The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 1 Apr, 2014 05:30 am
As Americans we pride ourselves on believing in freedom but each law we makes encroaches on someone's freedom and we make hundreds of laws each year. Roten was quick to defend Bender's freedom to own run down dilapidated property. but Roten lives in a neighboring city. If Roten' $300,000 home had been next door to Bender's property, Roten would have been at the the Unsafe Housing Commission meeting demanding the city condemn and tear down that eyesore.' But if Roten was told by his realtor that he would have to accept a $100,000 less for his home because of the eyesore next door Rooten would want city employees fired who did condemn and tear down Bender's house quick enough.

When it comes to tearing down houses perspective and self interest are everything. It comes down to balancing who's freedom is more important Bender's to own a substandard house or his neighbors to sell their house for what it is worth. As always it comes down to balancing one man's freedom against the others. Standards are set as to how property must be maintained if property owner can't or doesn't maintain his property to those standards his property is condemned by the Unsafe Housing Commission. The owner is giving a choice he can either repair and bring his property up to community standards or the city will tear it down and bill him for the demolition.

When people decided to live close together in cities one man's freedom was bound to infringe on another. If you live in the country on a hundred acre farm if the neighbors house is falling down it is unlikely to affect your property value but if your house is six foot from your neighbors and his roaches and mice visit your house on a regular bases your property value is impacted. Rundown houses often become refuges for drug dealers and bums. A fire next door often damages your house as well. The community as a whole decides what the community expects from property owners and government has to enforce these standards.

Roten's knee jerk reaction to any infringement of Bender's freedom is understandable at first glance but first glance is often short sighted and Roten will find out there is a lot more to the story than that first glance.
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Reply Thu 3 Apr, 2014 05:34 am
Personal freedom shrinks with each new law. The anal retentive want to control your property completely much like those who seek to control the reproductive system of women the anal want control and they are getting it. Deciding when someone rights violates someone's else's rights is a complex problem.

In Huntington a new law was passed last year that changes the presumption of guilt. Once charged you are guilty and must pay the fine, no court date. you must first pay the fine to appeal your guilt. This ordinance was passed for junk storage, among others things as grass or weeds. The ordinance states the only thing you can have on your porch is approved porch furniture. If you have something else your anal retentive neighbor can call the police department and have you fined. Once charged you have 10 days to correct the problem. If it is not corrected a fine is levied. Tom Roten stated on his show that he saw nothing at all wrong with this ordinance but the ordinance to condemn sub standard property was just wrong. Go figure. Too bad Tom doesn't live in Huntington.
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Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2014 05:31 am
At this point I have no idea how many cities have adopted the one stop citations but both major cities in WV now issue one stop citations. The one stop citations are a major step as they shift the burden of proof from the state to the defendant. Once the citation is issued the defendant is convicted of the offence without benefit of trial. The defendant can then appeal his conviction by first paying the fine. There is no longer an assumption of innocence on the defendant part it has been replaced with an assumption of guilt. Like a criminal appealing his conviction the defendant has the burden of proof. Is the process legal? So far it hasn't been overturned yet. Because the citations carries no jail time they are considered a civil action not a criminal action

If the problem still exists after the first citation is issued a second citations is issued that is double the cost of the first and the process continues every two weeks. One of the code enforcement officers had a woman in court yesterday who owed over $3,000. She sold the house rather than continue to be fined.

Many of the people who have property problems are mentally ill, referred to as hoarders. No amount of tickets, fines, or arrests cure mental illness. The people who enforce the law have come and gone but the hoarders remain basically unchanged by the system. Hoarding is a mental problem and should be handled by mental health professionals not citations. The hoarders will generally not pay the citations and they just build up. Since one stop citations carry no jail time they can not be jailed.

I actually had one guy arrested for having a continuous rummage sale, can you imagine when he got to jail and among murders and rapists when they asked him what he was in for and he replied rummage sale?
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Reply Sat 5 Apr, 2014 05:32 am
A fellow employee in the police Department told me that Tom Roten was trashing my name again on his radio show. He said they believed was using plants to call in. As was the case before I wasn't told until after Roten's show was off. I have no way of knowing whether any of the allegations made by the plants had any glimmer of truth without hearing them. But I am sure I made my share of enemies. For instances I would shut down 15 to 20 bars on the day before the Marshall home football game. At this point their licenses had been expired for over two months. Their response was immediate and a long line would form to renew their licenses. The typical license may cost as much as $1500 for a bar so it was a good day for the finance department. My job often involves me in neighborhood disputes, though not exactly the Hatfield and McCoys, many disputes cause hard feelings for decades. What is done to resolve the open conflict may not set well with one or both parties. Plus the many people I had arrested some who went to prison.

I am sure Roten could recruit at least a small lynch mob. It seems Roten will defend Bender's right to live in a house that contained a meth lab till his death and Benders, as living in a house that contained a meth lab is extremely unhealthy. Bender's house had been turned over to the Unsafe Building Commission for possible demolition because the meth had not been cleaned up or the wood in the house sealed. Roten may have a hidden agenda as I have never seen him target anyone else in the community for firing. Roten thinks he is Glen Beck but he is much more like Roger Rabbit.
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Reply Sun 6 Apr, 2014 06:58 am
Shortly after president Obama was elected he appointed Van Jones to the newly created position of "Special Advisor of Green Jobs." Jones subsequently made a remark publicly disparaging congressional Republicans. At this point Glen Beck and other conservatives mounted a "vicious smear campaign" to drive Jones from his job at the White House. Beck spent a lot of air time disparaging Jones. Beck openly claimed that Jones was communist and should be removed from his position. After a later incident where a republican was being publicly criticized, Beck boisterously defended the republican right of free speech. Beck realizing he was being a hypocrite decided to rewrite history and claimed he had nothing to do with forcing Jones resignation.

Of course I would never deny that I have spent a good deal of time publicly disparaging conservatives. This thread is the fourth in a series that details the fact that the Modern Conservative Movement was founded by communists and without the founding communists the Modern Conservative would be nothing more than a bunch of John Birchers claiming that Eisenhower was a communist. The topic "The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement" has been on the internet on one bulletin or another for 6 years or so. It started on a local board and had up to 5,000 hits a day. Other blogs now point out the fact that communist founded the Modern Conservative Movement and that the Father of the Modern Conservative Movement was a rabid communists.

Maybe the attention I am now receiving on Roten Show has more to do with what I have posted on the internet than trying to prevent Bender from living in an unabated meth house. Something tells me that Roten "doth protest too much." Like Beck, Roten is a big believer in "free speech" as long as it is his right to make sure the opposition can't speak freely. I would say that might be the problem but I am not at all sure Roten can read and if he does his head probably hurts after a few short paragraphs.

President Obama has sent a Christmas card each year since he was elected and I really don't know why since I don't make a political contributions and haven't worked in a presidential campaign since 2004. It might be because I was a former union president or that I am an opinion setter in my local community. Roten's vicious smear campaign maybe recognition from the commie/conservative right for my good works.
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Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2014 05:33 am
Roten seems to have stopped trashing me for the time being. It seems when I listening he stays on other topics. This morning Roten is upset that the Supreme Court has refused to hear the religious bigotry case from Arizona. Imagine a world where religious bigots cannot openly discriminate against any group that doesn't agree with there 2,000 year old ignorance. This generation has vivid memories of open discrimination where black people could not drink at public water fountains marked for whites. Blacks could not swim in public pools that were designated for whites only. Blacks had to ride on the back of the bus. Christians were at the forefront of driving and keeping segregation in America. Christians led the lynch mobs and went to church on Sundays to beat their chest and brag about their murderous ways after all it can all be justified by the bible in fact anything can be justified by the bible. You want to bash a child's head in with large rocks the bible has a passage justifying that. You want to own slaves the bible has several passages justify that. If you want to burn members of other religions at the stake for not believing in your brand of garbage the bible can be used to justify that. Only Hitler exceeded in murdering more innocent people than the Christians and that was only because Hitler had better technology. The Christians raised torture to an art form, never had cruelty been so exalted by authority. Now the Christians are clamoring for freedom to spread their ignorance again. Like a serial killer at costume party in a clown costume we know what they were and what they will become if given access to enough power. When Christians held power women burned slowly at the stake for their amusement. Ignorance is as ignorance does.
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Reply Thu 10 Apr, 2014 05:32 am
When your commie/conservative friends tell you how great a president Reagan was ask them one simple question why did the middle class standard of living go into decline and fall for the next 30 years. Those of us who can remember life in America before Reagan and the commie/conservatives sized power (BR) experienced a life style that only the rich can have today. Before Reagan most women didn't work. They stayed home and raised their children while their husband worked but their husbands earned more in real dollars than both the husband and wives make today. Under commie/conservatism rule the harder the middle class worked the less they had to show for it.

Ask your friend if that was the outcome they wanted? Did they really want to work more and have less to show for it? Did they really want their children raised by a poorly paid baby sitter? Did they really believe that the rich were just not rich enough? After Reagan the income of the rich skyrocketed not just going up but multiplying by nearly 6 times at a time the income for working couples was going down. It is a simple principal when the income of the rich goes up the income of the middle class goes down. The Gross National Product is like a pie if the rich take a slice that is six times bigger than there is far less to divide among the rest of us. The rich's slice of the economic pie was already many thousands of times higher than the average American before Reagan and should not have been permitted to increase let alone multiply by 6 times.

The most important question that faces us was America better off before Regan was elected or after he left office? Those who were working and raising a family before Reagan was elected are going to be in the minority before long. Many of those living today have no direct economic experience before Reagan was elected they know only the legend of Reagan and we all know political legends are created by public relations men and have no real substance.

Red neck right radio continues to recite the legend of Reagan but ignores the sad economic reality. When Reagan increased the wealth of the ungodly greedy by multiplying it by a factor of six he increased political corruption by a factor of thousands. The ungodly greedy didn't need 6 times more wealth than they had so much of the excess wealth was used as seed money and plowed back into political campaigns where politicians were told by the ungodly greedy more for us means more for you and it works like a charm.
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Reply Fri 11 Apr, 2014 05:33 am
The legend of Reagan would have us believe that he was a competent money manager but the reality of Reagan was far different. The national debt was basically the WWII debt and every president after WWII paid that debt down until Reagan was elected. Reagan tripled the national debt to give enormous tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. There was no WWIII during Reagan's 8 years in office, there was no large economic crisis, no reason at all that the national debt should no have continued to be paid down. The national debt was even paid down during the Vietnam War but not the national debt was tripled during Reagan waged war on middle class America.

The legend of Reagan says he cut taxes but the reality of Reagan shows he raised social security taxes 4 times while making cuts in the benefits. The reality is that no president in history raised taxes 4 times. But the harsh reality is that social security taxes fall hardest on the lower and middle class but the Reagan tax cuts targeted the richest of the rich cutting the ungodly greedy' income taxes a full 60% going from 70% to 28%. How did Reagan pay for this massive tax cut he stopped paying down the National Debt and tripled it.

Reagan tripling of the national debt, even though Clinton balanced the budget, greatly influenced the Baby Bush administration wasting $7 trillion in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Baby Bush quickly declared the Clinton surpluses "the people's money" and gave it to his richest political contributors. Vice President Cheney loudly declared "that Reagan proved that deficits don't matter." and baby Bush gave another large rounds of tax cuts to the richest of the rich while the deficit soared spurred by two wars that are estimated to cost over $7 trillion now. Legends and reality often have nothing in common.

In a 100 years the legend of Reagan will be low forgotten but the reality of Reagan will be obvious to historians and the reality is Reagan did more damage to the American way of life than any other American President.
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Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2014 07:26 am
Many people will say Reagan is history, it has been 25 years since he left office how can he be to blame for the problems we have today? Reagan may be long dead and gone but some of the changes he made to social security are just now going into full effect. How come they are just now going into effect? If Reagan had raised the retirement age to 67 when he was in office he would have become extremely unpopular and unelectable and he knew it. So the retirement age for social security was raised on the next generation. For Reagan it was like taking candy from a baby. In 1983 Reagan upped the retirement age for anyone born after 1938. That meant that anyone over the age of 43 could still retire at 65 with full benefits. Thus those who were contemplating retirement when Reagan's was in office did not face working longer to get their social security. Retirement was to far in the future for those who were younger, like myself to worry about.

In West Virginia the average life expectancy is 75.4 years if you are required to work two years longer by the Reagan changes you lost 20% of your retirement. Let us call it the Reagan tax, a tax collected in years of life not in dollars. Remember the years toward the end of life are precious and declines in both physical and mental abilities often finds one in a nursing home so the two years between 65 and 67 are by far the most precious. Ask yourself aren't Reagan's changes in social security laws as much in effect as they were in 1983 when Reagan passed them.

The legend of our government is that it is ruled by the majority when in reality it is ruled by the minority. While a minority can not pass laws it is very effective in blocking what bills come to a vote. Unless a super majority votes to bring a bill to the floor the majority never gets a chance to vote on the bill. Minority rule has been successful in keeping all of Reagan's laws in place and in tact except for a few minor changes to the income tax laws.

Reagan is as much in office today as he was 33 years ago thanks to minority rule and humongous amounts of political corruption funded by the huge Reagan tax cuts. Does anybody really believe that the super rich needed to be made 6 times richer? Does anyone not believe that much of this money went directly into our political system to corrupt it? Does anyone believe that this 6 fold increase in the super rich income is still not being used to corrupt our political system? Reagan may be just as alive politically in America today as he was in 1981 and he will be alive until all of his political changes can be overturned.

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Reply Mon 14 Apr, 2014 09:31 am
Problems can only be solved when they can correctly be identified. Often what we perceive as problems are not the problem at all they are simply symptoms that are caused by the problem. If you had a car that continually wore out the front tires, you could replace those tires time after time and not solve the problem. Bad tires was not the problem the car was simply out of line or had bad parts in the front end. Attacking the symptom will never solve the problem.

Changing presidents is an attempt to fix a symptom while ignoring the problem. Reagan is the real problem he radically changed life in America. Prior to Reagan being elected the middle class standard of living had steadily risen for 40 years. After Reagan election the middle class standard has steadily declined for over 30 years. The changes Reagan made were detrimental to the middle class especially the radical cuts in the income tax that resulted in a six fold increase in the wealth of the wealthiest. The reasoning behind this was according to Reagan was "trickle down economics." If you bestowed vast amounts of wealth on the wealthiest it would run down hill like pouring champagne over a mount of ice. The problem is the wealthy are not like ice they captured the increased wealth and used that wealth to get even more wealth. But after 30 years of a failed political philosophy the republicans will defend it to the death of America.

Freedom is a lovely concept and the legend of freedom reverberates through our minds and beckons back to the day we became adults. But the reality of freedom is much different. We quickly find out the reality of freedom is that it is limited. You can drive but you can't drive drunk. You can own property but you can't let the grass grow over 12". In Huntington you can actually be arrested and incarcerated for 30 days for not mowing your grass. Our freedom is limited by every law that was ever made. A serial killer's freedom to kill is forbidden by the law. The ungodly greedy' freedom to get richer than god should be limited by law. Like the man who yells fire in a crowed theater the ungodly greedy have done thirty years of real and present harm to the middle class standard of living.

What led the charge to make the ungodly greedy richer was the concept of freedom, that the ungodly greedy had the freedom to get six fold richer no matter what damage was done to America. America a long time ago decided that no man had to yell fire in a theater because of the potential harm to others. The wealthy have no more right to extreme wealth than the man in the theater has to yell fire. Freedom is always limited, no one has unlimited freedom in our society and no one is entitled to it, rich or poor.
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Reply Tue 15 Apr, 2014 07:51 am
Unlimited freedom seems from one perspective to be an ideal for which we all should strive, like motherhood and apple pie, it is considered a main ingredient in our way of life. Freedom is often idealized in our society and viewed from our perspective we would all like maximum amount of freedom. But when we think about others having the maximum amount of freedom our perspective changes and we are all for limiting their freedom. For instance no one would argue that a child molester should have the freedom to molest your children. No one would argue that your neighbor should have the freedom to steal your car or rape your wife.

In our society freedom is always conditional. The condition is that an individuals freedom has to be limited if their freedom is caused real and present harm to others. A murders freedom to kill you is limited by the condition that he is depriving you of the freedom to live. You do not have the freedom to yell fire in a crowed theater because you might cause others to be injured or killed in trying to flee the theater.

Certain words go directly to the emotional mind and often bypass the rational part of the brain. “Death” keys in on the emotional mind and when the commie/conservatives referred to the inheritance tax as the “Death Tax” public opinion was altered and this allowed the commie/conservatives to repeal the inheritance tax. The word “Freedom” strikes right at the heart of the emotional mind without invoking the rational mind that there must always be limits placed on freedom.

Most of us understand that no man should not have the freedom to yell fire in a crowed theater. We understand that freedom should always be limited especially where others are harmed or are put at risk of being harmed. Someone does not have the freedom to drive his car at 135 mph because of the potential harm to others. His freedom has been taken away because of the potential harm he might cause others. Speed limit laws are almost universal in America but there is one area where limiting freedom, even after the exercise of that freedom has caused obvious harm to both individuals and America as whole that continues to this day.

Of course that one area is the freedom to amass more wealth than god. Reagan’s argument to make the wealthiest among us six fold wealthier centered on freedom, that the wealthy should have the freedom to keep their wealth. This is a one perspective argument for freedom, much like a child molester might make, the perspective of the wealthy there is no consideration of the real and present damage done to others and the country as a whole as the ungodly greedy corrupt and buy our government.

In our society real or perspective damage to others is the grounds that are used to limit other’s freedom. The six fold increase in the wealth of the ungodly greedy did untold real and demonstrable harm to the middle class. The commie/conservatives eliminated the progressive income tax system in place since 1913 to control vast wealth. The argument should not be for the “freedom” of the wealthy to untold wealth but to limit that wealth to limit the damage to the middle class and America.

In a local Congressional race the Koch brothers contributed $400,000 to a state senator and effort to stop a law that would block chemical tanks from polluting the water supply. If the Koch brothers got their way old and rusting tank farms along major waterways would face no regulations. Why? The Koch brothers supply those chemicals. It seems the Koch brothers want the “freedom” to pollute the water supply of 300,000 people. A few days later they contributed another $500,000 to his congressional campaign. Great wealth does great damage and must be limited.

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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2014 07:13 am
As a so called “free society” we will always have to confront the question of when one man’s freedom encroaches on another man’s freedom. We as a society will be forever sitting in that theater wanting to uphold the individual’s right to free speech but faced with the practical reality that there must always be some limits placed on freedom. Unlimited freedom is simply not, and never has been option for any society. All games have rules and an objective as a society we also have rules and objectives.

For every advocate of increased freedom there existed a valid reason for the freedom to be limited in the first place. The ungodly greedy had accumulated the highest portion of wealth in American history before the Great Depression. The Great Depression was in fact the Great Correction, it was a long and painful process taking more than a decade to put in place laws that put limits on the amount of freedom of the ungodly greedy to accumulate vast wealth. The income tax on the ungodly greedy (those making over $1,000,000 in 1931 dollars, that would be $15,120,415 in today’s dollars) was raised from 25% in 1931 to 63% in 1932. Thus began a correction in the distribution of wealth in America that led to a 40 year expansion of the middle class. The wealthy had lost the freedom to accumulate all of America’s wealth. Contrast this with Reagan cutting the income tax on the ungodly greedy from 70% to 28%. Reagan turned back the clock 50 years and the middle class standard of living went into a tail spin.

Reagan allowed the man in the theater to once again yell fire, in Reagan’s mind the rights of the few to yell fire exceed the rights of the many to live. Reagan/Baby Bush replaced the progressive income tax system with a regressive income tax system where the richest of the rich now pay a far lower income tax rate than the middle class. Romney would have paid less than 10% on his multi-million income if he claimed all his deductions and he intended if elected to cut the taxes on the wealthy far more than Bush and Reagan.

We as a society will have to decide whether to commit economic suicide by electing those who will cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy even more or reversing the trend and reestablishing the progressive tax that led to 40 years of sustained economic growth. The ungodly greedy have amassed a huge army to wage economic warfare in the next election. This army has more economic resources than most countries and the recent Supreme Court decisions will allow the ungodly greedy to use all of their vast economic resources. The Supreme has ruled that money is now “Free Speech” and as money is now “free speech” it can not be limited in any way.
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Reply Sat 19 Apr, 2014 06:01 am
Glen Beck was blaming the progressive mind set for the death camps in Nazi Germany but it was Baby Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush who helped finance the Nazi rise to power. It seems that records from the national Archives show that Baby Bush grandfathers business was sized in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy Act. Now former Jewish slave labor have bought lawsuits against the Bush family for financing the Nazi's rise to power. It seems when the historical facts are checked the truth is far different than the lies Glen Beck spins on his show. Becks gets over on his audience because his audience is very unlikely to ever check on any of Glen Becks lies. Is it any wonder that a Whitaker Chamber, a Nazi and Communist spy was made a national hero and role model for the commie/conservatives?

Beck idea is to blame the murder of the Jews and other groups despised by the Nazi but I think that we can all agree on the fact that dead is dead and whether you die in a gas chamber, or lack of food or proper medical care you are just as dead as if you were shot by Nazis. Who are actually the modern Nazis? Glen Beck, Rush Slimebaugh, Sean Hannity, and other commie/conservatives. They have no problem at all with the death or dying of other people as long as they can save a few bucks. When Glen Becks talks about Nazi Germany he should put his Nazi uniform that he posed in for the cover of his book and look in the mirror he might recognize someone.
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Reply Sun 20 Apr, 2014 06:59 am
In Germany during WWII millions of Jews died because of the political agenda of the Nazis. The Nazis were the right wing extremists in Germany just as Glen Beck and Rush Slimebaugh represent the extremist right in America today. Hitler and the Nazis had no problem sending the Jews to the gas chambers or marching the Jews out of a town they had invaded and shooting them and burying them in mass graves. Beck thinks this is horrible but sees nothing at all wrong with people dying in America for lack of medical care. In America today medical care has become an expensive luxury many simply can no longer afford, even those with medical insurance many going bankrupt in an attempt to feed a medical monster with ever increasing costs.

According to Beck’s political ideology only those who can afford to pay for medical care should live others should just die. Beck and other right wing extremists say if they can not afford to pay they should just go to the emergency room. Emergency rooms have a purpose to treat those who have an actual life threatening emergency in what is known as the golden hour. If our emergency rooms are full of people that should have been treated in a doctor’s office for severe flu or other medical problems who dies then? Even those with good medical insurance die because emergency rooms are overwhelmed by those who have no other access to even the most basic medical care. In America now even those with life threatening emergencies die because emergency rooms are overwhelmed by people who cannot afford medical care. It is now your child who has been in automobile accident or fell out of a tree who will die so Glen Beck can make sure the ungodly greedy pay even less tax than they do now. In Beck’s mind if your child dies because the emergency room is simply overwhelmed it is just collateral damage and acceptable cost. But the death of a Jew in Nazi Germany and the death of your child because of the emergency room is completely overwhelmed are both results of implementing a political agenda. Both are just as dead and politics lies at the heart of both deaths.

Beck will use abortion as a political brickbat defending the right of the unborn to life but as soon as they are born he has no problem at all with them dying for lack of proper medical care and make no mistake about it the emergency room is not proper medical care. Beck’s right to life political campaign rings hollow as the only time he thinks the unborn have a right to life is before they were born after they are born they are subject to free market rules. They are entitled to only what they can afford. Of course Beck will never see himself as a Hitler, in his mind it is just the rules of the game, when you run out of chips you are just out of the game, that’s is fair in Beck’s commie/conservative mind. Beck can assuage his conscious but he and Hitler have more in common than he will ever believe. Hitler had a twisted political ideology and so does Beck.
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Reply Mon 21 Apr, 2014 05:32 am
Most people that listen to the Glen Beck and Rush Slimebaugh show have no idea how extreme their political ideology is because they don’t go over their most extreme points everyday. If Beck and Slimebaugh had their way they would eliminate all of the political progress that too place in the 20 century. They would eliminate income tax, social security, the minimum wage, Medicare, Medicaid, pensions and the interstate highway system. Slimebaugh for his part would turn the clock back an additional 200 years and eliminate public education, in Slimbaugh mind parents should have to pay for private school. Rush does not like paying property tax on his mansion to pay for public schools. These things all cost the ungodly greedy money and they don’t think the ungodly greedy should pay any taxes. After all that is true freedom, the freedom to free load. It is sort of the ungodly greedy’ version of penis envy they envy the poor because they don’t pay income tax. Romney envy was obvious when he talked to the ungodly greedy about all those who paid no income tax.
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Reply Tue 22 Apr, 2014 05:32 am
For the last 30 years America has been run to benefit the richest 1/100 of 1%. That means that only one person out of a 100,000 has substantially benefited by implementing the commie/conservative political philosophy and oh how they benefited there wealth increased by almost six fold. Of course this economic structure is more fitting of a lottery than a country’s economic policies. This isn’t just the rich getting richer this the rich getting richer in a numeric progression. In order for this to happen a majority of Americans have to vote for politicians that will cut the throat of the middle class in order to benefit the ungodly greedy. Numbers and statistics don’t lie and there are not pro conservative numbers and statistics and liberal numbers and statistics, there are only one set of numbers statistics. Mathematics can be used to predict the orbit of the planets or the economics life of a country. There is absolutely no doubt which direction that America has been going for the last 30 years and which direction it will be headed in the future. An object put in motion remains in motion until it is acted on buy a force, the economic realities put in motion by Reagan will remain in motion until enough political force can be bought to bear to stop them.

If only one out of a 100,000 Americans benefited by Reagan cutting the taxes on the extremely rich and raising the social security taxes four times on the middle class how come he was reelected? Most Americans never bother to look at real statistic and vote based on political rhetoric and wedge issues. God, guns, and gays are the three horsemen of the apocalypse the commie/conservatives ride to election victories.
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Reply Thu 24 Apr, 2014 05:30 am
There was a guest host on Rush Slimbaugh yesterday, I don’t believe it was that slimy foreigner Mark Styen. I always hate to listen to a foreigner tell Americans how they should think about American political philosophy. A red neck right caller called in absolutely angry at republican. This caller bought the Slimbaugh line hook line and sinker. He was angry because if the democrats had done all these terrible illegal things the republicans had done nothing at all to have them removed from office and jailed. The host was taken back here was a caller that believed the Slimbaugh lines but was angry at Republicans for being do less. How could he defend all the Slimbaugh lies and not make the Republicans look bad for not having the democrats arrested? All of a sudden the host decided all of the grievous offences committed by the democrats might not rise to the level violations of actual laws and might in fact be political differences that best be dealt with by the election process and not the judicial system. After all rule one on the Rush Slimbaugh show is first do no harm to the republican brand. Looking do less at election time would be bad for voter turn out.
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Reply Fri 25 Apr, 2014 05:31 am
Glen Beck and other red neck right talk show hosts had tantalized their audience with visions as visions of major scandals, like Fast Furious, IRS, and Benghazi. Visions of sugar plumbs and impeached presidents danced in their heads. As they added suffix gate to each scandal they claimed to have discovered the next Watergate but each potential scandal fizzled out and turned out to be a dud. Is it any wonder the anger they tried to stir up about the potential scandals is now be directed toward them. They promised their audience a public lynching and the lynch mob was all dressed up and still no lynching. The right made promises and couldn’t deliver on them.
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Reply Sun 27 Apr, 2014 06:59 am
The Koch brothers have poured close to a million dollars into a WV congressional election. The general election is 5 months away but a barrage of commercials has been running night and day for at least two months. The primary hasn’t even taken place yet but the Koch brothers are sure what the outcome will be. Yesterday was the first time that I saw an advertisement for the candidate running against Nick Rahall in the primary but the Koch brothers are sure Rahall is going to win the primary and are putting their money where the mouth is. Rahall opponent in the primary is Army Major Richard Ojeda whose politics are sure to be just to the right of Attila the Hun has attracted almost no publicity.

The Koch brothers are backing Evan Jenkins a state senator who is famous for backing any scheme that will make the rich tax free. Evan Jenkins tried to pass a bill to make a local exclusive retirement community exempt from property tax. The multi-million dollar complex complete with $1/2 million dollar “cottages” claimed to be non profit and claimed tax free status a long court battle ensued. After 10 years in court the county won and the multi-million dollar corporation had to pay property tax just like the little old lady on her shack. The millionaires were upset to say the least and Senator Jenkins introduced a bill that would make the houses of millionaires tax free while everyone else would be subject to property tax. Jenkins lost but he introduced the same bill year after year. He no doubt helped rout a lot of the millionaire’s money in campaign contributions to those who would vote his way. Non-profit corporations are one of the biggest scams in America today though a profit is not taken millions are taken out in salaries. Many non profits are nothing more than different types book keeping; some charities provide million dollar salaries including multi-million mansions to live in, Rolls Royce to drive, and paid private school tuition for their children all with tax exempt money.

I have spent a lot of time trashing Jenkins scam on the internet and I often see Senator Jenkins at local running events but I never bother to speak to him as I think he is the worst type of trash that WV ever produced. It is no surprise that he would become a favorite of the Koch brothers anyone that would stand up and defend millionaire’s right to be tax free should be in national politics according to the Koch brothers. Evan Jenkins was a registered democrat during his political career but changed to his true colors a republican for his run against Rahall a 38 year Democrat incumbent.

Now that the Supreme Court has allowed the Koch brothers and other billionaires to spend unlimited amounts of money in elections they will use that money to elect the Evan Jenkins of the world and the brave new world they will create will destroy America for a few dollars more for the greedy. The ungodly have used their money to buy our government now they want to make sure there are not even any voices in the congress for the middle class they want to own it 100%. Just as they feel entitled to 100% of the country’s wealth.
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Reply Mon 28 Apr, 2014 05:32 am
The past 30 years have been dominated by extreme right’s political philosophy that the rich should not be taxed. Taxes on the rich have been severely cut at all levels of government, at the federal, state, and local levels. This was directly responsible for the wealth of the wealthiest 1/100 of 1% growing 6 fold during this time period. The rights idea is that only wages should be taxed other forms of income should be tax free and the trend has been to move in that direction the last 30 years. The fact that even on a local level the ½ million dollar homes of the rich were expected to be tax free is appalling. Not only that but then after the so called retirement community lost their 10 year battle in court a state senator would try to change the law to make the rich exempt from property tax. If the rich are given a $10 million property tax exemption in a town of only 49,000 the services they receive must be paid for by raising the taxes on other taxpayers. In this state if you can’t pay your property taxes your house is auctioned off on the court house steps. So when taxes were increased to offset the exemption for the rich more people lost their homes.

It is the attitude that the rich are special and shouldn’t have to pay taxes that has underwritten the commie/conservative movement. On last Friday’s show Rush Slimbaugh said that the people in the top 1% change from time to time so this should make lowering the taxes on the rich alright. The fact is that the majority rich are what is called “old money” many source of wealth is from several generations ago. The biggest predictor of whether a child will be rich is whether his father was rich. Equal opportunity is just a lie pedal by the right; the children of the rich are treated differently from birth given opportunities others will never have. They start with the best pre schools and best universities. We may not be able to control the advantages money brings but we can use the tax system to level the playing field.
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