The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2014 06:35 am
West Virginia American Water in Huntington proudly proclaimed that as the plume of dangerous chemical went down the Ohio River past their water intake they continued to pump while other water systems as far as 200 miles downstream stopped pumping water into their systems. Why would you deliberately pump dangerous chemicals into the water system of the second biggest city in WV? Because West Virginia American Water is the same company that pumped the dangerous chemical into the Charleston water system. The lawsuits are coming and WV American Water knows it. This was an effort on WV American Water part to show that the chemical was not dangerous in a diluted form. All million gallons could not be checked for dangerous levels of the chemical so the water pumped into the Huntington system could have had far more dangerous concentrations of the chemical in some samples than other. Why take the chance to give the chemical in any concentration to babies and children? Greed. WV American Water was so proud to announce that the polluted the second major water system for absolutely no reason. WV American could pled ignorance on the first chemical spill but they knew the water being pumped into the Huntington system was polluted and all they would have had to do was shut the water intakes down. When the lawsuits start and they will WV American Water can show that they have a complete and utter disregard for the public health in Huntington. Bye, bye WV American Water.
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Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2014 06:33 am
The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta just issued a warning that pregnant women should not drink the water that has any measurable amount of the hazardous chemical leaked into the Elk river then into Kanawha river and subsequently the Ohio river. The warning comes eight days after the hazardous chemical spill and days after the hazardous chemical was deliberately pumped into the Huntington WV water supply. There was absolutely no reason to pump the hazardous chemical into the Huntington water supply the intakes could have been shut down until the chemical passed the intake points as most other cities along the Ohio River did. The pregnant women were warned after the fact. WV Water just compounded their culpability and liability.

When Freedom Industry acquired the tank they knew that the containment dike was in bad shape and needed a million dollars of repairs to the containment area. The prudent thing to do would have been to do the repairs to containment area before storing hazardous chemical in 80 year old storage tanks. But this would have not been as profitable as the course of action they choose. Smaller government threatens our lives, the lives of our children and even the unborn. This is not just a WV problem these aging tank farms are all over America many with chemicals that are far more hazardous then that released in WV. The business lobbyists in Washington have lobbied against any and all regulation on chemicals storage facilities successfully. Government regulator who play ball with the chemical companies retiree to good jobs working for the chemical companies. This must be stopped.
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Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2014 06:35 am
As many remain in the hospital from the Chemical spill into the Charleston water system House Speaker Boehner quickly took the side of chemical polluters and said there should be no new regulations put on chemical storage facilities. Boehner speaking for the chemical lobbyists wants smaller government and less regulations on chemical polluters. Had the chemical been more toxic there could have easily been 50,000 dead but why should 50,000 people in a land of over 300 million make a difference? It is obvious that the fastest emergency response in this situation was the business lobbyists in Washington you can bet the money was flowing like wine to republican congressmen when the chemical leak was discovered. When will it become obvious to the American people that congressmen like Boehner are owned by the business lobbyists? Boehner speaks for chemical polluters everywhere after all someone has to. Even the worst rapists is entitled to a defense lawyer.
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Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2014 07:53 am
Freedom Industries filed for bankruptcy yesterday only eight days after the chemical spill. Citing debts of over three and a half million dollars and assets of only one to ten million. I guess they have no idea what that chemical dump on the Elk River is worth after the spill. Freedom Industries filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy which allows for "reorganization." The reorganization will successfully block payment of medical bills for those who were hospitalized do to chemical poisoning and chemical skin damage. What has been keep very quiet here is the number people hospitalized a one time report placed the number between fifty and a hundred with no idea how many were treated in emergency rooms. In any disaster the human cost of the disaster, the number killed and injured, are the center of the story but not here HIPPA laws were used to block any and all access to actual numbers injured. HIPPA was the law passed by politicians to protect their fellow politicians from the release of the fact they had AIDS. Now a hospital can not release any information to the public without written permission from the public. This is a big advantage for Freedom Industries because the daily headline isn't thousands hospitalized do to chemical spill in drinking water. Even after HIPAA became law the gross numbers of dead and injured continued to be released but not in chemical valley.

Under current bankruptcy laws Freedom Industries will be able to hand out millions in "retention" bonuses to its top executives and drain the remaining company assets before any judgment by the victims can be obtained. The "retention bonus loophole was recently used by a large coal company to cheat the retirees out of pension and medical benefits. They should not call it the "retention bonus" loophole but the "theft exception." The theory is that the top executives who wrecked the company in the first place will not remain to pick the bones of the company clean without being richly rewarded for wrecking the company they would just move on to the next victim.

Freedom Industries will be a fly by night company sired by a much bigger chemical company but set up to take the fall in the case of the "inevitable" chemical spill. The business lobbyists in Washington have fixed the game to protect the guilty. The water might not have been flowing in WV after the chemical spill but you can bet there was geyser of chemical money in Washington DC going to Boehner and the Republicans to make sure there would be no profit blocking regulation to protect the public from the inevitable future chemical spills.
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Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2014 07:35 am
The big question now in West Virginia is who will pay the cost for the chemical spill? The cost will run into the $100s of millions. What we do know is Freedom Industries will not being paying the cost of the spill they have already filed for bankruptcy. Some businesses and schools were closed for over a week. The marginal businesses will go out of business. Millions of bottles of water were distributed while the water was unfit for use. After the levels of dangerous chemicals in the water went down the whole system had to be flushed. Each household had to let all the hot water outlets run for 15 minutes and all the cold water outlets for 30 minutes, dish washers and washing machines had to run two empty cycles. The water company has agreed not to charge customers for a 1,000 gallon of water. West Virginia American Water Company was still supplying water that the odor was so strong that it would knock you down and WV American was still charging the customers for the polluted water.

Next comes the cost of the sewage the customers will have to pay to dispose of that 1,000 gallons of water which is far more expensive than the cost of the water. Of course the cost of water to all WV American Water customers will be raised from now on to offset the cost of supplying "free water" but those in other unaffected areas will see their water bill raised to offset the cost of 100s of millions of gallons of water used to flush the system in the
affected areas.

Meanwhile back at Freedom Industries the executives will be rewarding each other with big "retention bonuses" as they set sail into the sunset free of liability. No one would want any of the incompetent management at Freedom Industries to leave because he didn't get a big enough "retention bonus" and go somewhere else.
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Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2014 09:13 am
The $100 million or so cost of the chemical spill will become just another transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich. The middle class will pay the cost. The Freedom Industries executives will be rewarded with retention bonuses. The parent chemical company will walk away scot free with no liability. The huge transfer of wealth to the ungodly greedy didn't just happened the rules of the game were changed by army of lobbyist working in Washington for over 30 years. The change in bankruptcy laws allowed the banks to raid companies and cheat employees out of the pension after they worked 30 or more years. Wholly independent subsidiaries allow parent companies to reap the rewards but limit the liabilities to the assets of the subsidiary.

When the law that separated investments banks from ordinary banks changed the banks became predators and private debt soon surpassed the country's debt in treasury bonds. People were told not to think of there house as an investment but an ATM where cash could be taken out for new cars, remodeling, vacations or medical bills. The internet allowed predator banks to solicit loans from hundreds if not thousands of miles away. My 85 year old mother was offered a $500,000 loan from a California bank. The brokers actively pursued five hundred thousand dollar loans because the broker commission ranged $11,000 to $20,000.

We have all heard the Republican talking point that it was the subprime mortgages that caused the collapse but what the public hasn't heard is that is wasn't the poor that caused the problem the middle class was targeted with subprime loans because the interest rate was much higher then a conventional loan. Brokers were paid five figure commissions to sell subprime loans to those who were well qualified for conventional loans. The cost of the broker commission was added to the interest at closing and the borrower in effect paid the broker five figure commission. How was the commission determined? It was determined by the difference in interest between a conventional loan and the higher interest on a subprime loan. Called the yield spread premium (ysp) it was listed on the closing statement simply as ysp. If the loan was paid off earl a there was a five figure prepayment penality that more than covered the broker commission. When you went to pay the loan off a $21,000 prepayment penality keep the borrower locked into the subprime loans

Why would anyone take a subprime loan when they were well qualified for a conventional loan? People who sucked in by teaser interest rate as loan as 1% and those with payments of interest only. Of course there were those who wanted to buy much more house than they could pay for when the teaser rate ended the payment tripled and they either refinanced or they faced foreclosure The banks wanted them to be serial refinance as they made a commission every time.

The banking fraud is a bright shiny example of the modern conservative movement philosophy at work. The banks believed that they were entitled to anything they could take from the middle class. Fraud was no problem conservatism is the philosophy of every predatory and conman in America. The end justifies the means. If you can take it you are entitled to it. That is the real entitlement in America today.
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Reply Tue 21 Jan, 2014 06:29 am
I watched a program on Discovery ID called Crime of the Century. In 1955 a man put a bomb on a plane that killed 44 people. The man's intention was to kill his mother who was on the plane. His mother was going to sell the Drive Inn where he worked. As the man stood at the airport with the 44 people he was going to kill it didn't bother him at all. He had one concern himself and keeping the Drive Inn. The man no doubt was a psychopath but when you contrast his actions with the bankers actions during the housing bubble you see the same type thinking. The Bankers knew full well that they would destroy people financially but like the bomber they didn't care. Were all those bankers psychopaths? Not likely but they had believed that psychopath like thinking was normal and the actions of a psychopath was considered socially acceptable and in fact that is how America went wrong. When a political philosophy made psychopathic thinking socially acceptable America was in trouble.
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Reply Wed 22 Jan, 2014 06:31 am
The mayor of Charleston announced that Charleston was suing Freedom Industries over the chemical spill this morning. Danny Jones said that Freedom Industries recent bankruptcy filing would not make a difference. Who is he kidding you can bet the assets of the company are being stripped. A legal feeding frenzy is about to take place when legendry legal firms who have had movies made about them show up in WV you know the free for all is about to start. But the legal system in WV has a history of corruption even in the WV Supreme Court. When I was president of the local union we sued the city of Huntington over a contract dispute I was told by our law firm the next available court date would be 5 years away and our case was being fast tracked. Do you think Freedom Industries will have any assets in 5 years by now?
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Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2014 06:32 am
Freedom Industries let the DEP know that another dangerous chemical leaked into the Elk River almost two weeks ago. Why Freedom Industries did not divulge that information at the time is unknown but they knew a second dangerous chemical was in the leaking tank. The chemical polyglycol eithers (PPH). This chemical is flammable and as water supplies got low because of flushing the a boil water order was given by WV Water. So customers were being ordered to boil flammable chemicals. The DEP gave Freedom Industries a court order to divulge any other chemicals that leaked into the Elk River by the end of the day yesterday.
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Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2014 06:29 am
Now word comes that the owner of Freedom Industries has offered to "loan" the bankrupt company $4 million dollars. Why would the owner of Freedom Industries offer to loan a company that faces certain bankruptcy $4 million dollars? Everyone knows that billions in lawsuits have already been filed and that Freedom has no real defense to these massive lawsuits. It would appear the owner is throwing good money after bad. But not so remember the changes in bankruptcy law passed by the business lobbyists. Not only the money loaned a bankrupt company but all interest and associated loan fees have a superior claim on the company assets. The owner of Freedom Industries is engaged in wealth mining his 4 million "loan" could net him 8 to 12 million in company assets. He has to be paid if there are any assets after he gets his loan shark interest the employees and others can fight over what is left. This is usually the roll of the banks to loot the bankrupt companies but if the banks can loot a company why not the owner as long as he has money to loan at loan shark rates? So far the Judge has blocked the owner from making the $4million loan but if banks can loot bankrupt companies why not all those who have massive amounts of cash that they would like to make loan shark interest on? No doubt it was the lobbyists for the banks that drew up the new bankruptcy laws and they fully intended to have a monopoly on loaning money to bankrupt companies an get superior claims on pension funds that employees had paid into for 40 years. This type of theft is not allowed any place on earth except in America after the modern conservative political philosophy came to power under Reagan. Conservatism is the political philosophy of the psychopath and conman.
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Reply Sat 25 Jan, 2014 11:08 am
It is harvest time on Wall Street. Wall Street is like the family farm, you grow a crop from small plants and then you harvest it when the plants become mature. Those with massive amounts of wealth can manipulate the price of stocks by buying the stock while the price is down, as they buy the stock the unsophisticated small investors notice that the price of stock is going up and buys the stock which causes it to increase in price further. Those with massive wealth and unlimited information about the actual worth of the stock know when the price has maximized and sell the stock in massive amounts driving the price down below what it is actually worth. Small investors are loss adverse and while they will hold onto the stock as it begins to fall but they end up selling the stock when the price has severely fallen or it has bottomed out.

How much you can afford to lose is proportional to how much you have. The ungodly greedy can afford to lose millions or even a few billion without affecting their lifestyle. Big losses to one of the ungodly greedy is not a problem and especially since they know that there is a cycle and even though the lost a billion today they are likely to recover it in the next 5 years as the stock market cycles. Not so for the small investors who's retirement counts on making money on his investment. When it comes time to retire and your $100,000 IRA is suddenly worth $20,000 when the stock market is down you can't put your retirement off for another 5 years the money still has to be taken out for retirement. The big investors will buy up millions of small investors undervalued stock and get far richer when the stock goes back up. This has provided another massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class to the ungodly greedy. The massive redistribution of wealth that has happened over the last thirty years didn't just happen, it wasn't redistributed based on hard work. Those in our society who work the hardest are in fact likely to be the working poor not the ungodly greedy.

People are much more likely to believe the fable, then the actual truth because in their childhood their parents could show them that if you worked hard you could get some of the good things in life, that it was a "just world" that there were rules that operated to make it a "just world." But in a world based on the conservative philosophy there is no justice if a CEO can collapse a company's defined benefit pension plan and cheat the employees out of their life long pension the CEO and upper management will be richly rewarded with millions and the employees will be lucky to get 20 cents on a dollar. In America now it is no longer what you can earn but what you can take and every time the ungodly greedy take they become much more politically powerful and use that power to take more. Trillions of dollars were taken from the middle class with variable rate mortgages. Greenspan pushed the variable rate mortgages and then he quadrupled the Feds interest rate meaning those who had taken out those teaser rate or variable rate mortgages saw their $600 house payment go to $2,400 a month. They couldn't make the house payments once they quadrupled. Their choice was foreclosure or refinance which was a win, win for the bank which now gave them a subprime loan with another $20,000 tacked on.

At one time there was a law that strictly regulated the amounts of interest that could be charged and the argument to eliminate these laws was that the poor people could not get credit unless the interest was raised to cover the risk but what happened as soon as the laws that set a legal limit on interest were eliminated the interest went up on everybody but the rich. In theory those with good credit would continue to get good interest rates and only the high risk would see the loan shark rates. But in practice the middle class was soon paying 24.9% at main stream retailers and another huge transfer of wealth took place. Were the ungodly greedy working harder for the 24.9% than the 3%? No. The law had changed and tilted the tables making the rich richer. The WV Usury Law states that the limit on interest shall be no more than six dollars on a hundred anything over that rate would be considered usury. I didn't read far enough to find the "exceptions" and there didn't use to be exception. But it is obvious that 36% interest violates the original intent of the law. What we need is smaller government so the loan sharks can help themselves to the wealth of the middle class.
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Reply Sun 26 Jan, 2014 07:56 am
Literally trillions of dollars of fraud took place between 2001 and 2007 by bankers and loan brokers in one study it showed that fully 70% of the loan applications in that time period were fraudulent and that it was not those who applied for the loans that committed the frauds it was the bankers and brokers. The bankers held what they called Arts and Crafts weekends where they would alter the loan applications so they would qualify for a subprime loan. The fraud were obvious when compared to the original applications but the frightening part was that with all this widespread fraud almost no one was charged with or served jail time over this massive amount of fraud. It seems our government was so small that there was no one to oversee or regulate one of the most important industries in America, the banking industries. The banking fraud in America all but plunged the world into a depression.

In a just world those who commit fraud are jailed and punished but in a conservative world people are entitled to what they can take by fraud and the government should be smaller so the guilty can not e stopped or punished. Were the laws changed so that any banker that altered a loan application so that he got his $20,000 commission faced mandatory 2 years in jail and a fine that is double any ill begotten gains? No the bankers that committed the most fraud, and in one case it was 83% of his loans, were richly rewarded with promotions, bonuses and trips to Hawaii. Imagine if a robber that robbed a gas station was rewarded with trips to Hawaii. The banker and the robber are doing the same thing stealing from others and the punishment should reflect that fact. The conservative philosophy collapsed some of the biggest banks in America and will ultimately collapse America. If there is going to be crime there must be punishment and the government must not be shrunk to the point that the bankers can drag it into the bathroom and drown in the bath tub. The business lobbyist have achieved that goal and the government is going down for the third time. A world without regulations is thief's dream.
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Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2014 06:34 am
Not only were the bankers that managed to steal trillions of dollars during the baby Bush years not punished they used their business lobbyist in Washington to stop any regulations against future theft. There have always been two sets of laws one for the rich and one for the poor. Someone that is poor is likely to go to prison for stealing a small amount of money while a rich person stealing hundreds of thousands is likely to get to pay restitution and probation. When the rich do get jail time they don't go to the same prison the poor do they go to a country club style jail where they can work in the community through the week and travel to NASCAR events on the weekend. It is time that jail sentences for stealing money by gun or by fraud be treated more equally that jail sentences be mandatory with no discretion and that bankers go to the same prison, no country style prison for the bankers. The crime is the same both are stealing money but the bankers are stealing much more. The poor may steal because they have no money, the drug addict to feed his habit but bankers have plenty of money and steal simply for greed of the criminals the bankers are the worst. The bankers are the most immoral. Not only was this country stolen blind but the world was defrauded. Set the time in prison by the amount of money taken and eliminate the judges discretion. If a banker knew he would do 10 years hard time he might keep his greed in check.
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Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2014 06:32 am
Glen Beck was giving his greed is good speech yesterday telling his audience that there was nothing wrong with greed. Nothing at all wrong with greed, nothing wrong with wanting a bigger house. Greed to Glen Beck would say as in the movie "Wall Street is good for a lack of a better word." Beck believes that should be limitless. Beck only limit on greed of any kind was immoral actions in the name of greed. Of course is a subjective measure at best each person judges what is immoral there is no real objective of what is immoral. What is immoral and what is illegal are indeed different while actions that are illegal may indeed be immoral things that are immoral may not be illegal. Was it immoral for the billionaires to use their money and political clout to change the tax laws so their rate is lower that the working poor? Certainly that was as immoral as holding up a gas station. But since each person is the judge of what is immoral many are influenced by the "just world concept" where they believe the world is just and if one has great wealth they are a better person and entitled to it. In other words what happens is a just outcome even though trillion were taken by the ungodly greedy at the point of a political gun loaded with massive amounts of cash. The results of the theft were a just outcome in the eyes of those who believe in a "just world" and that includes about 90% of the worlds population. This is indeed the age of myth.
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Reply Thu 30 Jan, 2014 06:32 am
Rush Slimbaugh was worried Obama State of the Union Address could cause the current class war to escalate to physical confrontation. The word that that Slimbaugh and some billionaires are kicking around is "Kristollnach" "the night of broken glass" that began the Holocaust. Slimbaugh has no objection to class warfare as long as his class is winning what worries the ungodly greedy is that they are the 1% and if the class warfare becomes physical they will lose more than their money. The ungodly greedy have no problem with clamming to be a persecuted minority. Slimbaugh should realize that the ungodly greedy have been routinely exterminated all throughout history for greed and no one finds it inhumane. In fact no one hardly remembers the events happening other than a few more notable ones like the French Revolution where those rich who said "let them eat cake if they have no bread" lost their heads literally. Victimizer always claim to be the victim whether the rapist is a victim of the sexy clothes a child wares or he greedy using the government to steal from the middle class. The Holocaust was about religious bigotry. Class warfare is war and all is fair in love and war. What always surprises me is the ungodly greedy don't lean from history they can look back and see what happens to the ungodly greedy in history and try to keep their greed to a low roar but they don't. Like the ungodly greedy that were put on a spit and roasted like the pigs during the French Revolution they should know what the end game is but like the drug addict they have to have more and more until it kills them.
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Reply Sat 1 Feb, 2014 08:31 am
The Holocaust will go down in history as a great injustice a thousand years from now people will still see the Holocaust as a great injustice But the French, Russian and countless other revolutions will be seen only as necessary wealth corrections. These were assaults against greed. When a country allows a tiny minority to amass the majority of a country's wealth they also amass a huge and controlling amount of political power. Once they gain control of political power they use that power to take even more wealth for themselves. When the businesses laid siege to Washington DC with 10s of thousands of business lobbyists armed with billions of dollars our government cased to function for the average American and existed only for the benefit of businesses and the ungodly greedy. A long and sustained decline in the middle class standard of living can be traced directly to the invasion and takeover of the political system in Washington.

I will have to agree with Rush Slimbaugh that a night similar to Kristollnacht may indeed be getting closer but of course it is not the same because this will be just another skirmish in a war against greed that has been going on since the beginning of time itself. Those that fall in battle are not victims but participants. What is often described by the ungodly greedy as class warfare is not, it is the epic battle against greed. The ungodly greedy make war with dollars and with each victory the middle class had fewer dollars to muster an opposition but historically when the ungodly greedy amass practically all of the wealth of a country the middle class looks around and realizes wars are won by armies and an army that has a 99 to one advantage will always triumph.

Rush you can keep using your money, influence and the public airwaves to tilt the table and fix the game till you get more and more but you may need more drugs to sleep at night because you will never know when Kristollnach will come again. All of life's vices have prices and some of the prices are two high to pay and can't be put on a credit card no matter how high the limit.
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Reply Sun 2 Feb, 2014 09:10 am
The town I grew up in was a thriving city where manufacturing jobs abounded. When I came out of high school. someone with no job skills who did not want to go to college had no trouble finding a good job just out of high school if you were not drafted to go to Vietnam. I grew up a block from a shoe factory and a mattress factory was on the other side of the street. American Car and Foundry (ACF) was only two blocks away. My uncle worked there and made good living. He was one of the lucky ones he retired with a pension and medical benefits before ACF was closed. ACF manufactured railroad cars and employed hundreds. My brother-in law worked for Owens Corning one of two big glass manufactures in Huntington, the other was Kerr Glass. He was not so lucky Owens closed down and shipped their manufacturing overseas before he reached retirement age. These along with many others are all closed now. Blocks of vacant deteriorating buildings are all that remains of ACF. The city cannot afford to demolish the rotting skeleton of ACF an is looking for Federal help. Wall Mart is now one of the biggest employers.

Where did all the flowers go long time passing? Where did all our manufacturing go long time passing? America needs far more manufactured goods now then it did 40 years ago. The population of America has increased by over a 100 million in those years which would tell us that we need at least 50% more manufacturing jobs now then we did then. It played out much like the holocaust first they came for the for dry good manufactures, then they came for the shoe manufactures, next it was the glass manufactures. As for ACF corporate raider Carl Icahn picked the bones clean and made a fortune doing it. Icahn openly admits that he fits the profile of a psychopath instead of killing people he kills whole companies.

America has been outsourced through one fair trade agreement after another. We lost 3.6 million jobs to China in the last 20 years. It was sold to America as opening up the market to 1.3 billion people but the only thing we are sending to China is raw material. America is function much like a third world country where the raw materials are shipped out to another country to be manufactured. The commie/conservative economists argue that no jobs have been lost to "free trade" only obsolete jobs are lost in free trade agreements. Have clothes become obsolete in America? Have shoes become obsolete in America? If not the employees manufacturing these things are not obsolete. Drive through your town and look at the buildings that once housed good manufacturing jobs and ask yourself have we lost jobs or not?

Free trade benefits the very rich, the CEOs and others but America still losses. Free trade is yet another method that redistributed America's wealth to the ungodly greedy. In 90s when Wall-Mart began actively pressuring their American suppliers to manufacture in China it was because Wall-Mart made 19% on goods manufactured in America but 80% on goods manufactured in China. The Waltons, some of richest people on earth, got far richer by actively driving America manufacturing to China. Why should 3.6 million jobs matter when the rich can get even richer?
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Reply Mon 3 Feb, 2014 06:25 am
In Huntington after almost all the manufacturing had been off shored we were told that it would be replaced by high tech companies. Huntington spent $20 million taking the top off a mountain to create a high tech industrial park. The money was borrowed from the federal government one loan for the principal and a second for the down payment. Then they waited and waited and waited. Surely they were told if you build it they will come but they didn't. The property remained vacant until a restaurant was finally built on the lower level then a motel, a car dealer ship and another motel. No high tech here but the terms of the loan restricted the upper level to high tech. Finally a doctor's office was built, a dentist office and a Amazon calling center. But the high tech jobs were not coming to America but were being shipped out of America to China and India. When IBM cut a 130,000 jobs in America they hired that many in India where an engineer mad only $7,000 a year. The American workers were told to train the new employees in India before they were terminated or lose their severance pay. Welcome to the brave new world of commie/conservatism.
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Reply Tue 4 Feb, 2014 06:31 am
High Tech were suppose to replace the jobs America lost in manufacturing but it turns out that it is much easier to offshore high tech than manufacturing jobs. High tech allows jobs to be sent to China and India that we never even dreamed of. Accounting can be done by cheap labor anywhere in the world and sent by the mere click of a mouse. It is one thing to move the heavy machinery of car manufacture and build a plant in a foreign country but it is far easier to ship accounting and back office work out of the country. High tech jobs can be moved in a matter of minutes to any place on the globe. Even our children cartoons are drawn up in a foreign country and shipped over here. Much of the animation work in movies is now done in foreign countries.

How did China opened the market to its 1.3 billion people? A joint venture with Cooper Tire in Findley, Ohio and China was a prototype. It stated that not one tire could be sold by the company in China for 5 years. But if American companies wanted to do business in China they would do business by China terms. America has lost 3.6 million high tech jobs over the last ten years in addition to 3.6 million manufacturing jobs. You can not look around the city you live in and not realize all the jobs lost to free trade. Even now a new another "free trade" agreement with more Asian countries is being fast tracked in congress no time for debate this agreement must be done now.

The commie/conservatives like Alan Greenspan claim not one job has been lost in America due to free trade agreements. He claims if one "obsolete" job is lost another job replaces it for instance all the shoe and clothing manufacturing jobs have been replaced with jobs at Wall-Mart. Greenspan, one of Ayn Rand inner circle sees a world as he wishes it was not as it is. Greenspan was one of Ayn Rand's inner circle of cult members and he more than anyone else bought Rand commie/conservative philosophy to Washington. Rand was ever bit as influential cult leader as Charles Mansion but the damage done by Rand cult was far worse than Helter Skelter, Mansion cult killed people, Rand's cult killed America.
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Reply Thu 6 Feb, 2014 06:34 am
Offshoring has cost America 3.6 million manufacturing jobs and more recently it has cost us another 3.6 million high tech jobs but in all transactions someone loses and someone wins. In this case although 7.2 million Americans lost their livelihood there is of course a bright side a few CEOs made millions for themselves each time they find a way to offshore Americans jobs. Part of these extra millions the CEOs make is seed money and plowed back into political system to make sure more "free trade" agreements are passed.

Many American believe conservatism is all about keeping that 12 year old down the street from getting an abortion after she was raped by the preacher but that is not the core conservative value. The core value of conservatism is about mugging the middle class economically not with a gun but by political power. The most effective cons involve the willful cooperation of the victims. This is the way that the world should work according to conservatism. If you can cheat 7.2 millions Americans out of a good job, you should do it if you can make a few bucks on the deal. If you can sell your soul you might make a few bucks but you can make much more money if you can sell other people's souls.

Offshoring of course was not enough next we had on shoring where companies from India would supply high tech worker from India on a contract bases to companies like IBM, Pfizer, and AIG. Like other jobs that were offshored the employees are told these are these workers from India are taking your place, show them what you do and train them if you don't you will not get your severance pay. How proud conservatives must be every time this happens this is a bright and shinning example of how conservatism works, the CEO was just pursuing his own best interest. IBM even applied for a patent for a program which identified which jobs in a company could be offshored to China or other countries. After some bad publicity they withdrew their patent application but you can bet that IBM is selling the program today to other CEOs who want to make more of the big bucks.

Conservatism has stripped America of its last vestiges of morality. A viable market places survives only as long as economic morality is the accepted norm. When each man has good reason to believe that every other man is out to cheat him in anyway he can a society breaks down reverts to the law of the jungle where the strong victimize those that are politically weaker. Those with the megaphone drown out the other voices and the decline and fall of America is on the horizon. Conservatives were driven out of America after the American Revolution and their houses burned to the ground. The founding fathers recognized what damage the conservatives did to America then and what damage they would do in the future.

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