The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 5 May, 2015 05:27 am
The first thing you have to remember about any religion is that man is the creator. He created not one god but thousands of gods. To be sure there are new and improved gods all the time but in each case it is man that created god and not god that created man. Mankind has always looked at religion with eyes wide shut. A good example in our time is Joseph Smith. Smith was a letch, and wanted to screw every young woman he encountered. How was a man of God to resolve this problem? Joseph Smith had no problem with this it was obviously God’s fault. Smith asked himself had not God put the lust into Smith’s heart? In most churches the devil is credited for putting lust into the preacher’s heart or trousers but Joseph Smith better it was God’s will in celestial marriage was born. What you can clearly is Smith caught in the act of creating God.

Smith’s wife, Emma was less than thrilled and her reaction was typical. She told Smith if you are going to screw around I am going to screw around. Of course this upset Smith who’s God had envisioned this as a one way street where he would screw every woman he saw and his wife would remain chaste. What is an old conman to do? Is it time to get the golden tablets out again? Or to call for the angel Maroni help? No, by now the conman had perfected his craft and he simply had revelations from God that were transcribed by others. What do you think God had to say? God agreed 100% with Smith and took his side.
“If any man espouse a virgin and desires to espouse another… then he be justified, he cannot commit adultery for they are given to him.

And if he have ten virgins given unto him attend by law, he cannot commit adultery, for they belong to him and they are given unto them therefore he is justified. . .

But if one or either of the ten virgins, after she is espoused, shall be with another man, she has committed adultery, and shall be destroyed: for they are given unto him to multiply and replenish the earth, according to my commandments.
The will of God according to Joseph Smith
When Joseph’s brother Hyrum volunteered to read the revelation to Emma to straighten her out a very dubious Joseph said, “You do not know Emma as well as I do. When Hyrum read the revelation to Emma she declared she did not did not believe one word of it. Hyrum reported, “He never received such a severe talking to in his life.”
Many is always in the act of creating God’s to his liking.

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Reply Wed 6 May, 2015 05:28 am
When Joseph Smith first began his practice of celestial marriage it nearly ended in tragedy. Smith has invited a family with a 15 year old girl to live with him and his wife. Smith had kept the practice of celestial marriage a secret just between him and God. Since there could be no formal marriage ceremony I suspect celestial marriage occurred when tab A was placed in slot B. Word soon got out into the Moron community that Joseph had been where he shouldn’t have been and angry lynch mob of about 40 people formed and drug Smith from his residence, stripped him naked and tied him to a board. As the doctor gets his scalpel out Joseph to remove Joseph’s offending body parts he had to be wondering why had God not forsaken him. But Joseph better than anyone else knew that God was just another one of his cons and no one coming to rescue him. The doctor who was to perform the operation lost his nerve and the mob settled for tarring and feathering the letch.

It would be a completely different Moron church today if it had been led by Joseph the eunuch.
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Reply Thu 7 May, 2015 05:25 am
Joseph Smith decent in to sexual perversion is as predictable as predicting the sun coming up in the morning. In our time Jim Baker, Jim Jones, David Koresh and many other religious cult leaders became sexual deviants. It is almost part of a formula, first they imagine a god, than they gather followers and convince them in their vision of God. As their followers begin to look up to them and to look to them for guidance they begin to feel superior and see themselves as having a special relationship with God or even begin to see themselves as a god. At that time their desires become what God desire for them.

In Waco Texas David Koresh decreed that only he could sex with the women of the Branch Davidians, their husbands could not. At the time of his death he had not started having sex with the men of the cult as Jim Baker and Jim Jones had decided to screw both sexes. Had David Koresh lived it is quite likely he would have included the men as that type of sex is more about power than sex.

What is different about the Mormon hero Joseph Smith is that after his sexual perversion was discovered and he was saved from the doctor’s scalpel. Smith succeeded in convincing his followers that it was not a sexual perversion but in fact a commandment from God that men take many wives. Not only that but it was a contest and the more wives a man had one determine his standing in heaven. We will never know what Mormonism would look like today if Joseph had ended missing his offending body parts but it would not be the same. The Mormon Church might have become a castration cult where God decreed that all members be castrated as it was God’s will that Joseph be castrated. There is no real difference between a Jim Jones, David Koresh or a Joseph Smith they are all cut from the same cloth some are just a little more extreme.
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Reply Fri 8 May, 2015 05:29 am
The Mormon lynch mob failed to lynch Joseph Smith’s manhood and had to settle for just tarring and feathering him. This should have torn the Mormon cult apart but it didn’t. Why? The story is the same with just a few changes. After Joseph celestial wives were discovered and the revelation God that plural marriages is the real purpose of life Joseph’s wife Emma’s friend, William Law, founded the Reformed Mormon Church. Law abhorred plural marriage and beside Smith had made the most “wicked and indecent proposal to Law’s wife.” Law proceeds to sit up a printing press and print a flyer that states that he is going to expose all Smith wicked ways and secrets. Smith and his merry men don’t actually believe in freedom of the press or even the existence of printing press that criticizes the Mormon cult. Joseph and his merry men destroy Law’s printing press and Law beats a path out of state fearing for his life but Law had inflicted a fatal blow. His flyer reached many non-Mormons who already feared the cult.

Smith knew an attack on the Moron compound was imminent and fled out of state. A letter from his wife reached him before he fled into the Rockies. She implored him to return because he had promised never to abandon the church. Joseph returned and the governor told him there would be a blood bath if he did not surrender to authorities. Joseph had a militia of 5,000 men but was badly out numbered. He and his brother surrendered along with 11 others. Joseph and his brother were charged with sedition. The jail he was in was stormed by a rival militia that was defended by only 7 men firing blanks. Joseph and his brother were killed. Recognize the story? The religious hero who gives his life for his followers. Jesus Christ could not have done it any better. There was no cross, no resurrection just a bullet ridded- body but in death Joseph became much bigger than life. There is a reason Saints don’t become Saints while they’re living.
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Reply Mon 11 May, 2015 05:26 am
There were at least 40 people in the mob that drug Joseph Smith from his house to castrate him for taking advantage of a 15 year old child even though the castration was avoided at the last moment Smith reputation as a prophet should have been damaged beyond repair but Modern day Mormons will not remember Smith as a child molester. Smith is remembered as prophet and founder of the Mormon Church. Today most modern day Mormons will never even heard the story Smith’s attempted castration and if they have heard the story they would deny it is true.

People create their own reality cafeteria style they pick and choose which facts they believe. This is especially true in religious cults where the most glaring facts can be disregarded. Many people’s reality has as much fiction in it as movie. For many people reality is no more self-generated fiction. Joseph Smith goes from coward to hero in the return trip across the Mississippi River. When someone dies they often go from being one of the worst people on earth to a saint. Often the good you have done lives on after you die and the bad is simply edited out and left on the cutting room floor.
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Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 05:28 am
Most of us realize that there are facts and beliefs the sun coming up in the morning is a fact it is not a belief. It fact that there are four seasons that is not a belief. Joseph Smith was God’s prophet is simply a belief, something you believe to be true while Joseph Smith was a child molester is an undisputable fact. People get in to trouble when they start to act as if their beliefs are facts and the lines begin to blur between facts and beliefs. People in religious organizations begin to act as if their religious beliefs are facts. When a terrorist straps a bomb on himself and blows 50 other people up he is trying to prove to himself and others that he has found the one true God. But those who believe are always bedeviled by doubts. They spend a lifetime trying to cover up their doubts with even more extreme religious beliefs. It should be no surprise that the ultimate expression of religious belief is insanity. When a suicide bomber blow himself up he has demonstrated his insanity to the world. He has violated every moral imperative, he has violated the prime directive of survival. He has reached the point of religious insanity.

Faced with facts and religious belief the suicide bomber choses belief but the journey down the rabbit hole of belief is fraught with danger the badger of doubt relentlessly pursues them all the days of their lives and the only way to assuage their doubts is to jump over the cliff of death only then will their God stand before them and richly rewarded them for their belief. Religion is simply insanity that is sanctioned by society. The one episode in the first Star Trek television show where they visit a planet where everything seems reserved and fine until night fall when the resident seems to go wild fighting and being involved in other debauchery. The computer running the planet believed the people needed the release of stress. Every Sunday in America millions descend into the insanity of belief in the make believe. It is no surprise it is at the end of week and as fiction in a movie provides escape the super natural world is a vehicle to escape reality. Escape from reality is the main purpose of religion but often the religious escape is into the arms of insanity. To be sure the majority of religious believers will never blow themselves up but if the measure of insanity is believing in things that are not real most true religious believers will reach the ultimate destination, insanity.
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Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 05:27 am
There are few people that would dispute the fact that a suicide bomber has achieved religious insanity but are there not degrees of insanity. Anyone willing to blow themselves and others up to achieve a religious objective is insane. If your neighbor suddenly decided that Square Bob Square Pants was the one true God you would certainly doubt his sanity. If he told you that Square Bob Square Pants answered his prayers you might start thinking about selling your house but the next thing you know your neighbor has built a church to worship Square Bob Square Pants and thousands join the church. Members of the Square Bob’s church are required to spend two years of their life recruiting new members for the church. The Church of Square Bob Square Pants catches on and church are established in cities across the world. Several of your fellow employees are members of the Church of Square Bob Square Pants where at one time you made fun of your crazy you now have to show proper respect for what is now a legitimate religion. Where one man worshiping Square Bob Square Pants would be declared insane a group of men doing the same thing would be declared a religion.

The story of all religions are basically the same, they find the sun, moon, group of men or a single man and declare them a God. Certainly there is no evidence that Square Bob Square Pants ever spoke directly to your neighbor but he believes that he did. Baby Bush had no problem telling the American people that God spoke directly to him and the world was appalled. If Baby Bush had said that Square Bob Square Pants spoke directly to him he likely would have been removed from office but one is no more likely than the other. Religions needs the power of government to force its insanity on others. During the Bush administration religious extremists actively pushed for the death penalty for heresy. In other words they want to establish a philosophy that can’t never be criticized and they want that enforced by the death penalty. After all if you cannot adequately defend your point of view your only real option is to kill anyone that disagrees with you and it would be much better if the government did it for you. What the religious seek to kill is their own doubts no matter how many they kill they will never vanquish their own doubts.
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Reply Thu 14 May, 2015 05:30 am
The ultimate objective of religion is to achieve insanity. Some people have a gift and are born insane but others must work really had to achieve insanity. When you talk to (pray) creatures that don’t exist in our reality you have achieved a milestone along the path to insanity. When you alter your life to please a supernatural creature you have achieved insanity. Unfortunately in America today, to say nothing of the Middle East, insanity is the rule not the exception. In a world gone mad reality is moved to the back of the bus.

Some children have imaginary playmates from early childhood as these children transition into adulthood their imaginary playmate morphs into God. Having livid in their vivid imagination they have absolutely no problem accepting the concept of a God no one every sees. These children of vivid imagination have no problem convincing others with less vivid imaginations that their imaginary God was real. Of course many factors go into the cauldron of religion, fear of death, wishful thinking, benefits of social organizations among others. As a child they could not convince others of the reality of their imaginary playmates but as adults if tell others that your imaginary playmate is God or the angel Moroni. Joseph Smith’s imaginary childhood friend was the angel Moroni from whose name the religion derives its name, Mormon. Moroni leads Joseph to the golden tablets. It is simply unbelievable what imaginary friends are capable of.
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Reply Fri 15 May, 2015 05:26 am
Thousands of religious cults come and go each generation. Only a few live much beyond their founders. Most die a natural death as the number of followers decline. The Mormon church requires members to spend two years recruiting new followers. They are sent to remote locations to recruit followers. This explains why the Mormon cult survived beyond Joseph Smith lifetime. A competing religious cult in Joseph Smith's time required that its members were nothing but bear skins, they were forbidden to take baths and instead instructed to roll in the dust. They would gather and make strange walling sounds as they approached outskirts of a new town. The cult flourished during the founder's lifetime but died out after he died.

Religious cults are limited only by the imagination. Joseph Smith was not unique each generation will produce its share of cult founders but only a tiny fraction will survive. They will all proclaim to have the absolute "truth" and they will all be wrong. Instead they should all proclaim to have the best fiction. The face of religion is often the face of anger the anger of true believers who don't understand why others don't believe their particular brand of nonsense.
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Reply Sat 16 May, 2015 05:46 am

Being raised in a religious cult makes one much more vulnerable to be lured into a more extreme religious cult. The Lafferty children were raised as devout Mormons. They had been raised wearing magic underwear and believing Joseph Smith was a true prophet this sets the stage for the religious killings. When the Lafferty boys discovered a more extreme form of Mormonism the groundwork had already been done. The door was open to the extreme Fundamentalist Mormonism. The majority of parents that lost a child to a religious cult, whether it was the Moonies or the Branch Davidians have themselves to blame because they opened the door to the occult. Some may object to my use of occult to describe religious organizations but the definition of occult is: of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies. Every religion in the world claims knowledge of supernatural powers.

Mainstream religion is the gateway drug to occult. When you accept the supernatural you accept much more than you realize. Many a parent has lost their child to an extreme religious cult without ever acknowledging even to themselves the role they played in the child's descent into madness. Once that you accept that you are no more an instrument of God on this earth it is easy to take the next step and kill an 18 month old baby because God directed you to do. God directed the brothers Lafferty to kill the baby and its mother. If God is not real who directed Ron and Don Lafferty to kill their niece and sister in law? Who gave the orders to kill? The voice of God the Laffertys heard was no more than their disembodied voice rattling around in a mind mainlining the occult. From the beginning of time God has commanded the faithful to kill God's will is no more than man's will dressed up in supernatural garb.

Joseph Smith lust knew no bounds even 40 women could not satisfy his lust. Smith had no troubling telling his followers that it was God made man lustful and that God intended for man to satisfy his lust in plural marriage. If Joseph Smith had lived today he would be considered a sex addict not a prophet. God simply allows the religious to cloth their own will in supernatural garb of the occult.
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Reply Sun 17 May, 2015 10:26 am
They call midnight the witching hour but it is nothing compared to Sundays which are the day of the occult in America. Currently many are setting down to Sunday morning services where a preacher or prophet will tell them what the imaginary will of an imaginary God is. Dictionary.com tells us that belief in a supernatural power is defined as belief in the occult. If the preacher stood up and told his congregation that they were there to learn occult teachings half of them would walk out but just because he doesn't tell them doesn't change the fact that they are indeed learning occult teachings.

When you open the door to the supernatural you have allowed for the possibility of all sorts of evil. When Ron Lafferty began receiving revelations from God he carefully wrote them down. The revelations revealed Ron Lafferty's God was a vengeful God out to settle the score for the wrong done to Ron just as Joseph Smith's God had been a lustful God responsible for Joseph Smith's unlimited lust.

For those of us who have not heard God speak before this may prove educational: _________________________________________________________________

"Thu Saith the lord unto my servant the Prophet. It is my will and commandment that ye remove the following individuals in order that My word might go forward. For they truly have become obstacles in My path and I will not allow My work to be stopped. First thy brother's wife Brenda and her baby, then Chloe Low, then Richard Stowe. And it is my will that they be removed in rapid succession and that an example be made of them in order that others might see the fare of those who fight against the true Saints of God. And it is my will that this be taken care of as soon as possible and I will prepare a way for my instrument to be delivered and instructions be given unto My servant Todd. And it is my will that he show great care in his duties for I have raised him up and prepared him for this important work and he is not like unto My servant Porter Rockwell[?] And great blessings awaits him if he will do My Will, for I am the Lord thy God and have control over all things, Be still and know I am with thee, Even so Amen.

God impersonating the Godfather issuing a hit list.


Todd was hitchhiker that God(Ron) had planned to dupe into doing the killings but he stole every in sight and disappeared before the revelation was revealed. Porter Rockwell was a member of Joseph Smith secret police who tried to kill the governor of Missouri Joseph Smith sworn enemy. He was known as the Destroying Angel a Mormon hero.

Ron (God) blamed his brothers wife and others for destroying his marriage. It was nice of God to take a personal interest in Ron Lafferty troubles Ron's troubles became God's troubles.
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Reply Mon 18 May, 2015 08:27 am

When man gazes into the face of God he sees his own reflection and little more. Joseph Smith saw himself as "the one mighty and strong" Smith believed he was here on earth to establish the one true church or did he? Smith had a long history as a conman and he was convicted. It is likely that the Mormon Church was simply a more elaborate con. Once you are convicted conman it is harder to continue conning people but Smith knew there is one area that no one would suspect a con and that is religion. No matter how outlandish the claims religion is protected from criticization. No one can be critical of religion it has a counterfeit legitimacy. Whatever claims are simply made by proxy for God and who can criticize God. Many believe that God will strike you down with a bolt of lightning if you dare criticize him or his church and reality is never as powerful as belief.

If I was a conman I know what profession I would chose. When your claims are all based in make believe it is impossible to separate the con from the rest of the garbage. Many a conman has become fabulously wealthy on the altar of God. The likelihood of being arrested and convicted is close to zero. The same con worked without being under the umbrella of religion would bring swift prosecution.

Did Joseph believe his own con? Not very likely. Joseph Smith did believe that he was "the one mighty and strong." He believed he was superior in every way to his followers and as such claimed the rights of a predator. As Joseph and his accomplices wrote down his revelation on plural marriage it is obvious that Joseph is out to justify his adulterous behavior with young females. Joseph does not for a minute believe his wife will buy it. Why? If it were the word of God surely she would willing submit but she did not. She called Joseph a liar because she above all others knew him. She had been in on the con from the very start and she knew it was a con.
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Reply Tue 19 May, 2015 04:57 am

Ron Lafferty first revelation about eliminating the obstacles in God's path designated Todd, a hitchhiker, as the hitman but after he absconded with all the property he could carry off Ron needed another hit man. It seems like God would have seen this coming but he evidently did not. No problem Ron has another revelation this one tells him that he is the mouth but his brother Dan is the arm of God. Ron will handle the revelations and Dan will do the killings. After the killings Dan committed suicide in jail, Dan was Ron's younger brother that always looked up to Ron.

"Thus saith the Lord unto my servant Dan... Thou art like unto Nephi of old for never since the beginning of time have I had a more obedient son. And for this I will greatly bless thee and multiply thy seed for have I not said if ye do what I say I am bound[?] Continue in My word for I have great responsibility and great blessings in store for thee. That is all for now. Even so Amen.

Ron's revelation.

There are many ways to motivate a hitman, money, telling your boyfriend that your husband is beating you or molesting your children but one of the best is to tell you that your are on a mission for God. You have been chosen to help God himself accomplish his mission on earth. If you were a true believer God is making you an offer you can't simply refuse. Ron believed he was the mouth of God but Joseph Smith believed he was the penis of God here to replenish the earth.

I seriously doubt the book of Mormon was Joseph Smith's first work of fiction I suspect that Joseph Smith as a child noticed that he could spin tales of fiction that other children believed without question. The book of Mormon is not likely his first written work of fiction. Just as Ron revelations were self-serving so were Joseph's. I wonder of all the dirty little secrets held by the Mormon church do they have an earlier work of fiction written by Smith and if they do does the first work show common threads to his later work. I believe it more than likely that it still exists but I also believe if were revealed to the faithful it would not change a thing. In death people are amplified the bad are worse and the good, they become Saints. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder but reality is created by the user it is truly "partly truth and partly fiction."
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Reply Wed 20 May, 2015 08:57 pm

I was once told by a policeman that there were really only three motives for: murder: money, revenge or jealousy. I think that was probably true for the murders he investigated. I think you would have to add a few more to his list. Serial killers don't kill for money, revenge or jealousy they just want to have fun but they are virtually unknown in this area. Religion has been a motive for killing throughout time the Mormons and the Gentiles spilled a lot of blood on American soil over religious differences and the difference was religion. Gentile is the Mormon's name for other Christians. They very obviously can't be Christians since the Mormons are the only true church.

Dan Lafferty prophecy was correct in one respect he was the mouth of God because when it came time to do the killings he couldn't but his brother had no problem using a sharp knife he nearly cut the 18 month olds head off only a little skin and tendon kept the child head from being completely severed. When he recounted picking the baby up to kill it he thought the baby thought it was his father because they both had beards. Dan asked his brother why the could hey just shoot them and Ron explained they had to be killed by religious ritual of blood atonement. "Give me that old time religion it was good enough...."

When you open the door of the occult (all belief in a supernatural power is defined as the occult) and gaze into it you never know what is gazing back at you.

Belief in religion gave Ron the power over his younger brother.
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Reply Thu 21 May, 2015 05:28 am

There is at least one other cause for murder it is called externalization of guilt. People who are religious are extremely good at externalizing. Most major religion already teach that people are basically bad and externalize the good into Jesus or some other supernatural superhero. People need to be "saved" from themselves. Have you ever been asked if you have been "saved?" Did you ever really believe that you needed to be "saved" by a supernatural superhero? Many Americans can answer yes to that question. That is probably the most popular form of externalization in America today but there is another far darker side.

The externalization of responsibility is far worse than the externalization of good. The externalization of responsibility allows one to focus anger onto others and fail to take responsibility for one's own actions. Ron Lafferty's wife divorced him and took his children to Florida. Ron externalized his responsibility and blamed his sister in law and others on his hit list for his wife divorcing him. Ron failed to see that his adoption of an extreme Fundamental Mormonism substantially changed their marriage contract. Telling his wife that God has decreed that it is his duty to marry several other women is not likely to be accepted by many women in American even those who are mainstream Mormons. Ron failed to take responsibility for his actions. He could have renounced the more extreme religion and kept his wife and children but how can you fail to do the will of God?

Religion in Ron's case was the mean's of murder not the motive for murder by externalizing his responsibility he could take his seething anger out on others. We are not "leaves in the wind" as the song says our actions have consequences. Manipulating others to kill for you is common. The woman tells her boyfriend that her husband is beating her and her children, even though he is not, is enough to manipulating him into killing her husband. In this case Ron used religion and revelations to manipulate his brother into physically doing the killings but the law left no doubt that Ron was the was the proximate cause of the murders his brother Dan was just the weapon. Some murders use a gun as a murder weapon Ron used his brother. When you fail to take personal responsibility it takes you to alternate way of thinking where you are never responsible for your own actions. But every form of "refuge has its price" the price is losing control of your life. If you are never responsible for the consequences you can never alter your future you become just "a leaf in the wind." Religion is a thief it robs you of your very essence and starts a lifetime of bad mental habits that many never escape.
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2015 05:34 am

An example of religious killings would be the Mormon massacre of a wagon train from Arkansas. Called the Mountain Meadows Massacre the took place in September 11, 1857. The orders to slaughter the gentiles came from the highest level of the Mormon Church. The plot was to use some Paiute Indians in the attack and dress the Mormons involved as Indians with war paint. The Arkansasins repulesed the first attack killing two of the Indians chiefs and a brave along with a few Mormons. The Mormons had convinced the Indians that the attack would be piece of cake when reality set in most of the Indians left. The Mormons knew they would need a new strategy as a direct assault would not work.

After reinforcements were sent the Mormons dressed in regular clothes then approached the wagon train and convinced them that they would escort them past the Indians if they would give up their guns. The Arkansasians gave up their guns. The wounded and the small children were put in a wagon, followed the women and older children walking. The Mormons placed a man with each man from Arkansas. At a point the commanding Mormon stopped the procession and said, "Do your duty." The Mormons shot each man in the head and killed all the women and most of the children. The Mormons ambushed the Wagon train but even give the advantage of surprise could not prevail. Brigham Young once said the Mormons had the best liars in the nation.

This is typical of religious group dynamics where an in group and an out group dynamics are set up. Those in the in group are considered as people worthy of good treatment those that do not belong to the in group can be treated far differently it lets people override their basic inborn human morality. The gifts that religions gives often come drenched in the blood of the innocent.
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Reply Sun 24 May, 2015 06:25 am

When US authorities located the surviving small children of the Mountain Meadows Massacre they returned them to their relatives in Arkansas. The Mormons that had taken the small children after the massacre actually asked to be compensated for the children room and board. This may be the first time in history that kidnappers had the audacity to expect to be compensated for the keep of their victims.

The Mountain Meadows Massacre resulted in over 150 killings included in that number were a few apostate Mormons trying to escape the cult. That type of massacre of Americans killing Americans was unknown at the time. This was a religious movement that from the very top of the organization sanctioned the slaughter of men, women, and children. Nothing like this would be seen on American soil until the religious sanctioned killings of 9/11. When you believe in a supernatural Superhero you open the door to the occult, to higher power and when that higher commands you to kill your fellow man you do not question the wisdom of the higher power and you never allow for the possibility that the higher power is just your imagination.

There was a movie made about the Mountain Meadows Massacre and it was released during Mitt Romney unsuccessful presidential campaign. Romney was absolutely livid at the timing of the release of a movie based on a true story of a religiously inspired massacre by his religious cult. However there wasn't anything he could do but sit around and stew about it in his magic underwear. The movie was mild compared to the savagery of the reality of a religious cult in action. The commercial with eggs frying in a frying pan stated this was your brain on drugs the Mountain Meadows Massacre was your mind on religion. The bible is nothing but a justification for killings and massacres it is an excuse lose the savage that still lingers even in the best of men.
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Reply Mon 25 May, 2015 09:04 am

It is certainly hard to resolve the two faces of religion, the public face of religion is peace and love and the reality of a religiously inspired orgy of murder. Even the most demented serial killer could not do what the Mormon Religious cult did at the Mountain Meadows Massacre. The face of religion to me will always be a crowd of ignorant superstitious peasants burning helpless old ladies at the stake. But the reality is often very different religion is about power and control and there are people that are looking to be controlled. It is hard to believe that a group of Americans under the influence of religion would slaughter 150 of their fellow Americans and steal their belongings. Can you imagine how drunk on religion these people must have been to shoot six year old children in the head. It takes a special kind of monster to kill children or someone under the influence of religion. Remember the orders to kill came from the very top of the Mormon religious cult. Many of the men that carried out the slaughter were trained Mormon military militia.

Except for a few religious extremist religion in America is going through a mild era but it is coiled like a snake ready to strike out at members of the out group. The will of one man morphs into the will God and when God speaks through any man the character of that man determines what the will of God actually is. If you are a Joseph Smith follower the will of God is to molest as many 14 year old girls as possible in your lifetime and that is still going on in America with the full knowledge and consent of law enforcement but only in the portion of the country where religion says it is God's will. If you are follower Brigham Young you believe it is God's will to slaughter six year old children like cattle. If religion had any value at all these things would not take place. You don't have to be born psychopath all you need do is to turn control of your life over to a religious psychopath and he will tell you what God's will is. If he is a Jim Jones and he tells you to slaughter your children you will do so because it is God's will.
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Reply Tue 26 May, 2015 07:56 pm
The Mormons constituted an in group and all others were gentiles, the out group. The sad fact of the matter in group dynamics killing members of the out group is sanctioned by the in group. The worst of slaughter of an out group by in group was in Germany were 6 million Jews (out group) were slaughtered by the Christians (in group). These were people divided by belief in different supernatural traditions. The very idea that if you followed a different religion it was grounds enough to get you and your family sent to the gas chamber.

In group out group dynamics were an evolution development that was necessary for the survival of species. Groups could easily kill and take the food and territory of individuals. In order to survive early man formed tribes. The earliest tribes were family groups but soon evolved into larger tribes. Organization based on tribes was universal the tribes in modern America are more sophisticated like the Mafia, the Crypts and the Bloods but religious organizations are also tribal like organizations. The original evolutionary purpose of tribes was the protection of life and territory but religious groups use tribal organization for different purposes. The religious take their orders from a supernatural superhero. This leaves them vulnerable to conmen and psychopaths who are attracted like a moth to a flame to power. Power to them is like killing to serial killer. The territory of a religious organization is not so much land but so many minds.

This is not to say that every person in power in a religious organization is psychopath or a conman there are many people with good intentions in religious organizations they are just misled and blinded by the supernatural. The occult has taken many people in since time began in fact the vast majority of people throughout history practiced the occult without realizing it. There are fewer religious cults in America today but they hold much more political power than in past generations with this political power they will do much more damage in future.the result will only
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Reply Wed 27 May, 2015 05:26 am

What sort of human being could participate in burning another person alive. I doubt even the worst serial killer alive today could sit and watch as the flesh litteral burned of another human being and listen to the screams of agony but there is a special type of human being who could and did burn human being alive over and over. What type of monsters roamed the earth at that at that time? No monsters just ordinary everyday people under the influence of religion. The tribal mentality of a religious organization can justify the most heinous methods of murder and torture as simply God's will.

The Mountain Meadows Massacre was nothing compared to the Christian Massacre of people that held other religious views. The Christian Church had a long standing "no tolerance policy" long before drugs were a problem. You can justify any monstrous action by pretending to hear the imaginary voice of God. There are those who truly hear voices but those voices are generated in their own head. The Son of Sam serial killer claimed that the neighbor's German shepherd command him to kill all those people. Most people would think David Berkowitz claim preposterous after all who would do what a mere dog instructed them to do but those same people go to church every week and "hear" the voice of God tell them what to do. Both Berkowitz and those in church hear what they want to hear.
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