemy was actually being pushed by the religious right during the Bush years.
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Reply Mon 25 Jul, 2011 05:30 am
As the debt crisis looms at least we know the massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy tax rate has been cut by 84% over the last 50 years but the commie/conservatives will fight to the death of America for the ungodly greedy privilege to pay less than half the tax placed on “excess wealth.” Two hundred and thirty five congressmen, many of them Pee Partiers have signed a no new taxes on the ungodly greedy pledge.

How did we get into this mess? Make no doubt about the massive tax cuts over 30 years cumulated in not more jogs but a massive recession not seen since the Great Depression. The current Great Recession did not start during Obama term but during Bush’s term in office.

One Pee Party congressman on meet the press explained the two wars and the massive Bush Tax cuts had nothing to do with the current mess but anyone who knows someone who went bankrupt knows as they borrow more money and don’t balance their budget the escalating interest on their borrowing tips the balance and dooms them. Bush took over with a budget surplus and chose to give the surplus to the ungodly greedy with the battle cry it is their money. When the time came to declare an war on an innocent country Bush and the Commie/conservatives couldn’t wait. The first wars in American history that were not funded by tax increases. A $3 trillion dollar war in Iraq drove the interest expenses way up.
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Reply Tue 26 Jul, 2011 05:38 am
The commie/conservatives are fond of pointing out that when Reagan cut the tax rate for the ungodly greedy that tax revenue went up but they never tell the rest of the story. At same time Reagan cut taxes on the ungodly greedy he also cut out many of the “loopholes” that allowed the ungodly to get by with paying the alternative minimum taxes. The 1913 Congress did not back the income tax but the publicly literally demanded something be done about the ungodly greedy. Most of those in Congress in 1913 would have been millionaires if inflation was factored in, much like most Congressmen t are millionaires today. Faced with runaway greedy and the ungodly greedy simply purchasing the government the public demanded action. In New York a dispute between rail road owners one owner simply purchased the New York legislature to make a law, the other railroad owner purchased the New York Supreme court and had the law declared unconstitutional. Abuses then as now were getting out of hand, “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” One the 1913 Congress passed the income tax they began creating loopholes so the tax would not apply to them. Now the ungodly greedy, just as in the case in New York, can have special laws written to exempt just one family from taxes. Bob Dole not only wrote a special law that exempted one of the wine family fortunes from inheritance tax but got it passed.

Any increase in revenue after Reagan’s massive tax cut had nothing to do with the tax cut and everything to do with closing the loopholes. Of course there were other factors; inflation is always a factor along with increasing GNP. We know from history all recessions are cyclical in nature, all recessions end, it easy to take a measurement at the top of the wave and measure from the bottom of the trough and take credit for something that would happen on its own. It very much like doctors in the middle ages who bled patients, after the patient recovered from the virus the doctors than claimed credit and bleeding patients became a standard cure. Actually the” cure” was making patients sicker but because some patients recovered in spite of the “cure.” Reagan resorted to bleeding the American economy to” cure” it, the American economy got better in spite of the bleeding but Reagan’s record deficits. But the long term interest charges on Reagan’s record deficits contributed to downhill momentum that put helped put us where we are today. Reagan record deficits were never paid for and Cheney like to say, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter” as the deficits were run up for two unfunded wars and more massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The interest on this debt is like a snowball going downhill, interest literally snowballed.

Reagan’s massive cuts in taxes on the ungodly greedy was closely followed by increases in social security tax, social security was running at a large surplus at the time and that surplus was borrowed to fund the tax increase but now the time has come to pay back the money Reagan borrowed from social security to fund a massive tax cut for the ungodly greedy. There are only two options raise the taxes on the ungodly greedy to pay back social security or radically cut social security so the ungodly greedy can keep the misbegotten gains.

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Reply Wed 27 Jul, 2011 05:33 am
The commie/conservative war cry for the last thirty years has been that the ungodly greedy wealth is being redistributed. But all the wealth that has been redistributed over the last 30 years has been redistributed to the ungodly greedy. The middle class that is responsible for generating the Gross National Product (GNP) did not share in the increasing GNP for 30 years only the top 13,400 taxpayers, the ungodly greedy, benefited. Is this what America is about is producing a Hitler like dream, an economic super race? An economic class that is simply ”entitled” to everyone else’s labor. The commie/conservative argument that everyone can be a lottery winner. Any sensible person knows if everyone wins the lottery that the winners share would be no more than the cost of entry. Thus commie/conservatives decided to push lottery winner economics, where there are a few winners and hundreds of millions of losers.

If you want something you have to figure out how you are going to pay for it. Are you going to work a second job? Or are you going to borrow the money and lower your lifestyle. America was faced with that decision with the $3 trillion Iraq war. Would taxes be raised to fund the $3 trillion war or would the money be borrowed. Bush decided not only to borrow the money but give a third round of massive tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. But the cost of paying back the money may be three times the amount borrowed depending on the length of time needed to pay it back. The cost of interest is not only on the Iraq war but on the massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy which was borrowed by taxpayers. That right the tax cut money was borrowed and will ultimately cost the taxpayers three times as much as the massive tax cuts.
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Reply Thu 28 Jul, 2011 05:30 am
I see the commie/conservatives are up to the old tricks taught to them by the communist intellectuals that founded the Modern Conservative Movement. This morning I registered for a Hal Marathon on Active.com, the commie/conservatives had somehow piggy backed a push poll with a number of major lies on the Active>com site. These lies said that if Obama was reelected, inflation would be 100%, unemployment would be 50% (I am surprised they didn’t claim a 100% unemployment), and a stock market crash among others. After a main course of lies they then had you take the poll, when ask what the main priority of the country should be they did not list raising the taxes on the ungodly greedy however they did list restoring the $500 million cut in Medicare fraud, it seems many of those ungodly greedy are making millions in Medicare fraud and make large political payoffs to commie/conservatives candidates, known political contributions. Of course the commie/conservatives want to eliminate all entitlements so they can give even bigger tax cuts to the ungodly greedy.

This push poll will then be cited on Fox News as the gospel truth. It is reminiscent of the infamous push poll used by baby Bush in the North Carolina in the 2000 primary against John McCain. The baby Bushers called voters in North Carolina, the old racist south, and ask them if they would vote for John McCain if he was the actual father of a black child the family had adopted. The push poll worked it did the damage they had intended. It stirred the latent racism in North Carolina as sure as a midnight ride of the Clan itself.

It is so nice to know the republicans who fought social security from the day it was started and want to eliminate all entitlements (Medicare, social security, unemployment, and workers compensation) are so concerned about $500 million cut in Medicare fraud. Medicare can be eliminated entirely if the county passes National Health care for all, no one need have a separate program for the elderly if everyone is assured health care. That is the way to eliminate Medicare. The right speaks of right to life for fetuses but after they are born they are entitled to live only as long as they can afford medical care.
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Reply Fri 29 Jul, 2011 05:31 am
It seems the Pee Party Commie/Conservatives are going to destroy America at all possible costs. The communist intellectuals who founded the Modern Conservative Movement spent their lifetimes trying to destroy America government any way they could, now their latter day followers may accomplish their long standing goal.

The republicans fought tooth and nail to kill social security and other so called “entitlements” for 80 years without any success. The republicans always look to the private sector for answers. In 1960 60% of the private sector had good defined benefit pensions, like social security the pensions paid a fix benefit for not only the life of the individual but the spouse also, there was an entitlement if there ever was one. How did the private sector solve their problem? Simple they bankrupted the companies by pay astronomical salary increases to upper management and spent the companies into bankruptcy. Now the “entitlement” to a decent pension is gone and replaced with a defined contribution pension. The average defined contribution pension has only $50,000 at age 65 which would provide less than two years of a defined benefit pension. This lesson became the template for the commie/conservative current attack on America. It was openly discussed if the only way “to shrink the American government to the point they could drag it into the bathroom and drown in the bathtub” was to bankrupt it then they would do everything in their power to bankrupt the American government. If the American government goes bankrupt they can eliminate their mortal enemies, social security, Medicare, unemployment, and workers compensation. It worked in the private sector one generation sees a good retirement the next generation is cheated out of it now you see it now you don’t.

The Bush administration took a balance budget from the Clinton administration and immediately charted a path toward bankruptcy. First the treasury was drained by astronomical tax cuts for the ungodly greedy, and then a $3 trillion discretionary war was declared on Iraq. Next another round of astronomical tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Then a prescription drug plan that was designed to protected the drug companies’ profits and make sure seniors could not get bulk discounts. None of this was paid for and even the payments on the interest was being borrowed to keep the interest current, once the interest was borrowed more money had to be borrowed to pay the interest on the money borrowed to make interest payments on the money borrowed to pay interest. It would be like you borrowing a million on a credit card and making the interest payment with another credit card, and then using another card to make the payment on that card and so on. This was a very carefully plotted battle plan by the commie/conservatives to eliminate the “entitlements” and it was not kept secret.
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Reply Sat 30 Jul, 2011 02:17 pm
It is hard to believe that any political organization in America would deliberately sabotage the economic well being of the United States to further their political ideology but when you look at the massive tax cuts to ungodly greedy at the same time military expenses were going through roof there can be no doubt what went on during the both the Bush and Reagan years. Reagan was the first to grant massive tax cuts to the ungodly greedy and run up record deficits. When the record deficits began to mount up under the Bush administration, Cheney was fond of saying, “Regan proved deficits don’t matter.” Well let me be the first to say to Cheney, “Bush proved deficits do matter.” There is no doubt the ideology of the right is against “entitlements” of any kind, their economy theory is that life is contest and the winners are rightfully entitled to all.

The average voter for the commie/conservative cause has no idea that the Republican Party did everything in their power to prevent social security from become law and fought hard to repeal for the next twenty years. When the commie/conservatives came to power, the fight to eliminate all “entitlements” resumed after a lapse of a quarter of a century. The history of social security is of course the history of a social problem. America was primarily an agricultural economy when the twenty century dawned but as the industrial revolution began to hit full stride the farmer were lured to the cities to provide the labor for the factories. As someone got older on the family farm they continued to live there and do the task they were capable of and when completely disabled they were cared for by the younger generations. Their investment in the farm during their working years paid off when they were elderly. The agricultural economy provided a form of “social security.” But as the first generation of industrial workers became elderly they faced abject poverty. When their husband died of heart attack in the early 1930s it was common to see widows going through the garbage for scraps of food. The industrial economy used people up and discarded them. They were just another machine that could be junked when they got old. The economic winners became fabulously wealthy on the wealth produced by the labor. Previously that wealth had been reinvested in the family farm and helped sustain them in their old age.

The ungodly greedy are sick, they feel very much entitled to everything and what they can’t steal from the workingman they will use political power to take. You can clearly see today how politically powerful the ungodly greedy are as even though the country is drowning in debt they will not put one more additional penny of taxes on those who would never miss it. Social security leveled the playing field a tiny bit and kept the ungodly greedy from taking it all. Reagan raised social security tax and raised the age when this generation could retire. The extra money was used to finance a humongous tax cut for the ungodly greedy. Now the social security trust fund is made up of treasury bonds as the money was borrowed, the baby boomer generation now has reached the age of retirement and 10,000 a day are retiring and the government can no longer keep borrowing from social security to fund even more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Few of this generation realized what Reagan was doing until later and most of the public knows the social security they paid was borrowed by the government but very few realize the money was borrowed to provide humongous tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

The power in politics is always the power of perception, not reality.

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Reply Mon 1 Aug, 2011 05:33 am
Yesterday MSN ran an article about the five biggest myths about Social Security. Of course the number 1 myth is that there will not be any social security for the younger generation. This myth was pushed extensively by the baby Bush administration who wanted to privatize Social Security so the money could be put on that great roulette wheel in New York, the New York Stock exchange. If the Social Security money is put in play it could be easily stolen by the hedge fund managers who have $100s of billions of borrowed money to run the table. But many if not most of the younger generation believe this myth.

Even if the social security projections are correct and in fact the projections are very much on the conservative side and have a history of being wrong on the conservative side the fact is even if nothing is done the younger generation would still get 75% of their social security not a good outcome but 75% is far better than nothing. There are easy fixes to the social security system one is removing the cap on social security that allows the ungodly greedy to pay out of social security. The ungodly greedy only pay social security on the first $100,000 or so of their income amounting to another 6.2% tax cut for the ungodly greedy on any income over $100,000. Making other sources of income beside wages subject to the social security tax would also help solve the problem.

Another myth was that the illegal immigrants were drain social security when in fact illegal immigrants paid in $420 billion a year into social security but very few tried to collect with only about $1 billion paid out to illegal immigrants. Most of the money illegal immigrants paid into Social Security was paid on dead people and other fraudulent accounts and they never tried to collect.

The commie/conservatives want to kill social security so badly they can almost taste it and they have been responsible for much of the propaganda that has been generated in the last 30 years. But remember reality is all about perception.
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Reply Tue 2 Aug, 2011 05:35 am
On Sunday’s Meet the Press there was a republican that wanted to raise more tax revenue by “broadening the base.” The Republicans have always been upset that those with no “excess wealth” are not paying the tax on excess wealth that they don’t have. Now if we could just force those without cars to pay the title tax for owning a car even though they don. We could argue they must sometimes ride in cars so therefore they should pay title tax on the car they ride in. This is the type of reasoning the Republicans use to justify “broadening the base” the tax levied on “excess wealth.”

Just think how easily the Republicans could solve the social security problem by “broadening the base” to tax those $400 a month social security checks. If the republicans could just tax social security checks at 30% there would be no need to reform social security. You would have both the illusion of getting the $400 and being a good citizen by doing your part to make sure billionaires would be able to keep several extra billion a year. Do your part in 2012 election vote for Republicans who want to “broaden the base” on the tax levied on “excess wealth” and make sure those on social those on “Social Security pay the tax placed on “excess wealth.”

The Republicans triumphantly point out a static that claims 41% of Americans in 2006 didn’t pay income tax, the tax levied on “excess wealth” instead of seeing this as absolute proof of the failure of there economic theory over the last 30 years that so many Americans now live so close to the poverty level while others rake in multi billion incomes. Who are those that don’t pay income tax? Those on Social Security and minimum wage earners with small children make up much of that percentage of those who don’t pay the tax levied on “excess wealth.” That the Republicans see nothing wrong with cutting taxes on billionaires to half of the tax rate on the middle class and advocate taxing those on social security tells us all we need to know about those commie/conservative Republicans.

The tax code needs to be simplified all deductions need to be eliminated except the exempt income in place when the income tax law was written in 1913. Eighty thousand in today’s dollars was tax exempt in1913 maybe we could set it at $30,000 today and tax all other income.
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Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 05:33 am
What is always pointed out as one of the worst faults of communism is central planning, a planed economy by the central government but in the United States we use our income tax system for central planning by taxing certain expenditures and allowing deductions for others. If the ungodly greedy decide to buy a $100 million dollar mansion and a million motor home both can be written off their taxes further lowering their tax rate that was only half what the middle class was paying. So the ungodly greedy can buy the $100 million mansion and million dollar motor home or pay the taxes. This is central planning because the government is giving away $100s of billions in tax dollars to subsidize mansions and motor homes. Whether the government enters the transaction by force or by using tax dollars it is still central planning. It is high time that we stop using our income tax system as a central planning system.

The home deduction was designed to help people purchase homes but most poor or lower middle class are not eligible for the deduction. When I first got married, while going to college and working gas station, I purchased my first home and I itemized every deduction including the interest on my home mortgage expecting a tax break only to find it amounted to no more than the standard deduction. The interest expenses on the homes of the poor and lower middle are often not high enough to exceed the standard deduction but the million dollar mansions always qualify. Tax dollars are being used to subsidize multi-million dollar mansions and million dollar motor homes and vacation homes. Why should the taxpayers subsidize the purchase of vacation homes? Recently a hedge fund manager bought a large castle in England, I wonder if the taxpayers subsidized that purchase?
Reply Wed 3 Aug, 2011 01:27 pm
Extremes of both of the left and the right really lead to a society not worth living. We need to use the good aspects of both systems.
Reply Thu 4 Aug, 2011 05:31 am
In a perfect world the extremes on the right and on the left should cancel each other out and the center should remain at the center. But over the last 30 years the commie/conservatives have been very fond of bragging that America is no longer politically centered and that they have shifted the political center to the right. The commie/conservatives shifted the American center to the right the same way Hitler shifted Germany to the right a strong propaganda network. One of the first things the Reagan did after the commie/conservatives gained power was to eliminate the “Fairness Doctrine.” The “”Fairness Doctrine” was put in place after WWII to protect America from politics driven by propaganda. Media is always granted the “assumption of authority” in other words the publics generally believes that information in the media is reliable. This assumption of authority in the hands of political ideologues is dangerous whether it is Germany, Russia, China or America. I can well remember a local television station that would run political editorials always with the offer to those with opposing views the air time to reply. Now the same station runs hard right political editorials but since the Fairness Doctrine has been eliminated no one is allowed to present any opposing point of view. You would have the same chance getting to give an opposing point of view that a Jew in an concentration camp would have been able to publish an opposing view to Hitler ”Ultimate Solution.”

The question you have to ask yourself is since the commie/conservatives have shifted the political center of America to the right, is America a better place 30 years after that shift?
If you look at the statistics that a resounding no. Even the commie/conservatives can’t make the statistics go away; the statistics are the elephant in the room. They can try and divert your attention by pointing out how immoral it is for a twelve year old rape victim to get an abortion or how immoral it is for gays to get married. But the fact is that the middle class Americans are far worse off today than they were when Reagan eliminated the Fairness Doctrine. When the ungodly greedy (the top 1/100 of 1%) get a $13,000 increase for every dollar increase bottom 99% of Americans get something is wrong. When the average working couple must work 32 more hours a week and still has makes less than their father did working by himself.
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Reply Fri 5 Aug, 2011 05:34 am
The stock racket plunged over 500 points yesterday, there is no doubt the stock market is the biggest racket in America. When the center of American politics moved right it was a windfall for every crook conman and thief in America. Commie/conservative campaigned on eliminate regulations and those pesky regulations made up the thin blue line that protected Americans life savings from all sorts of professional thieves. After the Great Depressions laws were put in place to protect American investors from sophisticated professional thieves. One of the first things on the commie/conservatives agenda when they came to power was to eliminate those regulations and eliminate they did and the unstable economics that dominated the early twenty century returned with a vengeance. Also returning was the very skewed distribution of wealth that triggered the Great Depression. Not to worry the commie/conservatives told us human nature had changed in the intervening 50 years. Thieves no longer had any desire to steal so laws to prevent theft were outdated, the free market would regulate everything. Let the buyer beware, is the thieves motto, if your pension is squandered on worthless stock very carefully put together by Wall Street firms so they could make a fortune short selling the worthless paper, so be it, go steal your own fortune.

Welcome to predator economics where the victim is always at fault. The rules of the jungle apply here, if you are powerful enough politically to take a pension system away from the retirees, and stick the taxpayers with the bill, you are a hero, what a deal maker. Under commie/conservatism the thief is the new American hero to be emulated by all. One eyed Annie pimp schooled Whitaker Chamber on the commie/conservative economic theory he called the economy system “the Wisdom of the Deep Slums.”
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