The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 22 Oct, 2013 05:35 am
The billionaire trust fund babies like the Koch Brothers are using their excess wealth to manipulate and distort our political system. They have a single minded political agenda, more for themselves. When you hear “Freedom Works” or “Tea Party” think Koch brothers, their money funds both groups. The biggest fight of this generation will take place over $2.1 trillion social security trust fund. Baby Bush went on national TV posed beside the filing cabinet that held the $2.1 trillion Trust Fund in U S Treasury Bonds and declared “worthless paper.” U S treasury Bonds are considered the safest investment in the world yet Bush was telling us that the US Treasury bonds held by social security were worthless. Was Bush telling the world that all the US Treasury Bonds were “worthless?” No just those bonds held by the Baby Boomer generation for their social security.

Most of the political division in America is not being caused by gay marriage or abortion but over the $2.1 trillion social security trust fund. The Koch Brothers can use gay marriage and abortion to rally the troops but make no mistake about it this is about the money. Everything in the Koch Brothers life is about the money and how to get more of it. You don’t see this going on in other industrialized countries there is no argument over whether the government pensions will be funded. This is only happening in America because the billionaire trust fund babies like the Koch Brothers can openly bribe politicians with $100s of millions in so called campaign contributions.

When Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy from 70% to 28% the ungodly greedy realized that best way to get more money was to keep from paying taxes. Of course the taxes on the ungodly greedy are no longer 28% but have been cut to 15% under Baby Bush. These tax cuts were only made possible by raising the social security taxes and tripling the national debt. Now Republicans want to dishonor the $2.1 trillion in US treasury Bonds and cut social security. If the Republicans get the American people to believe this scam than anyone that has loaned anyone money for a house or a car would just be holding “worthless paper.” For civilization to be possible one of the most important things is that contracts must be enforceable. The baby boomer generation must make sure this contract is enforced. Social Security was designed for the current generation to pay for those who are retired this generation not only did that but paid our social security in advance $2.1 trillion in advance. The Koch brothers have pocketed much of that $2.1 trillion in tax cuts the country could not afford. They are determined to keep it if they have to spend it all in political bribes. This generation must realize what root cause of the division in this country and if the Koch brothers taxes must be raised to 99% so be it, that what is called interest on the tax cuts the country couldn’t afford in the first place.
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Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 05:35 am
The Koch Brothers had the $2.1 trillion social security trust fund held in US Treasury Bonds declared “just worthless paper” by Baby Bush but the public didn’t buy it. The idea was to have social security privatized where the money could be stolen by the conmen on Wall Street who created worthless investment and sold them as triple a rated investments rated by companies that were paid off to give them the rating. Why would the Koch brothers want social security privatize social security? There is this matter about the $2.1 trillion debt that owed to those who hope to collect their social security. If the $2.1 trillion has to be repaid the Koch Brothers and other billionaires trust fund babies’ taxes will have to be raised. If they can convince the American people those and only those US treasury bonds are indeed “worthless paper” they stand to keep billions more. If the Koch Brothers and other billionaires pull this off it will be the biggest theft in history.

Why is the deficit getting higher? Excess social security payments have been used to hide the deficit for 30 years. Reagan massive tax cuts for the Koch Brothers and other billionaires would have run the deficit up far more than just tripling the national debt because excess social security was counted as tax revenue and offset the reality that Reagan was spending far more than it showed. Last year was the first year in over thirty years that there was no excess of social security payments to hide the real deficit. The massive Reagan tax cuts for the Koch brothers have to go. America can no longer take from the middle class to pay for massive tax cuts for the Koch Brothers. We either let the Koch brothers cheat us out of our social security or put a stop to it.
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Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 05:30 am
At the same time Reagan was declaring that social security was under funded he claimed that private pensions were over funded, he changed the rules on pensions of private companies that allowed them to drain the pension funds or declare the pension funds assets of the company. The results were dramatic corporate raiders like modern day pirates looted the pension funds. Prior to Reagan and the commie conservatives government sanctioned raid of the private pension system 60% of private sector employees were covered by a defined benefit pension after Reagan only 10% of private sector employees were covered by a defined benefit pension. Reagan caused an 83% decline in defined benefit pension in the private sector. The next commie conservative move was a massive propaganda campaign to convince employees that a saving account was the same as a pension. They christened the saving accounts defined contribution “pensions.” Employees had the option of placing a portion of their salary in an employee sponsored saving accounts the employer could match or not match the employee’s contributions at the company’s discretion. Participation in a defined benefit pension was mandatory. Participation in the employer saving account system is optional and many younger employee chose not no participate making for a big savings for the company. The company matching contributions offer could be withdrawn at any time. At retirement an employee with a so called defined contribution “pension” is entitled to a pension he is only entitled to the total is pass book saving account ”pension” system. The average in a defined contribution “pension” is only $50,000 equivalent to about 2 years of a defined benefit pension.

The theft of the private sector pension system was tremendous transfer of wealth from the middle class to the top 1% this will create the poorest generation of retirees since the great depression. Now the Republicans want to cut $40 billion from the food stamp program. When I was child the only people who got food stamps were on welfare by the time I was an adult many of those who worked everyday no longer made enough to feed their families and got food stamps. Now many of our seniors that were cheated out of their pension by the republicans get food stamps so they will not have to live on cat food. The stereotype of the food stamp recipient is no longer holds it is not a deadbeat on welfare but is far more likely to be one of the working poor working for one of America biggest employers or a retiree. The Republicans are incensed that there are more people who qualify for food stamps but instead of asking why Republican policies have driven the standard of living in America so far down that millions more need food stamps just to eat. This is what happens when you cut the income tax on the ungodly greedy by 80% you shift not only massive amounts of money but a massive amount of political power. This massive amount of political power is always used to further increase the wealth of the richest 1%.

The Republicans have stolen the pensions earned by the baby boomers and what does a thief do next? He looks for something else to steal and what the baby boomers have left is their social security. When Baby Bush posed for a photo opportunity by the filing cabinets that held the $2.1 trillion social security trust fund in US treasury bonds and said, “This is nothing worthless paper” notice that he didn’t pose beside the filing cabinet that held the trillions in US treasury bonds owned by the ungodly greedy and say that they were “worthless paper.”
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Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 05:33 am
Dictator is a word seldom used in reference to America but in fact massive accumulations of wealth have spawned dictators in America. Grover Norquist was the first American dictator. Norquist most famous quote was that, “He just wanted to shrink the American Government to the point he could drag it in the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.” A communist admirer he keeps a portrait of Lenin on his living room wall and frequently uses communist’s quotes like, “Probe with Bayonets.” Many Americans have never heard of him but he worked behind the scene. He is most widely known for his no new taxes pledge and most Republicans have signed his pledge. Since Norquist doesn’t hold a government office where does his power to dictate come from? Massive accumulation of wealth that accumulated after Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60%. Norquist is the funnel through which the massive amount of money the ungodly greedy pour into politics flows. Norquist uses that money like a laser beam to help those who do his bidding and eliminate anyone who doesn’t. The ungodly greedy money is quickly taken away from you and given to your opponent if you do not do as the dictator tells you to do.

This has divided the country at time when taxes on the ungodly greedy are at some of the lowest rates in a century. The only path to solving problems with social security and other problems lies through making the ungodly greedy pay the same percentage of their income the middle class does. But the dictators says no his power is derived from the ungodly greedy’ wealth it is time to attack at the base of his power if we do not want a dictator in America.

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Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 04:52 pm
Dictators have different paths to power and even though Norquist has appointed himself dictator, he does not yet have complete control of America. He has consolidated a large amount of power and more or less controls one branch of government. Those who have signed Norquist pledge, no tax hikes on the ungodly greedy have signed a pledge that lets Norquist dictate how they vote on any given issue if they do not vote as he dictates they know the money y. Our government was never designed to put this much power in the hands of one individual they know the money they enjoy today will go to there opponent in the next election. By allowing Grover Norquist to focus the ungodly greedy money like a laser beam it becomes thousands of times more powerful that individual donations.

But as in true in most countries there is always an even more powerful dictator is waiting in the wings. The architect of the government of the government shut down was introduced on last weeks Meet the Press. It wasn’t Senator Cruz or Senator Lee neither was it Rand Paul nor Eric Cantor it was a 31 year old from the Heritage Foundation. Real power in politics is an illusion in many cases. The real power is often held from behind the scenes and politics is no more than a puppet show. When the public get fed up the puppets are changed but the people that pull the strings remain the same. This is why it is better to be a King maker than a King. It would be impossible for Grover Norquist to be elected from 200 different Congressional Districts but he controls their votes as if he cast each and every one them. Great accumulations of wealth are as much or more a threat to our civilization than any foreign power. The argument for great accumulations of wealth never touches on the great threat that accumulation of wealth pose for America.
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Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 07:56 am
The American dictator Grover Norquist power was magnified by rules in the House of Representative that allow the minority to block a floor vote that the majority would pass if it came to the floor. This in effect gave Norquist veto power over any legislation originating in the House or Senate. Make no mistake about Norquist is a ruthless dictator who will terminate any politician who does not vote as Norquist demands. His power over republican is legendary and it is only a matter of time with the ever increasing amount of the ungodly greedy’ money before he can exercise the same power over at least some of the democrats.

When Reagan cut income taxes from 70% to 28% what did the ungodly greedy do with their windfall? They reinvested much of it in politics with the intent of getting even more tax cuts and soon the second wave of tax cuts came from every state in the country. It worked and Baby Bush further cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy to 15% a rate that Romney was taxed at. The very idea of taxing the ungodly greedy at the same rate as the workingman became unthinkable and cities jumped on the bandwagon also. When Huntington passed an Occupation Tax a cap was put on it at the first $100,000. I was successful in convincing council to remove the cap and tax all of the ungodly greedy’ income but the next meeting a councilman who is now mayor, an investment banker, was successful in repealing the amendment. He argued that social security is limited to the first $103,000 in income and taxes on the ungodly greedy’ income should be limited to that amount also. The ungodly greedy still opposed the tax on even a $100,000 of their income and it was killed by a court that just refused to hear it. The city ungodly greedy much prefer a municipal fee that charges an elderly window the same amount on her shack as a person who owns $100s million in apartment buildings. This is the ungodly greedy’ idea of fair.

The damage done by the Reagan tax cuts for the ungodly greedy were compounded in every state and city across America and can clearly be seen in that a college education can only be afforded by the ungodly greedy all others must mortgage their entire future. Tax support of state colleges is being cut from 7% to 9% a year to cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy but they are by far not the worst effects, unelected dictators like Grover Norquist are the worst and there are many more worse than Norquist just waiting in the wings to take his place. Once the other megalomaniacs realize how much power Grover Norquist has accumulated there will be many other megalomaniacs who will fight to take his place.

This is the information age and what it has allowed to do is gather and organize information. Focused information is powerful but focused information in real time has allowed the ungodly to focus their wealth on our political system more effectively than any time in our history creating a shadow government that is slowly becoming more powerful than our government. Government of the wealthy, by wealthy, and for the wealthy has been evident in undeniable statistic for the last 30 years but now they are stepping out of the shadows to appoint and pay for a dictator to do their bidding.
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Reply Mon 28 Oct, 2013 05:33 am
One of the new dictators waiting in the wings is from the Heritage Foundation he is 31 years old and absolutely believes that he is qualified to be the dictator of United States. These types of people like to fly below the radar and not be noticed but in certain circles until their ego and megalomania takes over. His appearance on a Sunday talk show on Oct 20 shows that his ego is taking control. Called the strategist behind the government shutdown his name is Michael Needham, he was on Fox News to take credit for the recent government shutdown. Make no mistake about this man has all the markings of a modern day Hitler and he was basking in the glory of his costing the American taxpayer $24 billion. This particular dictator in waiting plans to use information technology as his power base. He and the Heritage Foundation were heavily involved in the government shut down but his plans to force a government default failed.

The Heritage Foundation was originally responsible for the idea of the individual mandate when Hillary Clinton was trying to reform health care but now they come riding on a horse in a different direction opposed to the very idea that they were pushing in the 90s. It seems the Heritage Foundation was all about personal responsibility in the 90s but now paradigm has changed and now a free ride on somebody else dime is what the Heritage Foundation is advocating. Don’t buy insurance and when you get sick someone else will pay the bill.
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Reply Tue 29 Oct, 2013 05:28 am
The man who would be dictator, Michael Needham is billed as the Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Action. In one of Needham articles he tells his readers, “To never take a hostage you are not willing to shoot.” It is obvious the wold be dictator thinks and acts like gangster. Needham was good to his words as he held the government of the United States hostage and was quite willing to shoot the hostage. His plan fell apart at the last minute as more moderate Republicans jumped ship. Even though cooler heads prevented Needham from shooting his hostage and pushing our government into default Needham was more than happy to take credit and a victory lap on Fox News Sunday on October 20. For Needham to proudly take credit for costing the taxpayers $24 billion shows the extent of his megalomania and that of the Heritage Foundation who made him CEO of Heritage Action.

In Needham’s mind in any negotiation you must be willing not only to take hostages but you must be willing to kill them. Needham at 31 years old is the face of the new extremists in America, just as Hitler was once the face of the new radicals in pre WWII Germany. Hitler like Needham had absolutely no problem with taking Hostages or shooting them. That one, thirty one year old man could conceive a plan to destroy our government is not unheard of what is unheard of is that so many other radical Tee Party members held position of power that enabled Needham to pull it off.

The Republican Party has been in constant strife for over 50 years with the Reagan take over the conservatives movement, that was founded by American communists, but the moderate Republicans still held much of the power in Congress. Since Reagan the commie/conservative movement has failed to produce a strong charismic leader. This has created a leadership vacuum and into a vacuum a dictator is often drawn.
Needham has confused his role as king maker with lusting to be king. Needham is the type, like every other dictator, he will always hear the crowd calling his name even when they are silent
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Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 05:36 am
It is almost unheard of that Michael Needham, a 31 year old was able to amass enough political power to do something no other person has been able to do in 200 years, almost put America into default. Needham was quick to take credit for the government shutdown and near default on national TV. Since there are no others willing to take credit for this debacle the information must have some creditability. Needham who holds the title of Chief Executive Officer of the Heritage Action an arm of the Heritage Foundation. Heritage Action main purpose is the propagation of propaganda for the right wing think tank. The Heritage Foundation was considered at one time to be a middle of the road right wing think tank but it is fast becoming an extremist organization as the second generation takes over. In the 90s the Heritage Foundation pushed the idea of mandatory health now they campaign against the very idea they were pushing.

Needham’s dream is to put the voting record of every congressman in America in the homes of all Americans. You can bet this will not be generic information but come with the extremist’s political spin. Needham may be the first dictator in history who hopes to forge his political power via the internet. We know two things already about Needham he capable and dangerous. He would have absolutely no problem with destroying America to further his political agenda. From his appearance on Fox News it is evident he hears the roar of the crowd at least in his own mind. He believes he is here to save America from itself, he is a true believer who believes his own propaganda.
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Reply Thu 31 Oct, 2013 05:33 am
Grover Norquist has truly amassed enough political power to have earned the title dictator. Ten years ago when I first read that Grover Norquist was the second most powerful Republican in America I couldn’t believe it because I had never even run across his name at the time. I had spent a lot of time studying, reading and writing about politics including guest editorials in the local paper. Norquist just didn’t get much press at the time. He commanded a good deal of power and not only didn’t seek the spot light but avoided it. Norquist is now famous for his quote, “I just want to shrink government to the point I can drag it in the bathroom and drown in the bathtub.” Norquist appeared on Meet the Press prior to the last election bragging that 238 out of 242 Republican members of the House of Representatives were securely in his pocket having signed his no taxes on the ungodly greedy pledge as well as 6 out of the 8 Republicans running for President. He also bragged he controlled 41 out 47 of the Republican Senators as well. Imagine that when a vote is held in congress Grover Norquist casts his 279 votes. It was odd that after a long period of operating in the shadows that Norquist came out to publicly brag about the massive amount of political power he holds. When more tax dollars are needed to pay off the National Debt or to make the ungodly greedy pay the same rate of income taxes as the middle class the dictator stamps his foot down and says no. Now Grover wants the American people to know that the people who they elected are not in control and that he is the one calling the shots. The Wizard of Oz has stepped out from behind the curtain.

Like many drug dealers Norquist does not suffer from the disease he pushes, he is not wealthy nor does he take a cut of the massive amount of wealth he channels. Norquist is not fascinated by wealth it is power that draws Norquist, like a moth to the flame. If Norquist was the only would be dictator we had to deal with America might stand a chance but the structure of the Republican Party over the last 30 years is built on a coalition of dictators. The NRA is no less a dictator than Norquist no formal pledges are signed but political retribution is swift and well funded if someone votes against weapons of war on every doorstep. Again it is the money in this case it is the money of the ungodly greedy gun manufactures that makes this possible. NRA has only 4 million members out of 300 million Americans but money assures their will, will be done. The NRA is one of the most feared dictators in Washington. The abortion lobby is also a would be dictator that is not in the least afraid to kill or bomb it way to power. The abortion lobby is not funded to any large extent by the ungodly greedy money but is useful to gather grass roots power for the no taxes on the ungodly greedy crowd. Most Republicans in power could care less about abortion and most no doubt have paid for their share of abortions but by playing to the crowd it garners millions of votes.

The coalition of these groups makes possible the destruction of America to keep the ungodly greedy from paying progressive income tax.
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Reply Sat 2 Nov, 2013 01:25 pm
The war on healthcare in America rages on even after the government default was avoided. Rush Slimbaugh is trying desperately to make his audience believe that those who want healthcare in America are the extremists, but are they? The rest of the industrialized world faced the exact same problems and each and everyone decided to scrap their greed based healthcare system. We are the last of the industrialized countries to try and keep an antiquated greed based system alive. Progress moves on you either adapt to the future or perish. In the book “Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty” the authors, Daron Acmoglu and James A. Robison tell us that any country that blocks creative destruction is certain to fail. When industrialization began many countries blocked machines from being patented or used in their countries because they would replace thousands of laborers. They didn’t want to deal with the political upheaval of workers being displaced.

What America is facing now is creative destruction of the current greed based healthcare system or modernizing. No doubt about it the greed based system has made multi- millionaires out of doctors and insurance CEOs but on the other side of the equation it has condemned many Americans to a life of poverty. In Huntington much of the downtown is owned by a few doctors who have to find a place launder their money so it won’t be taxed. The current greed based healthcare system has caused a huge shift of wealth in the last thirty years the working man becomes poorer and the insurance CEO and doctors become millionaires. The average doctor in WV made a million a year a few years ago and much of WV lives below the poverty line. That should tell you the doctors are getting rich off of government backed healthcare like Medicare and Medicaid.

The insurance companies are fighting mad over a clause in the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act that will require that 80% of insurance premiums must actually go towards healthcare not the CEOs outrageous salary and fleet of Lear Jets. Because of the Affordable Act for the first time in history many customers received refund from the health insurance companies. The cost of my 85 year old mother blue cross policy was cut significantly. She must pay for a healthcare insurance policy to cover the 20% Medicare doesn’t cover. Did you ever hear Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck, or Sean Hannity, ever mention that many people got refunds from the health insurance companies? You won’t ever hear them talk about that. A caller to the Ed Schultz show detailed how a previous health problem had kept her from buying health insurance when she finally secured a policy she broke her arm and went to the doctor. Her health insurance policy would not cover a broken bone and she was required to bring the doctor a check for $8,000 before he would treat her. They are called junk insurance policies and there were formerly no regulations that prevented the conmen who are called CEO of insurance companies to take the suckers. Warranties sold on used cars are a similar rackets they study the cars to see what goes wrong with particular models and exclude those repairs. If you bought a warranty for a Ford Escort the cylinder head would not be covered because it failed on most of the Escort. It is not possible for someone buying Health Insurance to conceive of every possible medical problem and read the policy to see if it is covered.

Television sets are fine for the free market if you don’t make enough money you can’t buy one but when your child is sick you would give everything you own to see that he is well. Those that are greedy like that equation and they don’t ever want it to change. Just as the guy with a spinning wheel did not want to see cotton spinning machines replace him. In 1738 it took 5 spinners to supply one weaver after the spinning machine was developed it displaced thousands of spinners. If our ancestors had stopped creative destruction of the spinning wheel where would we be today? In ever situation someone wins and someone loses, the millionaires who went to medical school only to become millionaires can now move on and make way in medical school for those who want to help the sick for a fair wage like the rest of America has to settle for.
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Reply Sun 3 Nov, 2013 08:19 am
One caller to a political talk show likened a person buying insurance with a pre-existing condition to buying fire insurance after the fire begins. It would be like buying car insurance after the accident takes place and he may have a point. Both car accidents and fires take place in an instant but cancer may take twenty years to kill a person. Some medical conditions may be for a lifetime. To a man with only a hammer every problem looks like a nail and what is becoming very obvious today is that healthcare is not a nail but the commie/conservatives don’t care and want to continue to pretend heath care in America is a nail. Death occurs in an instant and life insurance is an insurable risk but the idea of all insurance is to make a big profit so the dying are not sold life insurance. Life insurance companies don’t sell life insurance policies to those who have an elevated risk of dying either as my wife found out when she tried to buy a life insurance policy on me. I drove a race car three or four nights a week and life insurance companies would not insurance anyone involved a contest of speed as they termed it. The idea of insurance is to avoid selling insurance to those who have a high risk of collecting. Fire insurance, car insurance and life insurance are designed to cover a risk that happens in an instant and they try to weed out those who pose a higher risk.

Fire insurance and life insurance have been handled that way for over a hundred years but medical expenses were within reach of the middle class until the 70s. During WWII wages were frozen so a company could not offer a higher wage to retain or entice new employees. What was not frozen was fringe benefits so the company that offered the best fringe benefits got the best employees. In the ensuing years unions typically negotiated health insurance in their benefit package. The first health insurance companies were founded by doctors such as Blue Cross. Soon huge pools of money were accumulated as health insurance covered primarily insured the young and healthy who held jobs. One of the first laws of supply and demand is that when the price goes up demand goes down. But once Health insurance distorted this curve as doctors soon realized the sky was the limit and they could simply charge any fee they wanted. What ensued was a cost spiral for both doctors and hospitals that has never been seen in any commodity in history. This caused health insurance costs to increase 33.33 times in 39 years. If a 28 cent loaf of bread had increased at the same rate a loaf of bread would now cost $9.33. If a 53 cents gallon of gas had gone up the same rate it would now cost $17.66 a gallon. To fill your SUV up would cost $353.30. We would not tolerate that in any other area why has it taken so long to realize that this can’t continue? Because healthcare is life and death and therefore is priceless to most people. Before that they either accepted what a patient could afford to pay, even if it was to chickens and a hog, or the patient went bankrupt and the doctor got little or nothing. Like a hammer, supply and demand works only in certain situations.

The first law of greed is that it is a black hole that will consume everything in its gravitational pull. My health insurance policy in 1976 paid every penny of my wife 7 day stay in the hospital for the birth of my daughter. It paid all the hospital charges, my wife doctor the baby doctor and the hospital bill. The policy was completely paid for by my employer and there was no co-pay and the deductible was only a hundred dollars which was already met. When health insurance went up we did not look for ways to control cost they simply looked for other sources of cash to keep feeding the pigs. There were two preferred sources to supply more cash. The deductible were raised by 1500% to 5,000% and policies were changed to 80% policies that only covered part the cost of medical care.

Medical care in America is not a free market situation it never has been and never will be. The right will continue to try and sell the illusion but you can only call an elephant a goat for so long before reality sets in. On the surface we look and think out of control medical costs have only wrecked the lives of those unfortunates who got a serious illness but that is not true. In an insurance system everyone pays the cost of medical care as medical care cost continue to spiral upward out of control the cost is born by all the insured they have to supply all of the money for medical care and insurance and CEOs who want more and more for themselves. The life style of the middle class has fallen significantly in the last 30 years and one of the primary causes is the out of control upward spiral of medical costs. .
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Reply Mon 4 Nov, 2013 06:32 am
We all know the answer 2 + 2 = 4 but we also understand that 4 is not the answer to every math problem but some consider the answer to much more complex economic problems to always be the same. Insurance can be traced back to 2000 BC in China as a way to protect traders. Modern life insurance can be traced back to 17th century England. The question we face is can a 4,000 year old solution be the answer to healthcare in America. Very few people would advocate a 4,000 year old solution that was designed for property for any other problem but yet many people in America are doing exactly that. Modern Health insurance is designed to expel anyone with serious medical problems. Over 80% of Americans get health insurance from their employer. The first thing that happens when someone gets a serious medical problem is that they are no longer able to work. They lose their job and their insurance coverage. With no income and no way to earn a living $1,200 a month to buy COBRA insurance is out of the question. From the insurance companies profit perspective this is helps the really enhances the bottom line. This eliminates their most expensive claims. This would be equivalent to letting life insurance companies cancel a life insurance policy once they found someone was dying.

Health Insurance in America is designed for one reason and one reason only, to make a profit for the health insurance companies. America is looking for a way to see that American have healthcare not generate huge profits for health insurance companies. A greed based solution for healthcare is like saying the answer 55 + 62 = 4
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Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 06:30 am
The commie conservatives like to tout the greed based American Healthcare system as the best in the world but when our greed based Healthcare system is subjectively ranked by a neutral observer it is ranked 38 out of a 191. But commie/conservatives believe if they can repeat the lie often enough on red neck right radio that people will believe it is true. It is true that our healthcare system does exactly what it was designed to do make doctors, hospitals and drug companies rich beyond their wildest dream and it does that extremely well. There is no doubt in anybody that we have the most costly healthcare system in the world. The commie/conservatives believe if it is the most expensive in the world it most be the best. This is a common psychologically driven mistakes where people decide that something value is equivalent to its asking price. Sometimes when property doesn’t sell the prices is raised and it sells because the person buying it believes it is more valuable than it is. This is a common technique where the rich are charged ten times the value of something so they can demonstrate their conspicuous consumption. Restaurant meals that cost over a $1,000 are commonly catered to the ungodly greedy could they have got a better meal for a fraction of the cost? Sure but they could not demonstrate their perceived superiority to the rest of us. It was $50 for meal and $950 for the conspicuous consumption. The commie/conservatives believe, like the ungodly greedy, that quality and price are directly proportion, they are not.

Our current employer provided healthcare system is designed to weed out anyone with serious health problems. Even if one independently buys health insurance as soon as serious illness takes away the ability to earn a living even on a temporary bases, if the health insures premium goes unpaid and even though the premiums have been paid faithfully for 40 years one missed monthly payment and their coverage is canceled. In either instant the ones who most need healthcare are those most likely to be denied. This why America is ranked 38th by the World Health Organization we have designed or at least allowed one to fester and grow that denies healthcare to the ones most in need in America if you skin your knee your health insurance company will cover the emergency but once you get cancer the insurance company will be counting the days till they can cancel your health insurance policy. Current healthcare insurance was based on 4,000 year old concept to cover trading caravans from loses caused by roving bands of thieves. Times have changed and now the insurance companies realized that the thieves had the better end of the bargain and they have switched places.
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Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 06:33 am
Hitler would be extremely proud of Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck and Sean Hannity. They have Hitler’s formula for propaganda down to an art form. Hitler understood that perception was much more useful than reality. The fact is you are pretty stuck with reality, you can’t change facts but you can change perception and perception in politics is everything.

“All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence to those it is addressed to.”


About every 10 minutes Slimbaugh and the other red neck right radio hosts keep pushing their commie/conservative propaganda; Obama said, if you like your health insurance you could keep it, he lied, and over and over again all day long it is repeated. The fact is many insurance policies were in fact grandfathered and most will not be cancelled. Grandfather is a common practice in America. In order for something to be grandfathered a specific point in time has to be established and everything before is grandfathered and everything after is not.

When Huntington adopted zoning ordinance in the 60s there were nonconforming commercial uses in residential neighborhoods. These uses were grandfathered but if the business license lapsed for a year they had to conform with the zoning law. You could not expand a nonconforming in residential neighborhood. The city passed a new charter that required that all city employees must live in the city but the court that employees hired before the adoption of the charter were grandfathered. Everything has a precise date in time. The Affordable Healthcare is no different it had grandfather date of Jan 1, 2013. The Affordable Healthcare act is designed to control healthcare costs if your insurance policy raised the price, coverage or deductible they were no longer grandfathered and had to meet the new healthcare standards the insurance companies were well aware of this and changed anyhow. The insurance companies have a vested interest in keeping their 50% in profits and are fighting Affordable Healthcare to the death. The changes were deliberately done so the insurance companies could cancel the policies and say see Obama lied. Truth is more often perception than reality and propaganda is the art of obscuring reality, just ask Hitler.

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Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 06:32 am
Many Americans will fall for the illusions that the Healthcare debate is about Healthcare or political ideology, or about free market and bigger government, it is not. Make no mistake this about the money, just as the debate on social security where the ungodly greedy publicly declared the $2.2 trillion social security trust fund held in U S treasury bonds “just worthless paper.” When you reduce the argument about healthcare to its simplest elements it is all about money, how the economic pie will be sliced and who will get the biggest slices.

When Reagan and the commie/conservatives came to power they caused a seismic shift in wealth that is still going on today. We watched as the social security was raised four times on the workingman and he was forced to work longer to collect it to create a social security trust fund as soon as the baby boomers went to collect they were told the U S treasury bonds were just worthless paper by Baby Bush. It seems funny that only the U S Treasury Bonds that were worthless paper were the ones held by social security Trust Fund, all the U S treasury bonds held by the ungodly greedy were good as gold. Go figure, either all the U S Treasury Bonds are good or they are all bad.

The war with the ungodly greedy is being fought on several fronts as health care is just one of many. The first thing the commie/conservatives wanted to dismantle was the progressive tax system and they won this battle as now the ungodly greedy pay a smaller percentage in taxes than even the poor when all taxes are taken into account. These battles were all about money, and most of the wealth of the baby boomers was held in their pension systems, Reagan declared pension systems “over funded” and changed the law so that the pension system could be legally raided. The Corporate Raiders sailed their $100 million dollar Yachts across America stealing wealth that Black Beard could not imagine in his wildest dreams. Before Reagan 60% of the American private sector had real pensions not saving accounts, now only11% do can you imagine the amount of money looted by the ungodly greedy? Next big front was social security where the President of the United States Baby Bush tried pull off a magic trick saying $2.2 trillion was “just worthless paper.

Now the middle class stands poised to strike back, the American people have to realize that $100s of billions of dollars in profits are made by the insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals, and doctors. This is really all about money who will have it and who won’t. If health insurance continues to go up at the same rate it has gone up in the last 39 years in the next 39 years the policy will cost $350,000 and if the wages go up at the same rate they have for last 39 you will make only $240,000 a years. You will need two full time jobs just to pay your health insurance. This debate is about money and nothing else. This may be the only front that the workingman stands to make any progress on.
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Reply Fri 8 Nov, 2013 08:02 am
Until the average Americans understands that the battle over healthcare in America is a battle with the richest 1% over how the economic pie will be divided we will not be able to solve the problem. On one side stands the Insurances CEOs who make $100s of million off the misery of others on the other side stands the middle class who have seen the cost of insurance go 33 times in the last 39 years. The average American’s standard of living is far below what it was forty years ago. When you must pay 33 times more for healthcare that money must be taken from other areas of your budget. The first area of the workingman’s budget to be eaten up by ever increasing insurance costs, co-pay, and higher deductible was the discretionary spending. This was the quality of life money, the vacations the entertainment budget. But the insurance CEOs only had a $50 million dollar yachts and they wanted a $100 million dollar yachts to keep up with the other CEOs and Wall Street thieves.

But even that was not enough and they needed other ways to extract even more profit, soon they hired doctors and lawyers to deny healthcare to the workingmen who were now paying 33 times as much for their insurance. These doctors would look for any loophole that they could possibly find to keep the insurance companies from paying for medical care. Most of these patients would die within a few months if the insurance company refused to pay for a procedure. These real death panels became one the insurance company’s major profit centers they could quickly save $200,000 a head. Imagine what that did for profit. But the savings for the insurance company was far more than just the medical procedure the patient soon died and they saved on all of the patient’s future medical procedures. The rule in Health insurance is that 20% of the people are responsible for 80% of the medicals costs. Any Insurance CEO knows the way to maximize profits is to eliminate that 20% either by denying insurance coverage or by denying care. The insurance companies instituted policies that required pre-approval for medical procedures so the Hospitals and doctors would know up front whether payment would not be made for the patient’s medical care or if it would be denied. In one case the insurance company refused to pay for an ambulance after a woman was involved auto accident because she failed to gain pre-approval for the ambulance. She was knocked unconscious in the accident but that didn’t matter to the insurance company they saved the $500.

After pre-approval medical procedures that required 7 days hospitalization were done on an outpatient basses sometimes with disastrous results. Some patient developed complications at home and died without proper medical supervisions but that doesn’t matter what matters is how much profit the insurance and a dead patient can’t cost the insurance company another cent. Insurance companies are not in business to provide medical care they are in business for one reason and one reason only to make a bigger profit. When some of the medical doctors hired by the insurance companies to deny medical care began to feel guilty as the body count rose, they were told by the insurance companies to assuage their soul remember, “You are not denying care you are only denying payment” and this is what they testified to in front of congress. There is your real death panel the insurance CEO wants more and more and if your wife or children have to die to pay for his next yacht so be it. After all it is god’s will if god hadn’t wanted to happen he wouldn’t have created insurance companies. Sarah Palin is not opposed to Death Panels” she just wants to make sure a good profit can be had. I don’t know about you but I don’t want the guy deciding whether I will get medical care or not to get to stick a bunch of money in his pocket if he denies it.
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Reply Sat 9 Nov, 2013 10:11 am
Is there really anyone out there that believes that if we continue with the current Healthcare system that it will not continue to go up 33 times every 39 years? The cost my health insurance between 1974 and 2013 has gone up an average of 85% a year. The city of Huntington of Huntington is self insured so the 85% a year figure accurately represents the cost of healthcare in the Huntington area over that period of time. Blue Cross is paid a 10% overhead charge for administering the plan. If the cost of any other commodity or service that was required for life had went up that much there would be riots in the streets. Why did that not happen when the cost of health insurance started its steep upward spiral?

Eighty percent of health insurance is provided by the employer so when the cost of health insurance spiraled upwards the employer just absorbed the cost. Employers paid the full cost of health insurance and deductibles were low, there was no such thing as an insurance policy that paid only 80% of medical claim. Up until 2004 city employees were not paying for their insurance but that ended that year as the cost health insurance had gone up to the point it threatened to bankrupt the city. At this point the city began shifting cost of the insurance to the employees and radically cutting benefits. Now if an employee had a $10,000 medical bill he could expect to pay 35% bill or $3,500. Insurance was no longer providing the service it was designed to provide but the ungodly greedy got much richer through this period. Employees were told that they would have to pay no more than $3,500 for family member a year but that was a lie as many hospitals services were no longer paid for by insurance and the only explanation was your insurance won’t pay for that. In one year my out of pocket expenses were $10,000 after a bike wreck getting ready for a triathlon and a knee replacement for my wife in addition to $2,000 in insurance premiums. That year relatively minor medical expenses took 46% of my after tax income. A major illness now quickly bankrupts anyone other than the wealthy. Everything that you have worked for over a lifetime is gobbled up by the healthcare and insurance industry.

Health insurance no longer services its intended purpose to protect one from catastrophic lose. Even if you have to pay only 20% of catastrophic loss it is still a total loss of everything you worked for. If you have a $500,000 claim for breast cancer your share is a $100,000 and that is enough debt to put most working people into bankruptcy.

The idea behind fire insurance is that we know that a certain percentage of homes will burn but going in no one knows which so we will pool the money for protection from the risk. Health insurance companies can quickly weed out the sick because genetic markers and family histories tell them who is likely to get sick in the future and those who do get sick can no longer work are quickly weeded out because they can no longer pay the premium. This is a win win situation for the ungodly greedy and the insurance companies. The health insurance system in America is simply immoral it is deliberately designed to cancel anyone insurance with a serious illness. It is equivalent to insurance man being able to cancel your fire insurance policy after the fire starts. He looks and says we’ll pay for the first $5,000 but your policy is cancelled because it is obvious you are a bad risk for a fire. Like houses only about 20% of the people have serious health problems and if the money is pooled it would cover the sick and National Healthcare is the answer not a health insurance companies which main purpose is weed out the sick and make sure they can’t buy health insurance.
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Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 01:54 pm
Our greed based health care system is like a game of musical chairs fewer and fewer Americans have a seat at the table. If fewer and fewer people could afford a television set it would just be the free market at work. We could tell those without out a television set to work more hours or get another job but it is very hard to give the same advice to cancer patient or someone with MS. There is no doubt the greed based healthcare system in America is in a death spiral. As health insurance became unaffordable hospital after hospital folded. It was mostly the rural and inner city Hospitals that closed. You can charge any price but if it is not paid you will go out of business. The mistake the rich make is they believe that even after the middle class can no longer afford medical care that the current medical facilities will continue to exist to serve them and their families but actual experiences show that not to be true. When the hospital in a small town closes it doors it just doesn’t close it doors to those without insurance it closes it’s doors to everyone. When the millionaire coal operator’s son is in a bad car accident the nearest hospital is a two hour drive over bad and winding country roads. The golden hour to save his life is over before he gets to hospital.

In the end the collapse of our greed based healthcare system will affect everyone. We all have a vested interest of seeing we have a viable healthcare system. The current greed based healthcare system can not be sustained any longer it is in a death spiral. The illusion that somehow greed is the answer for healthcare can no longer be sustained. Six hundred and sixty nine hospitals have closed since 1987. The hospitals that have closed are in the inner cities and rural areas where the poor and uninsured live. However new Hospitals are being constructed in the rich suburbs. When Cleveland clinic decided to close a trauma center in the inner city where 65% of the trauma occurs and to open another in the suburbs where very little of the trauma occurs. The pattern is obvious the healthcare in America will not be located where it is needed but where the money is. Willie Sutton would be proud; he was quoted as saying he robbed banks because “that is where the money is.” It seems the greed based health care system is taking old Willie advice and going where the money is.
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Reply Mon 11 Nov, 2013 07:11 am
The push for national healthcare can be traced back to Teddy Roosevelt 1901. Roosevelt supported the idea of national healthcare. Roosevelt believed that a sick and poor nation could not be a strong nation. In other words national health care was in fact a legitimate national interest. The world had begun to convert to national healthcare in 1883 in Germany. Austria, Norway, Hungary, Britain, Russia, and the Netherlands had followed by 1912. The American Association of Labor Legislation introduced a bill into congress for National Healthcare in 1915 with the full support of the American Medical Association.

The commie/conservative’s propaganda would have you believe that national healthcare in America began with the Clintons but there is a long history of trying to deal effectively with healthcare in America. Imagine if America government had blocked any improvement in Henry Ford first car. We would all still be driving Model Ts but that is exactly what happened with healthcare the government has blocked creative destruction in healthcare. America healthcare system is still stuck in time somewhere around the 1890s it is a Model T that no longer serves the purpose for which it was intended. Creative destruction in the automobile industry has provided advances that Henry Ford could have never even imagined in his wildest dreams. If the government had mandated that no improvements ever be made in the original Wright brothers airplane it would be nothing but a novelty and we would have been left behind by the rest of the world where creative destruction had not been blocked by political forces. It is time we move beyond the political forces in America who want to pull us kicking and screaming back into the 1890s.
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