The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 29 Sep, 2013 07:05 am
Yesterday was the second 9/11 according to one of the Tea Party Republicans. Rep John Culberson, Republican from Texas, said, "I said, like 9/11 'let it roll!.'" The commie/conservatives, like the terrorists before them, believe they have finally struck a death blow to the American government. The economy is beginning to recover from the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression under baby Bush. If the pee party can administer a death blow to the economy similar to what the terrorist did on 9/11 they will celebrate and hope to be rewarded in the next election.

The commie/conservatives have now voted on The Affordable Health Care and Patient Protection Act 42 times after it was passed and signed into law. If every law had to be voted on 43 times nothing would ever get done in Washington and that is what the Pee Party does best is make sure nothing gets done but bigger tax cuts for the rich. The Pee Party was started and financed by silent partners. They wanted to disguise the Pee Party as a populist movement when in fact it was a movement of the richest 1% to represent the interests of the richest 1%. The ignorant joined and were driven by red neck right radio propaganda as they worked against their own best interests.

But that commie/conservative, Rep John Culberson got it right when he compared himself and other commie/conservatives with the terrorists on 9/11. But Culberson best remember the terrorist all ended up going down in flames. McCain said it best, "elections have consequences" and Obama was overwhelmingly reelected after he had campaigned for and signed the "Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act." The richest 1% can fix all the polls and tell the ignorant what opinions they should hold but during the election the results were undeniable. It seems that most Americans prefer to have healthcare and just not pay for a healthcare system for the rich.
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Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 05:30 am
In America a law is passed by both houses of congress and signed by the President it becomes law. At least this has been the way it has been done for over 200 years but now the Pee Party wants to stop that from happening. After the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act passed both houses of Congress and was signed into law and found Constitutional by the supreme Court. In a democracy as in Congress it is the majority that rules but the rules of Congress now let the minority rule. A 40% minority can stop any bill from coming to the floor to be voted on. The result is gridlock, a government that is prevented from functioning by the radical minority. If the minority can't rule they can at least stop the government from functioning. When the commie/conservative minority are allowed to rule from a minority position we all lose.

History always repeats itself in the 30s the republicans fought social security tooth and nail and continued to try to eliminate it for the next 20 years only after Eisenhower was elected did the republicans stop trying to repeal social security and we all know what an evil program social security is paying the elderly for not working. Imagine how much more profit the rich could make if the elderly had to work instead of being paid for nothing.
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Reply Tue 1 Oct, 2013 05:31 am
The Pee Party has achieved its goal of shutting down the government. The Pee Party started wit a goal of shutting down the government. Grover Norquist, considered the second most powerful Republican in America has stated their goal, "I just want to shrink government to the point that I can drag it in the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub. What you are now watching is the Pee Party trying to drown our government in the bathtub. The Pee Party has stopped the democratic process of our government and replaced it with the rule of wide eyed radicals, the rule of the mob. When the mob rules only the ungodly greedy benefit.

The Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection passed both houses of Congress and was signed into law in 2009. The law was crafted by the House of Representatives and now it is the House of Representatives that is trying to destroy Affordable Healthcare in America. The Pee Party wants to keep the current Greed Based healthcare system that is destroying America. In our current healthcare system is made based on greed. They will literally cut your heart out for a few dollars more in the current system. One doctor was caught doing open heart surgery on people who didn't need the surgery. Our system pays doctors by the number of procedures they do> The incentive is to cut the maximum number of hearts out to increase your profit. It doesn't matter the patient doesn't need the procedure in the first place it just matter that the doctor needs the money. If you make widget and you get paid by the widget you will make the maximum number of widgets. Our current Healthcare system is designed to make the maximum number of widgets not to make people healthy. This is why our healthcare system is rated 35 in the world though we pay much more than any country in the world.
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Reply Wed 2 Oct, 2013 05:32 am
The Pee Party Republicans represent only 18% of America but these terrorists have taken the country hostage. In past our government has been ruled by a 40% minority that can stop any vote on legislation by a filibuster but now 18% can shut down the government. What is know for sure is that if a Clear Continuing Resolution comes to the House floor it will pass but the Pee Party Terrorists say no the majority no longer rules in America the racists, extremists minority rule.

The Republican controlled House reapportioned the voting districts so that the most racists and extreme elements could control the districts. The Pee Party Republicans were elected by 65% To 75% majorities while Obama received only 25% to 35% of the vote in the terrorists districts. It is obvious a generation ago these people would have been the backbone of the Klu Klux Klan membership. Presidential elections are traditionally only a few percentage points apart and when you see that type of vote it is a reflection of racist values. These people would still be barring black people from white schools and colleges.

By calling the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act, "Obama Care" it makes it a racial issue. Just as in the old South when a well know singing star got in a Hotel pool the whites insisted the pool be drained and scrubbed before the whites got in the pool. The Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act must be drained and scrubbed before it will be acceptable to the extreme racists element in America. If Clinton had passed The Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act the extreme racist reaction would have not been nearly as extreme. We like to think we have moved beyond racism in America that it was something that happened in the past. But many of this generation were raised by confirmed racists. The Pee Party is trying to drain and scrub the pool.
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Reply Thu 3 Oct, 2013 05:30 am
History often repeats itself, in Germany a small group of radicals seized power from much larger groups in the government. That group was led by former corporal in WWI, Adolf Hitler. The Pee Party radicals believe as Hitler believed that the minority should rule. The Pee Party believes that the know what is best for the majority and they intend to impose their will on the majority whether they like it or not. A country that lets the minority rule is in trouble. What is know for sure is that a Clear Continuing Resolution would pass the House of Representatives if it came to the floor but the Pee Party is blocking it from coming to the floor. Over 15 House Republicans have indicated they will vote for the clear resolution but the Pee Party is stopping any vote. Rules that allow maneuvers like this let the minority rule.

People can understand small numbers but large numbers are often missed. One reporter for CNN made a remark about saving one child from cancer by opening a research facility but the battle is not over one child but 30 million people who are subject to die because they don't get medical care because they have no health insurance and that number has been growing by the millions for years. In a greed based healthcare system there is no incentive to take care of those who can not pay. But there is an incentive to do a large number of unneeded procedures on those who have insurance.
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Reply Fri 4 Oct, 2013 05:30 am
Much is being made by the Pee Party Republicans about health insurance subsidies granted to congressmen even though they make to much to qualify. It makes good political propaganda but what exactly is going on here. Currently each of us that has health insurance through their employer is being subsidized as you pay a portion and the employer pays the rest of the cost of health insurance. Currently Congress is no different their employer pays part of their health insurance but under the Affordable HealthCare and Patient Protection Act a poison pill was added in effort to defeat the bill, Congressmen and their staff were mandated to buy health insurance through the exchanges. What is wrong with this picture is that the Congressmen and their staff would lose the $20,000 a year that their employer pays for their insurance now.

An employee earns more than just his wages he also earns benefits they are part of the total pay package. If the Affordable Healthcare Act had required all of us to purchase health insurance at the exchange we would expect to by given the subsidy that our employer paid. During contract negotiations the cost of each benefit is figured to the penny and if you want that benefit you will not get as much an increase in wages to offset the cost of benefits.

Is it really unfair that Congressmen and their staff will continue to get the same health insurance subsidy that they currently receive? No, but for those who propagate propaganda the illusion of unfairness may prove useful. The poison pill aspect of making Congressmen and staff by health insurance on the exchange was unfair in that the rest of us were not mandated by law to drop our employer subsidized health insurance and buy health insurance on the exchanges while the congressmen and their staffs were. Many have said that Congressmen should be required to have the same insurance as the public and now the Affordable Healthcare Act mandates exactly that but revoking their subsidy would be unfair. Living in Washington DC is very expensive and for the few honest Congressmen who are not millionaires revoking the health insurance subsidy would be a financial burden. Leaving them vulnerable to payoffs and bribes of the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 05:29 am
Boehner bold faced lied to the American people Sunday by telling the American people that a Clean Continuing Resolution would not pass the House. The votes have been counted and Boehner knows it will pass. Why else would Boehner block the vote? Boehner could simply hold the vote and say see I told you it would not pass. Boehner has one reason and one reason to block the vote and that is it will pass. The Pee Party is blocking the vote and Boehner is afraid of the Pee Party backers, the billionaire trust fund babies. The billionaire trust fund babies believe they were born to rule America and if they can't rule America with their money they will destroy it. This why you can't have massive accumulations of wealth because sooner or later they will simply use their wealth to take over or destroy America. America worked best when there was 93% tax on income over a $100,000. It stopped most of the massive accumulation of wealth and kept wealth under control.

Boehner is peeing on the American people's leg and telling it is raining. Will the American people believe Boehner's lies or will this be the Pee Party last stand.

Ted Cruz is a modern day General George Custer leading the Republicans to a massacre at Little Big Horn
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Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 04:59 am
Almost all of those who are against the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act will benefit from its enactment. I had a routine electrocardiogram that is done yearly my cost with insurance went up 300% in one year. Blood work that cost $500 a year ago was well over a thousand dollars this year and this type of price gouging has been going on for more than 30 years now. Greed has created a monster that is out of control and it is only a matter of time before the vast majority of the American people are priced out of the system. As you are priced out of the healthcare systems you can hear the republican lie in your ears "the best healthcare system in the world." Currently more than 35 million people are priced out of the American healthcare system

There has been a tremendous shift of healthcare costs from insurance companies to individuals deductibles that were typically $100 are now over $1500 and some as high as $5,000. Insurance policies that had 100% coverage now cover only 80% of medical cost after deductibles are paid by the insurance company. One of the most frequent causes of bankruptcy in the Untied States is overwhelming cost medical expenses after the insurance company has paid their portion. I watched many of people retire without health insurance and lose everything they worked for a lifetime the problem now is the people that are working with insurance are now losing everything to the black hole we call the American healthcare system.

The reason to have insurance was to protect us from a huge financial lose do to sickness. Home insurance and auto insurance continue to protect from large financial loses but health insurance no longer serves its stated purpose. Under the greed based system the health insurance has become only a health care copay. At the end of a long illness it does not matter whether you owe a million dollars or a $100,000 you are still bankrupt. If health insurance can no longer protect us from bankruptcy do to medical it is time we use the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act as a first step to return sanity to our healthcare system.

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Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 05:34 am
The republican rode abortion to victory in many elections however the fact that at least 10,000 people a year die, many of them children, because they have no medical insurance does not concern them in the least. If a baby was born one day and died the next because its parents could not afford the half million dollar operation it would just be the capitalist system at work, where those that can afford survive can and let those that can't pay be damned. The number of lives saved had absolutely nothing to do with the Republican position on abortion just the number of votes gained to impose their ideology. The value of life in the capitalist system is negligible when it comes to profits of billionaires.

Last year insurance companies were mandated and by law to refund money to customers if they spent more than 20% on administrative costs (CEO salaries, advertising, Lear Jets, for the CEO, etc.) In contrast it costs only 1% of Medicare goes to administrative charges. Government employees make a tiny fraction of what a private sector CEO makes.

Imagine being sick and in need of medical care and going into the doctor office and being turned away because you couldn't pay up front. Or worse yet having a sick child and being turned away. This puts you in position of begging in public or doing without medical care. One woman who was a former employee of a large medical complex sought treatment at that complex and the staff refused to let her see the doctor because she could not pay. The woman went in to see the doctor who she had once worked over the staff objection. When she came out she was handed her medical records and told not to return. At one time a doctor was responsible to collect his debts but now this is the job of professional debt collectors and now the doctors offices are staffed with people who demand payment up front even from those with insurance. One doctor I dealt with demand payment up in full up front when the insurance paid his refused to reimburse me. When I questioned the insurance company they said they paid the doctor and when they checked doctor account he said they had been reimbursed with one check for several patients and my money was used to pay the bills of other patients and that was the end of several hundred dollars.
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Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 05:33 am
The middle class has seen a drop in real wages over the last 40 years. That is two generations that have lost ground in terms of real wages while the GNP has continued to rise. The middle class didn't share in their increase in productivity, the top one percent got all the benefit of the increased productivity of the American people. But the effect of the ever increasing cost of medical care has been much more profound. The amount of money made beyond the amount money made to scrape by and buy necessities is the quality of life money. The cost my medical insurance policy has went up 2900% in the last 39 years. Can you think of anything else that has went up that much in your lifetime? Even gasoline has only went up a few hundred percent in that period. The medical insurance was paid by my employer 39 years ago. Now the deductibles have went 1500% and the employees must pay part of the cost. This increased cost was taken directly out of the quality of life money and has pulled the middle class standard much further down than what the decreasing real wages show. As fully funded employer paid health insurance vanished in America it had a much more profound effect on American middle quality of life that most people realized.
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Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 06:20 pm
The "Night of the long Knives" bought Hitler and Nazis to power in Germany. How is a minority to take power? Since the beginning time minorities have used murder and terrorism to intimidate and rule the majority. Could it happen in America? One news caster remarked that America is more divided than any time since the civil War.

The recent government shut down was planned for more than 6 months by the radical minority and Heritage Foundation. They carefully planned to make the demand of striping the funding for "The Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act" then they would fall back to delaying the start for another year. A recent pole showed that 70% of the American people disagree with the republican's position and tactics. This is type of situation where "night of the Long Knives" type tactics come into play. When a minority wants to dictate to the majority the only clear path to victory is force and terrorism.

The republicans have absolutely no problem with dictating even the most personal of bodily functions. When the Republicans want to dictate what can be done with two cells in a woman body, do you think they would have any problem dictating more complex human interactions. Like Baby Bush they believe God himself has appointed them to a position of power. They are doing God's will on earth and any person with another opinion is a sinner that needs to be dealt with, after all it is God's will they are just his instrument.

Could a "Night of the Long Knives" happen in America to gain power? It already has anyone familiar with the history of mob or the "God Father" movies saw the reenactment of "Knight of the Long Knives" on American soil. These people like Cruz have the same mind set as those who burnt witches at the stake with green wood to prolong their agony but they too comforted themselves with the belief that it was God's will.
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Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 07:07 am
Most people in America believe the surface truth that elections are won by majority but when you look below the surface and study the art of politics you realize that electoral victories are forged by catering to minorities. Most elections in America are won by a few percentage points and remember a percentage point for your candidate takes a percentage point away from the other candidate so each percentage point movement makes a two percentage point difference. In other words in a one percentage movement for your candidate in an evenly divided 50-50 election dose not result in a 51 to 50 race but a 51% to 49% race. If you had a 52% to 48% percent lead a month before the election the other candidate would only need to find and appeal to a minority or fringe group that composed slightly more 2% to win the election. your opponent would know that that minority group or fringe group was responsible for his election and would be beholding.

As elections have become ever more sophisticated small minorities and fringe groups like the Pee Party become much more powerful and disproportionally distort the political process in America. The Pee Party was started and funded by the Koch brothers and passed off as a grass roots movement but the political agenda is the political agenda of the Koch brothers by the Koch brothers, for the Koch brothers. But this fringe extremist movement magnified the Koch brothers political power 1,000s of time more than their millions in political contributions. This is basically how an extremist minority that represents less than 1% of the population takes control of a democracy.

Only a few years after going to work for the city of Huntington I used this minority principal to ensure our candidates won the election. Huntington is a city of 50,000 and had a city manager form of government where seven councilmen controlled the government. The city was poorly run at the time and I put together four groups to back candidates in the next election. The groups were the Fire, Police, District Labor Council, and AFSCME local 598 of which I was President. We met in a Fire Station and decided which council members, member groups would back. We successfully elected six out of seven of our candidates. The one council seat we lost was heavily supported by a local millionaire but in that election but the local millionaires lost that 6 to 1.

I think millionaires and billionaires have learned that where once their public endorsement of candidates carried weight now in many cases it hurts their candidates and the illusion of grass roots support of their candidates is much more effective. The Pee Party has been wildly successful for the Koch brothers and has paralyzed our government look for more minority extremists groups to be formed and backed by other billionaires in the future to implement their political agenda.
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Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 09:40 am
Glen Beck brags that the Pee Party is not violent but the violence began yesterday in Washington. Cruz and Palin set out with the intention of getting someone killed or seriously injured. When the barriers at WWII monument were cut apart with bolt cutters and piled in front of the Whitehouse they could have been used to breech the barriers around the Whitehouse. There was a strong likelihood that someone could have been shot as the woman was shot when she rammed the same barriers. Why would Cruz and Palin want to see Pee Party members killed? They need a martyr or martyrs to change public opinion and make the other side look like the villain in the drama. If the Pee Party rioters had climbed on top of the barriers and breeched the first Whitehouse barriers they would have been quickly shot by snipers as a clear and present danger to Whitehouse security and Palin and Cruz would have been ecstatic.

What is going on in America, why the deep divisions? What appears to be the cause is just on the surface and not the real cause. It is about money it is always about money. The Koch brothers and the other multi billionaires have been allowed to raid the social security trust fun for 30 years they mined it like a gold mine. In this case the money was borrowed from those who paid social security to cut the income taxes on the Koch brothers and other billionaires from 93% to 28%. There is no coincidence that when these tax cuts were made by Reagan that social security was raised four times and the retirement age was raised to fund the massive billionaire tax cuts and still Reagan tripled the national debt to provide the Koch brothers with the tax cuts. Reagan knew the $2.6 trillion trust fund would not be needed for 30 years. The problem now is that the gold or the money as in this case is all mined out and the Koch brothers and other billionaires still want more and want to pay social security trust fund back. This is what it is all about the whether the Koch brothers will have to pay the baby boomers social security back.

John Kenneth Galbraith stated that 5% of the people have 95% of the wealth while the other 95% of the populations divides the remaining 5% of wealth among them. The 95% will let the wealthiest 5% take up to 99% of the country wealth without a fight but the 5% will fight to the death over even loss of even 1% of their 95%. Of course the Koch brothers have no intention of dying for their wealth but will send in the fools to die for them as was suppose to happen in Washington yesterday.
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Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 05:31 am
How to lie with pictures, the Pee Party has posted videos of what is claimed to be the recent Pee Party Riot in Washington DC. The Pee Party is crying that Obama called the riot police on a peaceful rally and show videos to prove their point. The Video shows more Pee Party members filming a rally that was not taking place at the War Memorial or Whitehouse. The Pee Party version shows a few elderly, no doubt senile, senior citizens who could hardly walk surround by egger Pee Party members with video cameras. What no pictures of Pee Party thugs using bolt cutters to cut the barriers apart at the War Memorial and staking them up at the Whitehouse to breech the barriers around the Whitehouse. The Pee Party film is obviously filmed on a residential street far from where the Pee Party Riot was taking place no doubt as a diversion to draw the riot police away from the real Pee Party thugs.

Does anyone actually think that Obama personally called the riot police other then the Pee Party idiots? The Whitehouse has extensive security and a staged rally was used in a one of our embassies. When large rioting mob beginning tearing down barriers and stacking them up to make a breech of the barriers around the Whitehouse possible security will automatically react.

The Pee party has posted these videos to make an alternate reality possible for the low brow members. Pee Party members never watch the actual news. They have no interest in reality they get there news from the internet where they can get it cafeteria style and pick out only what they believe is true.

No one could watch the actual film of the Pee Party Riot and believe that it was a few crippled seniors who are against government involvement in their Medicare. Go figure. Personally I wonder why the War Memorial does not even appear in the Pee Party Video.
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Reply Wed 16 Oct, 2013 05:30 am
The extremist minority continued to wag the dog yesterday. Our government was designed around one important principal, the majority rules. In elections winners are determined by a vote of the majority, those that get less than the majority of votes loss plain simple. There is simply no situation where the vote counting is stopped and the candidate that gets a minority of the vote wins the office. In the Supreme Court the minority opinion does not become the law of the land. But in Congress the important principal of majority rules has been circumvented and it seems the extremist minority can stop any vote even on bills that have passed the Senate. The Pee Party extremists seem quite capable of destroying the government of the United States and pointing and saying "I told you so."

It is high time the Senate bill is bought to a vote and pee Party extremists are entitled to vote against the bill but with only one vote. The founding fathers did not base this country government on a principal of minority rules. This is not part of our country's Constitution. The minority rules are a product of rules established for procedure in the House these procedural rules violate the basic principal that are government is based on, "majority rule." The path to destruction of any nation is paved with procedural rules that empower the minority to dictate to the majority. Minority rule empowers the extremists and endanger the country.
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Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 05:32 am
All the sound and fury for nothing the Pee Party extremists finally lost yesterday as the House voted to reopen United States government but the real losers were the American people as the cost of the shut down was estimated at $24 billion. More than 800,000 government employees labor was lost as they will be paid for the 16 days the government was closed. The American people were told no vote could be held in the House because not enough republicans would vote to pass a clear resolution and there was speculation that up to twenty republicans would vote to pass the clear resolution but when it finally was bough to a vote 87 republicans joined the democrats to pass the resolution over the Pee Party extremists. If a vote had been allowed to happen in the first place it would have saved the taxpayers $24 billion.

The Pee Party extremists held the America people hostage for over two weeks and hijacked our government. The rules of our government should never allow a small minority to keep the House from voting on a bill. The rules should be revised so that a bill must be voted on. The vote in the Senate was 81 to 18 and the vote in the House was 285 to 144 almost a two to one margin and more than a four to one margin in the Senate. Why was this bill blocked? A small group of extremists kept it from being voted on.

The Pee Party extremists in a press conference changed tactics and shifted their stated reason for blocking the vote from blocking the funding for the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act to dealing with the Federal Deficit. Several members of the Pee Party loudly declared that their fight had been all about "fairness." In Nazi Germany and Communist Russia the meaning of familiar words are changed and the words freedom and liberty soon become construed as the freedom to live under a dictator. To the Pee Party extremists "Fairness" means away to push their agenda. The majority of America people have employer provided Health Insurance most Americans now pay a portion of that cost. The fact that most employers pay the lions share of the cost insurance is no secret. The Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act was never intended to replace employer provided health insurance. But a Republicans inserted a poison pill that would no longer mandate congressmen and their staff buy health insurance in the exchanges and lose their employer's health insurance subsidy. This would be a loss of up to $30,000 a year by the time taxes and social security were taken out of the amount needed to purchase health insurance for cash on the exchanges. No other Americans were subject to this feature of the law and any other American that had employee provided health insurance could keep it. Why this discriminate against this group? They are the ones that could vote or influence votes losing $30,000 a year is a poison pill that few could afford to ignore.

It is very expensive to live and work in Washington DC a $30,000 cut in pay and that is what it is would be hard for anyone to take. LBJ could only afford to live in a boarding house with 6 other congressmen when he was first elected to congress things may be a little better today but the cost of living helps bar ordinary Americans from being able to hold office. When is a Pee Party member lying? Anytime they are talking they claim Congressmen and their staff would get a subsidy no other American gets and that is a lie. They are talking about a provision to fund health insurance and not a tax subsidy for low income Americans but why tell the truth about this when they lie about everything else. The fact that the insurance subsidy comes from the government to government is no different than private employers subsidizing their employees insurance.
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Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 05:32 am
Yesterday Rush Slimbaugh yesterday asked why Senator Cruz, Senator Lee and talk radio were being seen as villains in the public eye? The recent government shutdown cost taxpayers $24 billion. A right wing think tank called the Heritage Foundation had been planning the government shutdown for 6 months prior to it happening. This would be similar to a union going into a grievance meeting suddenly demanding $30 an hour raise from a company that paid its average employee $10 and then taking a fall back position of a $15 an hours and claiming management caused the strike by not meeting the union demands. In the first place management would say it was a grievance meeting no a contract negotiation meeting. This is exactly the same type of strategy the Heritage Foundation employed. The Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act had already been negotiated and passed Congress was meeting to pass a budget. Imagine if after every bill was passed that the fight to fund each individual bill each year had to be fought. Government would grind to a stop and this is exactly what happened and that was exactly what the Heritage Foundation wanted when there plan came together they could then point to Obama and say it was his fault just as they did with the government shutdown after they planned for 6 months prior. Slimbaugh that is why the public blames you, Cruz and Lee you simply must take credit where credit is due. We would hate to see you give credit to Obama for something you worked so hard to do.
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Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 02:39 pm
In our society we manufacture many things, from cars to computers. There is a procedure to manufacture each and every thing that makes our life easier. The problem is that most people don’t realize that as we leaned to manufacture objects that they also discovered the way to manufacture opinions. We know that General Motors makes Chevrolet but when it comes to political opinions few can name the right wing think tanks that manufacture right wing opinions. Recently the part the Heritage Foundation played in government shut down has come to light. The Heritage Foundation found the public spotlight uncomfortable to say the least. In this case the Heritage Foundation was taking more active role than usual, most of the time they confine themselves to just manufacturing opinion. You have encountered their handiwork on right wing talk shows for years.

Most people would not want to buy a car that was in a kit and assemble it themselves likewise many would not want to go to the trouble to investigate the material need to form a political opinion and like their political opinions spoon fed to them by think tanks like the Heritage Foundation. When Reagan eliminated the “Fairness Doctrine” it became easy to use the public airwaves to indoctrinate the public. When the “Fairness Doctrine” was in place it was believed that political discussion should allow both sides of a debate to be aired. Propaganda is based on the ability to make political discussion one sided where no opposing opinions can be aired. As propaganda spun out of control after the elimination of the “Fairness Doctrine” America has entered downward spiral where the minority asserts itself like a super majority. The “Fairness Doctrine” must once again become the law of the land. When the Fairness Doctrine was in effect if a local television station manager ran an editorial piece you were allowed equal time to respond. Have you ever seen Fox News offer anyone equal time to respond to their editorial content? At the very least the American people should be exposed to both sides of political que
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Reply Sun 20 Oct, 2013 09:10 am
Have you ever been on a trip and suddenly realized that you were lost? What did you do? You retrace your steps back to when you knew you were on course and resume your trip. Countries are much like people they can become lost along the journey. We know that at some point America got off course so to get by on course we need to determine at what point in time America got of course. We can use the National Debt as one measure to detect when America went of course. All the presidents since the end of WWII had paid down the National Debt and the WWII war debt was on schedule to be paid off in the early 90s. Until a band of extremist led by a senile old B movie actor came to power. Reagan stopped the tradition of paying the debt and tripled it in his eight years in office. Was there a great war that caused Reagan to triple the national debt? No. If all the other presidents could pay the debt down why couldn’t Reagan pay down the debt? The answer is apparent as the nose on your face. What did Reagan do that no other President did up until he was elected? He gave a massive tax cut to the ungodly greedy while raising social security taxes four times. But even raising the social security tax four times could only pay a small fraction of Reagan 60% tax cut for the ungodly greedy.

Each member of the baby boomer and future generations kicked in one or more years of their life year to help pay for the tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Some of the baby boomers will have to work until they are 66 to get their social security and some will have to work until they are 67 and many will not live long enough to collect any social security at all. These changes freed up money to pay for the massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The social security money is counted as income in the general fund.

On Fox News this morning one Republican Senator made much of the fact that the same percentages of taxes is being collect today as was being be collected before Reagan took office so taxes on the ungodly greedy should not be raised but social security and Medicare should be cut. Remember the first rule of politics if a Republican is speaking he is lying. If statistics don’t lie how is he lying? The type of statistic the Senator is using leaves the most relevant facts out, who is actually paying the tax. When Reagan cut the taxes on the richest 1% by 60% he raised the taxes on over 200 million people. Not only was social security tax raised four times by Reagan but the amount money you had to pay social security on was raised so that all the middle class income was taxable prior to Reagan many people paid all of their social security tax by September. This generation has never heard of anyone paying out of social security because only he richest 1% gets a 6.2% tax cut in the last of the year.

Reagan primarily shifted the taxes from the ungodly greed to the middle class, in social security alone; you see six changes that resulted in the middle class paying more taxes. When taxes on the ungodly greedy stood at 91% in 1961 America was in the mists of the longest economic expansion in history and the biggest expansion of the middle class in history. The taxation rate sounds unfair on the surface but money reinvested in their business was exempt from taxation. Instead of a $100 million made in political contributions their money was invested in the economy creating jobs and expanding the economy. The ungodly had a choice they could pay $91 out of a $100 in taxes or expand their business. Now the ungodly greedy like Sheldon Adelson have no problem giving a $100 million in bribes to politicians called campaign contributions to cut their taxes further. Next time you hear a Republican say we are still collecting the same percentage of taxes, ask him if the hedge fund manager paying 15% is paying the same as 91% he would have had to pay in 1961? In 1961 social security rate was 3% now it is 6.2% when you cut the top 1% taxes by 60% you can replace the money by raising the bottom 99% by 3.2%. It works much like the lottery where 99% lose to pay for the 1% of the winner
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Reply Mon 21 Oct, 2013 05:33 am
Why is it that the Pee Party and other extremist minority groups are able to do so much damage? The important principal involved is that “perception trumps reality.” What one perceives as reality is often more important than what is actual reality. Because of the way our minds work opinions become part of us and we will defend them as if they were an arm or a leg. In our society propaganda is used to seed opinions. Once an opinion is seeded and takes root it is almost impossible to dislodge it. Since the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated by Reagan propaganda networks have operated openly and are used to indoctrinate the population to achieve the political ends of a far tinier minority. Once a political opinion has become established it can be selectively feed and nourished by selectively choosing propaganda TV, radio, or internet sites. This is not only a problem in America but other countries as well. The rush to war is always carried on a wave of propaganda. NBC news reports that a wave of propaganda has enveloped the Muslim world as now even mainstream Muslim agree that America is engaged in a plot to kill all the Muslims imagine the consequences as the majority of the Muslim world believes that to be true. We will die for perception not reality.
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