The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 6 Mar, 2014 06:31 am
The American based multi-nationals that have a vested interest in the Ukraine are like a whose-whose of American corporations they include McDonalds, Coca-cola, Kraft Foods, Nestles, Kraft Foods, Avis Rent a Car and Philip Morris to list a few. McDonalds has already invested $83 million by 2005 and plans to invest another $4 million by this year. Don’t believe for a moment these multi-nationals are in the least bit interested in protecting the people of the Ukraine they want the United States to protect the trillions the multi-nationals have in invest minutes. What has happened in the Ukraine is that the multi-nationals used their money to grab working control of the Ukraine much like the control they have in the United States when the man they had been paying was ousted the multi-nationals quickly started beating the war drums to get the United States to protect their investment.

The ungodly greedy believed that they had taken over another country and they had but reality reared its ugly head as they realized their trillions in investment could be nationalized with the stroke of a pen. There was what was considered a jobless recovery after the Great Recession as 1.3 million jobs were lost in the American financial sector but at the same time the American based multi-nationals hired 1.3 million workers in foreign countries to do those same jobs. The American based multi-nationals do not consider themselves American corporations but citizens of the world. They believe they no longer owe the United States anything we should no longer consider their investment abroad as interests of the United States to defend.
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Reply Fri 7 Mar, 2014 06:32 am
People they construct a narrative that defines the self. This internal narrative defines who they are countries are no different there is narrative that defines the country; it defines not only who we are but what we are. The most damaging thing the commie/conservative did was change the country internal narrative. Before the commie/conservatives changed the narrative we saw ourselves as Americans, as one part of a working whole who worked toward common goals. After commie/conservatives changed the national narrative Americans were just individuals trying to maximize their individual wealth there were no common goals just individuals trying to satisfy their greed in America. No country will long endure under commie/conservative philosophy. From the birth of mankind he has learned one enduring lesson united he stands, divided he falls.
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Reply Sat 8 Mar, 2014 07:25 am
We are all familiar with the “Me’ generation but someone had to give birth to the “Me” generation. Of course it was the commie/conservative political movement that was the psychological parent of the “Me” generation. The “Me” generation accepted and implemented the commie/conservative value system. There is no “we” in “I.” After the commie/conservatives shifted the value system of country it was no longer possible for common goals to be achieved in America because everybody was expected to take care of “I” first. When 1.3 million American jobs were off shored to foreign countries by IBM and other large multi-nationals the congress gladly took millions in bribes called campaign contributions to give them tax breaks for shipping jobs to foreign countries. But don’t blame the congressmen they are only doing what commie/conservative philosophy tells them to do, just take care of number one. America ceased to exist under the commie/conservative philosophy there is only a conglomeration of “I.” America was finally destroyed by commie/conservatism.
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Reply Sun 9 Mar, 2014 07:28 am
The commie/conservatives had the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). All the conservative nut cases were on display at the convention. Lets face there are not that many nuts in any place short of a State Hospital. However I will give credit where credit is due. They tell speakers to make sure their speech is not given at a level that is over the head of their audience. Sarah Palin got it right she used the Dr Seuss book “Green Eggs and Ham.” The six year olds in the audience were overjoyed both those the chronological and mentally.

“I do not like this Uncle Sam. I do not like his healthcare scam.” Palin said. I do not like these dirty crooks or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress stills. I don’t like their crony deals. I don’t like the spying man. I do not like ‘Oh yes we can.’ I do not like this spending spree. We’re smart we know things are not free. I don’t like reporter’s smug replies when I complain about their lies. I don’t like this kind of hope. And we won’t take it nope, nope, nope.”

Sarah Palin
Of course we all know Sarah just isn’t that bright she admitted she lifted from the internet. But you have to give her credit she did lower the discourse to the level of those who attended the Conservative Political Action Conference.

The first line from the poem defines the one of the core commie/conservative positions; they hate America first and foremost. Uncle Sam has been a long and enduring symbol of America and Sarah says “I do not like Uncle Sam.” This principals underlies the commie/conservative philosophy, it is the tap root, the common thread that ties their philosophy together. Political philosophies based in hate have been successful in the past we need look no further than WWII Germany.
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Reply Mon 10 Mar, 2014 05:32 am
“I do not like Uncle Sam,” is what Sarah Palin said at the Conservative Political Action Conference. That statement accurately conveys the modern conservative position, they just don’t like America. Conservatives just don’t like America, in fact they don’t like government period. This is something they have in common with the communists who are responsible for founding the Modern Conservative Movement. Whitaker Chambers hated America so he became a communist spy but he is a conservative founding hero. He was still celebrated in the Baby Bush White House. Reagan made Chambers an official hero granting him the highest honor that can be given to an American civilian. Frank Meyer hated America so much he tried to start a communist revolution in America, when he failed he had to settle for a conservative revolution. But Sarah Palin, Whitaker Chambers, and Frank Meyer all share a common hatred for America. One thing they could all agree on though is, “I do not like Uncle Sam.”
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Reply Tue 11 Mar, 2014 05:30 am
During the baby Bush years corporate profits soared to the highest level since 1943 but the share of national income going to wages and salaries sank to the lowest level since 1929. Again and again the statistic tell the same story, commie/conservative political philosophy is extremely bad for the workingman. It will eventually destroy America by killing the middle class but after the middle class America is dead and gone the rich will get even richer.

The accepted model of the human mind is that instead of one brain that humans have three brains that can act independent of each other. A reptilian brain that handles automatic functions such as digestion and blood pressure, an emotional brain that handles fight or flight response and emotions, and rational brain that uses logic to solve problems. If everyone used their rational brain and looked at statistics using cold logic the Modern Conservative would be dead on arrival but cold logic is not what drives politics in America. But politics in American has been driven by emotional issues over the last 30 years; abortion and denial of gay rights have rallied enough voters to make a difference in many elections. Statistic are undeniable the American workingman is far worse off today than he was 30 years ago. But focus of the last 30 years is to take the rights of others away. For some reason taking away someone else’s rights always appeals to the emotional mind of many and they are so busy taking away those rights they fail to notice what is happening to their and their families economic well being.
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Reply Thu 13 Mar, 2014 05:34 am
What Rush Slimbaugh does best is to try and blame the democrats for the things the commie/conservative did. Yesterday Slimbaugh was trying to get the younger generation to believe that the lack of jobs was caused by the Democrats while in fact the Republicans gave companies huge tax cuts to relocate American manufacturing plants overseas. The jobs sent overseas can be traced. When billions were given to banks during the Great Recession they used the money to ship 1.3 million of their jobs overseas because of the republican tax breaks for shipping them out of the country. When Republicans are approached about repealing the laws that make it so profitable to ship jobs overseas they refuse to repeal it. Since the minority rules in the Senate a 60% majority is required to repeal the Republican job killer. But Rush will convince his low information voters, those whose only source of information is Rush, that it is the democrats who are at fault, the reason that some foreigner is doing their job.
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Reply Fri 14 Mar, 2014 05:32 am
Yesterday Rush Slimbaugh got on his soap box and told his audience people should not be paid for not working. Rush said that the property taxes in Chicago may have to be doubled in order to fund the Chicago pension system. Rush must own property in Chicago. Poor Rush he might have to spend a small portion of one of his many millions to pay increased property tax. Rush makes his living sitting on his fat rear end lying for a living has never done a days work in his entire life thinks everybody else should work till the day they die. Of course Rush never mentions the fact that the employees have paid into that pension system for 40 or more years. Rush just wants to cheat the employees out of their pension so his property tax can remain low. Conservative believe once a deal is made you should be able to back out of your end at any time. If you borrowed $100,000 for house you should be able to stop paying for the house and keep the house. This is what happened in Detroit where the city got the lifetime services of the employees and than cut their pensions by a 1/3 putting the Detroit retirees into poverty but maybe they can get a job lying for a living like Rush.
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Reply Sun 16 Mar, 2014 07:12 am
Why do Americans listen to the radio show of a man who thinks they should work till the day they die? Rush Slimbaugh is openly against any type of pension or social security, programs the vast majority of Americans support, why would people listen to someone who is working against their interest? Slimbaugh is able to use the public airwaves for his campaign to force people to work till the day they die and this from a man who never worked a day in his life, sitting on your rear end and lying for millions a year can not be defined as work. But Slimbaugh has used his radio show to do real damage to the concept that people are entitled to a pension and/or social security when they reach the age retirement. Slimbaugh believes that his physical and mental health will be as good the day before he dies as it is today but the reality is that the vast majority of people deteriorate both physically and mentally as they approach their final years of life. Rush will face that reality shortly but he has millions in the bank and will end up with in-home care or in the best nursing home money can buy. Long after Slimbaugh mind has deteriorated to the point he is only capable of talking nonsense he will be able to live a life of luxury even if he can’t appreciate it.

People’s point of view is strongly influenced by their station in life. From Slimbaugh point of view, he makes millions and if others don’t it is their fault either way he can rationalize his point of view. Even though the majority of the public is unaware of it the republicans openly fought social security in the Congress for twenty years after it became law much like they are fighting the Affordable Healthcare Act today. The Republican Party position was just like Slimbaugh position today workingmen should work till the day they died and only the rich should have the luxury of retirement. Before social security that is exactly what happened workingmen worked till they died or until they were so disabled they no longer could make it to work after that they were left to eat out of trash cans. The one commodity which the fortunes of the rich are made from is labor the more labor the richer the rich get. No matter what product the rich manufacture labor is a major component even natural resources require labor to recover them and some type of labor to transport them to market. They must also use labor to refine them. Like squeezing the last little bit of tooth paste out of the tube the rich want to make sure they want to squeeze the very last hour of labor out of the workforce.

For the rich to get richer they need more labor, in the eighties the rich got richer because the pool of labor almost doubled with women going to work but after they went to work the family income was less than what their fathers made as a single bread winner. Now that the vast majority of women work the only possibilities of more labor for the rich are child labor, which was at one time was legal in the United States and the labor of elderly. Each time one visits Wal-Mart one can be reminded of conservative principals at the door where an elderly person who was cheated out of their pension greets you at the door. In the eight years my wife worked at Wal-Mart at least 10 door greeters died while they were employed or shortly after they quit working. This is exactly what Rush Slimbaugh is talking about squeezing the very last hours of life out of the workforce. This is the conservative way more money for me. This is just the dawning of the brave new world world Slimbaugh envisions for the rest of us.

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Reply Tue 18 Mar, 2014 05:28 am
If you bowl you are familiar with the handicapping system that is used to equalize the bowlers ability level the progressive income tax was passed to provide partial economic handicapping system. In the past thirty years our progressive income tax system has been changed to a regressive tax where billionaires are taxed at a much lower rate than the middle class. Handicapping is something that we do for a simple game why would we not do the same for economic well being of our country. Why do we handicap bowlers? It allows bowlers of all levels and abilities to compete on a level playing field. Otherwise the outcome of the games would almost always be won by the team with the best bowlers. There would be no point in having a bowling league as the outcome would be known before the game. Even the best bowlers would get bored with winning each week let alone those who lost every week.

Now in America the commie/conservative have changed the tax system so it severely handicaps the middle class economical. rush Slimbaugh continually harps on about equal opportunity in America. The Wal-Mart heirs have $89.5 billion as much wealth as the bottom 41.5% of Americans. What did they do to deserve this vast wealth? Just an accident of birth. there was an inheritance tax that was intended to keep vast amounts of wealth to be handed down generation after generation. This was one of the most important taxes in America. The commie/conservatives eliminated it after all why should the wealthy get even more wealthy generation after generation. The commie/conservatives see nothing wrong with Wal-Mart heirs having 41.5% of America's wealth after all everybody can have 41.5% of America's wealth in the commie/conservative new math.

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Reply Wed 19 Mar, 2014 05:39 am
The cry for war with Russia is reaching a fever pitch on red neck right radio. The chicken hawks(those who chickened out of military service when it was their turn to serve) absolutely can't wait to send others to die because their pride has been wounded. Glen Beck is pushing open warfare with Russia over the recent election in Crimea agreeing to be annexed by Russia. Crimea was up until recently a part of the Soviet Union. Much like the Old South that succeeded from the union what was ponce the Soviet Union will be again part of the Soviet Union. You can tell the structure of Glen Beck personal reality is seriously flawed when he took issue with the statement from a Russian television mogul who said, "That Russia was the only country who could reduce America to a nuclear waste land." in Glen Beck personal reality he believes this is not possible. The fact that Russia could completely wipe out civilization in America has been an accepted fact for over a half century. Personality reality is created not born of facts, in your personality you can ignore any and all facts and still claim that your personal reality is valid it doesn't make it so but Beck can claim it by authority of his position. Millions of red neck right will listen and follow this idiot into starting a nuclear war where there are no winners.

There will be an army of red neck rightees beating there chest and calling for war running for election this fall. Those who would rush into war for even minor provocations appears macho to public but most often are cowards at heart. The upcoming election will be the most dangerous election in decades the chicken hawks will be out in droves. If enough chicken hawks are elected they will succeed in provoking a nuclear war for no reason.
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Reply Thu 20 Mar, 2014 05:30 am
Most of the red neck right commie/conservatives will run on a platform of going to war with Russia of the Crimea this fall. Why would anyone push for a war that the United States would surely loose and our soldiers be slaughtered? To get elected of course. War is almost always an emotional mind issue war is only logical when one has no choice but to defend one's self from an enemy invasion. Government engenders the father figure in our culture and is perceived as our protector. Someone who will go to war over even a minor slight is perceived as strong and a good protector by the emotional mind. someone who will not immediately declare that he will take the country to war is perceived as a coward. Many a man has died in fight rather than walk a way and be perceived as a coward.

The reason why Glen Beck and the red other neck right radio propagandist are pushing so hard for war with Russia now is the elections coming up in a few months. Wars and rumors of wars results in the worst type of extremists winning elections. Extremists are free to take the most extreme positions. War in most people's minds invokes the most dreadful images of the dead and the dying and not for natural causes. War is sanctioned murder and destruction. War to the red neck night is complete freedom the right to kill and be killed without sanction of law.

Scientists it now believe that there is a warrior's gene, those who are born with genetic predisposal to fight, to go to war and drag others into those wars. Electing enough people who carried this so called warrior's could determine decimate a country but those who carry the warrior's gene are often elected. In pre-WWII Germany a preponderance of those with the warrior's gene gained political power and millions died. What is often perceived as strength by voters is just a mask covering stupidity and cowardice. Going to war should never be decided by an emotional part of the mind but by cold, clear logic and it should never be the first option but the very last.

The Chicken Hawks like Glen Beck don't have the warrior's gene they avoid any possible involvement in war at any cost. The Glen Beck's of the world are the guy in the bar that instigates the fight between others just to watch the blood flow. It is easy for the emotional part of the mind to justify anything it wants it is free of the anchor of any logic but the emotional mind often determines elections.
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Reply Fri 21 Mar, 2014 05:31 am
The Union of Soviet Socialists Republics (USSR) was not officially disbanded on Dec 26, 1991 making these countries prey to the ungodly greedy who descended on them like vultures. The USSR was much like the United States, while the United States was made up of 50 states the USSR was made up of 12 countries for over half a century. The simple fact now is that an election was held and a portion of one country voted to rejoin Russia. Glen Beck and the others on the extreme right in America want America to declare war on Russia to protect the ill begotten assets of the ungodly greedy.

To those on the extreme right the United States Army purpose is to protect the assets of the Multi-Nationals conglomerates in whatever country they choose to build in. These same companies are very quick they are no longer American companies and what is in the best interests of America is not necessarily in the best interest of the Multi-National and the Multi-Nationals have clearly demonstrated that they will pursue their best interests, not America's. It is time that America stopped providing the Multi-Nationals with an army that is 10 times larger than the second biggest army in the world.

It is high time to tell the ungodly greedy who own the Multi-nationals if build your factories in America your assets will be protected, that is what you pay taxes for, but build in a foreign country and you will have to protect your own assets. The Multi-Nationals in the Crimea will no doubt be ceased by Russia or taxed out of existence but that is not the United States problem. The reason America manufacturing sector has went from 50% of our economy to just9% of our economy is that we continue to protect the assets of multi-nationals overseas. This has been a form of slow suicide for America, it was much like slashing your wrists and watching the blood leak slowly out. America needs a strong manufacturing based economy in order to maintain and pay for by far the most massive military on the planet. It may not have been in the multi-nationals best interest after all to move to other countries to beat the taxes in America in the long run. Without a manufacturing based economy America can only maintain that massive army on credit and higher taxes on the middle class. America has to face the fact that a superpower days are numbered the multi-nationals have their own interests to pursue.
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Reply Sun 23 Mar, 2014 06:48 am
The recent Iraq and Afghanistan wars will end up costing the United States $7 trillion. This was by far the biggest corporate feeding frenzy in history. In today’ dollars World War One cost America only $253 billion while WWII cost America $4.1 trillion. The multi-nationals have grown fat on $7 trillion spent on the recent Iraq and Afghanistan wars. When $7 trillion disappears from the Multi-Nationals income they will be looking to find away to start another couple of wars to keep their incomes stream steady.

The $4.1 trillion WWII debt was responsible for causing the national debt that would have been paid off in 1991 if Ronald Reagan had not been elected and tripled the debt while he was in office. The $7 trillion Iraq/Afghanistan war debt will take another two generations to pay off. If the commie/conservatives, like Glen Beck, can goad the public into another major war with Russia they will succeed in squandering the remaining American treasure on yet another war that can never be won.

When I was a teenager two shoppers at a local shopping center arrived at the same parking place at the same time. There were hundreds of vacant parking places in the shopping center but both wanted this particular parking place. They got out of their cars and a fight ensued. They had decided to fight to the death over this particular parking place, this small piece of territory. One combatant finally shot and killed the other combatant over that parking place. He had finally won the right to park in that parking place but it was short lived as he was arrested and taken to jail for murder. A knee jerk reaction to be sure, his emotional mind had made parking place worth their lives. Glen Beck and the other knee jerk commie/conservatives are just like the combatants over the parking place they are willing to die; well at least they are willing for others to die in their place. Beck and the conservatives are far more dangerous than the combatants over the parking place because they are willing to risk the lives of their children, grandchildren and everyone else’s over a small piece of territory. The Crimea is just a small piece of territory that has changed hands and governments many times throughout history the boundaries of countries in Europe have been drawn and redrawn and will probably change hands and governments many times in the future just like the parking place.

The man that killed the other man over a parking place at the Eastern Heights Shopping Center had a lifetime to regret it but after a nuclear conformation with Russia a lifetime of regret will be luxury that those who follow Beck and the commie/conservatives will not have.
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Reply Mon 24 Mar, 2014 06:33 am
Do Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck and Sean Hannity have the warrior gene? These red neck right radio hosts are always saber rattling and trying to get the United States involved in the next big war but when their opportunity to get personally involved in a war came they avoided like the plague. Baby Bush signed the coward's pledge to get out of going to Vietnam. Bush signed a document stating that he would not go overseas to defend America. Yet Bush plunged America into the longest and most expensive wars in history. If Rush Slimbaugh, Baby Bush, Dick Cheney and other commie/conservatives indeed had the warrior gene they would have jumped at their chance to go to war and kill people but each did everything in their power to avoid military service. They must have a new mutation of the warrior gene of the chicken hawk variety. The chicken hawk mutations allows them to do everything in their power to instigate wars all over the world but remain safely behind their microphones.

The solution for the chicken hawk gene mutation is to tell people like Glen Beck if they feel so strongly about going to war with Russia over the Crimea and since you have done so much to get a war started, you will be given the great honor of carrying the flag and leading the charge into Russia. Glen Beck would be so gone the FBI couldn't find him.
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Reply Tue 25 Mar, 2014 06:55 am
Both baby Bush and Dick Cheney are Chicken Hawks. Cheney got five separate deferments from the Vietnam War draft four were student deferments and one was for being a father. While Cheney did everything in his power to keep his ass from going to war he was one of the key people pushing for a war with Iraq. Cheney had been CEO of a major defense contractor when he took the nomination for vice-President. Cheney had in effect almost bankrupted Halliburton by acquiring a subsidiary who had billion in asbestos liabilities. Halliburton made $39.5 billion in profits on the Iraq war, mostly on "no bid contracts," enough to make Halliburton profitable again. You have to contrast all those killed in Iraq, all those you see everyday with no arms and legs with Halliburton's the $39.5. In Cheney's mind he uses conservative math and any amount of dead and mangled young Americans are acceptable as long as a good profit is made.

If Dick Cheney had been denied his deferments and had to go to Vietnam and came back from Vietnam in a wheelchair with his legs blown off it could have changed the course of American history. Cheney mindset would have been forever altered and he would have not been as likely to rise to a position of power. In the conservative mind set it is all about how you come out ahead if people have to die to make a big profit so be it. In Cheney mind those who died in Iraq were just stepping stones, a means to an end, after all they weren't real people, they didn't go to Yale like he did.

Baby Bush got his deferment for cheerleading at Yale. Bush was a cheerleader in both high school and college. He even appeared in his high school yearbook in wig and skirt. He was even thrown out of a basketball game for getting mad at the referee. Once his deferment for cheerleading was up he was eligible for the draft. He joined the National Guard a refuge for the rick kids and later signed "the coward's pledge." When Bush was asked why he signed the coward's pledge he responded, "they told me to."
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Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2014 05:37 am
The next election may be the most important election in American history, the American people will determine how many commie/conservatives who want to rush into a war with Russia are elected. If a majority of commie/conservative chicken hawks get elected in the fall election they maybe able to rush America into a war over the Crimea. This might not be the most important election but the last election ever held in America before it becomes a nuclear waste ground. Could it happen? Asked the Japanese.

I worked construction when I was going to college. We were in the process of building a subdivision. To reach this subdivision you had to go through a one lane viaduct. If two cars coming from opposite directions started through the viaduct at the same time someone had to back out. A coworker named Leo, who was somewhat lazy found himself face to face with an oncoming car in that viaduct. He refused to back up as did the other driver. After the standoff went on for 10 minutes or so the other driver got out and came after him with a knife. Leo decided to back up after all. At this point he may have remembered the man that was killed over a parking place and decided it wasn't worth it. His macho image was somewhat damaged but unlike the guy who died over a parking place he lived to tell the story. If Beck gets his way and America goes to war over the Crimea no one in America will live to tell the story
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Reply Fri 28 Mar, 2014 05:36 am
The local red neck right radio host did manage to get his ratings up by using by ragging on me Wednesday. I understand he doubled his audience, it went from the five people who usually listen up to 10 anytime you can double your ratings you know you have hit on something. As a former union president I am well known in the community and according to him when he began to trash me and demand that I be fired and he spelled it out to make sure he had the right word face book began to light up. Of course I was working and not listening, he is on between 6 AM and 9 Am. I was told about the show later in the day. But as luck would have it he posted the interview on his web page so I did get to listen to it that evening.

If ignorance is bliss this guy is one of the happiest guys on earth. The interview on the Tom Roten web page is entitled David vs. Goliath. Roten is interview an immature child know as Tom Bender with his NRA hat on. Bender at the ripe old age of 20 and a recent high school graduate is running for the state legislature in the May election of course he is an unknown commie/conservative who desperately needs name recognition and this publicity stunt will help get him some name recognition.
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Reply Sun 30 Mar, 2014 07:29 am
Where do local red neck right radio hosts come from? Not from Harvard or Yale to be sure. Most of these hosts were one time jocks who did play by play basket ball or football games on radio. You know the type, they fill the air time with,"he's got the ball, he runs down the court, he shoots he misses." The skill these guys have is that they can fill plenty of blank air time. Rush Slimebaugh and many others prominent radio hosts got their start in radio that way. These guys for the most part couldn't pool their IQ scores and make it to thee figures. But many people listen, like a bad train wreck looking for a place to happen, you know it will happen just not when. On the local talk radio station the Tom Roten show is the warm up act for Glen Beck, Rush Slimebaugh, and Sean Hannity. He is from somewhere in the outback of WV so he scores much further up on the ignorance scale than even Slimebaugh.

I was unaware of Roten trashing me till one of the employees at the parking garage bought it to my attention after 12:00 PM that day. I listen to his show while I am driving from the parking garage to the Police Station and that is usually during the top of the hour news broadcast. But I was able to locate the interview the next day on his shows web page. After listening to him refer to it by the name he gave it I located it on his web page. I would have never presumed that I would be referenced to in a story entitled "David and Goliath" complete with bible quote. After listening to the pod cast I will say what I had heard was no exaggeration. According to Bender When we talked I told him "I was going to rip his house down," bare handed no doubt. Bender a 2012 high school graduate and it seems recently ventured into the real estate market at a point where wise men fail to tread and only fools venture. The house in question was already in the condemnation process the roof was obviously structurally unsound the floors sloped so badly that standing up was difficult. After Bender related his story, Roten exploded into a rant worse than any I have heard on his show. Roten's worst nightmare was taking place right here in the river city. Evil government was lose and running amuck. Roten had interviewed Bender the previous Thursday because he was running for the state legislature. In the interview Bender related that he had recently bought a house in Huntington. Bender is a candidate in the republican primary. I placed a stop order on Bender home a few hours after the first interview. Roten was sure people at city hall heard the interview and immediately dispatched the Huntington Police Department Code Enforcement Unit to find violations on Bender's property.

Roten is good at one thing, jumping to unfounded and ridiculous conclusions. To start Bender never gave an address for the house he was buying, which is no doubt a rent to own agreement. According to Roten I either took action on my own or was dispatched from city hall. He is correct in that the building inspector did send me, not because a republican lived there but that the property was sliding over the hill and is likely to involve the city in a law suit. The house had been unoccupied for a long period of time and a fast effort to doll the property up and occupy it would increase any judgment against the city by 10s of thousands of dollars. The house was already in the process of being condemned. People who grew up in the neighborhood said it was a remodeled chicken coop.

When I stopped at the address I talked to a contractor who was patching some holes in the walls, he identified the owner as Darrel Black, not Bender. When Bender called about the stop order he was told he needed a permit and that he might not want to waste more money on the old chicken coop as it might be condemned. Bender quickly informed me the city could not condemn his property. I explained the city did indeed have that right at which point he said we would hear from his attorney. I told him we heard from lawyers every day.

We often try to discourage ignorant people from wasting money on property that is obviously not worth fixing. The whole hillside where this property is located is sliding and has been for several years. Once a large hill begins to slide the fixes cost 100s of thousands of dollars and it is not economically feasible to repair and even after repairs the slide often continues. I hate to watch anybody waste their money even a republican.
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Reply Mon 31 Mar, 2014 05:35 am
One thing we know for sure is that the wind beneath Roten's wings is ignorance. The trouble is that the most ignorant among us can use red neck right radio to help elect the most extreme element. Roten is one of hundreds of local red neck right radio hosts across America. They have done a vast amount of damage to the to the middle class in the 30 yeas since Reagan eliminated the Fairness Doctrine, which required that both sides of a political argument be aired.

After the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated hundreds of these so called talk radio shows sprang up the hosts were typically former jocks who did play by play broadcasts for the radio. Most are blissfully ignorant of even simplest elements of political philosophy or political history but this doesn't stop them from posing as an expert on their radio show.

Bender played Roten like a cheap violin. Roten raised gullibility to new heights and told his audience that Bender's story was the gospel truth without having any idea whether was or not. Why because it fit the narrative of his show, big government abusing its citizens.
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