The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 8 Feb, 2014 07:50 am
"The fault dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves."

William Shakespeare

Likewise the fate of country is not determined by favorable stars but by the political philosophy it adopts. When a country adopts a political philosophy of every man for himself it can't help but fail. Rush Slimbaugh is always pointing out that since Obama has been in office 5 years conditions have not appreciable changed in America and he is right but Slimbaugh always gets upset when people point out that the changes in America took place 30 years ago and became worse under baby Bush term. The problem is that country's political philosophy is like a massive freight train barreling down a mountain it is not easily changed or diverted. The key changes in the country's laws that bought conservatism to power 30 years ago remain as much in place as they did 30 years ago. The laws gave massive tax cuts to companies who offshore American jobs a 130,000 at time, are still in place. Every time the liberals try to repeal the law that cuts jobs in America and makes those who lost those jobs pay for it with their tax dollars the commie/conservatives put a stop to it and collect big political donation from businesses for doing it. Currently the congress requires a super majority to accomplish anything. So as long as the commie/conservatives can maintain a minority in congress they can block any and all reforms and conservatism continues to come down the track destroying everything in its path.

When Slimbaugh can point to the fact that income tax on the ungodly has been raised back to 70% as it had been that much or more in the 40 years that preceded Reagan than Slimbaugh could say see the income tax was changed back to the liberal system and the ungodly now pay 70% in income tax instead of 15% but it hasn't changed and the Reagan tax cuts remain substantially in effect. If the rules of the game don't change it doesn't matter who is in office. A referee of a basketball game can only enforce the rules that are in the book not the rules he wishes were in the book.

The core laws of conservatism put in effect by Reagan remain in effect today the commie/conservatives have been fond of publicly bragging that they made America a center right country but they never take credit for vast amount of economic damage caused by shifting the "center" to the right. The last thirty years in America has been like being in a game where the dice are loaded and with every throw they show the ungodly greedy win each time. It doesn't matter who throws the dice the dice will always favor the ungodly greedy until the dice are replaced. Things will never change just by replacing the guy rolling the dice. When Rush Slimbaugh starts in his callers should ask if the ungodly greedy are now paying 70% tax again or are they still paying 15%? Tell Rush when the ungodly greedy start paying 70% taxes again for a few years we will see how America is doing but Rush won't want to talk about this because he knows what really damaged America but it didn't damage Rush income and that is all that is important after all it is everyman for himself.
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Reply Sun 9 Feb, 2014 09:31 am
The shift to the right began with Reagan but each new mutation becomes more extreme. Gingrich called his extreme legislative program a "Contract with America" it was actually a contract on the middle class taken out by the extreme right and the ungodly greedy. The Contract on America was designed to privatize social security and put it on the table where the banking thieves could steal it. The rich deeply resent the fact that social security is collected and protected by the government. If social security was privatized large service fees could be collected on social security and poor would pay as much of a service charge for buying a stock as a multi-billionaire. The Wall-Mart employees would subsidize the billionaires. The swindles would multiply like flies where investors are sold junk stock by investment banks that are designed to fail as Goldman Sachs was recently convicted of.

Next the Contract on America would eliminate Medicare that this generation has paid into for 40 years and replace with a voucher. Had this have happened medical cost for seniors would have gone through the roof. Medicare now controls the cost of medical care for seniors often cutting the cost by 75% or more of the typical charge. If a doctor wants to take advantage of the large number of seniors he is required to treat them for what Medicare will allow. Medicare pays only 80% of the charge for medical care and seniors need a supplemental health insurance policy to pay the 20% Medicare doesn't pay. But the supplemental policies don't have to pay 20% of the customary charge but 20% of the mandated medical charge allowed by Medicare. In other words if a doctor's customary charge is a $120 for a mammogram Medicare may set the reimbursement at $32. The supplement policy does not pay 20% of $120 which would be $24 but 20% of $32 which would be $6.40. The private supplemental policy saves 80% because of the price Medicare sets. But supplemental policies are extremely expensive up to $600 a month for a couple to pay for only 20% deductible of Medicare allowed charge.

If Gingrich and the commie/conservatives had been successful and eliminated Medicare and replaced it with a voucher plan the first thing would be most seniors would not be able to get insurance at any cost because of pre existing conditions. Few people reach the age of Medicare without some pre existing medical problems.Health insurance companies are not in business to provide health care but to make a big profit on the sick for their rich owners. Gingrich's vouchers had passed they would pay less than 25% of the cost of medical insurance for seniors. This of course would have made the rich far richer, every move the right makes, makes the rich richer.

Baby Bush moved the country even further right with several rounds of massive tax cuts for the rich and implementing the Project for a New American Century goals of taking over the Middle East. Baby Bush eliminated the time honored inheritance tax and that made the rich far richer. Bush cut the income tax on billionaires to 15% far lower than the middle class and launched a new attack on social security telling the gullible that trillions in US Treasury Bonds were just worthless paper at the same time they were being sold as the safest investment in the world.

Next came the Pee Party founded and paid for by some of the richest people on the planet it was marketed as a grass roots movement. Its main objective is to further lower the taxes on the ungodly greedy. The Pee Party is the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people. Grass roots movement are never funded by billionaires and their objective has never been to lower the taxes on billionaires. The Pee Party fully intends to finish the agenda of the right and destroy the middle class by eliminating social security and Medicare. Rush Slimbaugh objective is to make sure every human being alive today work till the day he dies and when Rush Slimbaugh speaks the Pee Party obeys after all Slimbaugh needs another Lear Jet.
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Reply Mon 10 Feb, 2014 06:33 am
Another government redistribution of wealth is war. The Revolutionary War created some of the first fortunes in America when somebody dies the rich make a huge profit on their death, always have and always will. During the Iraq and Afghanistan $4.4 trillion dollars changed hands according to the Eisenhower Study Group. The official line from the baby Bush administration was that the Iraq War would cost between$50 and $60 billion but when Baby Bush's top economic advisor, Lawrence Lindsey publicly stated that the Iraq war would cost between $100 and $200 billion Bush fired him. As hundreds of thousands of men, women and children died America's treasure was being allocated to the Bush family friends and political contributors.

Wars that are paid for are shorter than wars that are fought on credit. The rich weapon manufactures and other suppliers who are getting windfall profits during any war must offset their profits with higher taxes if the war is paid for but if the war is fought on credit there is no downside for the rich. The commie/conservatives are now worried about the "deficit' but they were not worried about the deficit while they were crying for war.
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Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2014 06:32 am
Rush Slimbaugh spent a lot time on his show telling his audience that public and private sector employees should be cheated out of their pensions. It seems Rush doesn't believe anyone should be paid for not working also cheating people out of money that they put into their pensions is fair if you believe in conservatism. Anyone that is politically strong enough to take anyone's else share is entitled to it. That is the way of the brave new conservative world, you are either predator or prey, there is no middle ground. Of course Rush sees nothing wrong with deferred compensation for CEOs and other executives after all they are entitled to it. Rush simply believes people should 'work" till the day they die but then work for Rush is sitting on his butt lying for a living. When you have sat on your butt and lied all your life you have no concept of what real physical work is like. The vocal cords continue to work long after the joints and muscles no longer function as they once did.

One of the first things the commie/conservatives did was raise the age one could get their social security. Reagan did not raise the age that one could get their social security at the time he was in office when those who would be cheated out of their social security could be shown on television. Instead the change was put off on the next generation. The change in the age you qualified for social security did not effect those who were 46 and older in 1983 but was phased in over 24 years so that now many of those working will have to work to 67. You can still retire early at 62 but spousal benefits will be cut by 65%. Conservatives always take from the poor to give to the rich.
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Reply Sat 15 Feb, 2014 09:28 am
Reagan is likely be viewed much differently by different generations. What Reagan and the commie/conservatives were able to do successfully was separate cause and effect. Usually a change in a law becomes effective immediately or in the near future but not so with the changes to the social security law. Reagan passed changes in the social security retirement age in 1983 that would not take effect until almost 2 decades in the future and then they would be phased in a month at a time. If retirement age was going to be raised why not raise it immediately? After all if it was good for the next generation why was it not good for the current generation at the time? Very simply Reagan would have never been reelected in 1984. If those nearing retirement had been told they had to work for two more years they would have revolted and the conservative revolution would have been over almost before it began. There has to be a link between cause and effect in politics and if you can separate cause and effect you can pass extremely unpopular laws without fear of retaliation at the ballot box.

Those nearing retirement age who had joints replaced and other medical problems would have been extremely upset and retaliated at the ballot box but by putting the changes in retirement age 19 years in future and then making the changes gradual separated not only cause in effect but eliminated the opportunity for retaliation at the ballot box for an unjust law. Those contemplating retirement in the next 20 years had nothing to worry about and those who retirement was over 20 years down the road were not worried about it yet. But the real cause for the raise in retirement age was to give the ungodly greedy a 60% tax cut. The real link between what caused the raise in social security retirement age was severed in the voters mind. After all what voter would vote for a politician, who would take 65% of a widows spousal benefits because her husband had to retiree at 62? So he could give a 60% tax cut to his ungodly greedy friends. Reagan would have been the considered the worst president in American history and he would have been unelectable.

When we look at the American worker we find that a large group enters the workforce directly from high school they do most of the physical work. Another smaller group of workers spend four years in college and do not enter the work force until they are 22. They do mostly white collar work. By 62 those who started work at 18 have worked 44 years and are ready to retire an many are no longer able to do the physical work they once did but don't have the education to hold a white collar job. When they retire early at 62 Reagan and the commie/conservatives takes away 65% of their spousal benefits. The white collar workers have only worked 38 years by the time they are 62 and are much more likely to be able to work till they are 66 at a white collar job that doesn't require physical labor by which time they will have worked the same 42 years yet their spousal social security benefits will not be cut by 65%. Social security needs to be based on years worked full time not on age. Requiring more years worked from blue collar workers in physical jobs is unfair. The standard needs to be years worked not years spent sitting on your ass lying for a living like Rush Slimbaugh.

Reagan and the commie/conservatives screwed the baby boomer generation and it is high time the baby boomers link the damage to the political philosophy of taking from the middle class to give to ungodly greedy, commie/conservatism. Reagan may be long in his grave but his commie/conservative friends are still in political power under cover of somebody daughter is getting and abortion after she was raped by the preacher and that little 12 year old slut should have to have the preacher's baby he is a real fine man. Or gay marriage or some other social theme.
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Reply Sun 16 Feb, 2014 08:44 am
Most people are familiar with at least the title of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" the book details how one of the worlds greatest super power went into decline and failed. If you knew nothing of history there would be little apparent evidence that the Roman Empire every existed. No one today would assume that Spain was once a super power but most might remember that the English Empire. History has taught that because your country is a super power today that it will continue to be in the future. In fact it has taught us the opposite that countries that are world super powers are only super powers for a relative brief time historically speaking. Can America possibly be the exception or will we fall to earth with the speed we rocketed to the top of the hill?

There is little doubt in my mind that some day in the future that an author will write a book entitled "The Decline and Fall of the American Empire" in this book the author will trace the roots of decline of America not so much to the change of a single circumstance but the real origin of the fall of every super power that fell from the beginning of time, a shift of thought, a shift of political philosophy that became reflected in the country's politics. When a country's political philosophy becomes al about enhancing the personal wealth of the few the backbone of the country is broken. One of the most basic things we learn children "team work." No basketball or football coach tells his players to go out and do what is best for themselves, to get s much personal glory for themselves as they can. Each is expected to be a team player and do what is best for the team. Coaches will tell you there players there is no "I" in team for a good reason. But in commie/conservative political philosophy there is nothing but "I" in their political philosophy. What does not work in the micro also doesn't work macro. If the pursuit of "I" doesn't work in a basketball team it is unlikely to work for a country.

The root of decline in all superpowers can always ultimately be traced to a shift in their political philosophy from seeing themselves as team to seeing themselves as a group individuals who are out from themselves alone. In America Reagan bought the commie/conservative philosophy to the forefront that America was all about "I" and nothing else. If everybody took care of "I" the country would be fine. If a basketball player took a shot every time he got the ball he would be likely to get more baskets than if he didn't but the team would suffer. There is a reason we have children play games it is to teach them life's lessons. CEOs no longer see themselves as team players but as "I" who are out for themselves. When Wall-Mart realized they could sell stuff from China and make 80% compared to 19% on American made goods they did not think of America as their team they thought only of how big their bonus would be this year. Next the Wall-mart executives set out to force American manufactures like Rubber Maid to shift their manufacturing to China or lose Wall-Mart business and there was even bigger bonuses for the Wall-Mart executives.

All one needs to know about commie/conservative value system is reflected in the changes Ronald Reagan made to the social security system where if a man retires at 62 his wife is cheated out of 65% of her spousal benefits. Social security was designed to replace only 40% of a person income if you take 65% of that 40% the widow is left with 14% of income to live on. At the same Reagan was taking the widow social security he was giving himself a 60% tax cut. Reagan taught that there may be no "I" in team but there is an "I" in America. If the basketball coach can't teach his players that they must work as a team they are just another bunch of losers. If country can't remember they are first and foremost a team and second individuals we all become losers.
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Reply Mon 17 Feb, 2014 09:11 am
From the beginning commie/conservatives have wanted smaller government and how do they intend to make government smaller? They intended to eliminate some of the most popular government programs, such as social security, unemployment, Medicare as well as Food Stamps and Aid to dependent children. The problem was since these programs are popular with voters how could they eliminate them and remain in political power? If the American people understood that the commie/conservatives wanted to eliminate social security and Medicare so even bigger tax cuts could be given to the rich they would retaliate at the ballot box. Reagan raised the social tax four times over 13% during his term in office. Making Social Security tax a major burden on the poor and middle class. The rich pay social security on only a tiny portion of their income the rich didn't oppose Reagan's four Social Security tax increases as they got 60% income tax cuts. Reagan also increased Medicare tax three times, a 38% increase in a five year period. By the end of Reagan term these two programs took 9% of the working poor and middle class income. But even after 7 tax increases in 8 years there was no wide spread public outcry to eliminate social security and Medicare. The commie/conservatives couldn't understand it social security and Medicare remained popular even after they taxed the hell out of them. All of a commie/conservatives decision are based on money and the here and now, let the future be damned but the public didn't share their opinion.

The commie/conservatives were just going to have to accept the fact that Social Security and Medicare were always going to be popular with the American public and that they were willing to pay for them. The fall back position for the commie/conservatives was the "Starve the Beast" theory, that if you spent all the Social Security and Medicare trust fund money on massive tax for the rich and increased military spending so that America spent more on defense spending than all the countries in the world combined then their would be no money left for Social Security and Medicare the "beast" that the commie/conservatives couldn't kill would be starved to "death." Reagan increased the National Debt 3 times during his term even after all the president preceding him after WWII had paid it down. Baby Bush sprung the trap and tells the American people that the social security trust fund held in US Treasury bonds is just "worthless" paper and social security will have to be privatized. US Treasury bonds are considered the safest investment in the world but baby Bush tells the American people that the Treasury Bonds held by the social security trust fund are worthless. The American people didn't buy Bush's obvious lies and Bush could not reroute trillions in social security to the thieves on Wall Street.

In the recent battles over the debt ceiling you can clearly see the "starve the beast" theory in action the commie/conservatives hope to wreck social security and Medicare each time the debt ceiling is raised. Reagan cut taxes on the rich by 60% while at the same time imposing four tax increases on social security and another three on Medicare Bush gave even much bigger tax cuts to the ungodly greedy including completely eliminating the inheritance tax, the most important tax for a balanced America but tax increases on the ungodly greedy are never an option even reimposing a small fraction of the massive tax cuts on the ungodly greedy is fought like a life and death struggle. Only when the American people realize the commie/conservatives are willing to wreck all of America to grant more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Tue 18 Feb, 2014 06:35 am
The Chicago School of Economics is responsible for a good portion of the commie/conservative political philosophy that relates to economics. The belief that economics is a moral force in our country is on level with the belief that a space ship is coming to take you away to a comet. Economics is neither moral nor fair force studies that in America a man economic position is fixed by their father's economic position for by far the vast majority. Born into poverty you are likely to stay there, born rich you are also very likely to be rich. The belief that someone born into a slum has the same opportunity as someone who is born into a family with billions is absurd.

As long as the commie/conservatives can convince the American people that someone that the other 32 cars in the Indianapolis 500 have as much a chance of winning as a car given a 499 lap head start America will continue its downhill slide. The commie/conservatives can make the most absurd statements and because someone said there will always be some who will believe they must be true because they heard them on television or radio.
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Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2014 06:33 am
The idea that if everyman pursues his own best economic interests that it will result in the best economic interest of the country is a gross and misleading over simplification of how a complex system actual works a car works by burning gasoline. While it is true that a car burns gasoline it takes many other complex and interactive factors to make the car work correctly. When a 6 year old asks how a car works telling him it works by burning gasoline may suffice but when he is 16 with his first car telling him the car works by burning gasoline will not help him know how to repair it.

When the CEO of Wall-Mart decided to start importing and relying on goods from China there is no doubt it was in his own self-interest. The profits of Wall-Mart went from 19% on American made goods to 80% on goods from China. The Wall-Mart CEO was richly rewarded but economics is much more like a child's teetertotter when Wall-Mart CEO's salary went up hundreds of thousands of American lost their jobs. Once Wall-Mart saw how much money could be made from selling Chinese goods they were not satisfied began to use economic blackmail to push American companies to close their American plants and manufacture in China. Wall-Mart was big enough that they could dictate to suppliers. The suppliers were told they would cut their price to Wall-Mart each year if the supplier didn't he was dropped by Wall-Mart. No American manufacture could afford to lose their biggest customers. In a just a few year period 5922 manufacturing plants closed in America. A few pursue their best economic interest but millions lost. In the commie/conservative philosophy losers are just collateral damage.
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Reply Thu 20 Feb, 2014 06:30 am
One of the most basic lessons we teach our children team work and cooperation are necessary in games. That lesson is a life lesson meant to prepare them for adulthood but commie/conservatism teaches rugged individualism is the course every American should take. Imagine 11 football players on a super ball team each pursuing their own best interest. Would each player pursuing his own best interest be in the best interest of the team? Would this make them the winner of the super bowl? No this "team" of rugged individuals is unlikely to ever win a game much less make it to the super bowl. Why would anybody believe that America is any different than that team? How can anybody believe what the commie/conservatives are selling? For the last three decades it is very obvious that the commie/conservative political philosophy it tearing the basic fabric of America apart.

"United we stand, divided we fall" is a truism that once defined American political philosophy but in the 8os it was replaced with the commie/conservative concept of "rugged individualism" or everyman for himself. In the 80s corporate raiders were admired, modern day pirates that used their economic wealth instead of muskets to strip others of their wealth. In the 80s modern day pirates like Cal Icahn, Boon Pickens, Kirk Kerkorian, and Sir James Goldsmith would have made Blackbeard proud. In fact if Blackbeard was alive in the 80s he would not have needed his pirate ship just a Lear Jet. The corporate raiders striped companies of their wealth. Did the corporate raiders create wealth? No they simply redistributed the wealth of a company taking from the workers who created the wealth and awarding it to themselves and other rich stockholders. Was it fair? No, there is no such thing as "fair" in the whole of the commie/conservative political philosophy there is only one gauge how much you can take. The commie/conservatives even want to take the referee (government) out of the game the fewer the rules the easier it is to strip the wealth from those without political power.
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Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2014 08:20 am
The truism about the main stream News Media is that they don't tell you what to think but they do tell you what to think about. In other words they get to pick and chose what stories are news and what stories not to cover. Of course the rightwing news media not only tells you which stories to think about but how what you should think about them. The news media can not only limit the scope of what the public sees but in effect censor the news if it so chooses. The main stream news media in America does a fairly good job of reporting world events but every so often one uncovers world changing events that were not reported or received very little attention in the media. One must never forget that even the news media is owned by major corporations which are in effect the ungodly greedy. The main stream news media has an agenda to at least maintain, if not enhance, the status quo for the ungodly greedy.

Most Americans have never left American soil so what they know of the world is second hand and is limited to what the American News media believes they should know. In December of 2010 the Arab Spring erupted across the Middle East and we got nightly stories about Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen. There were reports of major protest in Iraq, Algeria, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, and Morocco. But 2011 a major revolution took place in Israel and army of hundreds of thousands of middle class Israelis marched throughout the streets and occupied fashionable streets and Parks with tent cities that summer. The ungodly greedy Israelis need only look out the windows of their million dollar apartments to glance at and occupying army. In Israel not only was there a revolution but it was successful. But some how the American news media decided this event was not newsworthy. Why? Because the Israeli were revolting against the ungodly greedy in their country. One of the prime directives of the mainstream news media is to maintain the status quo if revolution against the ungodly greedy spread across Israel it could spread to America. If Americans knew that the Israeli revolution was successful the implications could be serious for the seriously wealthy in America.

In Israel after the revolution taxes were raised on the ungodly greedy. Surtaxes were placed on the ungodly greedy, capital gains taxes were raised, as well as taxes raised on companies. The tax burden was eased on the middle class.

You can goggle 2011 Israel Revolution but the trouble with searches is that you must first know what to search for. The Arab Spring was used as a diversion to keep Americans from knowing the Israeli revolution was taking place and how successful it was in Israel. Meanwhile in America Pee Party Republicans were standing on the house floor stating not one more penny taxes on the ungodly greedy and trying to secure even bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy in America. The pee Party Republicans need to look out their window of their million dollar apartment an see 200,000 angry Americans telling him telling him we are tired of billionaires paying taxes at half the rate the middle class does.

In the fall of 2011 I demonstrated with Occupy Wall Street movement locally this was shortly after the Israeli revolution took place and was getting results in Israel. Imagine if the nightly news was full of the news that the Israeli revolution had achieved results it would have strengthened and reinforced the resolve of "We Are the 99%movement in America. The same changes that took place in Israel could have taken place in America. It is high time that 99% of us take back America. The ungodly continually manipulate not only our political system but even the our media to blind us.
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Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2014 08:50 am
Why was the American revolution of 2011 a failure while the Israeli revolution was a success? In Israel the protestors were supported by 87% of the public in America the ungodly greedy had made a preemptive strike by founding, forming and financing the Pee Party. After the $7 trillion Wall Street bailout the ungodly greedy knew there was going to be a public backlash and if there was going to be a backlash a public backlash the ungodly greedy needed to control that backlash and focus it on the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The Pee Party served as vehicle to focus the righteous anger not on the ungodly greedy but on the government that bailed them out. The one thing that the Occupy Wall Street did not do was focus the anger to accomplish their goals; it was a fuzzy target at best. Occupy Wall Street required a super majority of 95% to set specific goals which would be impossible to achieve in any organization. The American public knew Occupy Wall Street was angry they got that but there were no specific goals or changes that the public could agree with and get behind. The Israeli revolution was better organized and had specific changes they demanded.

Is the New American Revolution dead or was that just the first skirmish? The Occupy Wall Street Movement was just the Boston Tea Party of the New American Revolution it was the spark. The name may change as other better organized movements pick up the battle flag but the Revolution will continue it may smolder for a few years but the fire will not go out. Why? Because the ungodly greedy will not stop taking more and more. The ungodly greedy will continue to use the politicians they own to steal from the middle class.

The Occupy Wall Street Movements needs to move from New York to Washington DC because the finical district may be in New York but the rules it must follow are made in Washington not New York. A million man march on Washington has been done before and it achieved dramatic results during the civil rights movements. The demands must be confined to a few specific demands to begin with. The stranglehold held by Grover Norquist no new taxes on the rich pledge must be broken. The tax law that allows the swindlers on Wall Street to pay only 15% income tax while the middle class must pay twice that must be changed and a law that requires billion dollar hedge mangers to pay at least twice the tax rate of the middle class and since deduction do nothing but generate fraud there would be no tax deductions on income over $100,000. Everyone would be required social security on every dime the make no 99.99% social security tax exemption for the rich. The social security is only paid on wages. Make all income, stocks, bonds, and capital gains subject to social security taxes.

The best way to put a drug dealer out of business is to bust his bank, take his money. The best way to keep the ungodly from corrupting the country with their vast amounts of cash is to tax the hell out of it. A million people in Washington DC in May would do a lot to strengthen the position of the candidates that are opposing the Pee Party candidates. They would realize that those who keep cutting the ungodly greedy taxes days are numbered. Up until this time presidential hopefuls like the Pee Party extremist Rand Paul can look out at the public and say “let them eat cake if they have no bread” but now he must realize his view of world is much like that of Marie Antoinette before the French Revolution.
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Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2014 06:29 am
Between 1945 and 1973 the productivity of American workers went up 96% while wages went up 94%. Workers wages stayed relative even with their increase in productivity but what happened during the commie/conservative years? Between 1973 and 2011 productivity went up another 80% but wages went up only 10% and that would have occurred before 1981 when Reagan and the commie/conservatives got control of America. This one statistic should tell the American people all they ever wanted to know about commie/conservatism not only did the commie/conservatives use the government to redistribute America wealth to the ungodly greedy via huge tax cuts but they used the government to cheat workers out of their share of production. This is typical of the Republican new math 1 for you and 8 for the commie/conservative rich.
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Reply Tue 25 Feb, 2014 06:30 am
Since the commie/conservatives got political control of America and rewrote the tax laws to favor the ungodly greedy the middle class has been cheated out of their increased productivity. This is the lottery winner mentality that underlies the commie/conservative political ideology where the desirable political outcome is a two class system with a large class of poor and a tiny group of ultra rich. How do politicians who do everything in their power to kill the middle class keep getting elected by the middle class they strive to eliminate? The art of misdirection, abortion, gay rights, and religious bigotry are used to distract the public from economic issues. The deficit is also a major issue used to distract the public, first the commie/conservative baby Bush takes a balanced budget with a surplus and spends or obligates over $7 trillion dollars on blowing up Iraq and Afghanistan and then rebuilding them. Meanwhile the infrastructure in America continues to deteriorate and is in the worst shape in 30 years. But the same commie/conservative congressmen who voted for the $7 trillion to rebuild Iraq will vote against one red cent spent to rebuild America’s deteriorating infrastructure. The deficit issue provides cover for the very politicians who caused in the first place who now claim to holier than now. The problem is that the public’s “power of forgetting is enormous.”

The commie/conservatives rode the abortion issue to victory for years but forcing the 11 year old down the street to have the preacher who molested her baby isn’t having the same impact it once did. Gay rights and gay marriage are not an issue with even young republican voters. Let’s face it the commie/ conservatives need “a new drug,” a new distraction for the 2014 election year. In Arizona they have come up with the new social distraction a law that makes discrimination against members of the public legal. Justified as religious freedom, say you went to Sears that had a Mormon manager, you could be asked what your religion was by a door greeter. If you said you were Catholic you could be told you were not welcome in the store because the manager believes Catholics were cult members. It could go the other way also with a Catholic manager refusing entrance to Mormons. Of course we know that the preferred target will be gays that in Arizona gays will not be welcome in most of the businesses owned by religious bigots and soon the religious bigots will use their power to boycott any business that serves gays. This is the old southern style bigotry made stylish again. But the primary purpose is to separate the electorate from uniting against a common enemy, the ungodly greedy in the next election. After all how can you consider your economic future and that of your children and grandchildren when you might have to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple? It seems laughable but it has been extremely effective.

Bigotry is a gold mine for the commie/conservative it never dies; it is always slumbering and can easily be reawakened.

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Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2014 06:33 am
The Republican Party has been using the same name for over a hundred years and this being the 21st century it is time to change the name of the grand old party to something more descriptive. Bigots R US is a leading contender after republican legislatures in Arizona passed a law making discrimination legal. Anyone could be refused service or employment based on whatever intolerant, bigoted backwoods religious belief. This law would empower the worst human beings on the face of the earth to spread bigotry where ever they went. America has made great strides in fighting ignorance over the last half century but religion do their best to make the worst types of ignorance immortal. To hear religious leaders tell it ignorance passes for divine knowledge and since generation of ignorant and bigoted preachers have imagined it then it must be true. The religious leaders believe god didn’t make gays the devil did. Everybody knows that everybody was created just exactly alike and only those that were tempted by a man with a tail and red suit became gay. Ignorance is certainly alive and well in Arizona.
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2014 06:30 am
The religious bigot’s bill was finally vetoed by the governor of Arizona. If the bill had passed signs would have soon been posted in Arizona restaurants and other business stating “Gays Not Served in this Establishment.” There is absolutely no difference between the arguments for segregation in the old South and the arguments for the bigot’s bill. In the 60s in Huntington many restaurants refused to serve blacks there argument was it was my business and I can pick and choose who I want to serve. As the civil rights movement swept the country the bigots made their last stand. In Huntington there was a restaurant called the White Pantry downtown. The owner was a good old southern boy, a bigots, bigots. The type that wore a pointed white hat on Saturday nights and thumped the bible Sunday morning I really don’t know which was worse. Time after time blacks went in and sat at his lunch counter and time after time he refuse to serve them. The blacks were second class citizens in the bigot mind and of course the churches had long reinforced that opinion. One of the postmen ate at the White Pantry everyday and his wife told me the bigot who owned the White Pantry never knew he was black. Her husband was light skinned but he was black.

The churches in Arizona said all they wanted was religious freedom for their members. That is all the Muslims suicide bombers want is religious freedom, the freedom to use explosives to force their religious beliefs on others. The religious right’s idea of religious freedom is that they have a god given right to force every imagined and demented idea on the rest of society. Whether it is molesting 12 year olds like father on Duck Dynasty or marrying 12 women if it is an idea cloaked in religion it is religious freedom. If you would leave the rabidly religious to their own devices they would wipe each other out.
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Reply Sun 2 Mar, 2014 09:06 am
What really caused the Great Recession of 2007-2008? Rush Slimbaugh and red neck right radio would have the public believe that it was the “evil poor” that caused the Great Recession. Now most people know that that explanation was nothing but and “evil lie” to cover the evil rich bankers butts. But we all know that changes were made to the rule book that made massive bank fraud not only possible but extremely profitable. The tap root of problem goes back to when the commie/conservatives and Ronald Reagan sized power in the early 80s. It may be hard to believe that the root cause of the Great Recession took place nearly a quarter century before it happened but when laws are changed they leave and indelible mark.
“1982---President Reagan persuades Congress to pass a law authorizing the exotic loans that will become the hallmark 2000s housing boom. The law permits loans never previously allowed: adjustable rate mortgages, or ARMs, with ballooning interest rates, 100% financing, and “negative amortization,” which permits banks to charge high interest rates and allows minimal payments, causing many people to go deeper in debt and stripping equity out of many homes.

From the book “Who Stole the American Dream”

Reagan opened Pandora’s Box for the rich Bankers allowing them to charge much higher interest rates. The balloon payment loans required huge payments after 5 years that required most to refinance at higher interest rates. The Adjustable Rate Mortgages, the ARMs were a conman’s wet dream they allowed the banker to sell a mortgage that he knew the borrower had no chance of paying when the teaser rate ended and house payment went up three times. Nothing like loans where each time the buyer made a payment he owed more money. Negative amortization meant the buyer was not even paying enough to pay all the interest and the remaining interest was added to the principal in 20 years the borrower would owe twice what he borrowed. This was the rule book handed to Presidents that succeeded Regan.

Once it became common practice that mortgages were bundled into securities the bank that originated the loans did not care whether the loans were any good. When the loans went into default some investors, like a pension funds owned the worthless securities. Hedge fund managers who checked the actual loans that were in the securities placed bets that the securities would fail and quickly made billions on their bets. The commie/conservatives had eliminated the law that stopped gambling on Wall Street put in place after the Great Depression. You can literally place a bet on just about anything on Wall Street now. When the hedge fund managers went to collect their winning from the banks the mega banks fell like dominos because the banks were leveraged 9 or 10 times and did not have a fraction of the money to pay the bad bets.

In hundred years all the damage Reagan did to America will be obvious and he will go down as the worst American President in history. All problems have a root cause and most of our problems can be traced back to Reagan.
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Reply Mon 3 Mar, 2014 06:31 am
When Reagan pushed the exotic loan bill through Congress in 1982 it was one of the biggest redistribution of wealth in American history. Six trillion dollars in wealth was transferred to the banks from the middle class. In 1985 Americans owned 70% of the housing stock by 2011 Americans owned only 40% of the housing stock. Just this one commie/conservative law was responsible for a six trillion dollar shift in wealth. Whenever the commie/conservative pass a law it is designed to shift the wealth from the middle class to the ungodly greedy. How long will it take the American people to realize that they have been conned by the commie/conservatives. This is an end game the ungodly greedy don’t want just a share of America’s wealth, they want it all and the commie/conservatives are bound and determined to make sure they get it.
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Reply Tue 4 Mar, 2014 06:32 am
When the commie/conservatives aren’t complain about the national debt they are trying to get yet another war started, this time with Russia. The commie/conservatives can’t wait to spend trillions on another war. There is nothing like lots of people being blown to pieces to make the commie/conservatives feel better. Why do the commie/conservatives want to get the United States involved in every conflict in the world? The United States has interests there. What exactly do they mean by that term, “interest there?” They men the rich have built factories and trading enterprises there and expect the United States military to fight and die to protect their holding in foreign countries. This is why the United States is so fast to send troops in anywhere the property of the ungodly greedy is threatened.

It is widely accepted that one of the causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that Rome over reached and tried to defend and control too much territory. It is hard and expensive to control and defend other countries. The multi-national companies when they embarked on building factories around the world knew that at some point that they would need a massive army to defend their interest abroad, a standing private army finance by the multinationals would be expensive and make their foreign investment unprofitable so their best bet would be to get American taxpayers to finance this army to protect the multinationals investment and the United States taxpayers pay more for that standing army than all the other countries in the world. Ten times more taxpayer money is spent on the US Military than the second largest military in the world. The threat of Uncle Sam’s big stick hangs over any country that threatens to nationalize the multi-nationals interest abroad.

The multi-nationals no longer believe that they are American companies but world based companies but they still expect and believe that US treasury and lives should be used to protect their economic interest abroad. As America lost its manufacturing base going from 50% of the economy to just 9% today the United States lost something else, the economic ability to defend the multi-nations far reaching foreign interest and this can clearly be seen in the massive economic deficits. Simply put the United States can no longer afford to provide the multi-nationals with biggest standing army in the world. When the multi-nationals are nationalized in the Ukraine the United States should stand down. But the commie/conservatives are leading the call for yet another war.
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Reply Wed 5 Mar, 2014 06:31 am
The Republicans and chicken hawks like Rush Slimbaugh are beating the drums of war loudly. They cannot wait to get America involved in yet another war. A war with Russia could be a war to end all wars with nobody left standing. For what? A revolution in the Ukraine, a chance for multi-nationals to exploit the native population. But the commie/conservatives were telling us that deficit was the most important problem but when it comes to war, for no important reason other than the commie/conservatives need a distraction for the up coming election, their attitude changes to what Cheney said before the Iraq war, "Reagan proved deficits don't matter.

Wars in America are like football games a spectator sport where one cheers the home team on but instead of people being hit they are blown to bits. War is the art of misdirection in an election year. Which ever party appears to be the biggest bully will get elected, the more pro-war the better All the chicken hawks like Rush Slimbaugh want a war any war. But when it comes to the chicken hawks actually going to war they always have an excuse not to go. Slimbaugh got out of going to Vietnam be cause he had a pimple on his but. But he has been for every war since.
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