The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 4 Sep, 2013 07:17 am
Once someone has extreme wealth the next logical step is to get political power. The ungodly greedy wealth is based on extracting wealth from others much like as if you were mining for gold. Greed is a black hole the ungodly greedy can never have enough, the hole can never be filled. Extractive economic institutions and extractive political organizations are a vicious circle that feed on each other. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely." No one is saying that market based economy is not part of the solution but advocating unregulated Capitalism, as Hayek and the commie/conservatism do is a recipe for disaster because that advocates absolute political power for the ungodly greedy.

America was a tale of two countries, the south was based on an extractive economy, where slaves provided most of the labor. The North had more of an inclusive economy and farms tended to be small and farmed by the owners without slaves. The North industrialized but the South stayed stuck in time, two different economic systems meant it would only be a matter of time before a civil war would take place. The elimination of slavery would severely damage the extractive economic system in the South. Yet the ungodly greedy slave owners wanted to go to war but they did not want to fight and die themselves so exemptions from military service were set up based on the number of slaves you owned for each twenty slaves you owned your family was granted one exemption from military service. The biggest slaves owner watched the civil war from the porch of their plantations.

Where ever we find extractive economies we find institutionalized poverty, the old South was no exception. Some of the most hardcore poverty can be found in the South today. Where rich plantations once stood there is abject poverty today but then only the plantation owners were the only ones not living in poverty. After all how poor are you when someone owns you and your family?

In some parts of the old South 60-95% of the population was enslaved, how did 5% of the population enslave 95%? The 5% controlled the politics, they made the laws where runaway slaves could be shot. Their economic power gave them political power just as is happening today where 1/100 of a percent is taking political power. In the north we had indentured servants those who had to serve as slaves until there passage to the new world was paid for. How is that any different from a college student who must pay the rich banker a couple of $100,000 in student loans? The indentured servant loans was paid back in a few years but the student will pay a lifetime. The commie/conservatives battle cry of 'smaller government" all but eliminated government subsidies to colleges and universities. Loans typically were only granted to those with security for the loan so a new special type of loans had to be created for students whose only security was their future. These loans are backed by the federal government and must be paid by taxpayers if they default. This is a win, win situation for bankers, there is no risk because they cannot lose. Interest rates should be very small since there is absolutely no risk but interest rates are higher than many other loans. Student loans have now surpassed credit cards as the largest debts Americans owe. The ungodly greedy own the banks and have now managed to enslave a generation, the more things change the more they stay the same.
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Reply Thu 5 Sep, 2013 06:21 am
As the debate goes on about whether to bomb Syria in retaliation for the attack on rebels for using deadly chemical weapons, there has been one thing missing from the debate, something that is unmentionable. Neither party dares mention it. For the last 5 years, the commie/conservatives have told us day in and day out that the budget deficit will destroy America. In the last 2 centuries wars are responsible for the budget deficits. Wars are the most expensive undertaking a country can become involved in. But not one commie/conservative has said a single word. If we are going to go to war it should be tied to at least a 10% tax increase on the ungodly greedy and the elimination of hedge managers 50% tax break on their salary. The missiles that will rain down on Syria cost a million dollars each and the bombing will cost billions in the first few minutes.

We became involved in Vietnam by sending military advisors in but soon a draft was imposed and a good portion of an American generation was drafted, forced into military service and killed in rice patties half way around the world and in the end it made no difference at all, the Vietnam's civil war was won by the communists. A 195,000 to 430,000 South Vietnam citizens died during the war and our involvement prolonged the war and added to and caused additional deaths.

People die in civil wars over 1/2 million died in the American civil war. Dead is dead a child in Vietnam with a bullet in his head or blow to tiny bits with a bomb is no more dead then one who is killed with gas.

America use to be the center and undisputed leader of world manufacturing and could afford to try and be the world police force. We are no longer the center of manufacturing and have become a center of consumers we can no longer fight every civil war to protect the multi-national companies assets in foreign soil. If they exported the manufacturing let the multi-nationals form their own armies and protect their own assets.
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Reply Fri 6 Sep, 2013 09:15 am
In order for a nation to prosper it must have secure property rights. In fact if there are no secure property rights a nation will fail. Property rights include rights to private property, real estate, as well as money and investments. The rule of law secures the rights to property. Why would anyone invest their time in planting crops if the government could simply take the harvest? Why would anyone build a factory that could be nationalized at any time? The United States has a system of laws that provide secure property rights.

As large corporations developed in the United States after the industrial revolution they looked to invest in foreign countries but there were not secure property rights in many of the countries they invested in and after they discovered oil and built oil wells the foreign countries simply nationalized their wells. The big corporations are greed driven and when the Arab countries discovered the seven sisters paid them less for their oil than they paid to transport it they simply nationalize the seven sisters holdings in their countries. The seven sister were responsible for drawing up the countries boundaries after WWII.

Why are the commie/conservatives always for unlimited military spending that is 10 times higher than any other country on earth is that the US Army is often used as the corporate police to enforce multi-national corporation property rights on foreign soil. Though it was not successful in the Middle East the threat of action can intimidate other countries. Millions of people are killed in civil wars around the world and the United States doesn't bat and eye lash but in certain parts of the world even a small number of people killed where their are Multi-National corporate holdings and America can't wait to be involved. Why? Historically during any revolution property rights become insecure and property changes hands from the losers of a revolution to the victors. The Multi-Nationals see nothing wrong with the United States spending trillions of dollars and sending thousands of young Americans to their deaths to secure billions of the Multi-National property. It is not a free market decision as the Multi-Nationals are not paying the cost for protection. If the Multi-National CEOs, who are making all the money, had to fight to the death over their property rights you can bet their would be no fight.

It would be interesting to see how many Multi-Nationals stand to lose property in Syria. This isn't about a few people being gassed this has to do with multi-nationals losing money.

The deindustrialization of America to a point below what it was during the industrial revolution has dire consequences for the American people but it is made possible by huge standing army paid for by taxpayers. If America stops providing an Army to secure multi-nationals property rights in foreign countries the multinationals would be forced to move the industry back into the United States.

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Reply Sat 7 Sep, 2013 06:06 am
Obama was elected on a platform of ending wars not starting wars. The war with Syria has not even started but a major escalation is already in the works. Originally the idea being sold to the American people was a limited strike on Syria to discourage the use of chemical weapons. Of course the commie/conservatives are not satisfied and want a full scale war in Syria. There are major fortunes to be made by those who supply the war machine in fact the first fortunes in America were made by those who supplied the revolutionary army. In any conflict one blow leads to the next and it does not end until one beat into the dust. The very nature of man is not to take a blow and bow to the opponent wishes but to retaliate. To be sure revenge has been a major driving force throughout history. Sons take up their fathers causes.

Now Obama is talking about sending long range bombers from the United States to do extensive damage to the Syrian Army. Let see we are getting to this conflict to keep Syrians from killing Syrians and we are going to accomplish this how? By Americans killing Syrians. The reasoning goes if America kills massive amounts of Syrians they will lay over and play dead but that is not the nature of man. One group of Syrians is engaged in a fight with another group of Syrians this is a life and death struggle and both sides knows who ever losses will likely end up dead. Does anyone in their right mind believe the one side should give up and let the other side kill them and their families?

If a group started a civil war in America the government would fight back with every weapon at their disposal. Children would just be collateral damage. Does anyone think that America doesn't blow up children when we bomb countries. The people that parade blown up puppies and children are doing it for one reason and one reason only to manipulate others into wars we have no business being involved in.
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Reply Mon 9 Sep, 2013 05:32 am
Right now everything that can be done is being done to manipulate the American people into yet another Middle Eastern war. The best outcome is a democracy where people will elect their leader. Muslim countries will invariably elect Muslim extremists. Exchanging one Muslim extremists for another does not change the situation. The definition of insanity is to repeat the same action time and time again and expect different results. The Middle East mess was 70 years in the making. Massive greed created the mess in the Middle East. After WWII the Seven Sisters, the big oil companies, redrew the countries boundaries much like the Mafia cut up territories in New York. For decades the CIA simply installed secular dictators if the dictator got out of line the CIA had him assonated and replaced him with someone who would do as he was told. This was not only the practice in the Middle East but in much of South America. We even maintained a training camp for death squads that were used to murder any supporters of political opposition.

No one wants to see children murdered, no one wants to see anyone gassed. But the fact of the matter is that all weapons were designed to kill people. You can only be killed once, whether it is a bullet to the back of the head, being blown to bits by bombs, or being gassed. Iraq could provide the world news media with endless pictures of Iraqi children killed by American bombs. Women and children may not have been the primary target but they are just as dead as the Syrian children that were gassed the only difference is that American soldiers killed thousands of times as many children. Do you think for a minute that America would even hesitate to kill children if a military objective could be achieved. Of course our military doesn't refer to them as children but as collateral damage. When we get a chance for a drone to take out a al Queda that the drone says there are children there we will call off the strike. Not a chance the Hells Fire missiles are fired and the children can lay there and slowly burn to death. Before America decides to dictate morality to others they should look at what we do instead of what we preach.

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Reply Thu 12 Sep, 2013 05:31 am
In the Iraq war 134,000 civilians were killed including 10s of thousands of children. After being responsible for those deaths we suddenly get a holier than thou attitude about deaths of a few hundred children in Syria. The 10s of thousands of children killed in Iraq were killed for the Seven Sisters greed. The war in Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Baby Bush had already decided to go to war with Iraq when he took office. Saddam had committed the ultimate sin he was selling Iraqi oil for $15 a barrel driving the price of oil down on the billionaires oil in Texas. Gas was selling for 92.9 cents when Bush took office and $4.30 after we went to war in Iraq. The billionaires were only making millions when Bush took office but billions after the Iraq war. Oil billionaires are like the Mafia they will kill you and your whole family if you drive down the price of oil in Texas. The difference is the oil billionaires use the US military to enforcers.

What is going in Syria is that the Seven Sisters, (the 7 big oil companies) want to put a oil pipe line across Syria to move the oil out of other countries that are land locked and have no deep water port to ship the oil from. Assad has refused to let the seven sisters put the oil pipe line across Syria. The seven sisters now want the United States to get sucked into a civil war where the seven sisters are no doubt arming the rebels and bank rolling the war. The seven sisters may be the ones responsible for gassing the children to get America in the war.
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Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 05:32 am
Quatar wants to run a gas line through Syria and Turkey to supply gas to Europe. Assad has blocked the pipeline from going through Syria. The Turks and Quarter are pushing for the pipe line. Now 1,000s of al Qaeda fighters are being smuggled into Syria via Turkey to overthrown Assad. There are two competing gas line proposed one that will not go through turkey. It will go through Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Only one pipeline will be built. The Russian have a stake in this as Russian oil companies currently supply most of the gas to Europe. If Assad is removed and the pipeline goes through Russia oil companies stand to lose a good deal of business and prices will be forced downward. If Assad stays in power and blocks the pipelines Russia benefits. This war is simply competing oil companies fighting for control. The poster children being gassed are just window dressing so the seven sisters can manipulate the American people into another war for profit.
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Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 05:31 am
Why doesn't the mainstream news media tell the public what the cause of the civil war in Syria is? We get a whole lot about the rebels being gassed but nothing about root cause of the war. If the United States wants to get involved in a civil war we should at least know what the fight is about. The war in Syria is dispute over territory much like the mafia wars in New York, someone has the territory and someone else wants it. The Seven Sisters (big oil) want to move in on the Russian territory. Now the Russian Oil company Gazprom holds the only major natural gas pipeline supplying Europe. The Seven Sisters want to run a pipeline across Syria to compete with Gazprom pipeline. Assad is currently blocking the $10 billion Pipelineistan gas line no doubt at the Russian's bidding. The only way to beat the Russians is to drag the United States into this war. Turkey is sending in thousands al Qaeda to fight with the rebels. Since this proposed pipeline goes across Turkey they stand to loss if it has to be redirected.

When they refer to American interest abroad they are talking about the assets of the oil billionaires. If the oil billionaires want to protect their assets abroad and wage war over territories let them raise a private army and fight their own wars like the Mafia did in New York.

The Russians not only have billions invested in Syria but they have a large military base in Syria and no doubt have an obligation to protect Syria in the case of attack by a foreign power. The seven sisters would like to see a world war where they could redivide the oil assets of the Middle East again. If billions died it would make no difference their would be more for the ungodly greedy and greed knows no end.
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Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 05:32 am
It use to be the only ones who could reasonably expect to be killed by a gun when going off to work were soldiers now anyone going to work in America has a chance of being killed by someone who has a grievance with his employer. Guns as they were originally designed fired one bullet and then had to be reloaded. to have a mass killing you had to have many shooters now the technology allows one many to kill 50 people or more while the cops are in route. What is the root cause of all these mass killings it certainly not the depressed shooters who just wants to die they may be the proximate cause but not the root cause. The root cause is the NRA, the gun manufactures association, that makes a big profit on every gun sold to the shooters and on each and every bullet that kills a victim. The NRA is the one that teaches all your problems can be solved with a bullet and you need lots and lots of bullets to solve your problems at any time you might need an automatic weapon to kill your fellow employees who wronged you or you may have imagined wronged you.

The NRA is the purveyor of violence in America they try hard to perpetuate a climate of fear and paranoia because it sells guns and bullets. It is time to put the blame where the blame belong on those who profit from killings. Each time a mass murder is committed the victims or the victims families need to sue the NRA and those who fund the NRA out of existence at the rate of mass murder in America it will not take long to sue the fear mongers out of existence.

As a union official I have dealt with cases where an employee threatens to shoot fellow employees. In a society where the prevailing attitude is that guns are the ultimate answer to our problems is it any wonder there are so many mass killings. Each time I sit an exit interview with a certain type of NRA personality type I wonder will he be the one to come back shooting. The NRA is king to this type of personality they live and breath guns and enjoy killing the same way others might enjoy a good book or movie. It starts like all serial killers with the enjoyment of killing small animals And moving to bigger animals. The longer the NRA can glorify killing the more mass murders we will have. The man who yells fire in a crowed theater when there is no fire must face the consequences. The NRA has been yelling fire in a crowed theater for years and deserves to face the consequences.
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Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 05:32 am
The NRA was able to use the gun manufacturers money and their political clout to block stiffer background checks The shooter in Washington was able to use out of state identification and simply purchase the shotgun he killed 12 people with and injured another 12 over the counter. It seems the gun laws are so lax anyone with a grudge or mental issues can go in and purchase as many guns as they would like. On his show yesterday Rush Slimbaugh was warning that any legislative action taken after the killings would bring swift retaliation from the NRA pointing two state legislatures removed for trying to limit the size of clips used by mass murders. The silent majority is being held hostage by the NRA in America. By blocking gun legislation the NRA is the root cause of the mass killings in America. If a waiting period had been in effect for an out of state purchaser had been in effect in Virginia the shooters 12 victims would be alive today. We can't stamp out mental illness in America but we can control guns. The NRA acts as a dictator in America and openly threatens every politician in America. It is time that they found there are three branches of government in America and why they can buy or intimidate the first two branches of government the judicial branch are in office for life and the NRA can be held responsible for the victims medical care and other expenses. The mentally ill cannot be held responsible. It is high time those truly responsible are held responsible.
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Reply Thu 19 Sep, 2013 05:30 am
It is no longer a question of if we will pass stricter laws on the control of guns but how many mass killings will have to happen before we take action. In order to drive a car in America you must not only pass a driving test but a written test to demonstrate that you understand the regulations on driving. No one objects to a waiting period between obtaining a learner's permit and a driver license. Why should we object to a waiting period before obtaining a gun? Your driver license can be taken away for violating the driving laws the shooter in Washington had violated the law on the use of guns at least once when he shot the tires off a neighbor's car. His right to own a gun should have been revoked by a law. He clearly demonstrated both aggression and reckless disregard for others by his actions not to mention erratic behavior that should trigger a mandatory mental health evaluation. He demonstrated that he believed he could and would use a gun to solve his problems.

Mandatory waiting periods to obtain a gun should be the law of the land. An incident at work several years demonstrate how waiting periods could save lives. A dispatcher at work asked another employee to move his car which was blocking access to the main garage door at the city garage. The other employee was a much bigger than the dispatcher and had a reputation for fighting he moved his car but told the dispatcher he would return after work and beat him up. The dispatcher went a few blocks to a pawn shop and purchased a gun. The other employee returned at the appointed time as he stated he would. The dispatcher was talking to a policeman in his car as the other man came towards him. The dispatcher pulled his gun and opened fire. The other employee literally ran for his life clearing bull dozer blades in the process when the dispatcher gun was empty the police officer offered him his gun because he thought the dispatcher was firing blanks. Neither man was charged and in fact neither was fired. They were put in separate departments. This took incident took place over 40 years ago when gun violence was accepted. There could have been a completely different outcome if the dispatcher was a better shot or the other employees was not as quick.

When I was a child I can still remember the old lady with a shotgun who did not want us playing on a church parking lot across the street from her house. When she came out with the shot gun we continued to play but the next sound were the sound of the shells being chambered. Nothing was done with the old lady the police were not even called this was simply accepted at the time. Today parents would have called the police and the old lady would have gone to jail. We no longer accept this level of gun violence from the gun nuts today. What was acceptable gun violence then has changed but it has changed slowly.
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Reply Fri 20 Sep, 2013 05:32 am
The first story on this morning is another mass shooting this one in Chicago. Thirteen people were shot including a 3 year old boy shot in the head. In Chicago last night 23 people were shot and two died. The shooting in the park was gang related meaning both sides were armed to the teeth so much for the NRA theory if everyone had a gun there would be no gun violence. In practice arming both sides only leads to more deaths and bystanders are often killed in the gunfire. Will one gun nut not shoot another gun nut if the other gun nut has a gun? We know the answer to that question, a river of blood flows through the areas gangs control.

The number of people on the stage with the families of those who have a relative who were killed by a gunman is growing everyday. If your six year old was killed at school by a gunman you would never ever get over it. It is one thing to lose a child to an accident or disease but to lose one to a shooter who simply kills for sh**s and giggles is quite another. Someone who simply likes to hunt humans the way others hunt rabbits and deer, just for the thrill of seeing them die. We are too worried about protecting the "rights" of the mass killers and not worrying enough about the most important right of all the right of the victims to live. In life we are presented with choices there are exceptions to our "rights" the right of free speech does not give anyone the right to yell fire in a crowed theater. All of our rights have limits as the right to own a gun of should be limited.
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Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2013 03:59 pm
Today's mall shooting in Kenya was first designed to be carried out in the United States. Foreign news papers have advertised for recruits to carryout shootings at American malls for several years now. The recruits were to emigrate to the United States and purchase their semi-automatic weapons legally. They were then to join American gun clubs and learn to shoot these weapons. When they learned to be good at hitting their targets they were to go to shopping malls and kill as many people as they could. We have seen what one shooter armed with a semi-automatic can do imagine what 10 can do at Christmastime. The NRA wants us to live in culture drowning with weapons of mass destruction because they make a big profit each time a gun is sold.

The beauty of the 9/11 attack from al Qaeda perspective was that we provided the explosives(airplanes) and they did not have to smuggle explosives into the country. Now from the NRA with love comes the weapons of war. When the mall shootings start, and they have started in other countries, the NRA reaction will be every person in the mall should have been armed with semi-automatic weapons and this would not have happened. Of course this is self serving as the NRA would roll in the profits and everything the NRA says or does is meant to maximize the profits of gun manufactures. It is not about rights it is about profits.
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Reply Sun 22 Sep, 2013 07:02 am
The mall shooting in Kenya was made possible by modern semi-automatic weapons and driven by the most evil thing on the face of the earth, religion. As the terrorists went through the mall they questioned those they encountered as to what religion they followed. Those that were not Muslim were killed. In history the Christians were known to kill those who believed in other religions. They especially liked to kill those who followed the Wiccan religion, a peaceful nature cult. They delighted in burning them at the stake and used green wood to prolong their victims agony. Thank heavens the Muslims are more civilized than the Christians. As far as I know none of their victims have been burnt at the stake for their amusement.

One thing we know for sure is that shootings where large numbers of people are killed get lots of publicity and the publicity always breeds imitators those who want to be infamous.

But every time there is a mass shooting the NRA is absolutely thrilled because they know a mass shooting on Sunday drives gun sales on Monday. If the NRA had its way there would be a law, as there is in one Texas town, that everyone must own a gun. Since the NRA cannot hope to pass the law nationally but they delight in each and every mass shooting even if it is in Kenya.

The plans for the shooting in Kenya were first drawn up for the United States. The shooting in Kenya was just a dress rehearsal for the real thing in the United States. There were rehearsals with airplanes before 9/11. But one thing for sure is the NRA will make sure the terrorist are armed with the best most efficient weapons that money can buy and the NRA will make sure these weapons of mass destruction can be bought by the terrorist without a background check that might tip off the government. The NRA is against background checks because they hurt the profits of gun manufactures. Background checks might stop criminals from buying guns and this is one of the biggest segments the gun manufactures sell to. So the NRA is going to make sure there is an easy way around background checks. It is much like having a road block on a highway but having a large sign saying turn here to get around the road block. Al Qaeda loves the gun laws in the United States because they know that the best weapons are never more than a few blocks from their destination and the NRA loves the profits where every they come from.
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Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 05:31 am
There are now credible reports that five of the terrorists in Kenya are Americans. This attack could have just as easily have been carried out in America. The death toll now stands at 68 and the terrorists still have hostages. It would be extremely easy to carryout this type of attack on an American mall. Shopping malls are extremely soft targets with little to no security and armed terrorists could simply walk in the front door.

How would the terrorists get the automatic weapons needed for such an attack? The NRA wants to make sure that every terrorists in America have the best weapons to carryout just such an attack and the NRA wants to make sure that there is no paper trail that the government could follow to the terrorists before the first attack in America. Why? Greed just plain greed. Background checks would slow down the sale of guns. Semi-automatic weapons, the preferred weapons for terrorists attacks, are high end guns that provide huge profits to the gun manufactures who control the NRA. The NRA wants to ensure as many semi-automatic assault weapons are sold as possible.

The NRA's Wayne LaPierre was on Meet the Press yesterday and when he was called on his what stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. The host pointed not only did the good guy with a gun not stop the bad guy the good guys gun was used to commit several more murders. Now Wayne would like to amend his remarks to an army of good guys with guns. LaPierre is providing aide and comfort to the enemies of the American people by providing them unfettered access weapons of war. He should be tried as an enemy of the people, if found guilty he should be executed as example to the gun manufactures who just want to make a bigger and bigger profit at the expense of untold lives in continuous stream of mass killings and terrorist attacks.
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Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 05:31 am
Yesterday NBC news reported a terrorist in America was sentenced to prison for training for a Kenya style attack on a mall in America. Think it can't happen here? We now know that it least one similar type of mall attack was in the planning stages for America. Malls in America are not holding fire drills but are holding terrorist attack drills where store gates are closed as soon as the shooting with NRA supplied semi-automatics weapons starts. Wayne LaPierre and the NRA oppose backgrounds checks because it would hurt gun sales and the NRA is in fact really the front for the National Gun Manufactures Association. The NRA only has 4 million members out of 350 million Americans. They represent only about 1% of America population but the gun manufactures money makes every politician in America cower before them.

Would the National Gun Manufactures sell guns to know terrorists? In a New York minute. Matter of fact if they could they would sell guns to every terrorist organization in the world. Why? Greed, gun manufactures will tell you guns don't kill people, bullets do and they sell them also. The American people have let the tiny gun nut fringe element dictate to them for too long. One Kansas college professor has tweeted that he would like to see the murder of the children of NRA members. The American people are getting tired of the merchants of death dictating to the rest of America.

Now is a critical juncture in our history we can let the gun manufacture association arm every terrorist in America to the teeth or we can demand that every gun sold in America require a background check and a psychological examination. Anyone wishing to sell a gun would take it to the police station where a background check was done on both the weapon and buyer. If the gun was found to be stolen or used in a crime it would be confiscated. If the buyer could not pass the background check the sale would be voided.

The NRA would have you believe that private sales were just one farmer selling his rabbit gun to another. But in fact there are huge gun running rings that buy guns in West Virginia and ship them black market into New York. The gun laws in New York prevent many types of guns from being sold in New York but in West Virginia any and all types of guns are sold openly. This is tremendously profitable for the gun manufactures and this is what they don't want to see shut down. The gun pipeline is as important to the gun manufactures as an oil pipeline is to the oil companies. It is all about greed.
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Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 05:31 am
When the shooting starts in an American mall the drill instructs the shop owners to go in lock down mode. The steel gates will be lowered to slow down the terrorists. There will be a name for those left out in the mall they will be referred to as "moving targets" When your six year old gets gunned down in such an attack you can say thank heavens that the NRA gun manufactures made a good profit on the guns an ammunition used in the murder of your child. Thank God the terrorists didn't have to go through a background check that might have tipped off the police. At Harvard Business School future CEOs are taught that profit is the most important thing. When children were burning alive in Ford Pintos Ford decided not to fix them but let people burn so they made bigger profits. This business model is still taught today.

Actually we have already had shooting in malls but they have been lone gunmen. NBC news listed several of the shootings that have already taken place in malls but none of them has been a professional military style attack like the one in Kenya but in fact that is likely to happen in the next few years. According to NBC news one man has already been convicted and jailed for training for an attack on a mall in America. The Somali terrorists recruited at least 15 terrorist from an American Somali community of 51,000 in Minnesota. If the can recruit them to fight in Somali they can recruit to fight in America and you can bet the NRA will be there to do their part and make sure they get the best weapons available without a background check.
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Reply Thu 26 Sep, 2013 05:32 am
In 2007 a 19 year old lone gunman opened fire at a West Roads Mall in Omaha killing 8. This is one among many mass shootings that have already taken place at American malls. If a lone teenage gunman can kill 8 imagine what an organized group of trained terrorists with the best, most modern weapons that the NRA can provide them with can do. All that is necessary for such a terrorist attack to take place in America is to not require background on all weapon sales. This is exactly what the NRA is fighting for, they want every terrorist to be able to buy weapons of mass destruction without a background checks.

The NRA has only 4 million members out of 350 million Americans. This is the classic case of a very small tail wagging a very big dog. When the 8 people were killed in the Omaha shopping mall the Gun Manufacturers that fund the NRA made a profit on each and every bullet that killed a victim and on each and every gun used to kill them. The gun manufactures don't care how the guns are used only that they make a profit. Most gun manufactures will sell weapons to both sides in a war and if there is no war they will do their best to start one. The gun manufactures answer to only one God the God of profit.
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Reply Fri 27 Sep, 2013 05:31 am
Why would the NRA that basically represents the gun manufactures be bothered if one farmer had to make sure a back ground check was done before he could sell his squirrel gun to his neighbor? The answer is they could care less. Both Chicago and New York have laws that prohibit selling certain types of guns. Huge semi-black markets have been set up to rung guns into these cities. If background checks are required the NRA and the gun manufactures it represents stand to lose two of the biggest markets for guns in America. Background checks that showed gun runners buying thousands of guns a month would not only show evidence of criminal activity but also tax evasion.

The NRA doesn't care about the farmer selling his gun but they do want to make America safe for huge gun running operations. If people have to die to make a profit that is just collateral damage. When four teenage girls burned to death in the defective designed Ford Pinto. Ford made a decision based on profit to let others die instead of fixing the cars for a few dollars. In fact there had already been several deaths before the teenagers died. Corporations are not people they exist for one reason only, to make a profit. If people die it doesn't matter to a corporation they are in it for the profit. The NRA is probably the most callous exhibition of greed since the Ford executives decided to let the four teenage girls burn to death. It took only a few dollars per car to fix the design defect but the Ford executives decided it was cheaper to pay the victims.
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Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 07:12 am
I wondered how a few the terrorist carried in enough weapons, ammunition and IED to wage a four day war The terrorists that carried out the attack at the Kenya Mall first rented a store in the mall. This allowed them to bring in their assault weapons and IEDs in unnoticed in boxes days if not months before the attack. Boxes to stock the store would go in unquestioned. This rented store also gave them a central staging area in the mall from which they could attack with complete and total surprise. When they ran out of ammunition they could return to the store for more. Heavily armed men with thousands of rounds of ammunition entering the mall would have caused alarm even in Kenya. This was a ticking time bomb that the customers in the mall had no idea was there.

Terrorists in America could rent space in a mall and do the same thing. This will become the template for mall attacks across world and in America. A terrorists cell could simply rent a store front for a gun store and as large amounts of assault weapons and ammunition were moved into the store no one would question all the weapons in the store. They could plaster the windows with NRA stickers. This would allow the terrorists to blend in with other gun nuts as terrorist and gun nuts do have a lot in common. When it comes to killing it is all about the numbers an assault weapons provide the highest numbers consistently, just ask the terrorist in Kenya.

The big three automakers had a saying about NASCAR win on Sunday and sell cars on Monday. The NRA has a similar theory terrorists attacks on Monday drives the sale of guns up the rest of the month. terrorist attack and even attacks by lone gunmen are simply extremely good for business.

Assault weapons made the terrorist attack in Kenya possible. When you really want to kill a lot of people at one time assault weapons are the way to go. Designed as weapons of war it only purpose is to kill large number of people. Assault weapons are the Cadillacs of guns. They are high profit guns for the NRA gun manufactures. The NRA will fight to the death to make sure America is saturated with assault weapons. It is to the point that we must make a decision between more and high profits for big gun manufactures and the safety of our families.
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